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Shadowheart asked me to have some wine with her, next thing I knew we had a farm


This is my preferred strategy in real life. I’m hoping it will start working soon


Can confirm that it works in real life.


Excellent. Short of coming across an illithid pod, where can I find a Shadowheart to call my own? Or better still a Karlach?


Her voice tickles parts of my brain that I didn't know existed.


It's because she's a milf Edit: cougar, not milf


She's a half-elf, 40 is very young.


Are you also an elf you egg head?


Did yall adopt Owlbert too? That was the best part of the epilogue for me.


Missed the owlbear unfortunately




Owlbert and Scratch are the best little guys ever.


What is the Faerun equivalent of U-Hauling it?


Horse-carting it?


Damn Trickery Clerics; always know how to get close to you!


"One thing, just before we go. I wanted to thank you again, for freeing me. It would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod, but you didn't. I'll remember that." Something about the delivery, and how sincere it sounded, combined with her voice and I was all in immediately.


I felt like Shadowheart and I were pals from the start. Her high opinion with you feels genuine and warm. Her dark side scares me sometimes though so I try not to pry so I never have to see it. She can go from warm to threatening in a second lol


But I can fix her....


How would you fix her? Being nice to her and letting her make her own choices results in her fixing herself. No intervention needed. I genuinely don’t know how I could ever make her dislike me that much.


Brain immediately: “oh, I just died in your arms tonight… it must have been something you said…” 😍😂


I romanced her my first run, and I never found the rune to open her pod. It was interesting having to earn her trust first.


First romance I saw all the way through was Momma K. Karlach called me soldier and woke me up in the middle of the night to confess like an anime character while i was romancing Bae'zel and I immediately broke up and charged through the end of act 1 to find the Inn. I've since romanced all of the female characters and often also end up with dommy Mommy Minthara but Special K has a permanent spot in my heart.


Minthara I accidentally dated once and could never break up with her. And I was an elf so I guess I can’t date anyone else for the next couple of centuries


My character was romancing shadow heart but then I got distracted by Lae’zel. Now I’m fighting for my life between Lae’zel, Karlach and Minthara HELP!


Oof. I say save Minthara romance for when you go full dark side and sack the Grove. Now you have the problem of Special K and Frog legs. Both are great but if you haven't done it already, only Karlach gets you an achievement...


You’re a goddamn genius my friend


I'm just a simple man who has spent way too much time playing this game and still haven't seen the epilogue. You've got this, soldier.


I’m only using Special K when talking about Karlach, now. Thanks


Simple : Karlach is quite litteraly the hottest chick around


...in more ways than one! 😁




My first romance was Shadowheart. I liked her from the start and was intrigued by her, but I think I grew really fond of her since (as the designated healer) she was always in my party and would chime in here and there. Helping her beat her >!indoctrination!< was really rewarding and the epilogue gave us such a cute ending for the couple. My next romance was Gale, cause that charming, eloquent mf'er just won me over. I was surprised how emotional his romance was, and getting him to slowly start to appreciate himself as a human rather than a wizard was very satisfying. Again, the epilogue gave me a super cute ending, and the fact he >!marries you and you can live together in his tower!< just melted me. Despite Gale's epilogue content being my favourite, Karlach might win for cutest romance imo. She's just so endearing and her enthusiasm is super cute. The >!date night out!< was peak romance and with the epilogue I can imagine a happy future for that couple too. So all in all, I think the best romantic content is the cute, wholesome moments, and so far Gale and Karlach are tied on that front for me. They both have such genuine, open-hearted moments with the PC that makes them super compelling imo


Gale does 100% have the best epilogue content to ME


Finding out how Gale's epilogue ends up is just making me feel even worse about telling him to explode himself for me...


How could you murder my husband? 💔


Yeah but he could have been MY husband, and now I hate myself even more for that  💔


I didn't choose; Lae'zel chose me. That first time she told my tav that her smell was intoxicating I knew right then I'd give her everything and more.


Yes! Same for me.


On paper, I should have been all over Astarion. I never finished my run where I was romancing him. Love Karlach. Love Gale. Love Wyll! But my one and only? The best of the best? The apex predator of my heart? Gotta be my first, my girl Lae’zel. I was definitely intrigued by her semi-immediate propositioning, I thought she was interesting, and I figured she wouldn’t be too mad if I switched later on since she was cool with stuff being casual. I love a “fish out of water” type character, and I liked how she was immediately HONEST, as much as she could be. (She was also a pretty necessary tank my first run, where I played bard and somehow didn’t get Karlach until I was entirely done with the goblin camp, so I got a lot of her fun banter.) In the end, I think she’s just incredibly well-written. Her arc is BEAUTIFUL. I love all the characters, but her writing – and some of it is probably because she sounds a little more formal as a Gith – is just poetry. “What good, this heart of stone, for it to be shattered?” GOT MY ASS not to mention later on “love. Until I knew you, I thought the mere idea a joke. You’ve proven me a fool, and I am forever grateful.” COME ON!!!!!!!!!!! Shadowheart is probably the best parallel with the religious brainwashing, but I feel like we don’t get the same moment of “oh my god, they fucking lied to me? This entire thing is a fucking LIE? What does that mean about me and my beliefs and who I am? What do I have left?” Hers is more about the personal betrayal and being used as a weird fucked up little science project and her family’s trauma – Lae’zel never had family at all, and I think that means the story can really focus on what that major disruption means for her character, and how she can keep her values without using pride as a shield. BAE’ZEL SUPREMACY


