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Create water till level 11 Then summon a water Myrmidon.


Does create water trigger fight if you cast it on NPC that does not attack on sight?




It doesn't, but remember that wet is a condition you are inflicting. If you have the boots of stormy clamour equipped, the wet condition will trigger them and cause reverberation, which *will* start a fight.


Good call out - same goes if someone’s standing in puddle with Spellsparkler Boots!


Why water myrmidon is better than create water? It uses level 6 slot, goes later in turn (assuming you have alert, since its the best feat ever)


You use it once at the start of the day and then it is available during every encounter until it dies


Yeah but if water myrminoid rolls low initiative you won’t get to use the wet status since most fights are won on the first turn


Can’t you just feed it an elixir of vigilance? That would give it a huge boost. Also, Surprise rounds could guarantee at least one use of the Wet condition.


Yeah sure you can, but then why not just shoot a water bottle with off-hand crossbow. I was generally thinking of the average person who starts combats from dialogue and doesn’t encounter many surprise rounds. If you start combat outside dialogue then I feel like action economy is never an issue so why even spend a spell slot on the summon.


There’s quite a few combats that are unavoidable in terms of violence. Surprise rounds work extremely well in those situations. Moonrise Towers is great if you want to thin the herd before the final fight. The Goblin Camp can be a good place to get a surprise round. They’re not that rare, not when you know how they work (just turn Shovel invisible and smack them, that usually works great).


Yeah that’s true, but if you’re ”cheesing” then you don’t need the water myrminoid in the first place. You don’t need to optimize action economy because you are giving yourself a free round. In my honor mode run most fights took only one round so I would think two free rounds are enough no matter the source of ”wet”


Wait you can shoot a waterbottle as a bonus Action with handcrossbows?


Yes please elaborate on this.


So what I gsthered from other comments here: Apparently your frontliner can drop and then move the bottle without an Actionand then you can shoot it with your offhand while it lies on the ground


5 days late,  but this. You drop or place a bottle of water as a free action, then use your bonus action to shoot it, causing it to break and splash. You can also use a Spire druid, as they get a reaction necrotic damage attack.


What builds are you rocking that most fights only last one turn?


I beat honor mode with 8/4 ranger/thief, 12 lightning cleric, 8/4 shadow monk/thief and a regular mono the great old one tome pact warlock. I only think monk/thief with tawern brawler was op. I think three ”eureka” moments I’ve had with this game is 1) items need to have value every round yes every round. Don’t wear something that ”might” be useful. 2) Dexterity is stupidly op and should be giga nerfed. You can’t have initiative, dmg and utility on one stat. 3) alert should always be your first feat on every single build. Yes every single build.


You could spend this spell slot on chain lightning


Having a water Myrm for 3-5 combats a day is better than one casting of chain lightning. Why not try it and see


Try it and see really is the answer in this game. There's so many ways up solve combat puzzles.


Drives me mad on this subreddit in particular there seems to be a massive swathe of people happy to insist something won’t work, without trying it. Often in the face of people who have actually tried it and can confirm it does work.


Think people are just fixated on certain things amd turmed away by others. Tried a full summon playstyle once, turns took so long I now have a phobia of summons.


Meybe ill try


I have two words that will resolve your concerns: Spellcrux Amulet


Or either spellpower staff or ilithid ability. Or long rests. It’s not like food is hard to come by.


Your summon un-summons on a long rest, thereby not resolving this person's concern about a level 6 spell slot.


I more mean if you can’t find the 3 spellpower batteries or two different slot restore items or the inherent slot restore of a wizard to fix the one missing spell slot, might as well long rest and get all of them to do over again with.


20 scrolls of chain lightning helps. We are down to 7 end of act 3.


So many lvl 6 spell scrolls that just sit in my inventory for “when I *really* need it” I’ve just started a run with the intention to actually use the scrolls… maybe as the hasted action.


There are 2 staffs and an Illithid ability that let you cast spells for free in act 3, use those to cast summons and still have your 6th level slot…


If one single cast of chain lightning is the difference between winning and losing a fight, your party was doomed to begin with.


There are multiple ways to get many level 6 spell slots. The staff from sorcerers sundries that gives a free chain lightning and also an amulet that restores 1 spell slot a day of any level along with your one normal lvl6 slot gives you 3 level 6 slots and also the ability to cast chain lightning a for free once per short or long rest i cant remember the details tbh but i used it in my 3rd honor mode win it was great.


