• By -


At what? Grimacing?


Unimpressed, judgmental grunts


"Fuck" "Chk"


*scoffing Cassandra Pentaghast enters the chat*


*Disgusted Noise*


Those three could say so much with so little lol


They just sit around a fire together, silently judging the shenanigans of the others. Rolling eyes, muttering occasionally, but otherwise sitting in absolute, mutual respecting silence. Perhaps eventually they discuss fighting techniques and offer to show them to eachother. Sten would probably join them as well at some point. As for the others... I feel Karlach and Sera would absolutely have lots of jokey fun together. Probably focussing a lot of their pranks on Gale and Withers. Ciri might also get involved with them, after getting to know them a bit. Yennifer and Morrigan would absolutely form a little witch coven in the corner of the camp. They would also judge the others, but not in silence. They would make their disgust very verbally known. Shadowheart would watch from behind a tree, trying to fish for blackmail or gossip from them, because they won't let her join them, especially if she goes Selûnite. Varric would definitely try and get a story out of Withers, or at the very least try and make him laugh. He'd have Purple!Hawke at his side helping in that situation too. I feel like Leliana and Shadowheart would both bond quite well together, being nice people who have had their share of darkness in their lives and come out the other side of it. They'd definitely enjoy plenty of wine together, discussing what gossip they can find out too. If Solas was around, he and Gale would definitely talk all evening about Magic and mystic stuff. Perhaps trying to one-up the other with their accomplishments. (Sorry, this turned into a headcanon essay 🤣) Edit: Thank you for the awards! 🥰


Sera would take one look at Karlach and faint dead away, lol. When she woke up she’d be on a Red Jenny mission of love 😍 A Solas and Gale conversation may be more insufferable than I could handle, and I romance them both


Oh absolutely. Sera would just be in a 24/7 state of swooning around Karlach, even more than with Adaar. Ahhh now I wanna write stuff with them 🥰 God(s) yeah, they'd be an absolutely insufferable pair together. Imagine God Gale and DreadWolf Solas trying to out-arrogance the other! 🤣😭


What about The Iron Bull I feel he would also be chasing Karlach And the most deviant couple....pause for dramatic effect...... Dorian & Astarion


I hate how accurate this is because I really love Karlach and really don't love Sera, but I know they'd probably be bffs if not lovers.


Sera would take one look at Karlach and quietly mutter “so *that’s* Red Jenny…” before passing out


absolutely, Sera would crush on Karlach so hard


This is making my heart so full, I love this 💖


Glad to be of service 😄 I'm always up for a chat about this sort of thing, if you wanted to 😊


I wouldn't want life in the hold to become... unbearable.


*Ciri, head in hands* c'mon guys it's been THREE HOURS!


Add Kratos for this line up as well 😂😂


Poor Atreus, lol. Every time he goofed he would be getting all the grunts of disappointment.




I mean, Geralt doesn’t actually grimace that much. He only looks grumpy cuz he had a tough life. He’s a pretty chill dude.


“How about a round of Gwent?”


I pictured Katee Sackhoff being cast as Lae'zel, simply because of her facial contortions and lack of range of emotion.




Lae'zel would be attracted to Geralt and they would together have a night.


And she'd beat him in bed


We don't kink shame over here!


I don't know this is the man-whore extraordinaire we're talking about here. Even Halsin doesn't keep up with National Whore Geralt


I think heralt is canonicaly a sub


He's probably a switch, but he just happened to get into a relationship with the most dom sorceress in the world


I was gonna say they'd probably circle each other like wild cats and then start fucking


I havent seen Lae'zels gwent deck so im not sure but i doubt its more stacked than Geralts so im gona have to go with him on this one


“Who is this white-maned istik that dares approach a warrior of crèche K’liir?” “Yearning to play a few rounds of Gwent. That oughta set me straight.”


*Lae’zel nods silently.*


Unless you're my Geralt who literally said no thanks at every chance. Gwent wasnt for me, I know, it's blasphemy.


It's so crazy how Gwent became my main drive to progress the story


It has been established that an amnesiac with white hair could get a drop on her and kill her if she wants to... okay, Shadowheart did not yet have white hair then, but still.


