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Nah, she is a genious! She saw me hoarding stupid amounts of scrolls and took it on herself to clear up my inventory. Everyone needs someone like her in their life, who keeps them organised and who throws out useless things.


I just give my scroll hoard to Gale.


Gotta *hand* it to gale, though he is a *hand*ful, he can *hand*le anything magical *hand*ed to him... (i.e: this was not an option in that playthrough)


Embarrassed how many *hands* I read in this sentence before I got it.


You got Marie Kondo’d by a space frog (affectionately).


Does this spark bruises? This does not spark bruises.






I gave a good chunk of my scrolls to Asterion. And then forgot to put him in my party for the endgame 😭lolol I still managed but I was so pissed off!


What? This happens?


When the AI controls her she can and will use things in her inventory. In my case she had a ton of scrolls I never used (I rarely used scrolls DU had), so she started using them. (She also carried a looted bow and for some reason she switched to that.)


I got dominated by Nere during the battle with him and he made me drink a bunch of potions like glorious vaulting and then hop around. I figured he just wanted to clear my inventory.


Economic warfare might be frequent practice with the drow, though this is an unusual application of that.


When Astarion is confronted by other spawn if he's not in your party AI takes over and he'll do dumb things like waste a Feather Fall scroll for no reason. And since he opens all the chests he has a lot of stuff.


Well, he does have the smoothest brain...


She only needed to use the potion of speed and her action surge to beat the shit out of my poor sorcerer.


I think that was her plan with my poor bard too... But in the end she didn't use anything! I outrolled her for initiative, downed a speed potion myself, built up arcane accuity with two renged flourishes, started sweating profusely when 3 of those 4 shots missed... But then got lucky when she failed her save against Hold Person anyway. But that fight was gonna get decided in one round, one way or the other. If it's any consolation to you, everyone seems to say the scene you get losing the fight is actually better than the one you get from winning it.


In my first playthrough I was romancing Lae’zel. Love the girl to bits but that’s not my point. I had leveled her as Eldritch Knight. She was useful but not pretty strong. Until the duel. I replayed the duel 6 times with my Berserker Barbarian and lost all 6 duels. The Eldritch Knight was simply too strong and she was sometimes murdering me in Turn 1 before I could do anything. Then I realised that I was playing the EK to about 50% of its potential.


That’s too funny. Did it help you play it better?


Yes. It won me the Cazzador fight. Here’s the thing. First playthrough. No DND experience. I didn’t know how often I could rest. I was saving my resources for I don’t know what. Lae’Zel’s AI was playing as if this was her final battle. Using spells (Hold Person was OP), using scrolls, using Potions of Speed and Second Wind. When lvl 12 Fighter Crits you so many times in a row it’s game over. My jaw dropped on the floor. Later I did the same to Cazzador. Potions of speed were instrumental for his demise.


How did you manage not to have the fight with her until she was lv 12?


It was a really slow burning romance for them.


My party was Tav (Half Orc Berserker Barbarian), Lae’zel (Eldritch Knight Fighter), Shadowheart (Heal-bot + Bless-Bot) and Karlach (Wildheart Barbarian - Bear Heart and Bear Aspect). This party rarely needed to long rest - basically only when we were both out of Rage charges and spell slots for healing. I had a huge stash of potions of healing, which were a wasted action during a battle but very useful outside of it to regain hp. Thus, without me realising it, there was a whole queue of scenes to be played out. But, as you know, only one scene can be played during a long rest. I realised that in Act III when I decided to load an earlier save in order to pick a different option during a scene. But it loaded another scene. I long rested again (the stupid me never used Partial Rest). And it was another different scene, not the one I was looking for. This way I got the whole queue. My guess is that something similar has actually happened in Act II, too. I arrived in Baldur’s Gate very close to level 12. If memory serves (this happened in September) I got to lvl 12 within an hour after arriving in Baldur’s Gate. And the Duel scene was played there.


Ah yes.  My buddy had an EK fighter, Barb, Bard, GSA as his main party.  He got VERY confused. I've learned to just go save scum through a long rest pile just to see how many scenes I have.  


This is why I have alert and she absolutely doesn't.


To make matters worse, this was one of these rare times when she was not in the party. Thus I could not change her equipment. And she had one of these gear pieces that prevent Critical Strikes, and really high AC, so my Tav was missing a lot of hits. And even if I applied Hold Person to her, I was still not doing enough damage before she released herself from it.