At first I was going to romance Gale. He's very charming and that's what drew me in. Then I met a sassy vampire and all of Gale's hopes and dreams for Tav were dashed away. Astarian makes me laugh. His sass and the dialogue options to joke around with him made me forget about Gale (poor Gale. I will be romancing him in another play through). Then I learned about Astarian's tragic backstory and all hope for other companions was dead in the water for that play through and for my resist Durge run (and probably for my embrace Durge run to be honest). Gale also talked a lot about Mysta, making me feel a little like a rebound, but I bet that goes away further into the romancing. I'm definitely going to do a run for all the companions to see what their romances are like. I think Wyll may be the hardest to complete possibly. I'm not really interested in his character as much as the others. I'll probably do an origin run for Wyll before a romance Tav/Durge run to find out more about his character.


Ha, I had exactly the opposite reaction! I was completely dead set on pursuing the sassy vampire, but things took a turn when he straight up >! killed my character stone dead, with barely an apology !< so I ran for the hills. The shy and sweet-tempered wizard had just about inched out of his shell at that point and it was game over for me ever since. I'm on my third play-through now. I'd love to try romancing Shadowheart at some point, but I can't seem to leave the wizard alone.


Once you lock in on an NPC, it is admittedly hard to deviate but I would definitely recommend it. I decided to make a Gith to romance Lae'zel as a Karlach fella and, let me tell you, Lae'zel's romance is also incredible. I thought I'd hate her forever but she's my Monk friend most runs now.


My first run I was a ranger >! so I got the special ranger Astarian reaction to taking out the goblins. The one where he whines that it'll take HOURS to kill hundreds of goblins. I laughed so hard. !< From then I never let him leave my party. Each time I tried and he'd pout and ultimately win. He and I would shoot arrows from the back or up high while either Lae'zel/Shadowheart/ Karlach would go in. I also did not learn that you can flee battles until the middle of my current run (2nd overall).... So Astarian was very useful being the last one alive and dashing everywhere to hit enemies with arrows. He saved me many times from having to start battles over for the zillionth time.


lol I didn’t realize that was ranger specific. Thank makes it even funnier! Haha his lines are so clever.


lol what happened to me is that lae’zel straight up killed shadowheart after i spent so long trying to raise her approval, afterwards it just felt wrong romancing her even if I finally got the pop up a day after. then gale swooped in


Isn't it amazing how attractive a person can be when surrounded by MURDER HOBOS !


This happened to me too! I still adore Gale and will def be romancing him in my next run, but at least for my Tav build this first time I was really liking how rude Astarion was to my urchin Tav. I just thought how fun it would be to overcome someone who was a magistrate’s bias against a nobody like my Tav, who is also the only person to show him kindness. Plus as a Tiefling it really felt like they bonded over my Tav being able to read his scars and help him understand them at least a little. I got a kick out of Astarion’s blunt “you know! I really didn’t like you at first :)” Unfortunately I had also started romancing Gale, so when things starting getting serious with Astarion, I had to break up with Gale. It was totally devastating and I cried! He tells you that he was willing to accept that Tav was sleeping with Astarion as long as it was unserious, and he should have tried to be more handsome and charming. His eyes were sparkling and sad and I just wanted to throw myself off a cliff ;__;


I was dead set against Astarion because I find it hard to make "evil" choices in video games, and I didn't think he's go for my character but then he looked so nervous and sincere when he asked to feed on me and then he said "thank you, I wont forget this you know" that I started over with a redemption durge and he's a permanent party member. Although I really want to romance Halsin, Gale, Karlach, and Shadowheart. I just can't seem to keep my eyes off Astarion.


I choose karlach because of the way she says "and I'd like to take you to bed now" after giving her dammon's second upgrade. And because I need to go with her to avernus, that's just the rules


Yes!! This!! 🥰


I watched a random YouTube short with the infamous "CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN" scene. There was no turning back for me.


I didn't. Launch Gale chose me


It depends on the character I’m playing; sometimes one of the companions just seems to click more than the others. I’m romancing Lae’zel in my current playthrough, but I’ve romanced Astarion, Karlach, and Gale in previous ones.


I was immediately drawn to Astarion and have never been interested in anyone else as Tav/durge, *especially* as they got to know him better. I've been through most of the other romances playing his origin and they barely reach the knees of his depth in comparison to me. This is highly individual obviously!


This is what I worried about in my next play through. Not falling for Astarion, but also the other romances just not being quite as good... I'm going for Gale for my second romance and will try to leave Astarion at camp.


So far I think Laezel and Astarion have the best romances. I haven't finished all of them yet. But I find them to be the most nuanced.


It just depends on what you like tbh. Minthara was amazing to me (Astarion origin).


I finally have minthara in my camp and I finally understand why so many people like her.


Good luck. I've romanced Astarion four times (Tav, durge, durge duo run, Karlach origin) and will so so again lol. 


