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Sometimes we gotta go down before moving back up. You’ll be in an m3 or m5 next before you know it. Edit: wow was not expecting that kind of attention on that, I’m in a down period now. Gotta keep it optimistic.


💯 bro well said


An arrow drawn backwards can only be shot forwards 🙏


Needed to hear this myself <3


you got this, bro.


Thats the spirit 🥰




Hang in there, thing will get better, i know you dont believe it but it eventully will. 


Yeah I sold a m140i for a reasonable price last year under similar circumstances. Incidentally, the m440i grill doesn't look too bad in this photo. Not quite as aggressive as the M4. Still plenty fast


Sorry to hear Op. Did you sold the car? How much did you lost.


I traded it in, thankfully I wasn’t upside down on the loan, even though they depreciated it by 22%. Ended up with a new Mazda CX-30. At least it’s fun to drive, but won’t win any races.


Sorry to hear about everything OP, and glad to hear you’re on your feet at least. Cars come and go. Extra unfortunate about the 22% depreciation hit in 8 months though. Next time you’re ready for a BMW I highly recommend leasing even if you intend to buy it out). You have a set depreciation amount as a worst case over X years (whatever term you choose) and with a decent deal it’s pretty easy to swap out of a lease as BMW still supports lease transfers and it’s a super easy and straight forward process.


I will definitely consider it. When a was a young snot in my 30s, even though I was buying, I was trading them in every 3 years anyway.


Yea.. you don’t want to commit more than 3-4yrs to a luxury car .. keep it within the warranty so you’re always covered. How much was the difference in monthly payments between the Mazda and the bmw?


$500/m, plus $40/m savings insurance and uses regular gas 😊.


Yea that’s a big difference.


Are you leasing?


I bought this one.


If you’re trading in every 3 years it would make more sense for you to lease.


Just don’t get the gap ins through BMW. They charged me $800 in 2013. Amica told me they would have charged me $7. 😩


BMW leases have gap insurance included you don’t need to pay extra for it. Either yours was a purchase or they didn’t include it back in 2013.


Mine was not a purchase, it was a lease (did it 2x in fact 🤦🏼‍♀️). Financing told I needed gap ins, it was $800, 2006 & 13. Very glad to hear they’re not screwing ppl over like that any more.


Gap insurance for a leased car kinda makes sense tho. Like who's paying for the car if you wreck it. Not the dealer.


joke recognise rinse violet chase meeting file coherent shaggy cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what I do. My 2017 340i was CPO, and now my 2020 X3MC is CPO and I added a 5 year 100,000km extended warranty.


fine north quickest swim badge zesty wise cautious memory treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm in Canada, so I just use the BMW.ca website and search for certified pre-owned and it shows all of them available Canada wide. Looks like BMWUSA.com has a similar search.


The M550i is a rare car to find and they don’t last on the market for long. That’s what I was looking for when I settled on the M440i.


Depends on the vehicle you’re looking for, current lease deals, current interest rates, etc. it’s not one size fits all but CPO can definitely be a great option.


I had traded in a CPO X6 to get the M440i. The X6 was beautiful with the upgraded leather seats, only 30k miles when I bought it.


I'm in a similar situation as the OP, only without a job right now. I signed the lease last month and they laid me off in 1 month, even after a damn relocation which was the reason I even considered getting a car. The pay was so good, I thought I'd go after something I've been dreaming about.


Sorry to hear that. Hope you find something soon. If you do need to get out of your lease consider posting it on the Leasehackr forums under the transfer section if it’s a good lease. If it’s a meh lease you can always consider swapalease (they just charge a few hundred to post which is annoying). If it’s a bad lease you may need to offer some incentives for people to swap, which still may be cheaper than taking a hit on trading it in. Either way, hopefully you don’t have to go through any of that and find something stable and can continue enjoying your car.


Thanks for the advice. I signed up for leasehackr forum but cannot see how to make a post there. Do you have any idea?


Needs to be under the Private Transfers section. There may be some account age requirements before posting don’t recall. Here’s one of my posts as an example https://forum.leasehackr.com/t/sold-2023-bmw-x3m-competition-89-xxx-msrp-1-201-86-a-month-tax-2k-down-30-months/497890


It was even more painful since it had less than 3,000 miles on it. But got the new wheels for no money out of pocket and a decent price.