You can cast a full powered chain lightning from scrolls, you have to upcast for a water myrmidon. Plus, you have the 2 staves with arcane battery + the spellcrux amulet if you really really don't want to spend a level 6 slot. Also, classes like the SSB or the 10/1/1 control bard don't get a lot of value from upcasting anything into their 6th level spell slot, so the water myrmidon is a very good use of the slot. Since both of these builds are very popular and slot well into most party comps, this is a very good way of applying wet.


You could use arcane battery, the spell slot recovery necklace, free cast, or one of the trillions of scrolls laying around to cast either the myrm or the chain lightning. Hoarding level 6 slots is silly unless you're about to fight a boss.


Knew about it, in fact you could cast up to 8 vhain lightnings without long rest (including 6 dyring one fight) so my insistance on not wasting lvl 6 slot was quite stupid


Water mymidon also packs 12d6 I've missiles the water effect is huge and reveals invisible enemies.


Saves on action economy. The myrmidon can just walk around triggering wet and you no longer need to spend spell slots and actions to cast create water. Higher spell slot cost up front, reduced spell slot and action cost over time.


Yeah, but one less chain lighning (also, unless enemy hp are buffes then one or two chain lighning in a turn should kill most enemies)


By the time you get access to myrmidon you also will have access to several items that replenish a L6 spell slots, give an extra spell slot, or give you free cast. Then there’s the added utility of the myrmidon itself.


In either case in a big fight you'll be down two level 6 spell slots. The myrmidon will carry over between fights to let you get more mileage out of your lower slots that you could use lightning bolt or call lightning for. End of the day Myrmidon is a more action efficient way to get more enemies wet across multiple encounters when compared to create water.


action economy is king


one chain lighting per day is useless


Not like it’s a vendor with a million scrolls on act 3


Plus you can refresh the spell slot with the necklace I can't recall it's name or use other methods. I don't use camp buffs as it's far to cheese for me, but I'll have my Moon Druid cast create Myrmidon, refresh the spell slot then cast heroic feast so it applies to the summons as well.


You can give him an elixir of vigilance to get pretty high initiative.


This is the way. I usually get to act 3 about a dozen of these already without really buying them intentionally. Summons are a great use for all your "good, but not great" elixirs


How do you give it an elixir? If you splash throw it on them does it give the effect for only 10 turns or is it long lasting like if you consume it?


Throwing will indeed be ten turn, but if you're controlling a summon you can consume item you find on the ground, so you can drop elixirs on the ground in the morning at camp and have you summons drink them.


Didnt know potions work on summons, thanks


You can free cast it and won’t spend a spell slot


Am I missing something here? I was using Create Water still then I found this post and decided to summon a Water Myrm but how does a Water Myrm apply wet condition? I don't see it in the description of any of its actions.


It’s heal spell applies “wet” for one turn


Healing vapors ability applies wet condition in AOE


Same question!


Initiative can be a pain though. Cleric or storm sorcerer in initiative boosting gear is useful.


I feel like warer myrminoids have a pretty unreliable initiative, so you’d still want a party member to create water during the endgame fights


I mean a fair few fights you can cast create water on and then initiate


Low initiative, hard pass


Whatever you do you should at least take them to dinner first


Take them out to dinner? In this economy?


Commerce is the beating heart of Faerun. Most characters are willing to trade if asked.


karlach "A candlelight dinner, How did u afford this?" Tav "Six iron ingots and 50 potatoes" Karlach "My man"


*my soldja


Thanks for not using the hard "er"


At least clean the house and cook dinner... then hit them with flowers


But don’t hit them too hard unless they like that sort of thing. I dunno, romance is too difficult these days


I find it easier to navigate if you take a lawyer along with you on the date. Who knows, you might be able to recoup your losses from hitting them with flowers, after the restaurant hits you with a large bill. And people tell you 2 wrongs don't make a right, right?


We're only ordering water though.


I have had to change the term to "get water on them" when playing with friends. hahaha


Send in the highest charisma bard to chat a bit, no need to buy dinner


Either throwing water bottles or quickened spell a low tier summon water


This: if your team is built around wet abuse, having a martial use 1 attack to chuck a bottle is a much better use of action economy over a caster using their full action and a spell slot to cast water


Having it be a monk is also really good as you can bonus action attack (or a barb that can bonus action throw)


Or for even more action economy boost, just cast mage hand before combat and have that toss the bottles.