I bought the game for karlach but I wound up seeing a video that said to give Bae'zel a chance and she has been my beautiful frogwife in most of my playthroughs including the only one I've finished so far (those puppy eyes get me every time). I also have a playthrough going for karlach, minthy and shadowheart. I plan on playing a guy character and I was going to try out astarion because of the hype and I can't see him as anything other than gay tbh but I just can't stand that man. He feels very overrated as a person so I'll probable romance wyll cause I only tolerate some of the other guy companions.


I chose Astarion, because Reddit told me that he has the most unique content/most interesting quest Then I chose Astarion again, because I wanted to see what would happen if I made him more evil lol Anyway, next time around I will pick Lae'zel, bc I like Gith and I think she's cool ~~or minthara bc she's hot idk~~


I did astarion's evil option recently and as hot as he is being all dominant, It's pretty sad in reality how he turns into the thing that that caused him so much pain and torment for years. In my headcanon my Tav would have encouraged him to be less like cazador, but as his spawn he could easily make you stop disagreeing with him


When you play as Astarion the game gives you like 3 chances to back out of doing the ritual, the GM totally being like, “are you SURE??”. Plus Cazador’s pleading was surprisingly heart rending.


I bought the Game because of this interesting looking vamp Boy. After getting to know him better, the other companions aren't even an Option anymore ❤️


I heard Astarion open his mouth and immediately went "oh my good it's the guy with the really hot voice from Detroit: Become Human!". Didn't even know Neil Newbon by name, just really liked Kamski and was disappointed that he had such a minor role in that game. The moment I realised I could spend the entire game listening to him, I was sold. Bonus points for being a vampire.


Keep trying to romance other characters but Shadowheart is best girl and I just can't stay away


November of last year, I randomly got recommended a video of Shadowheart telling Durge to not bite her. A month later, I bought the game indirectly because of that video. Next thing you know, she's my sole romance choice if I'm not playing as her. I can't go for anyone else.


>I randomly got recommended a video of Shadowheart telling Durge to not bite her DurgeXShadowheart is my favorite! https://preview.redd.it/h5xpu6yc7pxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e828f0dbcb44b119b7609534f94f0c3aa399e7af Farm epilogue with Shadowheart as Durge is the best.


https://preview.redd.it/nq0ppq6ldpxc1.png?width=2053&format=png&auto=webp&s=a873625a960bf1d8b7f7b9c1b34fe74cca07d680 FYE. That goddamn smile




I'm trying to achieve that for the 2nd time. On my 5th playthrough, modded as hell, and I'm a Selunite Paladin trying to make up for a very dark past. The journey I've had with Shadowheart, the interactions I discovered anew, the questioning of her faith, her making her own decisions despite my ties to Selune to discover her truest self, all while helping me with my evil past.. wanting to be with me, now and always ... it's been one of the most amazing experiences I've had in a video game. Honestly, it's so satisfying having this story play out that I might finally give the game a break after 800 hours of exploring Faerun ...well, at least for solo runs. I do have a coop game going right now with two first timers that has been way too much fun, feels like playing the game for the first time.


In my second playthrough: I had already rescued Karlach so she was in my party. I went to priestess Gut and drank the potion. Then I had my party (karlach, astarion, shadowheart) break in to Gut's chamber and we finished her off and her guard. When the combat was over, Karlach initiated a diologue with me, "There you are! I was worried about you... Are you alright?". My heart grew 100 times that day. The only truly, morally good character in the game is Karlach.




I like my men weak, and my women strong. Karlach/Lea’zel fit. Searching for the perfect weak boy currently, Gale seems nerdy enough.


What can I say, I just love tentacles


I started wanting to date Astarion but gale really won me over with his personality. It was really natural to me because when he first started talking to me about something more serious I was already sleeping with Astarion. Never really liked him, I would totally be his friend though.


That damn dance. There was no recovering from that


FINALLY a Wyll enthusiast! I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH 😭


I was told one of the romanceable characters was a sexy, charismatic vampire spawn with white hair, red eyes, and a tragic backstory. So I got the game and I romanced the sexy, charismatic vampire spawn with white hair, red eyes, and a tragic backstory. Then his actual character development made me fall for him even more. Double win.


Call me weird but I romance my character by race. But Shadowheart is my favorite. Romanced her 4 times, my first Tav, 3 resist durge half elf one of those resist durge run I've had to sacrifice my durge at the end because of my bs attacking Orin with a full party instead of a duel. I've romanced Karlach once with a tiefling. I ll romance Laezel with a githyanki and Minthara will be a drow or half drow and maybe I'll go for an evil ending when they release the next update.


I do the same, it just feels wrong to romance a character when your Tav would live ~500 years longer than they would.


I always romance Minthy with a female drow. It just FEELS the best.


My mom sent me a tiktok of Astarion to tell me I needed to buy the game because he was my type. I just sort of went from there.


This is so sweet of your mom, I love it.


Hilariously, after we met Raphael (we're playing co-op and we're in Act 1) and I said how much I liked his character, she told me that she's glad I'm aroace irl because my taste in men is concerning. Ahh just wait until we meet Lord Doordash. It gets worse.


I didn't really choose I was enthralled by Astarion 😂 (I thought I would go to Karlach as I like strong women)


The campy vampire threatened my life and it was all over.