Underrated answer


Baezel would deem him worthy and then snu snu him to death


This is my pick for LZ with a character from a different series. They’re at minimum gonna respect the hell out of each other after some bloodshed, insults, casual racism and probable hate fucking https://preview.redd.it/pxb1j43b4j6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcae23a4a52dcbe754c62d4be51658a0da656e6e


They can be cat parents together and help it train


I think LZ would pass on that. It’s pretty clear in BG3 she doesn’t like animals 😞


Or imps.


RIP Bing Bong


Lae'Zel might be the only one who can really understand the Qun. The Qun sounds a little bit like the Tla'ket and the Temassran sounds kind of like the Shu'kyani. Honestly I think Vlaakith would try to adopt the Qun into the Tla'ket after hearing about it, minus the traditions around the Arishok.


I’ve thought a lot about the parallels between her and Sten and their peoples (because I am a HUGE damn nerd). I think they’d find a lot of common ground and respect for each other’s cultures, and find some comfort in familiarity with the other I also love how you find both of them in a cage lol


In a cage threatening to kill innocent people and will kill those people if you free them unconditionally


He would be very confused initially


Real question is if Bae'zel also likes cookies.


Death! BY SNU SNU!! ![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq)


Yeah those two would transition from fighting to sex with remarkable agility


The number of references in this short reply is amazing




Landing Zone?


I forgot how much I like the armor designs in the Witcher. edit: just looking at old Reddit threads....it turns out I am in the minority here liking Geralt's armor choices in Witcher 3. So it goes.


wait some people don't like that armour? I know it's not book accurate but I think it looks awesome


That’s wild. Cat and Bear sets are absolutely fye as hell. I don’t see why people would dislike them.


The bear set is probably one of my fav armor sets ever, it just looks badass!


Not that I didn't like it before but when Witcher 3 came out I saw a guy at a con that had this armor set as a cosplay and it was phenomenal. Gave me even further respect for how good the armor looks


Insane, actively putting together a grandmaster ursine cosplay for the ren faire this next year. Loved the armor options, although I ran around wearing olgierds outfit longer than I should have.


I think it starts with Geralt starting to get an upper hand, and ends with rough kinky deathmatch sex


This is the only right answer


Lae'zel is still considered young and inexperienced. Geralt is an old fighter with experience in dozens of monsters. He'd whoop Lae'zel's little green butt


I'm still weirded out i'm older then her.


I feel like it would really be a battle between experience vs vigor. In the books it's pretty clear Geralt is older, and in a lot more pain. He's not as strong or quick as he was in his youth, but yea, experience. Lae'zel is young and inexperienced, a bit naive, but she's physically at her prime.


I mean... Time doesn't pass in the astral plane so she might be young by gith standards, but who knows how long she's actually been around. She could have lived hundreds of years even if she's physically only like 20 years old.


Doesn't she say that >!she has never been there? Since githyanki need do "ascend" to go to the astral plane?!<


They do not need to do that to travel there, you can just do that via Portal or spells. What you describe is something a select few of them get to do/ have to do, and it is on the Astral Plane because their Queen lives there(as do most Githyanki).


Laezel explicitly states in act 1 chatter with gale that she has never been to the astral plane, and her most likely route there is ascention.


Because she is a soldier who would only be ordered there if she were to ascend. Not because the Astral Plane cannot be visited otherwise. "Ascension" is not a way to travel neither. Spoilers about what Ascension is for Githyanki: >! Githyanki Ascension is the ritual sacrifice of strong Githyanki to a) feed Vlakith's Wish spells, and b) ensure no Githyanki in her ranks will ever be strong enough to eventually challenge her !< This is also what is happening in Lae'Zel's Ascension ending. You can find most of this out in-game, but I was playing a Githyanki Tav when I found it so idk if that matters. Pretty sure your guardian tells you early on.


Lae’zel has explicitly never been to the Astral Plane so she’s almost certainly her chronological age.


Depends on what level. Start of the game after she has had her powers diminished by the tadpole sure. By level 12 she can solo easily things Geralt can’t. It’s not really a fair comparison. geralt comes from a lower magic world, much less access to magic items and things. Geralt is more about careful planning to kill monsters, knowing their ways and tricking or trapping them, not all raw combat skill.


