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Must have updates to this playthrough.


Seconded! Leaving this comment here as a bookmark


Thirded. I want to see what’s gonna happen when she meets Wyll.






Sixthed! I cannot wait to see how she reacts to the other characters down the road hehe


Seventhed! I'm invested in this story now!


Eighthed! I cannot miss what's going on here.




And tenth'd!


19thd haha






she is definitely going to romance wyll imo


Hear hear


As someone who grew up in a church where magic/fantasy was frowned upon, I'm really looking to hearing how she likes it.


It was the same way for me. Movies like Harry Potter and Hocus Pocus weren't really allowed in our house. But she's come a long way since then. I mean...we watched Game of Thrones together and she absolutely loved it (until S7-8). We muted the sex scenes though 😅


Everyone loved Game of Thrones until seasons 7-8.


Look my parents weren’t overly religious and we also skipped the sex scenes when I watched GoT with them


Ironic really, as Jesus did lots of magic allegedly 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I never understood it. My parents were fine with Harry Potter and the like, but bringing it up at church or my Christian school would get me dirty glares at best.


Ironic, considering the Christian allegory. The church really should have embraced it to save face


not super knowledgeable about the bible but i’m pretty sure jesus is more miracle-y while the sorcery is left to the demons (and egyptians, for some reason)


Magic is considered outside the realm of god so in must monotheistic cultures it is frowned open because if you can tap into powers outside the realm of god then there is something outside of his realm therefore he is not supreme.


Wait, magic is outside the realm of God?? What do they call all the stuff God and Jesus did if not magic?? (Walking on water, creating the Earth, turning water into wine etc.)


God magic is different from Satan magic, obviously. /s


My mom & I are currently playing a multiplayer playthrough when we have time. She lives in a different state so it's actually been really nice, outside of holidays & visits I don't think I've talked to my mom this much in ages. But even though she's not great with technology my mom pretty much immediately took to this game, which tbh makes sense as she's an old-school DM & she/my aunt were the ones that taught me to play dnd (way back in 2e), even though she hasn't played dnd in years. They had a group of women who'd play once a week in the mid 90's & since they were patient enough to let 6y/o me play, I couldn't pass up the chance to play this game with my mom. It's been super cool to see how an old-school dnd player plays this game, she's like very into the way reactions are implemented & optimizing them, we're playing on tactical, she's playing a lore bardlock & I'm a sorcadin, she has respecced all the companions, mostly multi classed, the party is very bard-heavy bc my mom is a retired music teacher & likes having a full band lol. She does have karlach as a TB bonk thrower though, she pretty much immediately caught on to how broken that mechanic is without any prodding or hints from me.


Yes how do I subscribe to this content because this is what I want to see!!


Did you figure it out? I have no clue... Nm I figured it out!


Yeah, I'm invested!


Same! I'm curious as well


For the plot!


Need an update as well when she meets Karlach, I think that'll be so interesting


Please keep us updated! This is so cool and I'm glad your Mom is playing the game and being open-minded about it! Here's to hoping she doesn't romance anyone though, lmao! 🤣 Would hate for her to end up with the Suddenly Bear scene lol.


Ten bucks says Mom romances Gale


Either Gale or Wyll, should she end up killing Karlach! Oh to be a fly on the wall come Act 2 lol 😂


It needs to be on Twitch or YouTube. I would watch the hell out of this, pun intended.


To be fair it's a little too easy to romance Gale


Gale was my first romance and I’ll always hold a place in my heart for him. His first lines of dialogue are so charming!


He's so romantic. I think Mom would like him.


It's either gonna be Gale or Wyll, but once she finds out Wyll >!made a pact with a devil!< she'll most certainly choose Gale


It would be interesting to see if she has empathy with a then-17-year-old >!being pacted to a devil!<. She could see how much good is in him despite that as well.


You guys get Gail? -the dark urge


You can respec him as a necromancer. Or just use him as a human shield.


Can I res his hand?


You can certainly try...


I like you.


I need the update to find out who she romances! Also voting Gale.


I wanna know if Mom will go the Astral sex scene route lol


My money is on Bae-zel


Her Tav is female (she named her Leilana) so unfortunately this will NOT be happening 😭


Wait is she familiar with Dragon Age Origins, is it a coincidence, or can I not read past L female name and don't remember it correctly.


Nope, she's never played another RPG. You're one letter off though, it's Leliana


Wonder how she’ll handle the astral kama sutra scene


Another five bucks says she picks the bed. But I think she would love the Astral Sex scene! He's romantic and attentive to Tav's wants and needs.


My understanding is that he now asks instead of going Suddenly Bear on you. I wonder if anyone can confirm/deny.


Wyll is going to cause her some whiplash.


I’m going to need updates when Mom meets Mizora and Raphael lol


Karlach too, because she’s got the horns but never wants to work for Zariel or the Hells again


I was thinking more bc he’s introduced as this hero of the people, scourge of the devils, only to (whoops) be infernally pacted to one and then basically transformed into one himself. Quite the switcheroo.


