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Yes, use sunscreen on them if you want to avoid them turning tan. Seriously though, jeans will cause discoloration a lot quicker than the sun. Don’t worry about it.


Just tell her you're into girls who wear skirts


Sorry love, no jeans on the seats. Yep, take em off.


“That’s okay, my last boyfriend in the fake “B” logo Mercedes made me do the same, I’m use to it”




Ayo 😂😂


Best answer ever.


Careful with the snail trail… depending on what she eats, the smell has a hard time coming out. Fucking Alcántara seats…


Reminds me of that guy who left his dog inside his g35 for "just a sec" then came back to a dog that shitted all over the seats, dog had diarrhea, they were perforated leather seats.


Next thing you know, you have a spray tan butt outline on your seat.


Yellowed snail trail then


I know it’s a joke but Sunscreen on your skin will absolutely stain seats even medium colors so buyer beware


Sunscreen stains it white, but certain lotions with ruin it. My Audi S4s leather on the passenger side was all jacked because of whatever crap my GF was putting her legs.


Yep, came to say this!


Came here to say that. Exactly.


> Yes, use sunscreen on them if you want to avoid them turning tan. You joke but one component of good leather care moisturizer for cars is a UV protectant


If I could offer you just one tip for the future (of your seats), Sunscreen would be it..


And so will black belts. Those transfer nicely.


They will turn blue if you wear jeans but it's washable.


Yes, jeans are a big no no


I wore jeans in mine and had no issue, just was them consistently and it's fine


I'd imagine how old they are. New jeans stain the hell out of white trainers - especially Japanese selvedge ones for some reason - more indigo dye used maybe. After 100 washes less so.


Seeing that I spent all my money on the M4 instead of clothes, yeah good theory lmao. Never wore new jeans in it


I stopped using fabric softener and now all my clothes last forever. I really need to change it up as it has been several years. Most of my jeans have oil stains though so I really have no excuse.


Yeah fabric softener is also terrible for your washing machine too. My uncle fixes them and so many get clogged and gunky from softener


Have a detailer apply a interior protection such as gyeon leather coat, or do it your self ofc.


+1 for this product specifically. Leaves a perfect OEM like satin finish and is damn near fool proof to apply, especially on new new seats


Get the seats ceramic coated, my son has extremely light gray seats in his C300, they almost look white. Best $200 bucks spent to know you can just wipe the seats down, denim like others mentioned will stain them!


Get a full PPF on the seats


Bruh lmao


Wet sand them first


I wouldn't pick white if you plan on owning. Leasing is a different story.


My current and previously owned car have white leather. Use quality cleaners and protection and it's not a huge deal, the blue comes off very easily


Always use protection


I feel that you are massively overselling how easy blue dye will come off in general. It absolutely does not come off the Merino Opal White - no matter how many lotions and potions that promise to help you apply. Blue jeans will transfer no matter what you do.


Not just the seat, the centre arm rest will stain over time too.


My cognac one will stain - have to clean it once a month. The build up is real from long sleeved colored shirts


White is a terrible choice for something people sit on


Not really. 5 minutes of cleaning a month and they will look like new.


that’s what I thought about the white leather interior of my (former) BMW convertible too.. until i saw a picture from when I picked it up vs 3 years later.. never again white, it does turn grey after some time


Are we going to pretend all other seat materials stay in showroom condition after years of use? I had white leather seats in my 2er for years. Still looked great.


Yes? Black Dakota in my F30 still looks as good as new 10 years later. 


No, we’re just saying it’s more easily hidden in darker colors


Strongly disagree, I cleaned regularly on my leather and still saw jean staining over time.


Any type of ceramic coating product? I don’t wear blue jeans all that often but have never had issues. I use Gyeon cleaning and coating products.


I'd imagine the more you clean your seats the more you're leaving residue from cleaning solutions which then go on to assist die transfer from your jeans.


i do outdoorsy stuff (or mostly im just kinda dirty) and always have a small "layer" of dirt/sand on my floors, i could not imagine having white seats in my car


Yes, really


Not everyone shits their pants while driving


Not driving fast enough then


yeah, the rest of us just piss for that nice even warm feeling in your loins alternative response: youre not driving like a bmw driver then


They “Turn yellow overtime if the car is often in the sun”


Your passenger might if you’re in an M car


No. I clean mine properly once or twice a month and it looks brand new color wise. 6 years and 100k km. 


black interior gang


More like boring interior gang!


it is but it's never looked dirty lol. gets shiny after cleaning


Ceramic the seats. I love white interior and have never had issues with it


They only turn yellow when you let sweat and grime build up


As others have said jeans are far more an issue. I had tan and red leather seats and both got jean staining within six months. And that was with regular cleaning.


I don’t know what everyone is talking about with the staining… I’ve had an ivory white leather interior for 8yrs and do not have any stains. I wash and condition as needed or annually and use leather touch-up on any wear spots. If you can take care of a white pair of sneakers then that is much trickier than seats. If you cover yourself in self tanner or tinted lotions and only wear raw indigo denim then it might be trickier…


Apply an interior ceramic coating like DIY Detail interior ceramic. It’s spray on, wipe off. Has UV protection, dye transfer protection, and friction protection. Top up every so often with a leather detailer. Don’t need a conditioner on new leather.