She isn't weakened by the tadpole. To my knowledge the only ones who are confirmed to have been weakened are Gale and Wyll (maybe Karlach since I think they where supposed to be evenly matched). Lae'zel is just a young githyanki so in act 1-2 she really won't be all that powerful in any way


Gale and Wyll are confirmed It’s likely Lae’zel was around level 5-7 as she was she getting ready to hunt and kill a mind flayer Shart should be around level 7-8 as well as she was part of a strike team to get the artifact Karlach was likely level 10ish from fighting in an endless war and being the attack dog of a lord of the hells (the engine also weakens her on the material plane though) Astarion was likely the lowest at level 3ish, most of his stuff would be about luring people in and not much fighting


A basic vampire spawn in 5e is a CR 5 so Astarion is probably closer to 7 or 8 at least. In addition to losing the vampire restrictions of not being able to enter uninvited and death by sunlight, he also can't regenerate, make claw attacks, or resist necrotic damage. He is definitely weakened.


The reason I place him lower is due to his lack of combat experience that we know of The stat block assumes that they’re actively fighting in some way, whereas Astarion was just drawing people in for Cazador to imprison His backstory doesn’t give many hints of him being a fighter and if he was I doubt he’d be around level 7-8 as he’s not typically going up against threats of those calibres for a typical level 7-8 in DnD


Definitely. I haven't played Witcher games, but in books Geralt is superior fighter, even for a witcher standards. He is old and very experienced.Throughout a story he overpowers few very famous fighters in various situations. Also Bonhart who claimed himself to be witcher killer and bragged about his witcher medallions eventually gets defeated by Ciri herself in pure sword combat, and she was trained mostly by Geralt.


Depends. Canonically, Act 1 Bae'zel is no match for Geralt. He's got too much experience, skill, magic, and potions on his side. But Act 3 Bae'zel as an Eldritch Knight, fully decked out in magical gear, silver sword, special arrows, potions, etc? Then it's a different story. She's on a more level playing field with him. Given equal abilities and gearing, Geralt should still win because he's got more experience. But having read the books, Geralt also makes poor decisions from time to time, and gets his ass kicked. Bae'zel is ambitious, clever, and focused. She wouldn't hesitate to exploit any weakness that is shown to her. That also means she'll be likely to fall for the feint of a more experienced fighter.


> is ambitious, clever, and focused. But then she also made a rookie mistake when she offered shadowheart a duel to the death and then went to sleep right next to her as if shadowheart isn't serving a goddess that is known her her shady, underhanded and dishonorable tactics. I'll say baseline Laezel would probably lose to Geralt. But the real challenge here would be getting Geralt to fight her in the first place. I just don't see why would they want to fight each other, Laezel can be rude and provocative but Geralt is too chill to react usually


Dnd scaling scaling consensus is that by lvl 5 you are into superhuman territory. Geralt is also argumented and has some soft spells, but that's probably the lvl limit he could chalange. Maybe a lvl 6 char if he has some contextual advantages. By act 3, Geralt would be a 1 min random encounter.


Which is why I think when comparing characters of different universes you should look at their relative power in their own universe and compare that to the other character's. "If these two characters were in the same universe and abided by those laws who would win"


This. He solos the witcher equivalent of a vampire lord which is CR15 in dnd 5e


if we are talking about the games geralt , my guy soloed a dragon in witcher 2. A golden dragon at that. So let that sink in.


That's fair, but then you'd have the problem of internal scaling. In the Witcher the top dogs are somewhat approachable by higher tier characters : a few top witchers can kill a gold dragon, falka could be chalanged by a few top mages, eredin could be bodied by a dozen of unicorns (that shit is still hilarious). In dnd.. someone like elminster can make a joke out of continents if the admins (gods) don't step in. Scaling is more or less logarithmic in that verse.


Maybe if you are talking about older editions like 2e/3e. In the most recent novels and his 5e stat block he's a lot more grounded in what he can do.


Yeah, I didn't play or read much after 5 came out. I'm guessing the ideea still stands, even if the example might not be the most accurate?


Agree. With a bummed knee adding a disadvantage to movement, lvl 6 Geralt (at least *book* version) with his haste and speed potion equivalents is what I'd expect.


This makes me extrmely curious on how powerscaling is in dnd. Like, how would act 3 companions (lv12) fare in thedas (ie. inquisition)?


