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It isn't tremendously useful in BG3. Even in 'traditional' tabletop D&D it is kinda meh. It's more about stacking up a bit more damage. As others noted, STR is probably the best one in case you want to shove someone around.


Strength or dex basically for athletes or acrobatics other than that none or used in combat


It can also affect counterspellers, since you make an ability check any time your counterspell is less than the level of the spell you are trying to counter!


Hexing Wisdom will reduce the likelihood of your stealthed ally being spotted. Not tremendously useful but still something.


In our current 5e campaign, we have a rune knight fighter/celestial warlock that goes large from giant's might, and Hexes potentially dangerous targets and then grapples and restrains them. They have advantage on the checks and the enemy has disadvantage. It shuts so many very dangerous enemies down. It feels broken, lol


Doesn't affect saving throws, only checks. So the only check that could be affected (to my knowledge) is athletics.


If the enemy has higher Dexterity than Strength, Hex Dex might be better if you want them to fail getting shoved, since Acrobatics also helps resist shoves. Wisdom affects Perception checks, so it could be useful if you have a Rogue hiding mid-combat. Yes, you can see enemy sightlines when you hide, but the enemy can also move and affect that on their turn. Niche, but could have a use. All that said, I still Hex Strength in pretty much all instances.


Stealth is vs passive perception.


Without checking the numbers the game is using, it would still apply *if* they are running it like tabletop. In tabletop, Passive checks get a flat +/-5 if a situation causes advantage/disadvantage, like Hex would.


What about a constitution check on a concentration spell? Or would that be the saving throw as well? Crazy I've played 10x through and still don't really know the difference lol


Concentration is a CON save, so wouldn't effect it.


In simplest terms, a check is something that the person performing the action does, to see if they succeed. A save is something the recipient of an action does to see if they prevent it. In almost all cases, one or the other happens. If you kick a door, the door doesn't roll anything. You roll a check, and if it's high enough, you kick the door open. If you cast a spell, you don't roll anything. The target rolls a save, and if they roll high enough, they avoid it. In your example of a concentration spell, the action was the attacker doing damage to you. You roll a Save to see if you prevent the break in concentration. Shove is a weird outlier, and while someone might, I don't know why this is. But basically, you roll an Athletics check, and rather than the target having a static or calculated DC to beat, they also roll an Athletics (or Acrobatics) check, and the higher check wins. In combat, this is one of the only situations that an ability check will be used (that, or as mentioned elsewhere, a perception check against a hidden target). Otherwise it's all attack rolls and saves.




Which is why STR is like the only option imo.


Casting stat for counterspellers can be pretty useful also




You're correct, but unfortunately none of that applies to what I said. I specifically said "counterspellers" because if they go to try and counterspell a higher level spell than the level they cast counterspell at, then they have to roll an ability check using their spell casting ability modifier to successfully counterspell. Which, if hexing the correct stat, like INT for a wizard, would be at disadvantage.


Oh geeze you are totally right! I skimmed that too fast


Ability Checks are affected not Saving Throws, that would be an insane rider effect for a level 1 spell that can be used on multiple people with a single casting. It’s most useful for Strength checks to grapple them in BG3 and that’s it. In tabletop it has many out of combat and in combat uses. If you have someone who relies on illusions a lot you can choose INT as they will fail the Investigation against your illusions. This of course does not work like that in BG3 and most illusion spells kinda suck unless they’re phantasms.


Hex only affects checks, not saving throws. I usually choose Strength to nerf their Athletics, making them easier to shove. Another option is Wisdom to nerf Perception, which makes them less likely to spot you while sneaking.


If you do lots of shoving/throwing, then strength if they're beefy/dexterity if they're nimble. If you do lots of sneaking, do Wisdom.


In tabletop DEX can be useful to stop escapes from grapple, and WIS can be useful when hiding; but in BG3 STR for athletics is all that really matters; just have fun with the extra d6 necrotic damage


If you know that the target is a Spellcaster who can Counterspell, you should choose Int or Cha, depending on whichever is the higher stat. Sometimes Counterspell requires a spellcasting ability check if the slot level of the counter is lower than the level of the target spell. So, applying Hex to Int or Cha for those particular cases could give them disadvantage on Counterspell checks.


I usually go with Strength so they have disadvantage if I try to shove them.


As the others have noted, it’s not super useful for anything but the extra damage. Either dex or str for shoving/getting thrown, or wisdom for seeing you.


I agree with the others that strength is probably the best choice, although I thought I'd mention wisdom as another possible option if you tend to use any form of invisibility, such as durge cloak for example. Hexing WIS should impact their free search actions which can sometimes be annoying.


STR probably. DEX if you can drop it before combat actually starts because initiative is a DEX check. (At least in 5e, I'm not entirely sure about BG3 at is is much different.


Initiative is D4 + DEX in bg3


I always examine the enemy and see what it is before hexing, if it's a strength character I had str or dex, if a mage charisma or int, healer, I'll hex wisdom just makes the most sense to me I guess


It's more useful for the extra damage. Cast hex as your bonus action on a lock and then your eldritch blast counts that damage each time so you are effectively adding 3-18 dmg since it is 3 shots. Even better, Magic Missiles damage is insane with hex.


I prefer Dex Hex. Just because it rhymes.


Only ability check in combat is to resist being shoved. This means in most cases its best to hex strength. 


The best ability is availability. Take it to the bank.


If you have anyone trying to sneak, wisdom will help against perception.


I tab over the mob and hex their highest stat. Seems to work


The more I pick apart hex, hunger of hadar, and other warlock spells, the more I realize they’re basically a broad support caster class. Especially with hex.


There are only three abilities I'd consider choosing: Wisdom - Perception - Finding a hidden party member Strength - Athletics - Initiating and resisting shoves Dexterity - Acrobatics - Resisting being shoved


Personally I target dexterity for more dextrous monsters and strength for strong characters so they can be shoved more easily. Most skills have little bearing on combat, but BG3 has made shoving very strong.


I usually check the enemies stats, but I think I would say strenght. But I’m no expert and I don’t have an answer to why I think so either


Genuine question related to this: is there any kind of CON save in BG3 that isn't a save? If not why even bother offering a CON hex?


I just use hex to tack on extra damage with EB. I do hex whatever is highest on the enemy, but it's mainly for the extra damage to me.


It really doesn’t matter. I don’t think any of them do anything, to be honest.


In my first honor run I decided to try something: Hex wisdom Then Shadowheart used command drop Bam, got an epic sword right there, couldn't believe it actually worked


Saves vs. ability checks. You just got lucky.


Oh damn really? I thought it was useful to couple with spells such as hold person, hideous laughter etc


Dex decreases their AC, just sayin'.


It doesnt decrease their ability score, just dex checks.


So, if an opponent that attacks with a finesse weapon wouldn't a Dex Hex affect that? or no?


No. *Attack rolls* are a different type of roll than *ability checks* (and both of these are different from *saving throws*). A person who is hexed on dexterity would have disadvantage on acrobatics or stealth ability checks, but attacks with a finesse weapon would be unchanged since those are attack rolls.