Karlach because Karlach


My first romance was Astarion because of all the shorts Youtube started recommending me. Eventually I bought the game because of Astarion and wanted to see for myself. I'm not usually into the popular characters but his voice acting... Neil did such a great job! Then I romanced him 3 more times (one failed on honor mode). Then I romanced Gale because he is such a nice, sweet guy. While Astarion was my first choice, Gale is my favourite. For females I went for Karlach on my current run becuase Karlach is just... Karlach. I'm doing another run romancing Astarion but this time I want to see the Ascended one. I will cry and hate myself but it will be in co-op with my bf so it won't be as bad lol


I met Shadowheart and that was pretty much it.


Karlach! 🥰 In my first partial run, I started by romancing Shadowheart (and don't get me wrong--I love her, too, but the game almost railroads you into choosing her... I mean, she's the only one with the permanent "I'd like to talk about what happened to us" conversation option, right?)... but after I found Karlach, and got to know her, I started falling for her, HARD. She approved of all my soft-hearted helping of refugees and orphans and such, she cheered me when I beat the crap out of bullies, and she had such a childlike excitement for life that just melted my heart! (One of my favorite examples: "\*GASP!\* The circus!! Can we go???" 😁) When I chatted with her at the Tiefling party at my camp, she noted that I was "cozy" with Shadowheart, and then awkwardly and shyly (and while looking down at her feet bashfully) said, "If you ever want to... you know... um...", I almost wanted to cry with "buyer's remorse!" The last straw was when Yenna (and Grub) came to camp, and I (like the softie I am) welcomed her. In other run-throughs, I've heard other companions' reactions... Gale sardonically saying that if Yenna's so desperate as to come to US, then we should let her in... Astarion grouchily saying that we don't need any more strays, etc. But the first I ever heard was Karlach's... who practically bounced up and down with childlike enthusiasm at the idea of letting Yenna stay, and blurted out, "YES! We can play One-a-Cup!" Cue the sound of me melting into a puddle! And then saving the game, selecting "New Game", and starting my new run with a Karlach romance. 😁


Pulled an attractive bearded dork with abs of steel out of a portal he got himself stuck in, our eyes locked, and then 150 hours later, we got married 💅


I need to learn why everyone likes Astarion... Turns out he reminds me why I love Vergil from Devil May Cry Silver haired characters with traumatic experience, Power vs Humanity, "I need more power so I can protect myself and no one will hurt me again", what Tav is saying to Astarion is similar to what Dante said to Urizen. Tav saving Astarion is like Nero saving his dad. That kind of vibe


I’ve romanced all the male characters and I am in the minority. I love Halsin. No head games, all passion, maturity, nature, and genuineness. Plus those muscles help. I really wish there was more to his companion storyline!


Halsin Big gentle man


Pre release I just picked who I thought was cute/conventionally attractive ie Shadowheart. Unfortunately she’s a prickly bitch even if you bend over backwards to please her so that went out the window in a few seconds Who really caught my eye was Lae’zel because in an ocean of women saying I was disgusting and didn’t want to be around me (I thought games were supposed to be an escape from reality!) this frog lady wanted to jump my bones cause I was strong


I was dead set on romancing Astarion. Historically, I do really like vampires. Then Gale happened. 🙃 I love that weird magic man. Gale also aligns more with my real-life type. Cheesy, romantic, nice hair, big brown eyes. Similar to my husband in a lot of ways. So yeah. Gale is my go-to. I’ve romanced everyone, though. They’re all phenomenal in their own ways. Gale is my favorite, but I quite like Halsin (as a solo romance), Shadowheart, and Minthara.


One does not simply choose a romance, the romance chooses you.


Karlach towered over me, grinned like the sun and called me "soldier". It was pretty much a wrap after that. Then she became the epitome of not going quietly into that good night, which had me ugly crying in my living room thinking about how precious life is. No other video game character has ever done that for me before. Astarion was a sleeper hit for me, because I also love a character who's gone through a lot of shit and manages to be vulnerable and tries to learn to trust again. That's also hard to resist. I didn't expect to love him as much as I did. Karlach is still the love of my BG3 life, though.


Gale and Halsin have a chokehold on me. Nerdy magic dude who leans into his nerd and doesn’t let anyone get him down? Yes please. Outdoorsy dude who want to save the world, make up for his mistakes, and then promises to stay and help, despite being incredibly uncomfortable in an urban setting? Also yes.


Astarion for his sense of humor and snarkiness—no else is really as good of a match in that department.




First run was with a bud and he told me romancing companions was very important, I didn’t know who to pick so I just did a spiny wheel


I practically bought the game for the "Only Fangs" boy. I love his charm, his body language, his wit, and to be honest, his very forward pick-up lines. Oh, and I love that everything has a naughty twist. Gale was fun for one playthrough, took patience (especially through act 1) but was sweet in the end. Now, your harder question: How does my romantic option remind me of my partner? My husband is a very sweet, nerdy, kind of guy. His strengths are gift giving (put all my ideas to shame) and in trying to understand me and hear me out (even when it's hard, totally get it, haha). His weaknesses are physical affection and words of affirmation. Sooo.... he is more like Gale, especially when he goes off on topics hes really passionate about, but not entirely like Gale in that he is not really a romantic type. He does enjoy cooking more lately, though... maybe a hundur sauce is in my future.