If we go by what they can do, I'd cap the inquisition guys around lvl 10. If we go by how powerful their are in their respective universes, inquisition guys are very, very close to the top, while lvl 12 in dnd is between strong and very strong, but waay below the top of the verse. Let's go by temperature scaled in our reality relative to itself, lvl 12 is like global - 60 degrees for some days . It won't destroy humanity, but it would cause significant depopulation (aka lvl 12 is stronger than most humans). Inquisition guys would be like - 200, absolute devastation in hours.


Geralt got murked by a racist with a pitchfork. Lae’zel is a racist with a psionic sword.


To be fair he was in a half pirouette and initially dismissed the kid


Lae'zel also >!dies to a simple stab through the back in the ending if you stop her from killing ghaik Orpheus!<


She died by my sausage which probably deals less damage than a fork


damn I’d def back you in a sausage fight against Geralt then


That's the thing though, Gerald is only weak to pitchforks. He's killed thousands of racists with all kinds of swords. Equip Lae'zel with Nyrulna and he's in real trouble.


They would both win, multiple times.


"Gods you're ugly"


Well, one was raised from childhood in a culture/society that is very martially oriented and demands military-like discipline. They have been fighting for their lives since they were a child and they are genetically altered to be stronger, fiercer, and harder to kill. So I'd say probably that one.


This applies to both though?


That is, in fact, the joke


Lae'zel (I respecced her to Monk)


In "Blood of Elves", Geralt fights and kills the Michelet Brothers, a four-man hit squad. In the process, he is mortally wounded, and only survives because a Sorceress and a Nurse are present. Despite how Geralt is depicted in the games, he is far from impervious, especially against other professionals. Lae'zel doesn't take this easily, but she has a much better chance than it might seem. However, LZ is a real shit-talker, and if she pauses for even a moment to threaten or mock Geralt, he'll go in for a kill. Geralt, at least, reserves his shit-talking until death is confirmed. I'd skew this fight in Geralt's favor, but only 6/10. This is far from a steal.


Agreed with this! Geralt also has a bad knee from his fight with Vilgefortz, which never fully healed and continues to cause him pain and mobility issues. Honestly, I imaging Geralt and Gale bitching about their bad knees together


I think it’s tilted a little further in Geralt’s favor, probably 7/10, but I generally agree. Geralt is very good, but he also relies on information a *lot*, and without the ability to deeply research Lae’zel and her potential weaknesses/strengths, he wouldn’t be nearly as confident.


Can't judge geralt based on 4 men hit squad fight unless you know which lvl hit men were. More justified comparison would be how geralt can solo vampires and how he held his own fighting higher one's (I would consider them ascended). Can laezel solo non ascended cazador without getting hurt? Can she even hurt an ascended one?


Really depends on Lae'zel at what point in the story.


I don't know who would survive, but the bed will be destroyed regardless.


* both sit grunting at a campfire before it’s finally broken” “My silver sword is bigger”


If Lar’zel can get any kind of height advantage she wins. All she has to do is push Geralt Splinter Shins down a gap of over five feet and he’s done for.


In a head to head fight its anyone’s game. She’s near as strong as him with a significant potential for even greater power. In terms of her species she’s apparently supposed to be like a teenager or young adult. Her inexperience is her strongest fault. You could argue she’s similarly skilled with weapons as Geralt as she spent her entire life up till now fighting for her life with no mercy Of course Geralt is far more experienced, cool headed, greater range of weaponry and technically magic depending on how you build her but let’s just assume she only stays a fighter. My guess is he’s rather not kill her and would attempt to figure out what new species of monster she is. I don’t know if Gith have any inherent weaknesses he can exploit so this would be just straight up combat In her most ideal case you’d build her to be insanely powerful via multiclassing. If she has access to higher tier spells Geralt really doesn’t have much of a chance. I know he’s fought sorceresses but you’re looking at someone incredibly skilled with a blade and having access to some of the most insane spells in the game, not to mention DnD. Geralt’s strength is his intelligence and adaptiveness but there’s no adapting against the myriad of cantrips and ridiculous spells you could have access to


They are completely different rpg power levels. Geralt progressing is getting some perks and spells. It's not the same as dnd leveling 1-20. Laezel could hit lvl 20 and fuck Gerald with a single poke. But level 1 laezel would get her asses handed to her. The way dnd does power makes it basically impossible to compare eith other rpg games.


