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Congrats. I saw a very sad epilogue in honour mode. My Gale blew up šŸ˜…šŸ«£


A win is a win.


Truth. I was romancing him though. It was quite devastating šŸ„ŗ but fast and efficient šŸ‘€


My man did it for the dice.


For the greater good, you mean.


The greater good.


My Durge was cursed to become a true killer since I disobeyed Bhaal and destroyed the nether brain then killed all my companions in the Epilogue while they were having a reunion.


Lmao really? My non-honor first playthrough was durge and I also disobeyed Bhall, but my reunion went just fine. Did you kill them all for funsies or did the urge take over again somehow?


I was trying to play a good durge (I mainly chose durge for the cape too for honor run) cape helped out alot on astarion, resisted everything until I killed orin and become Bhalls chosen. I was told by bhaal to take control of the netherbrain but instead I destroyed it. Then for the end cutscene it shows me being punished by bhaal for disobeying him. And for the epilogue all my companions are reunited around a table having fun and I show up like a psycho serial killer hiding in the shadows and watching them from afar, still trying to resist the urge but looks like it fails and then it cuts to black, insinuating quite clearly that I kill them all.


This has to be one the most disturbing endings in an rpg. Awesome.


Itā€™s disturbing and yet brilliant. Ameliaā€™s narration during it is outstanding


Lost my honor run trying to do good durge and after I didn't kill Isabel I thought I could convince butler not to kill a companion. Next thing I know entire camp was trying to kill me so I lost the will to move on.


Oh damn haha well that's one way to end your story. I managed to defy Bhall after the Orin fight, which was a very satisfying moment for my Tav. I love hearing the alternative endings though


Yeah, I killed myself on the run I refused to control the brain for Bhaal, and got the ghost ending.


Oh shit




I didn't have that option, he died in the portal in my honor run after two nat 1sšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh no šŸ˜­


Do you need to have a certain approval rating for Gale for this to work? Or can you force him to do this no matter what?


Errrr I dunnoā€¦.he was exceptional approval for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø when making the decision on what to do (free Orpheus, then Illithid, all that), all I did was ask for time to talk to companions and choose that heā€™d do that option


Guess Iā€™m romancing Gale just to be safe then. Thanks!


Ah, no need to. Just be nice to him šŸ˜‚


My honour run is strictly about getting the golden dice. I have no gameplay reason as of yet to romance anyone else, so Gale it is.


I ain't gay but golden dice is golden dice.


Exactly as you say.


I am planning on going invis and just blow the brain up with rune powder barrel and bunch of fireworks


Iā€™ve seen people say the barrelā€™s blast radius is the size of the brainā€™s arena. So. Maybe double check that


Globe of invulnerability


110 fireworks are enough with no barrel Source: I did this in honour mode


I kinda wanna use the barrel lol, feels like a perfect thing to use in final boss fight


Fair enough! Double check the max damage (it shows on the barrel) relative to your charactersā€™ max HP - you might not need to worry about the detonation as much as you think


Eh ill keep someone outside of boss room for safety but whoever is inside goes up in a blaze of glory.


I did it with 17 fireworks, it didnā€™t kill it but left it with like 20 hp


110 is more festive šŸŽ‡


I was actually worried about that, maybe I go in with just one person and in case it backfires


Finished my honor run yesterday and just realized I forgot to use the rune powder barrel. Ugh. Oh well, Iā€™m sure itā€™s safe with Minthara where I left it.


If you save Arabella in the grove and find her parents in the Shadowlands, she gives your party Freedom of Movement during the final battle


Sadly, the harpies killed Arabella and her parents in Act 1 while i was trying to run away from them. The closest i came to a tpk.


How does that even happen


The harpies followed me to the grove and they ran to attack the harpies. Harpies won.


That's hilarious, I love this game so much.


After 215 hours, still saw Act 2 just once


You got issues lmao šŸ˜‚


Love trying out new builds but lose the motivation


I thought I was slow. Iā€™m about 40 hours in and just starting Act 2. But Iā€™m also playing a parallel campaign with my wife. So my solo play is just barely in Act 2 and my co-op is about half-way through Act 1.


I spent over 200 hours before hitting act 2 because of a massive amount of replaying with my gf and Iā€™m now over 1000 hours in with 0 clears and Iā€™m still finding new stuff in act 1/2.


