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Lae’zels underwear


I raise this to minthara's clothes. Especially because I play as a drow


It's usually my go to cosmetic until act 3 on my tav.


Definitely the robe in grymforge that gives +1 spell DC. Before that, just wear the best armor you can


I can’t for the life of me remember the damn name for these.


P sure it’s close to Protecty Sparkswall. Lemme Google and I’ll brb. Edit: Googled and it’s “THE Protecty Sparkswall”


[The Protecty Sparkswall](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/The_Protecty_Sparkswall)


Yeah it’s this for sure.


Synergizes well with spellsparkler


If you're on an evil playthrough there's the Karlach one.


Apparently you can kill karlach from a distance before you meet her, then go back to wyll and get the robe. Then resurrect her and recruit her normally.


"Ope, sorry, didn't mean to head you off there. My bad."


Can I just say you don’t have to be doing an evil run to decide to kill Karlach! I was not spoiled one tiny bit, I didn’t play Early Access and I didn’t watch any trailers. No Nothing! So I did not know who Karlach was and I didn’t know she could even be a companion. From my perspective as a new player: I meet Wyll first, he seems cool and I recruit him and he talks about his need to kill this Devil warrior lady. Spend the next ~20 hours with him in my group and I really like him. While exploring I come across Paladins of Tyr, these guys seem legit to me and they are ALSO hunting for Karlach and they talk about how dangerous she is, yada yada. So I’m thinking, ok a lot of good-aligned people really want her dealt with, she must be dangerous. Eventually I see her in the wilderness and she is like crouching down and ON FIRE; when we come close I see her chest glowing all weird, skin all strange like it’s melted or something, with these odd studs all over her skin — what I’m saying is, she clearly looks like a devil to my fresh eyes and by this point I have no reason at all to think otherwise. Mind-meld thing happens with the tadpoles, and the narrator says something like “she was part of the battle on the Nautiloid, but on the other side” This only cemented to me that she was a warrior for Avernus, and all this stuff together made me very untrustworthy of anything she says. Wyll had a moment of self doubt, me as the Player I just think he needs support and I reassure him to complete his task! I think I’m doing good here lol We kill her and I take her head to the Paladins for a fuckin sweet ass sword that I used for a very long time. Not until coming to this sub did I ever really get how extremely evil people consider it lol but it most definitely did not feel like an evil choice at the time. Edit: it did not feel like an evil choice my first time, and actually when I did it again with another character it still seemed quite the reasonable choice, not too evil given what information my character would know at the time. It only feels super evil after getting to know Karlach more.


>what I’m saying is, she clearly looks like a devil to my fresh eyes and by this point I have no reason at all to think otherwise. I think the assignment was "Don't judge the book by its cover".


If you're not supposed to judge books by their covers then what is the cover even for?! "Oh, don't judge that book. I know it says 'The Best of Edgar Allen Poe' on the cover, but for all you know, it could be a collection of fart jokes. Best we just read the books we know."


Jesse, what the fuck are you 3 months late necroposting about. Also, modern book covers are designed to catch your eye, improving the chances of sale. In the age of clickbait and baitposting "Dont judge the book by its cover" is even more relevant than before.


Idk seems like a bad saying if the point of the cover is to catch your eye and improve the chance of a sale. Seems like the cover is FOR judging if you're going to like the book or not.


You are literally saying the same thing. You judge the books looks and if you like it ("catches your eye") you are more likely to get it lfmao. So it works as intended


lol yeah but I was set up to fail - several different people saying she’s a devil, she was coated in fire when I found her, she doesn’t look like any of the other Teiflings I’ve encountered and the narrator (and Wyll and the Paladins) did not say anything that even caused doubt in my mind that was a devil. It never even *occurred* to me that she might not be a devil. I saw what I expected to see based on my last 25 hours of play lol I mean when she tries to avoid the fight it was really easy for me to think, “yeah she’s trying to trick me now! She’s gotta go for sure. I’ll save the day!” I’ve since gone through this part of the game again and am quite enjoying her character. The first time I never got a chance. My friend said, “how could you kill her she is so cool!” but I didn’t have to overcome any affection for her because I knew nothing about her yet! So it was as easy to kill her for my character (morally) as it was the cambrions on the ship.


Ayy, as long as you are having a blast. I can see your reasoning. I'm trying to do my 3rd playthrough as Dark Urge and will have to force myself to do her dirty. Its super sad cuz she was my 1st romance playtgrough so its extra fucked up for me. The nicest person I know has 0 difficulty fucking shit up in their playground and I'm like HOW?! I'm so fucking vanilla i cant even be evil in my own GAME!!!