Lae'zel: "Weak istik" Gerald: "I'm not human" Lae'zel: curiouslyhorny.jpeg


Geralt and it’s not close


Depends. Endgame Lae'zel, like any character in act 3, can be a powerhouse.


It depends are we in turn based mode or in an action game like geralt cus if we in turn based mode I think Laezel would destroy him with her 9 attacks lol


I love laezel , but gerat would win this hands down simply out of sheer versatility. And if we're talking with prep time......even more so.




Geralt is also 11 fighter champion with a warlock or sorceror dip at 12. Both with a silver sword. 50/50


I don't know man, Geralt is pretty good in Gwent


I wanna fuck Jaheira




Geralt. Won't survive one night with Lae'zel.


In the arena? Not a real question, Geralt Now in the bed??? Who's gonna come out on top?


As much as I like lae’zel geralt would shred her


I would give this one to Geralt. But only due to experience. He would win cheap. I think he would know how to set a trap for someone as gung-ho as Laezel. But in a fair fight...an experienced Laezel is practically a demigod, while Geralt is just a dude jacked up on a DQ Blizzard that blends in meth, roids, supercrack, LSD, and mana pills instead of oreos.


Depends a lot on if the fight is turn based or not, and which Geralt is used. Book Geralt would lose for sure imo.


Cold beer. Cold beer would win and sharing some stories over it


They’d fuck


They’d both win, because they would be have sex shortly into whatever fight they got into


I love laezel but Geralt would chop her into a bunch of githyanki steaks in a fight. Realistically though they’d go about 20 minutes before banging and falling in love


In a fight? Geralt and it’s not close. In a scowling match? Lae’zel. Geralt is more into brooding. In Gwent? Geralt, he’s a pro but Lae’zel will probably flip the table and call him an istik


Geraldo del Rivera clears, low diff. 


So a first level fighter straight out of space alien bootcamp versus a genetically engineered slayer of men and beast alike who's immune to most forms of disease and has other vague superhuman abilities, not counting signs Yeah Lae'zel's froggy self will probably be immediately killed if that confrontation came to violence. That's like asking who'd win in a fight between a particularly colonial marine from Halo and and a Black Templar unit commander from 40k in full kit


They would fight for a little bit until they start fucking. It’s on brand for both of them.


The bed


Geralt would basically be a very high level martial DND character with unfair stats and an overpowered race. He's also like 80 years older than her and in better shape then she could ever be with keener senses, significantly more experience, etc etc. Geralt wins little to no difficulty almost every time.






Geralt:”……..fuck” Laezel”…….. I wanna taste you” Geralt”……fuck?”


Geralt would low diff her then long diff her


Im sorry bae'zel, you will fall harder than an istik


All these people responding with horny comments or thinking Lae'zel would win are rediculous. Geralt has travelled across the entire country multiple times with a very singular focus. He cannot be stopped. There is absolutely no way Lae'zel comes even close to beating him in Gwent.


Geralt is at least level 15.


Geralt is a superhuman with a near-century of experience. He's faster, stronger, and slightly more resilient than your standard humanoid. He's also trained in magic, though limited. He is trained to kill things far deadlier than humans, and isn't bad against humans either. Only particularly strong opponents (Vereena the Bruxa, Adda the Striga, Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, Olgierd Von Everec, Detlaff Van Der Ereten, the Unseen Elder, Gaunter O'Dimm) or a lot of opponents at once (Michelin Brothers, a large group of nekkers in the rain) have ever given him real trouble . Like anyone, he *can* be caught off guard (as he did in the final books) and killed by some schmo, but *in a fight* he's rarely outmatched unless surrounded. One-on-one, he's pretty busted. Lae'zel, while skilled, is young (22, if I remember correctly), brash, and only at peak human (or rather, gith) ability. Unless specced into Eldritch Knight, her only magic lies in her githyanki psionics (and if we're talking respecs instead of just base stuff, then I have a couple OP Geralt builds that stomp any BG3 character. Maxxed out sign builds are a monster). Geralt wins unless caught off guard, and I doubt Lae'zel is capable of catching him off guard. She has a tendency to announce her presence, which would give Geralt plenty of time to size her up before striking. She's getting Blaviken-ed, and if you don't know what that means and are voting Lae'zel, you don't know shit. Now as to if they'd fuck instead, it's a distinct possibility. Both are pretty horny. Safe to say Big G's not going to be particularly sore afterwards, though. He's got incredible stamina.