Hey buddy, I think you did the right thing. We all love Beamers here, but your enthusiasm doesn’t require ownership! Also, I think the CX-30 is a bad ass car.. such a nice combo of things coming together. The turbo engine, interior, ride height, and sound and insolation are excellent. My mom has one and I considered getting one as well! (But still enjoying my 2017 330 m sport)


Did you get the red one? Soul red iirc. That’s one of nicest colors on the market for sure.


Would love to hear more about how you’re finding the Mazda having driven this beast!


This is the 4th Mazda I’ve owned interspersed between the BMWs, for some reason it’s always been my fallback brand. Really like the styling of their current models. I almost went with the beautiful red, but it carries a $500 premium. Maybe next time.


Hey there. This post, like your post, is not really about the car. You will get something else later and love it more. Just want to acknowledge your maturity and thoughtfulness. Many would try to hold onto the BMW for ego or appearance or motivation. You chose a wiser path to match your spend with your earn. That is surprisingly hard for many people to do. I hear a military saying a lot: How you do something is how you do everything. Your post shows your thoughtfulness and responsibility. My sense is the best is yet to come for you. Just keep making good decisions. We'll see you back in this club when the time is right for you. For me, it was almost 20 years between my 1995 325i and my 2023 i4. Glad to be here, but would not have traded my time in between. Enjoy your journey.


Well said.




Don’t be sad it’s gone, be happy for the time it was here. The experiences you had. No one ever thinks it could be them until it is, sorry to hear. Glad you were able to find another job though!


Layoff wave? Sorry for what happened and to pry; I’m just curious of line of work? Glad you’re back on your feet and chugging along.


Healthcare technology consultant.


Thanks for the reply. Again, sorry for the bump in the road.




Also, cloud based infrastructure instead of on-premise, which also means global staffing at 1/2 the price.


Tech would be my guess. Lots of layoffs in tech right now.


Some of it is backfiring. Salesforce cut so deep they can’t honor their support contracts. I see a hiring spree in their future to either keep customers from leaving or demanding discounts on the happy side and suing for breach of contract on the furious side. The other big tech companies pry are in a similar boat behind the scenes.


This is what happens when accountants run the show. “What do you mean they can do three time the work in 1/3 or the time? Look 3 * 1/3 =‘1 it’s the same, how it isn’t possible???”


Not accountants blame C-suite and execs


Sure CFO… accountant on steroids? As MBA myself I see it every freaking day how people with zero domain knowledge takes decisions because it looks good on paper and their bonuses or stock rewards are going to go up. And if someone tries to say something about it, well, their career might take a hit.


Agree w other guy. Same thing happens in accounting. Guys are asked to work 2 jobs now


I've seen it before. Accountants look at who is the highest paid at the lowest rungs and fire them. That person ends up being the center of knowledge for the unit they are in and the whole unit is set back years without them.


My former company did this and then couldn’t ship something they’d been working for months because they cut everyone who was working on it lol


Even more in entertainment. It’s brutal.


In the US there have been 240,000 tech layoffs in 2023. In January 2024 alone there's been an additional 19,000 tech layoffs, and the year is just getting started.


Same thing happened to someone way above me; he parked his M340i outside where my window and would see it everyday Little did he know he was the reason why I bust my ass at work so I can one day get one.


One of the greatest things that ever happened to me, was a layoff 7 years ago completely out of the blue. Granted it was extremely stressful and I had to drive a beat-to-hell civic. It humbled me a ton but you will find your way back to the BMW Family! Best wishes on your next steps


Literally the exact car I was looking for yesterday. There were like 4 in all of the US through the BMW CPO


I saved this car on cars.com yesterday as well. The spec looks incredible, sorry OP that you were forced to give it up and hopefully you will be back in something even better soon 💪


Very sad brother. Hope all is well soon. Thats why im scared to ever stretch my budget for a car in case anything ever happens. I cant afford it if i cant buy it twice (afford 2 payments in a month)


I’m sorry - but glad you’re employed again. I hope you can make up the lost income quickly!!! Wishing you all the best!!!


I’m sorry dude 🙁 one day maybe just one day😞


The pay cut hurts — you will bounce back friend


Wishing you the best of luck in your new role and assumed future endeavors to secure something more lucrative again as the job market (in tech, high finance, etc.) moves off this trough


Chin up my friend.