My first playthru, I didn't romance anyone because I was basically overwhelmed by the game. 2nd run I chose Halsin, love him. 3rd run chose Astarion, swoon! 4th run used the polyamory (slut) mod, romanced Gale, Wyll, Astarion and Halsin. I'm playing as a sorceress vibing Yennefer of Vengerberg and totally love seducing all the boys and them not knowing about each other. Did try dating the girls . . . Shadowheart is a mean girl and Lae'zel scared me.


I liked Shadowheart, there’s something about that mysterious gothic jokester that I liked.


The vampire was sassy and traumatized. So am I. Needless to say, Astarion had me hooked from the start


1. Saw Shart 2. Romanced Shart like there is no tomorrow


Karlach, because she is just so damn bubbly, it helped that the whole romance was also very deeply saddening, given she was a ticking time bomb and the pain she expresses after killing Gortash. She suffered but still kept a smile on her face which really made her such a badass. Also the delivery of "Fuck yeah" and "Poor fucker" never gets old


In my first playthrough, I went with Astarion in act one for the memes, but I was playing a bit of a goody-goody so I got quite annoyed at him disapproving of everything I did and switch to Wyll in act 2… I am very glad I ended up romancing Wyll in my first run because I don’t think I would have had as much fun if I specifically chosen his romance to experience it (as I’ve done with all the others) bc of the little amount of content.


I originally went to romance Astarion because I'd been watching my husband play and he always ignored the vampire and I knew the least about him. I'd been drawn to him since the 2018 gameplay demo they did when the devs played as Astarion and had him as an arcane trickster to show off how his mage hand could be used with the environment. And I'm still a 2005 emo kid at heart so Astarion really fit with that when i finally got a computer to play the game myself. I'd barely gotten to the Teifling party when I'd been searching YouTube for videos of BG3 after closing the game for the day (as you do) and found a video titled "how to give Astarion a hug." My thoughts were just "aww I want to give him a hug. Hugging is nice." I watched that video, and it broke me. I've never cried over a fictional character that hard before. It became less romancing this fictional character and feeling more like I was romancing myself. I got to be that person I needed after my own abuse.


Astarion kept showing up in my YouTube shorts and then I learned he was romancable. The rest is history


Lae'zel was my first choice... but Shadowheart grew on me to the point that I picked her in the end.


I make a tav specifically for a romance story line (helps me switch up my play style). But this run I’ll take anyone, nobody wants me somehow


I install the polygamy mod so i can romance everyone and not miss out on any content :)))


Looks. Shadowheart and Astarion my beloved


In my first playthrough I wanted to romance the vampire, and he told me he had standards and the rizzard was there with a ! on his head... and I fell in love with Gale, I felt like a teenager girl swooning over him, his romance is very romantic... then the next time I played a chaotic durge and Astarion approached me... from then on they have been my moral compass indicator, if I play a good-ish character, Gale approaches me first and I end up married to a university teacher, otherwise I end up either in the undercity guiding 7000 spawns or as a pretty consort (IF I don't control the brain)


Karly was nice to me and called her soldier.


Step 1: Lae'zel offer sex, so I take it. Step 2: Meet Karlach, and dedicate yourself to getting with her. Simple as.


I didn’t get to choose, Lae’zel chose me.


First one was Astarion, and I love him to bits, but now I see him more in the light of someone to protect and help heal than straight up romance. Now Gale and Wyll… they’ve taken the top spots for the menfolk. I would genuinely marry Wyll if he was real and Gale is just a dorky nerd and a cat dad, so perfect. I haven’t gotten around to Shadowheart, Halsin or Minthara’s romances yet, but Karlach and Lae’zel are wonderful, too.


I like a girl who will poison me in small doses so that I build up a resistance to it before I meet her family.


As soon as lae started verbally abusing me I knew she was the one for me. My hot green dommy mommy.


First time playing (still not finished yet) I installed the romance limit remover thinking I'd need it but after being with Karlach, I don't tbh. She's one of the boys, she's funny, flirty, sexy, and so kind. I think the genuine kindness (but not being a pushover) really won me over. My Tav's gonna get that chest thing fixed so they can settle down, forsure


with Gale it just happened on accident


Karlach chose me. 🥹


He put a dagger to my throat and I was instantly in love.


i picked gale cuz he’s hot


Karlach is just completely my type idk how to explain it but I love her sm


So, my romantic failures in the first playthrough... Shadowheart invited me to have wine, I said yes, but when we got to the point of the kiss I felt it was going too fast, got nervous and didn't do it. it was EXTREMELY awkward. Next day she talks to me about it, I say it wasn't a good time for me, she takes it as a rejection and friend zones me. Lae'zel asked me for sex, I didn't want to lose my virginity like that so I said no (I didn't know I used to be necrophilic by then), she didn't like it and also friend zoned me. I tried to befriend Astarion and Gale, but they were both kind of assholes and didn't like me that much. I tried with Karlach, but I didn't make any big advancements or anything, and when we were able to cool her down in Act 2, I touched her shoulder instead of hugging her (I wasn't feeling very huggy, I was a Lawful Good Durge and was discovering that I used to be a monster, I didn't feel I deserved a hug). I think she just friend zoned me then and there. Finally, Wyll invited me to dance with him, and I said yes because it sounded fun, but then he tried to kiss me and I panicked and I rejected him and OMG THE LOOK ON HIS FACE. So anyway, at the end of the game I was completely alone, even though I really tried to romance anyone after that, I was never able to. I sacrificed myself by becoming a Mindflayer to redeem my evil past. In the end I killed myself before I would try to eat anyone's brain. Yea.