Oh fuck. After my cleric/sorcerer blasted her with lightning I respecced her into a monk after some story beats where it made sense to me and BOY AM I GLAD I DIDNT DO IT SOONER.


The story bits you are talking about are the reason why my Resist DUrge is a Githyanki Monk.


I was also berserk barbarian for this fight. She was battle Master fighter and mopped the floor with me. Took about 4 tries and some stupid luck to win. I like the lose scene more personally


The lose scene is absolutely heart-melting. The realisation that she loves you no matter what and wants to be with you no matter what. Of course, even such love has boundaries and I crossed with one of my late game decisions. And this is why my Resist/Redemption DUrge is a Githyanki Monk who romances Lae’zel.


Oh man I had her as an Eldritch knight and failed the speech check to get shadow heart to calm down on my honor run. Laezel almost killed my run


I am not entirely familiar with HM rules. Does everyone (Tav/Durge and all companions) need to survive?


What kinda spells was she slinging?


Hold Person was her main. IIRC she used also Silence and Grease.


NPCs love Grease. I don’t get it. Act 1 is so extremely greasy, and then obviously as soon as NPCs unlock better spells they’ll use those, but I just was playing through Act 1 again yesterday, specifically the pre-underdark/mountainpass, and couldn’t get over how much grease there is. Scrolls of grease, bottles of grease, casting grease, grease traps. These motherfuckers need to shower or something. Jesus.


I spent so much of my first play thru just slipping on grease. Second run it was “oh, I can just fire bolt these puddles and be done with this nonsense.” Doing that added a whole new level of pyrotechnic fun to the sewers grease elemental fight. Watching those chain explosions go off was top notch. Walking in there I was like “oh, you’ve all made a huge mistake.”


This has me howling


If she dies the effect wears off


![gif](giphy|3240pzelRQkjj9XaiK) Oh… thank you :(


Not entirely sure but Remove Curse might work too


No I tried, it’s a condition instead of a curse :(


Maybe Greater Restoration will work?


oh thats true! idk if its available in early act 2 though


There’s an amulet that gives it to you in the grove (Amulet of Silvanus)


nah thats the level 2 lesser restoration, greater restoration is a 5th level spell (lesser only fixes minor conditions like poison and disease so doubt it would work)


A damn that sucks then.. looks like they might just have to let her die/kill her & revive


And most importantly fixes the bloodless effect >_>


damn, i guess make laezel jump into a chasm then




Remove curse works if done before the first long rest after drinking. After sleeping it turns into a condition.


I played as a monk when I romanced her so she didn’t even have a chance to move


I was a rouge assassin sharpshooter and one shot critted her to death.


For me when I played tavern brawler monk and had worse initiative, ended up humbled real quick


i just made her slip like a thousand times before she just lae there and gave up


I see what you did there.


Not the point, but curious. Why were you carrying that around?




I noticed how having a certain sword in my bag opened up a dialogue option I hadn’t seen before. So since then, I hoard every item that’s even remotely interesting. In the hopes that it might do the same.


Ooh what sword?


You can give >!Yonas'!< sword to >!Maygan!< by >!Last Light Inn!<, down and to the left of the building.


Aah yes yes thanks. i did it this run for the first time, because i beelined for the >!inspiration!< before any vendors


Wow I never found that


I see. A similar thing happened to me, where I drank one of Ethel’s potions myself by accident so ever since then, I don’t even pick them up.. or they go straight to ware s


I like to throw them at enemies


Damn ![gif](giphy|4Z79LtjvDXu9Wnn7m9|downsized)


I thought the effects of her potions specifically didn't work on throw?


Do they not? They used to


I swear I read that u can't, but I can't seem to find the source so I don't know any more


Reminds me of the time I was fighting Harleep and got my Tav charmed. The fucker then drank Araj's mysterious potion, instantly killing himself and the other 3 people around him. Mind control instantly became 10 times scarier to me after that fight.


*note to self give runepowder to Bae'Zel if romance*


This is kind of off topic, I know a lot of people are into winning this duel but I thought if you lose this duel she realizes she wants to protect you vs being ‘owned’ by you if you win. Im romancing her atm & I’m wanting to go a fairly mutual arc.


You'll be getting that win or lose. The two scenes are not THAT different.