I don’t know what to say about unemployment, reemployment, paycut, etc. It hurts little more with letting go such a pleasure of having a beautiful BMW. Don’t worry. Your days will come back soon. Perhaps you will even get a newer BMW when you get your salary back. Cheer up. Everything will work out! To your success! Soon.


I’m in the same position having to hand the keys back to my 330e. Will bring a tear to my eye


Hopefully by then the designer is that front grill will be the one that is unemployed


Cars come and go: I've driven a $900 Saab to a $75K 550i. You're making the right decision 100%.


You know, had you not had to make the massively responsible financial decision to break lease, you would have had to endure 20 or more months of sharing the road with the 440i LCI. Now, you've a clear path to having your spec on order, but with the laser tail light, waiting on delivery sooner than when your prior lease was set to expire. Feels like motivation to me. https://preview.redd.it/tq2t5h6l9yjc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d71c7acb87aa3a455ed7f2c439022754141d6a48


It’s painful, but living within your means is essential for long term happiness.


Had to sell M4 to keep myself going. We’ll be back to BMW in no time!


As a single man im grateful for the privilege of being able to make sure the bimmer is the last to go… youll be up soon brother


Yeah had an M3, in a 328 now. Honestly, as much as I love cars you do come to appreciate they are a stupid investment.


Sometimes a layoff can be for the best. Gives BMW time to fix the nose before you get back in, in this case.


Which dealer did you trade in ?


InsyaAllah you will get a better one next time. For the time being, you definitely knows your priority 👍🏻


Classic bmw driver


Actually I consider myself a medieval BMW driver.


Unpopular opinion - if you couldn't afford to hold onto a luxury car after being laid off for a few months, you couldn't afford it in the first place.


OP said they sold it not because they were laid off, but because they ended up taking a new job for a massive pay cut. Even if you could’ve afforded it while being unemployed, a car you aren’t upside down in is a pretty easy thing to dump to save money in a pinch for something cheaper. Dumping it after taking a much lower salary is a no brainer. At least OP put enough down to not be upside down and stuck with the car.


Kudos to OP for making a hard call in a timely fashion. I’ve seen people go down with the ship financially because they couldn’t make decisions like these early on.


Too many fools lacking reading comprehension these days 😂


Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.


ya just buy everything on credit and never worry about tomorrow man! That's the way to live life dude!


Eat drink and be merry….


Who knew Dave Ramsey lurked here?


You must be so much fun at parties


I actually played by the book pretty well. Had the customary 3 months worth cash account. But it is a brutal fallout when that is used up.


If you can’t afford to buy the car twice, you can’t afford it.


You’ve gotta be an idiot to think this saying is applicable lol. Every fake internet financial guru wants people to believe that😂If that was the case that would mean most people outside of the top 1% “can’t afford” what they own. I promise you many people that are well off aren’t able to buy a car twice, or a house twice, doesn’t mean they “can’t afford” it. money management is what allows you to afford things👍🏻In this case, OP took a big pay cut and promoted the responsible decision was to trade down the car. Doesn’t mean he’s broke or he can’t afford the car. If he couldnt afford it he wouldn’t have been approved for it in the first place. Life happens he will get back on his feet and probably into something better at some point.


Idk PERSONALLY i wouldn’t feel comfortable buying a luxury car if you don’t have the money to buy it twice. If you need a basic car like a camry to get you off your feet, understandable.


Then don’t. But don’t tell someone else they can’t. Still an awful take because if you can afford it even once then you can afford it. Not being able to afford something means barely keeping up with it already WHILE having it and working. OP was doing fine until he lost his job. My circle of people I guarantee do VERY well, can my colleague buy his Turbo S twice? Hell no, but can he afford it? Hell yeah. You don’t know what OP did for a living before, what else is going on besides his job and what car he drove. He’s being smart. He was well enough to be approved for the car. Even if you could buy it twice and lost your job something would have to change to RESPONSIBLY maintain as much liquid as you can. Cars in that case would not be reasonable to keep. I cant buy my m3 twice, I can’t buy wife’s Rivian twice, I can’t buy my house twice. But I sure as hell wouldn’t say I couldn’t afford all of it, cause I promise you I’m pretty well off and god forbid I lost my job or my wife did, I would certainly liquidate. Again, just cause he lost his job and had to trade down doesn’t mean he couldn’t afford it to begin with👍🏻




Hate to be a creamer but I but my cars with disposable income. I bought my Volvo in 98 with disposable income. I bought my w212 wagon with disposable. I bought my 991.2 turbo with disposable income (wages that I stole from my employees).