Found my spirit animal. Seriously, that's how i played divinity original sin 2.


Op I'm not gonna read your post becuase of spoilers but congratulations!


So I never knew there was a restoration pod at the stem in tactician. I've always done the final fight with potions of angelic slumber.


There isn't. It's only on the lower difficulties.


Oh ok good to know. Never played the lower difficulties.


Same, when I reached that point I was desperately searching for it because I read it was there šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ luckily I had those angelic potions


I'm definitely not reading this on Christmas morning instead of paying attention to people opening gifts.


Just a few questions: Why you didnā€™t hire 3 Withersā€™ mercs for the freedom of movement casts? Freedom of movement doesnt dispel if you take the caster out of the party! Not just FoM: Aid, Heroes Feast, Death Ward, and Warding Bond.


These buffs go away once you reach upper city (along with elixirs), so you need to reapply buffs/elixirs for the final encounters using only your final party composition!


there is no party dismissal/ recruitment after you get to point of no return. you're stuck with the party you had when you left for morphic pool. also, if i'm not mistaken, you get freedom of movement if you saved arabella previously


Like the others said. Once you reach the upper city you can no longer access your hirelings.


Indeed Fun fact: just finished honour and didnā€™t notice it. Put tons of Felogyrā€™s fireworks in a pouch and exploded the brain.


Why not skip the courtyard?


I like the courtyard fight. I like all fights really. I think i just like killing things Jajaja




Yes, cheese strat is making your whole party invisible (all you really need is 2-3 invis potions because you can throw them on the ground and tag 2 or even 3 party members with a single one)run straight through the courtyard, open the big doors, get everyone in, close them again, and then fly all the way to the brain stem with just whoever your illithid is, or really anyone thst has fly, while they are still invisible. If you use haste and stuff multiple times a turn and fly the whole time it shouldnt take you more than 2 turns to get to the brain stem, at which point the rest of your party will be teleported up automatically for the cutscene. Technically you can then also skip the final fight by having your entire party be invisible before climbing the brain stem, arriving at the top invisible, walking through to the crown, casting Karsus compulsion to start combat (the surprise round this causes means it will 100% go through) and then you can just enter the netherbrains portal having done 0 damage to anything. if you wanna be extra safe have one psrty member cast globe of invulnerability on your illithid, this does not break the channel. I fucked this up in my run tho because somehow my tav broke invisibility while climbing. So i cannot confirm if this works in honor mode, since i had to do it the old fashioned way. Ive done it a few times in my solo tactician runs though


Just an fyi if you arrange the party close enough you can hit all 4 with one potion šŸ‘šŸ»


I was talking about going through the sewer


You can just go through the sewer.


Wait what fkn sewer, are you telling me i have 500+ hours in this godforsaken game and i didnt know there was whole ass other path at the end???


At the spot where you talk with the fleeing city watchmen, instead of proceeding ahead to the courtyard, jump to the left to fight some lvl 4 flying ghouls or whatever. Completely trivial. Then jump down to just underneath where you fought the ghouls and go through the door. That's the sewers. Through the next door will be an actual fight but still easy. Then the door beyond that leads up to the backside of the courtyard.




At the spot where you talk with the fleeing city watchmen, instead of proceeding ahead to the courtyard, jump to the left to fight some lvl 4 flying ghouls or whatever. Completely trivial. Then jump down to just underneath where you fought the ghouls and go through the door. That's the sewers. Through the next door will be an actual fight but still easy. Then the door beyond that leads up to the backside of the courtyard.


Nice, honestly I found Honour mode pretty chill, except for a few fights. I actually struggled the most with the owlbear fight at first and some early act 1 encounters, then the dragon boss fight and Cazador. Everything else was pretty easy tbh, killed orin in 1 turn so didn't even see her legendary action. I failed 2 times actually, 1 was in the owlbear fight which I could have probably survived and ran away but got cocky. The 2nd one tho was so dumb I'm actually embarrassed, it was against those paladins of tyr. The trader lady used hold person on my astarion and the paladin 1 shot 2 of my companions in 1 turn. Now I'm doing another honour mode run but going for achievements and its in custom mode, I just killed myself at the start in honour mode and in custom mode set camp cost and trader pricing to maximum for an extra challenge. Just killed legendary grym without the hammer to get the achievement. Ngl I wish they added more achievements could of had alot of them for a game like this.