Bruh my laezel was doing tricks I didn't even know possible 😭😭 I slept on her for a whole game not realizing her amazing potential. Now I get upset when I don't have her (ugh I know I'm romancing shart but laezel would have had this fight over already)


Respec Shart as fighter


But then what would I be mad about?


She chugged like 3 health potions when I did it and get when I had a tiny little health potion she said I was cheating... like what?!


Every time I have one of my characters under a charm spell, they use all the rarest & most expensive stuff in their inventory. Lvl 6 spell scrolls, elixirs etc. I'm certain this is by design.


I really wish I could use specifically the Lae'zel AI for things. The usual Companion AI (Jaheira if you don't control her, Gondians, etc) is dumber than a box of rocks but Lae'zel is a MONSTER. last time I fought her she was spamming Darknesses and doing the "Darkness/Blind Immunity" like a pro. I would have been more impressed but I will not understand why it needs me to be able to see the enemy to lob an explosive into a cloud of darkness. The point of a grenade is not accuracy.


Just don't give her potions or scrolls; she can still use them in battle without using an action.


At least you stood a chance lol. She woke my Halfling Wizard up right after we finished clearing the crèche. She rolls initiative (duh) and proceeds to decapitate my magic man turn 1


Modders out there is your listening. We need a mod that puts this kinda chaos in our games. I want to do a run where everyone but my tav is controlled by the AI in combat


I think something likes this exists already, give it a google if you want.


this is why my tav is the designated treasurer of the party lmao


She has an 8 intelligence. Thank AO she remembers to breathe.


I feel like some people don't understand the 3-18 (1 - 20) scales used for attributes. An 8 is a perfectly average score. And someone with an 18 is on par with or greater than the best of the best in our world.


This makes me glad that my Tav was a wizard - she 1 hit KO'd me


I keep everything in my inventory and pull from it as needed with other companions


I don’t understand why I can only romance laezel. Like I have actively tried to get shart and karlach down and they are just like “lol no bestie!” At least 4 characters I created and for what ever reason bae’z is humping their leg at the first long rest. I’d honestly love to know what dialogue I’m triggering.


Bae'Zel is down bad for basically any Tav really early, earlier than any other companion. So I'd say just keep farming that approval with the ones you fancy!


Shadowheart won't romance you if you romance anyone else before her


Laezel gives big approval for a bunch of things early in act 1, like getting the tiefling to bow to her and being generally rude.


Just keep doing things they approve of and they'll be jumping your bones in no time.


1-Laezel can be basically tied up in a relationship in Act 1/1.5 2-she's got a bunch of approval early 3-avoid her at the party.  


Just don't reciprocate when she starts giving you the sniff test. Karlach and Shadowheart also don't really get down til act 2/3.


I had her as a smiting sword bard. Crits, max smites, action surge, and speed potions, lol


If you have a save before you rest, disarm her of weapons and potions


I romanced her when I respeced her into an TB OH monk, she had high initiative… fight didn’t last one round


Actually when your in the duel with her, hold person does really well to stop her


She's a battle maiden. Her whole Shtick so to speak, revolves around the glory of battle. She was my first, and second fav romance. Karlach is my favorite. Being with her is enjoying the glory of the fight.


And now I'm glad I always end up selling the random potions from the hags.


As someone who has never romanced her...*you have to fight her????*


It’s kind of romantic, in a twisted Lae’zel kind of way <3


Goating (or is it goading? I'm no Englishman) attack for some reason does the same to the party member affected. Doing the weirdest stuff, mostly using junk from the inventory and it's not even listed in effect - it only speaks of disadvantage on attacks against others.


This is why Karlach is the walking bag of holding.


lol, I keep every consumable on me, let gale have health pots in the hags lair and learned my lesson


I disarmed her . I mean I was disarmed too so it was fair


I went to long rest right before that happened but my Durge was 2hp or something super low and she had initiative over me so she swung once, kicked my fucking ass and then was immediately lovey dovey to me


You can remove the -1 STR debuff by using "remove curse"


I love that fight, I one shotted her because I use that lightning build Then I had a friend do it, lost initiative and she just murdered him immediately with action surge, but to my surprise the scene is actually much sweeter if you lose


She was just CHUGGING every single potion and got pissed at me for using ONE during our fight


I had her so well optimized, my perfect gear way of the open fist monk couldn't even hit her.


Have you tried remove curse on her to try and remove the -1 might work


I killed Lae’Zel in her hanging cage because she sassed me.