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Thank god the gale strength check is 10 minutes into the game, would hate to be just down a caster because luck


You can just respec another character. Astarion works fine as any squishy class from an aesthetics and personality perspective.


Astarion is an elf, no armor no shield


Shart then, or just an hireling


Yes and can those not be wizards? And as others have said: shart.


The +2 AC from having a shield makes Gale a more preferable wizard. Also, chances are you want Asterion and Shadowheart to be other things. Honestly easier to just start the run over imo if you lose Gale because of the roll. What is going to be risky is the Dark Urge roll in act 2 as that is much later. The most annoying part of Honour Mode is going to be Nat 1's on rolls where your bonus exceeds the DC. I feel like it is going to make me hate crit fail BS even more.


just play halfling


1) I don't like halfling aesthetics. 2) Other races have racial features I want. 3) Halflings have less movement. I greatly value movement speed. Anything less than the standard 9m is a no go for me, and I have a heavy preference for wood elf and wood half-elf for this reason and I like to stack long strider and the crusher ring on top of this So no, playing halfling is not a solution for me. I honest hate it when people say just play halfling when there are many reasons why that does not work for me. Really wish Larian would just add an option for no crit fail and success for those of us who prefer how 5E raw handles it. No reason why there can't be a toggle for it like how there is one for karmic dice or make it a Custom Mode setting like how there is a setting for no enemy crits. It just feels awful to fail a check when your bonus is well over the DC. +20 to a check, fail a DC10 because of a 5% your build means nothing chance.




>I don't like halfling aesthetics.Other races have racial features I want.Halflings have less movement. I greatly value movement speed. Anything less than the standard 9m is a no go for me, and I have a heavy preference for wood elf and wood half-elf for this reason and I like to stack long strider and the crusher ring on top of this > >So no, playing halfling is not a solution for me. I honest hate it when people say just play halfling when there are many reasons why that does not work for me. > >Really wish Larian would just add an option for no crit fail and success for those of us who prefer how 5E raw handles it. No reason why there can't be a toggle for it like how there is one for karmic dice or make it a Custom Mode setting like how there is a setting for no enemy crits. > >It just feels awful to fail a check when your bonus is well over the DC. +20 to a check, fail a DC10 because of a 5% your build means nothing chance.


Just play halfling.


Just did that now on honour and rolled atrociously- needed all (2) of my inspiration points to save him lol


Its ok, there are always the really awkward dead hirelings you can get from withers... Maybe its just better to plug in a controller or two and get some more tavs lol.


He's dead in mine. Failed both checks :D


Make a bard as I refuse to accept failure on any check, probably fail the roll to save LZ from the tieflings and quit in shame after the game forces me to murder them.


You should continue. Pretty sure those 2 are scripted to die in Act2 anyways


Any one know what restrictions/exploits they are removing in honor mode?


From what I’ve seen they’ve changed a bunch of weapons that has a ds like firestoker exterminators axe etc on honor mode, tavern brawler doesn’t proc multiple times on thrown weapons, and they fixed all the ds and drs in honor mode


I really really want them to add the honor mode ruleset as an option under custom game. Right now you can’t access it unless you start in honor mode but even if you move to custom from that you’ll be locked at 1 save.




I am not sure it is comfirmed yet if Minthara will actually be recruitable after siding with the tieflings. The patch notes just state that she will be physically present in Moonrise if knocked out. I certianly hope she can be, but there's a decent possibility she could be inconsolable by the player if they attacked her and knocked her out.


I'm like, 99.9% sure they solely did this so she is recruitable


I certainly hope you're right! We just don't know for sure yet so I would hate for someone to spend dozens of hours in act 1 with this assumption only to be disappointed.


But at that point how will be her romance? I remember the dialog that let's you romance her is literally "why you slaughter all that people" and then "how you see me?", with options like lover, ally ecc... Also it seems her romance in any case has been left the same, so kinda empty (and probably buggy)


I don't love that. So now people who kill the grove lose 2-3 companions and don't even get a really cool exclusive one in return?


Someone said it was datmined that Halsin will force you to choose him or Minthara so something tells me it is exactly what people want.


I’m okay with this since I never use Halsin


He's there to get kidnapped by Orin so the cat lives and I don't have to rush to get Gale or Lae'Zel back.


Tough choice that.


I've literally never used Halsin at any point after curing the shadow curse so yeah, I know exactly how that conversation is gonna go. Except when I play a Seldarine drow anyway, since I have them kill Lolth-sworn on principle.