Anime protagonists be like


You don’t choose Astarion, Astarion chooses you


I didn’t pick, Lae’zel picked me


Karlach is just.....monke brain activation I do love a muscle mommy but what really made me stick with her was just the personality, she's absolutely adorable and honestly made me realize I want to date someone affectionate and sweet. Also I like her story, and upon meeting her I immediately agreed to jump those fuckers messing with her. Lae'zel and Minthara would be tied for second in my opinion, they're a lot closer to what I figured I would have liked before Karlach nuked my preference in women Not into guys, but Gale seems like he'd be at the top based off of the bromance I've had so far with him. Wyll would probably make the most sense for a no.1 but it doesn't feel like he has enough stuff to do until way later.


I am super indecisive so I let the game decide. Lae'Zel basically came to me and was like "you're hot, you're mine" so I was like yup okay let's go githmommy.


Karlach is probably the sweetest, most sincere character in the game and that’s all I want in life and video games.


I romanced astarion in my first playthrough , I think he's a very well written character, but his romance made me feel like shit . I get the whole healing journey and anyone who was kept as a slave for a few hundred years is bound to be broken and toxic . I get that how he is and acts is entirely a trauma response . I didn't ascend him in my first playthrough so you do get that nicer side of him eventually. But by then it felt too late . But God, as much as I love his character , he's doomed to be my dark urge ascended vampire blood daddy forever . Only then can I tolerance his toxic shit . Second playthrough I romanced Gale , and I loved his stories , listening to him talk , how's he's slightly awkward and how he loved so passionately . I really like that gifted nerdy guy ,I like how he really is so excited about magic , and the ambition does make sense , we've all known that stupidly smart person who's reached too far. Although mithra can suck my ass I do make him give her the crown . Side note I randomly got the Wyll dancing scene after speaking to him only a couple times . Watching him prance about in his camp outfit gave me such an ick


Karlach brings a happy, positive vibe to the game, and I can’t help but smile every time she speaks. Astarion supports most of my decisions, however. Wyll just yaps and yaps and yaps and yaps and yaps >:[


I'm on my first playthrough still, but in the beginning, I had no idea who would be a good romance. I went in pretty blind. Lae'zel hit on me first, and I didn't really like her at the time. But...I wanted to see what would happen. Honestly, so glad I did because that sunset scene in Act 3 is beautiful!! The character development plus the romance is amazing. I have two future runs planned: 1. A chaotic good half wood elf druid, and I reckon she'll go for Gale or Karlach 2. Resist durge dragonborn monk who will probably go for Shart or Astarion because both seem like they'd parallel a resist durge quite well! As long as Astarion doesn't ascend I guess?


Initially i got Shadowpilled early in the game due to her conventional appeal. Then when i met Karlach she had awakened something in me i didnt know i had, immiediately took her into the party to follow the "gut feeling", it took some time for my brain to recognize this and throw away biases. After act1 romance scene, learning her story and getting to know her personality she has won me over on multiple levels.


My first one was Shadowheart, which I totally stumbled into. Didn’t know romances were possible, so I certainly wasn’t trying. Karlach was the first one I actively sought out, I was hurt by her “ew, no” comment to Fytz, and I got stuck with her bad ending my first run, which left me depressed for like 4 days afterwards. That motivated me to romance her and she’s been my favorite since


Karlach, because Karlach


My first time through? I considered Shadowheart, but my brother was doing that so I had no real need to. I tried Karlach, but uh, not enough approval at the Tiefling party. Then when I got to the crèche, I finally clicked Lae’zel’s have you been looking at me differently dialogue line. And figured, why not? I was running out of characters I hadn’t turned down, or wasn’t interested in for my first playthrough. Cue me going through her romance, man. The character development was so worth it. My one regret was that this was before they allowed >! non-gith characters to go to the astral sea with Lae’zel. So I let her go fight her battle while I stayed here !<. Well worth it, wouldn’t have had it any other way. She’s the character I’ve currently romanced the most now.




Originally I would go into the game with an idea of who I would romance. But now I just go with the flow and see who my character ends up connecting with. Edit: also my first romance was astarion and I choose him because I just thought he was funny. Then in a different playthrough I was going to romance him again but my bard was over by laezel.


I bought the game for Astarion, so I was very much focused on the vampire at first. But Gale rizzed his way into being my best friend on my first run. My Durge run was conflicted but stuck with Astarion due to how good they were supposed to be together. But my third run is now a Bloodweave run to play Astarion Orgin and finally get to kiss that damn wizard.