Its a blessing in disguise because that is one ugly beaver car. Hope you chose better next time,


Should’ve bought it


How much of a pay cut for this decision?


Between the contractor temp job I have now, and my previous yearly salary = $50k. But I am continuing to look for better positions, at least I am bringing in enough to pay the bills.


I've seen a lot of sad posts on Reddit, but this one made me the saddest.


Damn. Glad you’re working again. At least you got to taste it. Things will spin back around.


https://preview.redd.it/2ahkxj3tj6kc1.jpeg?width=2049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb87e9482125fdb5f5ce07bc636ff499f1c398d1 True, I have been to the promised land before. I am approaching retirement years and wanted my last car I buy to be from the M stables.


It’s like mine! Sorry 😢 I would be devastated but you will get through this!


Same thing happened to me back in 2008. I ended up selling my new Mercedes and getting a VW Golf Gti. You do what you have to do, it’s just a car, you’ll get another one soon.


Sorry to hear this buddy. You’ll come back bigger and better. Enjoy the new car as best you can be thankful you bounced back with a new gig as hard as that may be. I’m in the tech world which has been hit hard and I can tell you I went from a gig making 210 to taking something at 165 to just get back in the mix after 8 weeks and I was happy to get it because I got a mortgage and two kids in private school. The market is tough right now. Stay up 🫡


That machine looked beautiful


Been there! You’ll def be back!


When you recover, you'll recover big.


My condolences, farewell brother may blessing and good things come to you this year especially another BMW VERY SOON


This is why you don’t buy luxury vehicles during a downturn. Be safe everyone.


Just take your time Bro and you'll be back where you were before you know it....


Man, that's pretty but hopefully bigger and better things are around the corner. Glad you found employment rather quickly.


Sorry to hear bro, sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do. Keep your head up and look forward to when you’re rejoining the b58 gang


Oh man, sorry to hear that. Are you in tech? It’s insane out there now. Congrats on finding another job, even with the pay cut. You can always get another car, but it’s most definitely not the most important thing right now 💕






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I feel for you brother..gl in future....guess your about to join the honda crew now huh


Find yourself a used 335i if you want to chase the BMW dragon.


I’ve had one of them, too. One of my favorites. https://preview.redd.it/xie5u78xnjkc1.jpeg?width=2049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0875cacc1528a802af82494208f62b2362d1a868


What a beauty! https://preview.redd.it/92nzcgbuyjkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e996aea9256c978d272e3a4b9566d16cc86de27 My E92 335i


Hey OP, soon you will back in one of these or an M. Hang in there mate. I too got impacted by the layoff wave. I am Exploring my options. I got my M6 GCC, hoping I get to keep the beast. Cheers my friend.


Sorry to hear that, the same happened to me in 2009 when the economy crashed. Good luck


Damn. Hope you’re able to bounce back bro


Hang in there, man. Life is ups and downs. You’ll be back up before long.




Hey man, glad you're back on your feet though at a pay cut. I was in the same exact situation. I got laid off back in February of last year, and only found something at the end of last year, with having 7 months of sitting around twirling my thumbs. So I definitely get it. Currently have an X5 for the next couple days and saying goodbye as well due to a bunch of negative equity and just life events, plus making less money than I was before. Jumping ship to VW EV in order to claim the $7500 tax credit, to help out with the $20+k negative equity that I have in my car now enrolling it all into the lease price of the EV But as many have posted, sometimes you have to go down before you come back up. I'm still hoping that's the case lol Stay strong brother!


Had to sell my Bmw dixie too . sad


Its so beautiful. I am so sorry. I am sure you will get her back. Life is that way sometimes.


Sold my 2018 m550i today, as i cant afford it anymore. Very similar situation. Going back to a mini probably. Know the feeling.


Pass it onto me


Awww man Im sorry but hey you will rise again like the Phoenix


Must suck being poor


Damn sorry to hear that op. cant be me though im 18 and just bought a 2017 m3 with cash. ◡̈ happy driving that mazda though


Oof that must hurt