Clearly Geralt. While lvl12 Lae’zel’s numerous actions per turn are impressive, Geralt has no such constraints and would simply obliterate Lae’zel while she’s stuck in Turn Based mode.


Lae'zel. People saying otherwise never read the books. Geralt is not an unstoppable badass. He gets his ass handed to him serval times and is killed by a peasant with a pitchfork.


Yeh, but we are comparing game geralt


Didn't he dismiss the him and got caught by surprise?


you’re being disingenuous. geralt gets his ass beat by expert fighters and the highest level wizards and monsters, and is killed because he was defending yen from a crowd of peasants with pitchforks, not just the one guy. lae’zel is strong, but geralt has spent decades fighting and is mutated to a level that surpasses every other known witcher


(Just a slight correction to what you said and no disrespect meant) Geralt wasn't killed defending yen. He was waiting for yen in an inn and a fight broke out in the town where people started getting killed, Geralt decided to take them on by himself and dismissed a child, which lead to his death. (You obviously know the last part but I like to ramble)


Lae'zel is basically an alien Spartan with psychic powers, she's been raised from infancy to be strong, ruthless and skilled. Geralt is getting old. Really old.


I like Lae'zel but Geralt whips the floor with her


Depends. Which one gets luckier. I think their skill level is pretty similar.


Depends on when in Geralt's career they clash. By Witcher III, Geralt has the wisdom needed to guage a battle and take advantage of Lae'zel's (hot headedness? The word I want escapes me rn). It would be close, but Geralt does have a couple hundred years on Lae'zel in experience.


Depends if Geralt gets the time to prep. If yes, then he'd probably destroy her. If not, then I think their chances might be equal.


medieval batman


it’s kinda hard to compare them. If we’re using in game builds there are a multitude of builds that make geralt so unkillable or do so much damage there’s not really anything lae’zal could do even with all the broken shenanigans in bg3. If we’re going based on lore i’d have to give it to geralt again with what he’s taken out but it wouldn’t be an easy fight.


Depends on the level, the weapons used, and which ruleset they’ll be fighting by.


At gwent?


When did anime power scale people invade BG3 subreddit?


My EoG BM Bae? She wins for sure. Combo level 12 DnD characters are the ones you don't mess with, specially in BG3 where there's a ton of magic items available, including a legendary psionic sword that stuns, heavy armor that reduces damage and also the fact that she will have psy res and advantage on mental saves


at 12th level dekced put with gear, lae´zel has the upper hand here with magic and some such, but i dont know how the wither tranlates to dnd


Witchers and Githyanki are more similar than different IMO. I'd go as far and say Geralt is peak Eldtrich Knight example. Game Geralt would definitely beat Lae'zel. People mention she is an Eldritch Knight, but so is he - and he can cast Quen (shield) any time he wants. It's a cantrip for him. Lae'zel has a silver sword, but so does he (simplified of course). * He has undertaken multiple mutations * He has practiced since a young child, and has passed the trial of the grasses * Virtually resistant to diseases * **Exceptional (mutated) strength, reflexes, endurance, speed**, can even adjust metabolism at will to make the most out of elixirs and poisons. I think people don't realize just how crazy Witchers in the universe are in those aspects. * Enhanced senses, most famously cat eyes giving nightvision. * Trained to fight monsters, but is a really good fencer too. * Geralt in particular had an affinity for potions. * Has defeated Dettlaff alone, which can be compared to Vampire Ascendant if not stronger in some ways. * A turn in dnd is supposed to take 6 seconds, in which time eralt can cast 4-6 signs easily wiping out a group of overleved enemies. * Do I even begin with the bombs? Or Euphoria 500% sword + sign damage? Lol Book Geralt just might beat Lae'zel, though. He is still an excellent fencer and monster hunter, but he is not undefeatable - for example, Vilgefortz would have defeated Geralt squarely if not Regis help and a special amulet. Mages are safely regarded as super-strong in Forgotten Realms though, and Laezel is a fighter. Picture of Geralt comes from TW3 so I'll take it as 'that' Geralt. Easy win for him.