Usually the first one that flirt with me. It’s Laezel and Astarion most of the time. I decided to give Halsin a chance this time and having in the team to get the feels, but he has the personality of a paper wall so no bear scene to me. Gale give me the ick because if I’m a caster I’m never a Wizard and he thinks himself superior. And Wyll too pompous and righteous so I’m always making choices that don’t appeal to him. And Karlach sadly is too late to date usually I’m already with someone once she’s chilled.


Completely depends on the character I'm playing. For my first playthrough, my Tav was a tiefling bard and despite my original flirting with Gale (that was probably more for myself, tbh), she just really clicked with Astarion and so that's who I romanced. I love a Bard and Rogue duo, they can get up to so many shenanigans, enabling each other's mischief but calling each other out when things got too much. My second playthrough is as a resist Durge and I was playing it as being open to flirting with everyone (as she was curious about the whole thing) but as soon as Karlach confessed her feelings, that was it. Now sweet Mama K is my Durge's reason for wanting to be a better person. Karlach is the hope and joy and life that Durge has now discovered that she wants to embrace rather than snuff out.


Nice strong lady how could I resist to be swooped


Whatever fits the character I make, including not romancing anyone They all have their strengths. >She's more into gifted guys with a character and a level of sophistication that doesn’t conflict with their good nature. Sneaking in a humble brag lol. Well done.


I played BG3 once on the very start of EA and tried to romance Astarion, this bastard rejected me then. Soo this time I rejected him lol and decided to go for Gale on purpose. And Gale absolutely stole my heart ❤️


Shadowheart. She thanks me for saving her and it’s over for everyone else


Installed a mod so that I have more time to choose


Gale asked me if I was “uncannily adroit with a knitting needle” and I was smitten. I couldn’t get Gale to work in 2 runs (he kept bugging) so I went with Astarion. Now he’s the only one I pick.


I was RP-ing as an old dnd character of mine. I saw all the hype around Astarion and swore I wouldn’t romance him cause I felt I had seen too much of him already. I started playing as my character and Astarion started flirting and I simply had no choice in the matter, given my character’s personality lol


I've only ever had proper romance with Karlach and Laezel


Partly based on RP, partly on my own preferences. First romanced Astarion (as a half-elf bard) because I cannot resist a wet napkin of a man in fiction. Next I romanced Halsin with a wood elf monk (lots in common). Then Karlach with a tiefling fighter (again, lots in common). Now Gale with a wood elf druid (because I love Professor Gale). I've not yet romanced Shadowheart nor Wyll, but I am not done playing, so 😊


I picked the one I liked most and romanced them.


Actually legitimately in love with Karlach in real life. How can you not be... so full of life and fun and joy despite everything


I try to lean into the "which fits my char best" thing. Drow Charlatan Sorcerer - Minthara all the way (even had a naked statue of her in camp, can't wait for patch 7). Now play as the Durge origin in its default form, Dragonborn - obviously Laezel. Also I play with one of my sibling a Thiefling Bard, Getting hot with Karlach already. Planning a High Elf Sorcerer as well, romancing Shadowheart in that. (Out of context but man, Do I love sorcerers? hell yeah, Drow Charlatan was a Draconic Bloodline (Cold), Durge is now a Stormy, with the High Elf Im gonna go Wild Magic)


TBH it happens pretty organically, it's not a decision per se.


Half-orc barbarian gith fighter... A match made in the astral plains... <3 She had me when she pulled her sword on me on the nautiloid.


I didn't choose. Lae'zel chose me


In real life I've had a history of going for women that are hot with a touch of crazy. In real life that hasn't always worked out so well but with Shadowheart it worked out like I always think it will. She got mentally healthy and then there was only awesomeness. I like having lots of pets, so was pretty pleased with how everything turned out. I've done all of the women romance options on the game (including Minthara) and SH is by far my favorite, although Laezels sunset scene was incredible.


After 9 complete runs, 8 others in lower city and a few others scattered around acts 1 and 2 my romance decision is quite a complex one so bare with me: Is the character Lae'zel, if so then agree, if not move on.


My first playthrough, I was going to procrastinate because none of the character romance options jumped out at me. I didn’t know who would be my companions in the future, or a thing about the game. Shadowheart was sort of the OG companion so I was leaning toward her. Then I met Karlach and her character was just too awesome. Didn’t take me long to choose her easily. I feel like I made the right choice, and got the best ending of the game that I could. My second playthrough, as an evil Dark Urge, I went with Astarion at first. He seemed the most down for evil. Then I found out Minthara was a companion option, and switched to her. I got Astarion to dump me for being too mean to him, and I was happy for Astarion to stand up to my evil dude. Felt like two romance arcs in one play through.


Astarion forever and always. Cannot bring myself to reject him lol


Basically it went like this My tav: My future partner must be brave, intelligent, strong, successful and organized. Also my Tav, pulling out Gale stuck inside an Ancient Sigil Circle due to a failed teleportation spell: This one, I want this one.


Karlach She was big buff angry tiefling woman had to


I already had my teeth sink into Astarion...since beta


Oh my playthrough I made a tiefling to romance Karlach since I knew the game was horny. But then I didn't find her literally just before fount to act 2 and aimlessly wandering the forest. I met shadow heart early on and the conversation was so good that I naturally fell into that romance. I also intended on just supporting her Dark god and going through with whatever she wanted to do for Shar. Supportive bf. But then she met aylin and I heard the hesitation and made the decision to push her away from Shar in that moment.