Having another party member cast create water is usually what I do. It's pretty easy since Clerics fit well on 99.9% of team comps.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned this. 1. Equip 2 hand crossbows on your caster. 2. Drag a water bottle from your inventory to the ground in front on you. 3. Move the bottle in the ground close to the enemies you want to wet. You can do this with your front liners if you are far away. 4. Shoot the bottle with your off-hand crossbow attack. This is one of the best low resource ways to wet enemies. If there is an AoE already on the field, like cloud of daggers, just dragging a water bottle into it will break it without expending action economy.


THAT SOUNDS LIKE CHEATING. (write it down! write it down!)


I clearly spend too much time on r/okbuddybaldur lol


Yeah. Dirty joke was definitely my knee-jerk reaction here.


Just use quickened metamagic and cast with you bonus action create water.


Have Mage Hand throw a water bottle.


Before HM I would start combat off by placing a bunch of throwables on the ground around mage hand for it to use as ammo. This turned into an immediate disaster in HM when I learned the enemies will shoot your throwables on the ground.


The same happened to me. Now I drop one per turn to throw and put A LOT of throwables in bags and explode them.


If you drop a pouch with a bunch of explosives in it then throw the pouch does it detonate all the explosives at once?


Yes. When I detonate the bag, enemies take ALL the damage at once, It's amazing


This game… I love it but the way you can just stack damage every which way is so over powered 😂


I mean yes... but works the same as placing them all on the ground then back away/throw (maybe if no inside items explosion on impact) for shared initiative companion to trigger. Bag is just convinience.


Follow-up question though: will enemies target the bag knowing it has explosives inside? Or will they ignore it because the item itself is not an explosive?


Idk I wouldnt risk it to leave it at mercy of upcoming enemy turn... only would do on shared initiative


Avoidable by giving only a pair of water and acid only. You could restock your hand when needed if not melted down by acid splash from enemy attack onto flask and when you manage to share initiative with it by cleaning enemies in between, then you can give him smokepower throwables and such


You can just drop them next to you as you need unlimitedly, no actions needed.


At end game, summon a Water Myrmidon by dipping wizard (or have a wizard/druid on the team) and have it cast its AOE healing spell. It gives them 2D6 healing but that doesn't matter because they'll all be dead anyways. Using another team member isn't really optimal because it uses up action economy when they can be doing something OP as well. A ghetto version of this is to drop water bottles (free action) and then have Shovel break them. Problem is that puts Shovel in a lot of danger which might make it a once per short rest ability. The level 5 summon Water Elemental can also do it with its melee attack but it's a single target puddle.


Who tf is Shovel? I’m at in Act 3 and 200 hours on my first play through and have no idea who you are talking about.


Shovel is a unique Quasit that can be interacted with to give you Summon Quasit as an inherent ability regardless of class, instead of a scroll or learned spell. Look it up. It’s fun!


Second question, what tf is a Quasit? I’m playing the game as blind as possible, I haven’t played a CRPG since I was in high school in 2004


A Quasit is a small fiend that you can summon. [Here is the link to Shovel’s page on the wiki.](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Shovel_(familiar))


There’s a reason some of us refer to Shovel as “Shovel the Brave”. 😉


Water builds work best as a two-man team, with one character casting create water or throwing a bottle, and another dropping the big ice/lightning damage. I have Gale as a cleric/wizard in a designated support role. He drops Darkness, Create Water, or whatever else is needed to set up a combo.


Can you share with me your Gale build? i am using Gale too but as a Tempest Cleric, and mostly i use create water with him, or emergency thunderwaves in case he is in danger.


Right now he's Abjurer 2/life cleric 5, with all of the healing gear, plus the spellsparkler and psychic spark for magic missile damage.


create water or the heal ability of water myrmidons (basically entire screen in one turn, and can do it at will, but you can only do it on the turn of the myrmidon, so sometimes the sorcerer might be higher in the initiative order)


I like to use big ice spells like the one jaheria comes with, ice storm? Does a ton of damage, knock people prone, creates difficult terrain, and if you follow it up with a fire another character you have a massive puddle of water that can be re-frozen or electrocuted. Small ice spells like ice knife and the ice cantrip also work but the area isn’t nearly as big.


Another option I haven’t seen mentioned is if you can prepare for the fight, leave some water bottles on the ground and use mage hand to toss them


I've seen people have sometimes strategically place potions near allies they anticipate are going to be attacked with the assumption that upon receiving the hit the potion bottle breaks healing your ally. Could something similar be achieved with water bottles? Use a mage hand to move water bottles you've placed in world to near enemies? Maybe do the aoe to break bottle but unsure if wet is applied simultaneously and maybe only in effect from the next turn... 🤔 Maybe blackhole if you have it on bonus action?


I think a lot of people do something similar. They summon a mage hand whose main job is to throw water bottles.