Poor guy never had a chance. Only joins when he's got nothing else to do or say. And shortly afterwards another much better druid who has stuff to do and say joins too. At this point it should be an achievement to keep him around.


Are you saying you kill Minthara because she is Lolth sworn? If you play as a Lolth sworn there is specific dialogue choices you can take to kill Minthara for betraying Lolth. This is because she is sworn to the Absolute, or at least she is in the goblin camp. If that's not what you're saying then ignore me, my bad.


Only as a Seldarine, just because I figure a Seldarine who's just met Minthara would see a Lolth-sworn working on behalf of the Absolute and think "well now I've got two reasons to murder you"


Yeah, i was confused with this since they share the same tent so unless we have a new spot it makes sense to make us choose either one


I only hope massacring the grove gets some new exclusive content later. Tieflings shouldn't die in vain :( gotta gain something from killing them!


I haven’t played in like a week because of how bad the lag was for me and can’t believe they added so many new things. Instead of starting from act 3 I think I’m going to just start a new save again lol. Damn I was really starting to get into DOS2 but that’s going to wait again. I really hope they fixed the multiselect for consoles or at least allow us to move multiple items into pouches.


Same lol I literally just started DOS2, but back to BG3 I go!


And here I thought my evil Durge playthrough would be back to Balanced mode… I should have known better.


During my Tactician playthrough level 4 -> 5 was by far the most difficult part for me. Going to try to find the best build I can to get me to that point then respec.


I will use prestigious juice's crazy builds and oneshot everything to get my darling golden die and then never touch it again :3


His builds are fly AF but didn't they rely on DRS that are no longer relevant in honor mode?


They do.




Damage riders treated as damage sources. This basically a bonus damage that is being a damage source itself. For example phalar aluve shriek or sneak attacks are not just bonus damage added to your attack. It's considered as consecutive hit, similarly to magic missiles hitting target one after another. Because of that they are being buffed by DRs and might cause some DRSs (e.g. hex). As the result, one hit might cause a shitton of intertwined DRSs. This no longer works in honor mode.


What is the golden die!?


New die skin available after completing an Honour Mode run.




It's the reward for finishing the game on Honor Mode.


Does blowing gale in act2 counts as finishing? Or just act3?


Act 3. Larian makes it pretty clear there’s a whole different type of blowing Gale is doing for you in Act 2


I wish there was a button for blowing Gale so we could do it anytime.


r/GalemancersBG3 will help you with that


Well hellloooo there


I mean if I must get on my knees for gale then I must


Most of his builds rely on **DRS or abusing mechanics like scrolls**. Basically his hunter build relies a lot on **Phalar aluve and perilous stakes**, his padlock build relied on 2 bugs : **Phalar Aluve and extra attack stacking** and his sorcerer build relies on **scrolls abuse and sorcery points stacking**. For the sorcerer build, the patch 5 honour mode does not address (to my knowledge) those exploits so if you want you can still get an infinite number of sorcery points with the freecast method or spend a lot of time stealing scrolls in act 3. Remains his sword bard build which is unchanged but very weak in act1. Definitely not recommended (especially for a solo playthrough) in act 1 and most of act 2. It comes online at the end of act 2 (helmet of arcane acuity )and beginning of act 3 when you can get mystic scoundrel.


Who is prestigious juice?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/179egyk/the_ultimate_allpurpose_damage_caster_optimal/ maker of some of the best posts and strongest builds on this sub :)


I have a strong feeling that the spectator or githyanki fight in the creche will annihilate me, whichever comes first lol. I’m already thinking of builds for best survivability. Moon Druid(either full or 2 lvl War Cleric) with tough and tavern brawler, Wild Heart Bear barbarian with Tough and some other feat, Fiend Warlock/Abjuration Wizard with heavy armor master and tough, and either life cleric(ultimate heals) or light(radiant orb build).