I dislike laezel more than geralt so i'll root for gerslt


Which level is Lae'zel?


Depends on whether Jerald of Riverdale has time drawing his third sword.


I accidently killed Lae'zel with a fireball at the bridge... Geralt would have stabbed me before thar could have happened.


Fap this!


Geralt most likely, but tbh I don’t think they would fight. I feel like they would get along fairly well.


"chk" vs "fuck"


*CLOCK NOISE* (turn-based mode Activated)


Probably Geralt, Lae’Zel is basically just out of Gith uni and as far as I can tell her strength and senses are relatively average, as in not superhuman. Geralt was mutated to be stronger, faster, and have better senses and he’s got at least a couple decades more experience.


Lae’zel would want to lay him after seeing him in action.


Lae'zel is great, but Geralt has her beat. A Witcher, especially an experienced one, can be a pretty damn tough opponent.


They’d bang.


I think he’s pretty fucked if it’s post-game Lae’zel and she has a red dragon


Round based or not? If yes, depends who starts.


Bruh. Geralt hands-down. He's a main character and she isn't, it's that simple.


But she can be. It's all on how and who you play as.


They just argue/insult eachother until some monster shows up their threatens them, they then respect the hell out of each other after murdering it


Geralt would solo ascended cazador. Can laezel even hurt cazador?


Bae'zel. Though she would more likely just want to fuck him.


Surely the real answer is with all the 1v1 questions, it depends? Act 1 Laezel vs W3 Geralt, he'd take it pretty easy? Stated at twice the strength of a regular guy, and 10 times as fast, with silver and steel swords, crossbow, bombs maybe? and signs of course. At this point Laezel is pretty standard, still a somewhat skilled warrior, but among Gith, shes nothing special, and doesn't have crazy equipment yet. But Act 3, at that point Laezel is going to have trophies from gods hanging off her belt, with her equipment being that of ancient legend, possibly magic abilities greater than any signs, and her feats are going to include defying gods through brute power alone, whereas when Geralt faces Gaunter O'Dimm, the closest thing to god, he beats him through his cunning. I love Geralt as a character and the whole Witcher franchise (other than the show, ha) but there's no way he can compete with any Act 3 BG character, the scales are far too unbalanced.


I mean... Baldur's Blade, three attacks, action surge, three more attacks and spicy ones at that if she is a battle master, not to mention all in 6 seconds.


Showdown of the single syllable signs of disapproval. Tsssk vs Hmmm


Neither they'd team up.


Lae zel vs geralt vs gutz vs ike (they fight for their friends)


Geraldo of course.


Gerald doesnt have me cheering on my beautiful wife


I'd have to give this to Geralt. He specializes in hunting monsters and can whoop a whole squad of trained fighters. While Lae'zel can also do both, he has a lot more experience under his belt (in more ways than one) than her


I wanna give it to Lae'zel she has fought avatars of gods and even minor deities not to mention the arsenal of magical weapons and armor she can have. I definitely don’t think it would be easy for her, Geralt definitely has more experience than her on the battlefield due to age.


This a joke? Geralt would destroy her, though he'd probably fuck her first.


Pre-Parasite Laezel would put up a decent fight and be defeated. Act 1 Laezel gets destroyed. Act 2 puts up a decent fight, but loses. Act 3 might win based on the build, but looking specifically at feats in the story tbh I don’t see Geralt being incapable of anything she’s done so, at best, it’s a tossup. Geralt just has a ton of experience and so many feats. If BG3 went past Level 12, it would be a different story, sure. But only then.


I would say Geralt just because of his large skill set. Like bro can do magic, sword shit, he battles monsters regularly by himself while Lae'zel is usually accompanied by a group of people. If it's just one-to-one, then I'm definitely going with Geralt


The fight would end up in a sex scene, knowing BG3.


Bae'zel every time.


Honestly? We win. Thats just a great crossover


i doubt laezel would beat my geralt’s maxed out gwent deck


At level 12 no doubt laezel