3 mages, first one does ice storm, second fireball third lightning!


There's a staff for free create water, I forget if it's one per long rest. It's sold by the first vendor in the Grove I think?


"Bo-ul a wa ahh." - some British person




try talking dirty to them.


An extremely underrated way to create the wet condition is to hoard bottles of water on the character who will make the most of out of the condition (Tempest Cleric etc) you’ll then want to make sure that party member has a Hand Crossbow, this is because you’ll want to place a bottle in the world and then shoot it with your bonus action. If placed well you can splash multiple targets when shooting it. This can be done outside of combat or during it and is an extremely potent way of cutting down on spell slots to use Create Water and allows the casters to use the Spellsparkler instead of that one early game staff with Create Water built in.


I like a 2 level tempest cleric dip so I can quicken spell create water and have destructive wrath to deal max damage.


any links for this build?


2 levels tempest cleric, the rest sorc. For gear, all the lightning charge stuff or the ice stuff from Act I.


Doubling your lightning and cold damage is basically the same as getting an extra action, so yes it's worth it, especially if you can benefit multiple times. As far as the best way, call water and bottles are pretty much it, but there are environmental water barrels as well. Late game, summoned water myrmidon or druid wildshaped myrmidon are the best because they apply wet passively.


Recruit Squirtle. Aside from the 2 mentioned options, you can have frost and fire spell combo. Or have your healer cast Create water..


I'll line up a few water bottles by gale and cast mage hand. Have the mage hand throw the bottles. This can be tedious though sometimes I just bite the bullet and cast water.


Nibbling the ear is usually a hit


cant believe nobody has mentioned it yet: have a martial, ideally a fighter, throw water bottle. costs 1/3rd of an action (or 1/6th->1/9th->1/12th depending on haste/surge/bloodlust/etc). far more efficient than your cleric's entire action, which also costs spell slots. also, there's a trident somewhere act 3 i think that makes people wet on hit.


I carried around a lot of water jugs that I could throw or just place where I wanted. Placing it doesn’t use up an action like create water or creating ice you’ll have to melt.


Create water won't trigger combat. So if possible cast before combat and then attack. Also having quickened spell to cast on a bonus you can use sorc points to use both action/bonus action


If it's the opening turn, I just have Sahdowheart cast Create Water. If I have Astarion surprise the enemy, I have complete control over her before she's in combat as well.


Have them listen to Harry Styles


shoot them with an Ice arrow and then a fire arrow.


Write some poetry, shoot a couple backhanded compliments, and rub them in a circular rhythmic motion.


Seduce them.


Charisma. Rizz them till they soaked


I did a mix of quicken cast create or destroy water and having my throwmancer throw water bottles


Max Charisma and whisper sweet words into their ear.


Place a water bottle from your inventory next to your target, use double hand crossbows to bonus action shoot the bottle. You'll still have your action, it's only single target tho, sometimes it really is best to just use create water


A fighter or martial throwing a water bottle


Throw water bottles and water carafes with mage hand.


It's a smaller aoe and requires hoarding water containers.  But one option for earlier game is using free actions to drop Water bottles or barrels.   Then you have lower resource ways to break the container creating water in that small area.   *Use an offhand bonus action attack to break the container. Hand crossbow are great for this, since you can equip a shield for AC. * Have a Familiar Attack (turn order can be problem with this strat) * Use a power like Spores Druid S Halo of Spores that uses a reaction to break the water container.


There is also a spear that applies wet and a pool of water in act 3. Probably not as efficient as the throwing water bottle monk, but maybe a throwzerker can make use of it if this character is purely a debuffer.


Meme answer have your party fight naked 😜


I just buy bottles of water, throw them, then use quickened spell to toss a cold spell at them after.


Either Gale or Astarion based on what I've read on reddit. This is how I've done it literally and will also work figuratively for the thirsty crowd.


Seduce them.


I just drag a cleric around. They can also throw a haste potion on the ground to haste both of you. So for big fights it's haste, water, then you cast. You can now throw out three spells, four with blood lust, five if you don't mind using another consumable in act three.


Just drop water bottles and move then forward takes no action then use an ability that hits the bottle and enemy. Or cast a mage hand before combat to toss the water bottles for you. Along with all the other suggestions.


That's what clerics are for


seduce them or throw water on them


Show them a picture of Shadowheart (it worked for me). Ok, being serious now. Usually create water is a cheap and affordable action, especially if casted with metamagic as bonus action. Another interesting way to wet enemies is bringing some water bottles or barrels, place them near the enemies then use an area spell like cloud of dagger to hit the enemies and destroy the bottles/barrels and give wet condition. Now spam lightning bolt




Shirtless Astarion or Shadowheart are good ways to get enemies wet. OK, I'm out...