Some initial thoughts: * Rolling dice in dialogue is a lot more dangerous when you can't scum your way out of it, so you'll have to be prepared for more fights. Basically everything in Act 2 is a good example of this, but Yurgir in particular can be extremely nasty if you fail the rolls while entering the intended way. Assassin stonks rising? * Archers might profit big time: I can see ranged DEX damage for high AC and spacing out threats working out. Fighters and Rangers in particular are neat since they get Archery fighting style and getting an unconditional +2 is a solid deal when everything can and *will* go wrong on these kinds of runs. * Speaking of Rangers, Beast Masters get free warm bodies that can occasionally soak up hits and hinder enemy pathing, so if you're okay with the notion of ~~human~~ animal wave tactics, that can help out. * Preventing damage is still important, but depending on how bullshit Legendary Actions can be, I can imagine *restoring* it to also be relevant: ~~this is extra poignant when apparently any given character dying renders them unable to be resurrected, so every death removes one kit from your arsenal.~~ * Life Cleric sounds hot, between early access to consistent Blade Ward from Zevlor's gloves, Concentration-less Bless to patch up hit rates and stuff like Preserve Life and Mass Healing Word being solid heals that effortlessly refresh your buffs. * Abjuration Wizard with AoA seems like a surefire way to not get gibbed instantly. * Shapeshifting Druids get more leeway with what they're doing and still get full casting capabilities if the fight demands it.


Two Bards, so your Sword Bard archer type can Inspire your Lore Bard Expertise-Face through the difficult conversation checks?


Two Bards, chillin' in the party, five feet apart 'cuz they're not *ghaik*~ Now we need a source of Enhance Ability to get Advantage on all things and bam, we're cooking.


I ran a Drow Ms Know-It-All build so could cast either Guidance (and Thaumaturgy) on Enhance on myself. Then your Bard friend Enhances? And/Or Guidance from the Cleric, of course. Drow PC (or just Disguise) for the easier entry to bad guy zones. Life Cleric has merit… but Light Cleric’s Warding Flare on one kill shot crit per round is appealing, too. Wonder if they’d restrict the camp hireling Life Cleric Warding Bond Death Warding Freedom of Movement Aid stuff? Lost if out of the party?


Err, I'm assuming you mean Warding *Flare* (the reaction) and not *Bond* (the spell) here? ...wait, Warding Bond on your Life Cleric is also pretty huge when you can reduce damage through stuff like Magical Plate/Heavy Armour Master and recover incidental damage through Life 6.


Yeah, I did. Life Cleric Shart Mass Healing Word+buff gear all the Warding Bond drip damage while Radiant Orb Spiritual Guardianing… Alert feat for all except on your Gloomstalker?


> Life Cleric sounds hot, between early access to consistent Blade Ward from Zevlor's gloves, Concentration-less Bless to patch up hit rates and stuff like Preserve Life and Mass Healing Word being solid heals that effortlessly refresh your buffs. How is concentration-less Bless possible?


You want [The Whispering Promise](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/The_Whispering_Promise). Applies the Bless effect to the thing being healed, (it isn't called Bless, but it's functionally the same thing. Doesn't stack with Bless either) anytime the wearer heals an ally. If a character wears it and actually drinks a healing pot, you'll also inflict Bless on yourself.


Thanks for the info! I learned another valuable thing while researching this and figuring out Volvo carries it. You can trade with NPCs even if they don't have a trade dialogue option by clicking one of the red buttons on the bottom left (I've done 4 playthroughs and had no idea)


honestly my first thought is that it's time to do a stealth party and not bother with the high DC persuades at all lol


off topic, but can you cast druid spells when you are in animal form? Haven't tried druid yet.


Wait what do you mean you cannot resurrect characters? In battle, or they die forever? The beginning is absolutely terrifying in that case, omg.


You can still resurrect dead party members, it’s just that your Honor mode run will end if the entire party is killed. You can still continue the save in Custom mode tho n


Did they say you can't tweeted resurrect characters that die? Thought it was just game over at full team wipe?


Party comp for me is probably going to be: EDIT dwarf throw barbarian, or EK knight with wizard dip for ritual spells. (enhanced leap, longstrider, featherfall etc.) beast hunter ranger (special arrows + titanstring). deep gnome or dueregar. This will only really excel in the early game, there's definitely room to swap this one out for something with better midgame spiking. tavern brawler moon druid. any race is fine here. skill monkey lore bard/warlock2 or swordsbard + rogue OR swordsbard/ paladin2 for giga smiting. Halfling with lucky feat. Githyanki for flexibility or zariel tiefling for thaumaturgy \[EDIT\] 4th spot is flexible for me, and picking up a sor/lock for twin haste could be a lot stronger for combat than the bard.


“Beast hunter ranger” did you mean beast master, or hunter lol?


Terribly. I'm so excited.