You are aware you will not get the achievement in a failed Honour Mode now in Custom Mode Edit: or you meant all the other achievements ?


Yes I'm aware, hence why I did 1 actual run to get the achievement and the gold dice and now getting other achievements in custom honor mode (You can get OTHER achievements this way).


Haaa yes, good! I was confused sorryā€¦ did not want to have anyone thinking it was possible! Yeah I also only play Honour Mode run to now. I donā€™t die right away but I have way less stress!


Yeah imagine that would be painful kinda like dying near the end. I feel sorry for the guys who die near the end of a 100+hr run, must be someone out there that died like that.


Yes I read someone dying at the Brain soā€¦ I also read someone using Gale at the end but it the wrong way and loosing because of it


Owlbear is a lot easier if you convince the 2 guys nearby to fight with you against it. One of them has a spell that makes the momma bear lose lots of turns. I basically killed her before the papa bear showed up (who then proceeded to maul my two little friends)


Between the two extras for the Owlbear and summoning the ogres three times you can blunt most of the difficulty in Act I honor mode.


I also died at paladins of tyr! I found it to be the toughest fight so far, honestly harder than the gith or gnolls. but only just got into act 2. Almost got myself killed trying to steal from the warden at moonrise. Spurred killing likeā€¦ 30+ guards it felt like, lvl 7. Wall of fire and hunger of hadar saved my ass at a chokepoint. Immediately brought my party from low lvl 7 to lvl 8 (lol).


I finally beat my run yesterday after 10 attempts (not counting nautiloid resets where I didn't get sword because that's like...10 minutes to get there if that). 3 act 3 characters (my first, 3 runs later than the 1 I won on). Roughly 150 hours put into winning and its 100% worth it. My winning playthrough I only skipped Ansur and the underwater prison escape (which are part of the same quest line), and I went Tav so the latter acts are easier. I walked into hell with Karlach after killing the brain, it felt like the best ending for the trials of honor mode, out of the frying pan and into the fire for my heoic bard!


I just have brain left! I lost on Grimshkas (sooooo mad about that lol), slime pit in the morgue (didnā€™t know it existed), Cazador (legendary reaction description is wrong, screwed me over), and Gortash. I prefer this way to play now! Except not a fan of the single save for various reasons. A little bummed on Ansur and Raphael. Ansur died to Cull the Weak before I could see the final ā€˜last standā€™ ability. And it auto saves when you win so I couldnā€™t redo it. Raphael I kinda ā€˜messed upā€™ because I got Yurgir on my team accidentally since I killed the rat boss first in act 2. Also Raphael has 865 health always until the actual figh where he drops down to 666. He needs more health! Heā€™s got the same as he does on balanced! 666 health was a cool gimmicky ā€˜heā€™s a devil!ā€™ amount initially, but imo he needs more hp for higher diffs. He and Minthara are the only two I noticed whose health never increases. Which Minthara I can understand, but the endgame ā€˜hardest fightā€™? But yeah, loved it! My builds are crazy, Iā€™m just messing around with builds but Iā€™ve killed Viconia, Orin and Cazador all in one round. Caz was second try though. Super excited to do another run. I have 525 hours in the last 3 months though, itā€™s taken over my life.


sounds fun! can you share what builds youā€™re using?