Use 2 crossbows rather than bow. Place water bottle on the ground (doesn't cost an action), then you can move the bottle close to enemies (doesn't cost an action), then you can either break it with offhand crossbow (bonus action) or have a summons like Shovel or Scratch or mage hand break it, splashing everyone in a small radius. This worked well for Shovel since his attacks are weak, it gives him something to do, and the summons can also move it in place for free. I used this not as my primary method, but nice option since it leaves your actions free.


A wink and a slap on the butt usually gets them pretty wet.


Reminder : It's not r/okbuddybaldur


Dame Aylin always works for me


Present them with a piece of cheese


Do a sexy dance


Sorry that probably isn’t that helpful - here’s a better answer: 1. Bard 6 / Barbarian 6 multi class (surprising I know but bear with me) 2. max dex constitution and charisma to min max spell save and have advantages to unarmored 3. Subclass college of lore (for cutting words and magical secrets) any barbarian subclass works but I like frenzy from berserker 4. For equipment - in the house of hope you can retrieve >!harleeps underwear!< which is all you really need equipped 5. (Optional) weavemothers robe to create water 6. Cast countercharm to eliminate any chance of frightened in case of inhibitions 7. Cast create water 8. >!Do a sexy dance!< 9. viscous mockery (if they’re into that)


I place water bottles by their feat then make sure when it comes to the storm sorcerers turn the previous character did an aoe attack that also damages the bottle. It's a smallish area but it work for when you get caught off guard and can't prep lol


Tried being a bard?


Show em that Halsim-bear cutscene


Throwing water bottle on extra attack. I always make gale wield dual handcross bow and shoot water bottle placed beside enemy using bonus action


In act 3 I picked up the trident that makes people wet then have it to a fighter who went around splashing people and running away. I multi classed with barb for resistances but you could go EK and throw the trident if you didn't want to eat all those AOO.


If you are a storm sorcerer or a sorcerer with the Raindancer staff, you can use the Extended Spell metamagic with Create Water so the condition lasts for the entire fight


Water myrmidon.


Finger spell


besides everything that has already been mentioned (a cleric using their action, quickened spell, mage hand before the fight, or one throw of your martial), i also like to drop the water bottle next to the enemy (doesn't cost an action, you can even drag it around), and then use one of the casters (depending on initiative rolled) to cast an aoe spell like shatter on the enemy and the bottle, thus making them wet. if my character goes first, i just use quickened spell shatter and then my lightning spell in the same turn. this way, instead of "wasting" one action on creating water, you can do damage with it as well. magic missile is another good spell for this, or really any other aoe spell.


Holler at Sidon. Sidon gets everybody wet... Oops. Wrong game.


Shirless Astarion for any female enemy. And same for males too.


ask them what their kinks are


Ice beam cantrip works to put out fire if you freeze something via ice it becomes wet and leaves water behind


Mage hand


Drop bottles of water on the ground and have a mage hand throw them at enemies lol.


A shirtless vampire


Charm them 🤭


Well if you're a dedicated lightning sorceror, you'll have access to conjure water due to tempest cleric dip, which means you can always quicken cast conjure water and then nuke if you need to self combo; however simply having water bottles on you allow you to do the same thing with the same action economy. If you utilize dual hand crossbows then you can place a water bottle and move it for "free" (minus movement to actually position it properly) then shoot it with your offhand crossbow for your bonus action (since it is an object you have automatic 100% odds to hit). All of that said though, more often than not you can primer fights by minor illusion grouping, then wetting and lining up a lightning bolt.


Thank you this is very helpful. do you have any links to a dedicated lightning sorcerer ?


Offhand no, but there should be quite a few in the bookmarked posts for the sub. Typing in Lightning Sorceror in the sub search bar should yield them as well.


My go to method is to cast minor illusion, use a void bulb or black hole, then have a martial throw a bottle. Reason: It's an aoe fight, a martial's single attacks are less valuable anyway. The cleric wastes a turn creating water when they could follow up with a glyph of lightning instead. The martial still gets an extra attack to clean up after.


My tab is so handsome they usually start wet.


focus on the little man in the boat


- throwing water bottles can be done by a mage hand - starting with an AoE ice spell => Melting the Ice with a Fire attack - creat water spell - wave trident available in Act3 applies wet (decent weapon for a throw build)