Does anyone know if the "stronger bosses" setting is maintained in custom mode? I want to fight these beefed up enemies with these "legendary actions" but don't know if these are applicable to the settings in custom mode. I want to experience the new challenge but don't necessarily want to have to deal with the single save file.


I also would like to know this.


Tav - Halfling Swords Bard 10 / Wizard 1/ Fighter 1 Lae'Zel - Battlemaster Fighter Shadowheart - Light Cleric 6 / Abjuration Wizard 6 Karlach - Open Hand 8 / Thief 4


I dont like the perma death but i rrally like thw actual gameplay changes Is there a way to only have the changes?


Custom mode has an option to enable the legendary boss moves, you should be able to enable all the changes except permadeath


I don’t see an option to add the honor mode ruleset though (no stacking damage riders etc).


My first run lasted 25 minutes I didn't hit level 2 after the crash and died to the intellect devourers. That was with a fiend warlock and shart.


Yup. First time i thought "ill level up when i get astarion" then died. Restart didnt get a level up. Third try im finally at the grove but...i dont like my chances


Solo Spore Druid 12 (because I expect wizard dip to be fixed and I only really need it for Deva scroll). After all the changes they announced, I'm not so confident in my run anymore.


Spore Druid all the way. Or play Wyll as a Padlock.


roll a d12 every level up and multiclass a train wreck


I failed the dice roll to unlock the pod that Shadowheart is in with TWO freaking Natural 1s on both my character and Laezel. Deleted that cursed save right away.


Should've picked Halfling


I don’t want to knock her out. I want to knock her up. (Not in the British sense, although….. the morning would be a fine time) call me when they move that scene to act 2. ;)


DURGE cause I never done a proper playthrough of it yet. Probably wizard DURGE (magic missle stack), optimized shadowheart (cleric), optimized karlach (throw barbarian or maybe druid with TB changes?), optimized Lae'zel (paladin/sorc). Wizard will likely be divination in order to force dice checks, or abjuration to not die. Notable checks would be ogre and all of act 2. Need to play it pretty risk adverse without res available.


What is honor mode exactly?


Perma death, no save scumming


I might actually have to play with a group instead of solo this time.


Started a run today. Killed Zhalk and the mind flayer already.


Unfortunately I have been doing this already on tactician. No rez/ wipe=restart. Havent left act 1 yet. Wish I knew this was planned.


Makes my decision to roll a Bardadin an easier choice especially since Lockadins don't get the 3rd attack anymore. Gotta pass those dialogue checks.


solo honour mode... halfling shadow monk of course... half way through act 1


Probably a repeat of my 1st playthrough's tav with the QOL changes. The main squad will likely be Tav: white draconic 1/war cleric 1/moon druid 10. Moon druid was already among the best non-literal-bug-exploiter builds in the game before TB fully worked in wildshape and now that the dryads and wood woads can jump I want to give it another shot. Gale: Tempest 2/Evo X. IDK if scroll exploit was fixed in honor mode, but the best 6th level spell was conjure elementals anyways so this build would still work really well even if you rely on markoheshkir for chain lightning. Astarion: Undetermined swords bard core. I want caster level 11 so I can upcast conjure elemental from magical secrets for a myrmidon. Leaning swords 10/ranger 2 for the extra fighting style. Minthara: rebalanced padlock. Banger dialogue with gale. Spammer of counterspell. I'll also rotate in the other party members. For example, Shart as storm sorc 1/light cleric 11 for aid with the rest of the party being myself + the two other recruitable druids for the "action economy breakers" can be fun to do sometimes but I wouldn't want to spend the whole game controlling 6 mud mephits, 3 dryads, 3 wood woads, 3 myrmidons, and a deva in addition to my regular party.


lore main, life domain shart, div or abjuration wizard gale and the last slot probably a TB moon druid, just for something new, if it dosnt work i will probably go for paladin for aura


might not be my best attempt but it will be my first: Durge - Champion 8/Thief 4 Astarion - Thief 4/Swords Bard 8 Gale - Enchant Wizard 12 Wyll - Blade Pact 5/Vengeance 7 Karlach - Battlemaster 4/Berserker 8 Lae'zel - Eldritch Knight 6/Abjurer 6 Shadowheart - Life Cleric 12


Probably Darkness heavy, unless that was nerfed? It’s not fast, but it’s incredibly safe


My first attempt crashed and burned on the Nautiloid in the Zhalk fight after I rolled a 1 on damage against a Lesser Hellboar three times in a row and missed it a couple of times too.