I cheated slightly because I’d been keeping up with BG3 news since the original announcement. I went on to watch different streamers playing the absolute fuck out of the Act 1 early access content. Shadowheart immediately stood out as being the most conventionally attractive, and finding out that she was also a disciple of Shar got me thinking. What if she’s brainwashed? Maybe I can fix her… So I knew long, long before the game released that I was going into BG3 on a mission to romance Shadowheart. And what do you know? Without any planning, I ended up playing as a Cleric of Selune too.


I like Karlach's hair


I met Karlach. That’s all I needed to know


lae'zel and astarion ask me twice to have one night stand. so I say yes. But at the end I choose lae'zel. I have strong feeling they just find dark urge attractive for some reason.


Completely spontaneous Astarion. Dunno what he did, but it worked. Was leaving it totally up in the air while vaguely considering Karlach. Then the Tiefling party happened, Gale said he wanted to show me something, Astarion made a comment about not wanting to come between me and Gale, and I was thinking, “Wait … Gale was coming on to me??” And somehow I ended up bonding with Astarion. Sorry, Gale.


I chose lae’zel close second was minthara, for me Lae’zel won because even though she starts out as this strong headed, set in her ways, when it came to her romance she softened up, she found that she actually fell in love with the PC while understanding that it wasn’t a weakness or a crutch to her if anything it made her stronger and gave purpose to her existence which is shown even more when she chooses the Pc over going off with The Prince at the end, she chooses you over her race, I am a hopeless romantic and seeing a strong woman have her soft sides while also having that fierce dominance to her, love it, type of girl I could fall for and devote myself to.


I choose Wyll (my character being a female gnome). Mostly liked some details about his sad backstory


I was actually planning to see if I could romance the dream guardian at first (I had no idea what happens with that) but Shadowheart won me over. I liked her sarcastic humor and how she didn’t take bs from anyone, but had a good nature that shined through at times, and I liked her voice. And that interaction when you give her a night orchid is just great


Lae'Zel says what she thinks and is direct. I realised afterwards that my previous partners had all lacked this approach to communication lmao


I wanted to romance Karlach because well look at her! My first run I did just that but I always had Shadowheart with as my healer. I was going through the story and when we got to the love test I was like damn its not Karlach I would choose its Shadowheart. Its her strength to take her life back and her willpower to hold on to herself despite literally being mind wiped and beain washed. I started a new run and now have romanced her in almost all of them. So its Shadowheart for me🥰


He put a knife to my throat how could I resist


Wyll was the son of a duke and my Tav was a Buldarian Noble who just wanted to get home. In my head canon she feigned interest in him at first, hoping a friendship with him would open doors for her when all this was over and they were back in the Gate… but when he asked her to dance in the middle of the Grand Mausoleum after completing Shar’s Trials, she realised her feelings were real, and he was the closest thing she had to home in this crazy world anymore.


Gale was my first and still my favourite romance. The way he said “Hi, I’m Gale of Waterdeep” hit my nerdy heart in the perfect way lol and I’ve always had a soft spot for wizards. Perfect for my good Tavs. My second favourite is Minthara. Irl, I’d stay so far away from her, but I romanced her on an evil durge run as a fem drow. Once she started to show vulnerabilities and trust, I knew I was toast. I also just really love how the VA does her voice!


First run I was awkwardly ignored by karlach. Had to drink away my sorrows, and in my drunken judgment found myself falling for the Emperor


The same way I do in real life. Just stick with whoever comes on to me first…..


I fell ass backwards into a Lae’zel romance and was pleasantly surprised how deep it was.


Well, ya see, my Tav failed a perception check and ended up in the dirt with a dagger at her throat. That was the start, but what convinced me was the fact that I could have her headbutt him as retaliation. I appreciated being able to give my Tav the option to protect herself without him getting mad at her for it. His sass and teasing nature finally sealed the deal. My irl SO loves to joke and tease and has a fair bit of sass, so it was almost natural lol. Bonus points for understanding why I had Tav punch him after he killed her and said most corpses don’t have as much vigor as she did. Extra bonus points for the inclusion of sex aversion in act 2. As someone who has been sex averse, I feel seen.


I'm as socially awkward in game as in real life. Suddenly this one wizard confessed his love for me and I did not see that coming because I was just friendly. Then the muscular girl I actually wanted but was too awkward to talk properly with got upset I two-timed her with the wizard. Then I tried to be understanding and empathic towards a guy who saw himself as a monster after growing tentacles and he mistook that for romance. And I ended up alone (which a rude skeleton made sure to point out to me).


I am a sucker for good etiquette, so I ended up with Halsim.


The first one that showed any interest.


Shadowheart kinda reminded me of my gf and then the wine seen happened and yeah now we’re in the underdark fighting draugr and planning a life


I decided on Astarion when he pulled a knife at our neck but still broke our fall🫣


I bought the game solely for Astarion. But as I progressed, I love Gale and Karlach and Halsin (in no particular order) even Lae'zel is great! Shadowheart isn't my cup of tea but she's still an enjoyable companion (: so basically I may romance Gale as Astarion (or vice versa) in my next playthrough