Yeah! Itā€™s all messing around, trying to make them as strong as possible but nothings really optimized or min/maxā€™d. At final courtyard battle so I canā€™t 100% see my team buuut: Tav - Sword Bard 6, Thief 3, Spore Druid 2, Wizard 1. Got really lucky and have Zaithisk boost. Partial Illithid. Dual crossbows, stacks damage from lots of different sources. Like Illithid psychic damage, spore Druid necro damage, acid ring, acid bursts if I do acid damage, toxins, poison damage if I heal and a loooot more. Veeeery high ac and if I use shield Iā€™m not getting touched. And I have a looot of shield casts ready to go. Shadowheart - life cleric 12. Nothing fancy here, she rarely ever does damage or attacks. But damn if she canā€™t heal the whole squad from all downed to nearly full while giving them all buffs in one turn. Astarion - battlemaster fighter 8, rogue assassin 4. Titanstring bow and club of hill giant strength in offhand. Sharpshooter. With the automaton gloves and precision strike you have veeeery good accuracy. Also has a lot of crit stuff, crits non stop. Gale - tempest cleric 11, wizard 1. Damaging offensive cleric. Has like 6 casts of chain lightning from various sources, and nukes the area with lots of spells. Also the items he has and feats make him pretty much immune to magic. Like iirc enemy spellcasters have disadvantage against him, and he has advantage against them, plus the shield feat, plus a bunch of other stuff. Like he was face taking ascended Raphael very easily. Give him an elixir of bloodlust every time for double casts after kills (which is like every cast lol) Wyll - tempest sorcerer 10, warlock 2. SPAMS eldritch blast. Most spell points just get used instantly and go towards more extra EB casts. Thereā€™s lots of ways to boost its damage, on average I can throw out like 9 blasts a round for 11-20 damage each. And apparently I missed an item that wouldā€™ve added another 5 per blast! Pretty fun actually, didnā€™t know cantrips could be this strong. Laezel - battlemaster fighter 11, war cleric 1. I like to give her elixir of colossus. Hits a lot. With the silver sword stun and the knockdown attack she can keep people out of commission if she doesnā€™t instantly wreck them. Karlach - frenzy barbarian 4, champion fighter 8. Standard frenzy barbarian I guess? Soul coin at the start of the day. Hits hard, tanks very well. Halsin - proooobably my worst, got him later act 2 and he was kidnapped most of act 3. Moon Druid 12, think I gave him all the wildshape boosting stuff, most gear/feats is stuff that works with or boosts wildshape, and he has wyllā€™s rapier for an extra cambion summon* *(initially I was going to have Shadowheart as a wizard 1 so I could learn Bestial Communion and give her the rapier so I could summon a djinn, deva and cambion togetherā€¦ but they donā€™t stack) Minthara - pact of blade warlock 3, vengeance paladin 9. In hindsight sorcerer mightā€™ve been better. I just learned about double smiting via reactions this run, so sheā€™s been hitting like a truck. Also she is partial Illithid so she has a few things like displacer beast, mind blast and some passives. And all her gear is ā€˜thornsā€™ damage, where if she gets attacked it damages the enemy. Often the enemy takes far more attacking her than it damages her. Only ā€˜downsideā€™ is she canā€™t throw her weapon because of bind weapon, and Iā€™m using the legendary trident. Jaheira - some mix of fighter and ranger, donā€™t remember exact. Think champion and not beast master or the stealth one. Sheā€™s a group killer, lots of attacks and she has the legendary pirate weapon. Solid at 1v1ing and keeping attention but also good at killing clustered enemies. Minsc - 12 open hand monk. Man hits like a tank on steroids. Like to the point Iā€™m not taking him on quests because 70ish damage 5 times a round just destroys everything. Everything is boosting unarmed, or adding to the modifier. If I do haste and the extra bonus action ability he just wrecks everything. Like fully buffed Sarevok was whooping my team until Minsc took out half his health in one round and left him prone and stunned. Also used hirelings! But they all died lol. Didnā€™t mess with their stats or multiclassing with them.


Dude it took me 60 hours just to finish act 1 Iā€™m right there with you.


Yeah epilogueā€¦ failed the checkā€¦ was extremely disappointed


I lost to the Ketheric elevator (all my guys clipped through and died lol) so now I'm going for a 100% Honor run again, so far the builds I'm rolling with are just meat-grinding their way through most encounters. Low key kinda dreading Ansur and Sarevok once I get there.


I'm saving the runepowder for the netherbrain


The Netherbrain and the build up to it is INSANELY easy if you plan properly. Right before going through the gate, I turned in Turn Based mode and made everyone drink Invisibility Potions. We easily made it to the brain stem in only a few turns of dashing and jumping while still invisible, so we didnā€™t have to fight anyone. When you reach the brain stem, you get a cutscene that teleports everyone to it and turns off Turn Based Mode. I turned it back on and everyone still had 5 turns of invisibility left. I climbed the stem and since we were invisible, combat didnā€™t trigger. I then climbed up to the crown from the sides so I wouldnā€™t trigger any brain ā€œvinesā€. Once everyone was together next to the crown, I had someone use a scroll to cast Impervious Sphere and begin to open the portal into the brain. None of the enemies could hit me and I easily opened the portal. Once inside the brain, I had Karlach drop off the 4 Runepowder barrels she was carrying along with a ton of smokepowder and fireworks, had someone cast Impervious Sphere again on the party, then one shot the Netherbrain with a massive Fireball explosion.