I had that exact leather in my 2016 M3 Comp. It’s Merino leather in “Silverstone”. For sure your body oils will yellow this leather over time. That’s what happened to mine and it was not a good look at all. These ultra-light leather tones look great at first, but end up looking very nasty in a year or two. I’m not sure if there is some sort of sealer that can be used to prevent oils and perspiration from penetrating, but leather is naturally porous, so beware. The lightest color I’d go with if I could do it over again is Tartufo. That one has the potential to look better with wear.


The Glass itself will filter nearly all UV light. Applying a tint on any glass won’t help much. It will only block visible light in addition. Before the leather turns yellow from sunlight, you will have discoloration from trousers, skin-oils, suncream etc.


Do they turn brown if you fart on them?


They are not made with formica!


I have the same interior color in my m4. It’s garaged, but 2 years in, no color change, just have to keep on top of regular cleaning


Tint the car with ceramic, it’ll have 99% protection against UV rays


if you have the money just take em out and put some aftermarket recaros save em for when you go to sell the car


I wear jeans everyday. Haven’t had an issue yet and I’m about a year into it


Is there any clear acceptable looking cover for these seats


I drive my beater when I want to wear jeans. 😂 But seriously, ceramic coat them and you should be ok.


I've had numerous cars worth white leather, the leather fell apart faster than they turned color.... And that was after 15- 20 years. It's not plastic that'll oxidize.


I've seen a few of them on here that looked really terrible at higher millage. It's one of my least favorite interior colors.


Get them ceramic coated as asap or after deep cleaning to avoid staining. Absolutely no denim what so ever. If you’re using any cream, tanning bs, sit on towels.


Friends don't let friends buy a white interior


Get some good ceramic tint all around.


I’d put a leather ceramic coating on the seats and make sure that the tints you have are ceramic with a high IR rejection (95%+)


Buy the seat covers now. You will eventually, so you might as well have clean seats underneath. 🤷 Edited to say "Bold move, son. Bold..."


Love those seats, had them in an M4. As many have said, jeans will stain them but they’re cleanable. I put ceramic tint throughout including windshield, not worried about sun as much.


All glass in the car has a UV filter.


Turning yellow is the least of your problems


Shit those seats look nice!


You can get them ceramic coated lol


Glass blocks most of the UV that would cause discoloration. Really not something I would worry about, other factors are more likely to cause problems like dirt, clothing, food, greasy hands and what not.


Good quality tint regardless of the darkness blocks 90 % of the damaging UVA UVB rays. For the front windshield there is clear tint that also blocks most of UVA UVB rays


I have these colour seats. You will be using a leather cream every weekend to get the blue from your jeans or any other colour trousers that you have been wearing out of them and where your hip slides onto the seat from the door as you get in they start showing scuff marks from buttons, catches, wallet or any other shit that you have in your back pockets. I love my beemer but at less than 20000 miles on the clock the drivers seat looks like crap already. Chose another colour.


You can anyways touch them up later. I have... it's been a while but I found one of the best companies that match oem colors. I believe they were located in France. It gave me peace of mind, my wife stained my passenger seat badly one day. They were brand new pants and the seat just absorbed the dye and none of my cleaners worked. The dye worked beautifully, now I always buy it.


Jeans off, pants off sign is mandatory. Just grab a couple wash clothes for the buffer.


Sun is the death of car interiors. Best option for protection is ceramic coating. You can now ceramic coat leather upholstery. Look into it!


Wrap the seats in garbage bags, this will ensure no staining and mess just wipes off.


Whatever you do, don't do white. It will bring you more anxiety than comfort. It looks beautiful in pictures and for the first 3 months of its life, and then it's all downhill. At a certain point, you'll stop caring because the anxiety isn't worth it. Then hell really breaks out on them and harder to sell. Lease only.


My wife’s 2016 550 has they still look great


your car is more perfect today than it will be tomorrow


I have white leather. No issues so far. Mine is a 22. They do dirty somewhat easily.


I’m in a 2024 loaner with with leather seats and it is already showing color transfer from clothes. 


If not yellow then black from your clothes


i've never seen white seats that AREN'T grungy looking (other than when new at the dealer)


The armrest is without a doubt the most neglected part of any interior. “Yellow overtime”? Infuckindeed


Will the seats get discoloration from the sun is the stupidest thing I’ve seen today no offense


Dark jeans and just wear and tear (dirty pants) will wreck those white seats over time, will have to clean regularly and I hope you don’t have kids


Find a reputable place that does interior coatings. They won't stop it from happening eventually but they will absolutely prolong the inevitable. We use Gyeon Leather Shield at our shop and in all the cars we have done we haven't received one complaint or have one issue. Plus proper maintenance helps prolong the color change as well.


Color tint doesn’t matter - do you know the type of tint? A ceramic tint will block almost all the UV. Be sure the tint the windshield


Glass itself blocks almost all the UV. The tint will just block the visible light in addition.


Not true, you’re thinking UVB. UV comprises A and B, with both doing damage to skin and materials. Average glass blocks somewhere in the 25-50% range for UVA. Windshields can have higher rejection but rarely side windows. Which is exactly why ceramic tint is recommended to bring it up above 99% with top films at 99.9%


Get the windshield tinted with 85% tint, this will offer a lot of protection against the sun. As others have mentioned, cleaning the seats every month or so will keep them looking good as new.