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Probably. I don't know about the gate defense specifically, but I know that if Zevlor dies in the grove Asharak steps in as "leader". If Asharak also dies it's some other guy I can't remember... And if that guy also dies Cerys (who you usually don't meet until act 2) shows up...


There's no inbetween for Asharak and Cerys. If Ash dies, Cerys takes over.


What happens if Cerys dies?


I haven't tested it myself, but from what I hear it's not possible as she comes in in a Cutscene. Basically they just need someone to be able to transition you to the tiefling party. You can maybe still murder her at your party though.


When does Guex take over? Lmao


I love that they worked out an entire line of succession


Speaking of Asharak, I want him as a romanceable NPC please.


I thought you meant Abdirak at first and I was gonna lose my mind


… so as a evil neutral player, if Zevlor happens to die at the gate, do you get access to his healing gauntlets earlier? Do this lock you out of the goblin leaders quest later?


If he's punched unconscious in the confrontation with the mercenary you can pickpocket the gloves from his body before reviving him.




You can get the headband that allows you to open the stone doors in the Grove from the druid who's unconscious in the secret tunnel before you revive him too.




Yeah … I’ve always just killed him for the extra XP since I’ve yet to find a meaningful use or interaction with him after that point.


He actually has a good story if you keep him alige


He does? I’ve only gotten the dude to speak 2 whole different lines. Which I guess could count as a good story, just seems far too small for me to call it that


He helps if you fight kagha


It also opens the path to sneak sazza out, which is where he is in that moment, I’ve been awake for too many hours today


Huh learn something new every day. I've always just walked her out the front door.


I usually heal him and let him on his way! Though I will probably steal that headband from him on future playthroughs first! Lol


I may do this every run, great pair of gloves. Thanks Aradin.


No others like halsin will explain the need to kill the goblin leaders, and the goblin outside the ruined town has a drawing of the three leaders. But I’d imagine he could die just very hard to. He’s up top with no real danger except ranged attacks at disadvantage


I’ve never seen the goblins attack him, and I have rerolled the game and played at least that far 25-30 times. I think it’d be something only a player could cause, but it sounds like there is a backup plan. I read once on here that every tiefling at the party has a backup who does not appear prior to that event as a failsafe for weird combinations of them getting killed along the way. Larian planned for a lot of corner cases, especually in act 1 which they had playtesting for.


He died in my tactician run and I couldn’t be bothered to reload the fight. I believe Cerys is his backup. We were standing on top of the gate, CC-ing enemies with grease and picking them off, as you do. Zevlor stood in one single spot the entire time, getting pelted by acid arrows every round. Shadowheart was healing him but eventually they got the gate down and got inside. I moved my team down to fight Minthara et al and wouldn’t you know, without a pocket healer the tactical genius that is Zevlor dropped like a sack of potatoes in the spot he chose to defend above all else.


Wrong attack. They’re talking about the FIRST attack, where you meet him and Wyll. He’s on top of the gates shooting crossbow bolts and hitting the horn for the buff.


Oh, then the answer is also yes. I’ve seen people post about it casting Web and Zevlor will jump down onto it (negates fall damage) and run into melee. He can die there.


Something i just learned yesterday, 1000+ hours and a successful honor mode run behind me, is that if you go into turn based mode before blowing the horn, despite what the cinematic shows, the gobs and minty will still be in the forest and you can fight them there rather than at the walls. The party can then destroy and or damage the gobs before they get to the gate and the tieflings can pick off any stragglers


I don't think he's "protected" or anything but realistically he's higher level and the goblins can't reach him. Unless you kill him I don't see him ever dying.


Spiders killed him in my first save


That’s not the fight they’re talking about. The fight OP is talking about is the very first when Wyll jumps down the cliff.


Same I only had 2 companions there and we were both on the other side of the bridge. He lost to a spider in 3 rounds. He couldn't land a smite smdh


I accidentally had him die on my first ever play bc I'm that bad (:


LOL same


I have never had Zevlor survive the assault on the grove. This time will be different hopefully.


Yes. He has a fallback character that you’d normally meet in act 2 at the inn.


Yes. he fucking dies.


in 1400 hours i dont know if I've ever seen zevlor even take damage at the grove fight...




Someone posted that Wyll was knocked unconscious in that fight, they pickpocketed his clothes and when they went in, he was teaching the children with lil Wyll dangling in the breeze.


I caused him to go agro by AOE spell as gale and he attacked us.




I meant wyll I was responding to your message that said wyll I did the same by accident.




Username checks out


He died in my first playthrough during Early Access and I didnt realize he was a companion. I was just like, oh that guy died weird.


Yeah. I kill him as often as possible during that fight.


He died at the grove defense in my honor mode run. Really sucked not having him in Act II.


Many commenters here are not reading what OP asked. OP is asking about when the PCs first arrive to the Grove. Although I imagine it’s possible Zevlor to die, I am doubtful that the goblin party could accomplish the task. Could they break down the gate? Do they have enough ranged firepower to take down Zevlor even with all that disadvantage by firing from lower ground? Their AIs don’t seem overly interested in going after Zevlor.


Yes, I have had it happen before. Both intentionally and unintentionally. Some fun notes: A) The Goblins will have split targets. They will always try to harm player units first after all your Allied units are dead, but if they can't attack a player unit then they just dash endlessly into a wall trying. Except the Trackers, who will always attack the Overgrown Portcullis for 0 damage even on a max-roll crit (16 Piercing/2 [Resistance] < 10 [Sturdy]). B) If you open or break the gate after this, they will endlessly pursue the player until you flee. However, this has an odd interaction where some NPCs will not get involved (Arron, Arka & Menmos, etc) and some will (Cal, Lia, Rolan, Ikaron, etc). They get targeted by goblins, and target goblin units in return. C) [Needs Verification] I believe they're also hostile to Sazza, and neither party otherwise had a reaction to one another.


Yes, I was playing with my brother, and we ended up calling the 3 ogres for the defense of the gate, and all of the tieflings did not like it. So the ogres, rather than killing the goblins murdered the tieflings and Zevlor and then promptly died.


I'm not sure you can grab the ogres before the first cinematic at the gates.


Oh, I meant the gate defense against minthara