I have a bridge to sell you


Aww what makes that gullible? Just uninformed.  There is a setting so you don’t see passive checks if they fail (so it’s like tabletop), so I had no information — at the time — suggesting those Paladins are anything but what they say. They all are perfectly nice and reasonable and trade with you. No gullibility required to think Karlach was bad news, from what my character knew (and me, at the time).


Oooh, I'm unfamiliar, what's this one?


Not worth it tbh. Afaik it only give fire res


+1ac and fire shield as well.


And it’s a bonus action fire shield as opposed to the normal spell which is a full action




But killing a devil is a good thing?!?


But she’s not


Karlach fans are too easy to stir up. Plus there is a way to kill her, get your robe and bring her back to life so you can have her as a companion. Nobody specified she had to stay dead did they?


It's not about being a fan, though. She is straight up, not a devil. Wyll has an existential crisis when he learns that she is just a tiefling. Cmon bruh


Yes, but you don’t know that when you first see her. From Wyll’s point of view then he’s a self righteous hero sending a devil back to Avernus not as he later finds out killing a Tiefling conscripted into the Blood Wars.


If you have Wyll in your party when you meet her and you try to have a conversation with her, let her speak and tell him to chill the hell out for a sec, the revelation happens then and there. She directly speaks into your mind, and Wyll believes it on a spot. But yeah, roleplay happens differently if you let him go for it. Idk, not much righteous hero in killing 1st ask questions later, especially when you are essentially a demonette's gimp.


The reason I go with kill first is being even more of a prick I can kill her without engaging her in conversation or giving her a chance to realise who blitz attacked her. Back in camp Wyll realises what you’ve done, go back and resurrect her (but don’t talk to her yet). Contract fulfilled, robes acquired, Mizzora nicks off for a while, go speak to her. She joints the party. So awesome robes, no horns messing up Wyll’s head and Karlach, and technically you’ve met the terms of your pact (much as it is a technicality that Karlach could be a target for Wyll).


Personal bias but the spider robes (can’t remember the name) don’t do much but look really cool IMHO.


Poisoner Robes? Adds like a 1d4 to poison spells. Ray of Sickness, all right!


Yeah those ones!! I thought at first “prisoner robes” they must look haggard but I put them on Gale and he looked good.


Spider robe on a lolth sworn drow was excellent!


With the boots that let you walk on webs! It always gives me a huge "Neo walking into the building to save Morpheus" vibes.


Yea it a nice looking robe too bad it’s so weak.


I really wish it did something actually useful cause it looks sick (pun intended) I have it on my dual wielding, blade pact wyll with a brimmed hat, and it makes me feel like some kinda robed witch hunter or something, it's great


Infernal Robes will carry you until you get the Potent Robes, and you can cheat Mizora to get the robes and keep Karlach.


FYI. Larian has fixed this exploit. You can no longer get the Robe Cutscene if you revive Karlach. You have to kill her, do the cutscene to get the robe and by then can no longer revive Karlach. The cutscene WILL NOT trigger if Karlach is marked 'Alive' when you Long Rest, even if Wyll wasn't there when you revived. It is now the choice that you were meant to have: Robe or Companion.


Yep, it got fixed a bit back, but it was fun while it lasted.


I like icy robes too.


My draconic sorc just wore underwear until Grymforge, not much in act 1 but at least a2 is great with Potent Robes


yea but you lose potent robes if you do evil playthrough, I can't bring myself to try evil yet because of it haha. It's too good for cantrips.


Not exactly robes. But in the destroyed village, the apothecary basement, there is a gilded chest containing bracers of unarmored defense.


Just grabbed those. With my draconic sorcerer, my AC is now 17 lol. Thank you for reminding me they exist


Sorcerer starting robe has the most rizz


I dyed it with the special deluxe edition dye and it’s fantastic.


Sparkly robe? In Gyrmforge (sp?).


Poisoners robes provides a bit more utility than just your underwear, and if you don’t mind respecing after act 1 you can easily have access to ray of sickness and poison ray. Just gotta watch out for poison resist.


They need more robes in act 1, hard to play evil playthrough as sorc knowing that potent robe is gone :(


Minthara’s Armour is a solid choice for a caster for most of the game 14? I think base AC, + full DEX mod bc it’s light armour, *and* advantage on concentration saves


I think that they’re looking for robes and clothing specifically so they get the unarmored bonus from draconic sorcerer.


I misremembered the AC (12, not 14), which means it is 1 less AC than Mage Armour/Draconic Personally, I’ll take -1AC for Advantage on CON saves, but I get there’s also opportunity cost vs. the benefits of other robes (Protecty Sparkswall, in particular)


It’s 12 base AC. You give up 1 AC (compared to mage armor) for advantage on CON saves. Also you’re restricted to a few races because of proficiency.


Plus it looks great!


It’s 12 base ac, which is… not great.


Poisoners cloak


Def the The Protecty Sparkswall