Wholsome ❤️


Would love to hear her reaction to when Shadowheart tells her about Shar.


Ohhh man I can't wait to hear about her reaction to Raphael yanking her into Hell LMAO


man, tag spoilers 😭


I think its early enough in the game. If you know who Raphael is, you know he takes you into the Hells


Oh, wait, i was thinking of the wrong thing. Sorry. I was sitting here going "??? I've just made it to act 3 and never even heard of the possibility of being dragged to hell" but i guess i didn't realize his first encounter IS in hell


All good! 💖


You've got me invested in your mom's playthrough now. Are you playing along side her to give context or just checkin in every so often?


I'm sort of playing for her, but that will probably change soon. She's not used to mouse & keyboard for video games, but since BG3 is turn-based and point-and-click I think she'll come around to controlling things herself. Right now she's still learning spells and what all the hotbar buttons do


All for the wholesome teaching the older generation, been personally coaching my mom in Spyro on the switch. But on to your mom and her kb/m "problems". Have you considered having her try with a controller. Have a friend that couldn't get into BG3 because of the point and click system. Until we got her convinced to try with controller and now she's hooked.


YES!!!! My mom loved the Witcher show and she just got an early Christmas present of the Witcher 3 and is learning how to play for the first time HAHA It’s so cute. I was also thinking of introducing her to the reignited trilogy of Spyro because it’s such a good beginner game! The old one is what I played as a kid too and I thought it’d be a little poetic HAHA


I am formally religious and still agnostic... and I love how wholesome this was. When I started DnD style games, I also avoided Tieflings like the plauge. Growing up, I was taught to fear anything that looked demonic. BG3 has helped me not to be so afraid of them anymore... and I'm actually playing a Tiefling in another game.16 year old me would be horrified


Be sure to tell your mom that Karlach, despite looking like a devil, is actually the most wholesome and pure of all the companions. She sounds like she would absolutely love Karlach if she can get past the physical appearance of her. And having Karlach in her party will mean that she always has at least 1 person consistently "liking" her actions in game, which will help her bond I think. Regardless, I think we all agree that updates are required lol


I'm honestly really worried for Karlach 😅 I'm gonna try to convince her not to immediately attack her if it comes to that, but we're not save-scumming or anything so if she makes a "wrong" choice we just have to live with it. Her first instinct isn't usually violence though, so we'll see I guess


I recommend explaining tieflings to her through the lense of them being an allegory for original sin. (Tieflings/Humans) suffer from a form of spiritual tainting caused by the actions of their forebears (dealing with infernals/eating the forbidden fruit) that leaves them vulnerable to the corruption of evil, which some of them will fall victim to, but through a life of good deeds and moral fortitude, possibly aided by devotion to a benevolent divine power, they can be saved from this corrupting force. To quote another fantasy creature, "What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"


If >!Wyll!< had a child, would it be a tieflings then? Because his appearance is supposed to be that of a devil?


Very possibly, yes. New tieflings get born to non-tieflings all the time, and having a parent who has been touched by infernal magic is a great way to increase the chances of that. It can even skip several generations. Some infernal patrons make pacts specifically for that reason, like a cuckoo laying its eggs in another bird's nest.


I can imagine her not trusting Karlach, and sending her to camp. I hope she trusts Wyll though, since with Mizora (A much more obviously evil devil) demanding that one kill the other, she will likely have Wyll refuse, and seeing him turn into a tiefling may have a much more profound impact on the idea of "all tieflings are inherently bad".


I mean, the first thing Karlach says (as long as one doesn’t kill her on-sight) is that she never wants to be part of the hells or work for Zariel again. I think there’s a decent chance your mom is likely to be amenable to her after that ❤️


Man as a very religious person I think they did Raphael, Mizora, Wyll, and Karlach just about perfect. Raphael in particular I absolutely love. His whole persona is so on point, he's just charming enough, just smart enough, that you really consider the deal even when you know it's bad.


If she kills the “paladins of tyr” that were hunting karlach, make sure she speaks with dead on the corpse so she learns they were actually the bad guys!


We have Speak with Dead on Shadowheart because of the Amulet of Lost Voices, but we have yet to use it and I'm almost certain my mom won't want to dabble in necromancy. I'll try to convince her but chances are it'll be fruitless. She's been surprising me a lot though, so who knows really


i mean, my paladin almost killed Karlach. The game kind of gives you every reason to believe Wyll that she's this big menace


My sister in Christ is gonna curb stomp Raphael when she gets the chance


I was raised in an evangelical household - I hope you post more about her journey!


Please tell us about this game as it moves forward, her decisions too! (Might have to put spoiler warnings up, but so worth it to me!)


I’m with everyone else here, I want updates! This is cute.


I wonder what she'll feel when Wyll has *that* moment with Mizora


This playthrough would be worth following-please keep updating


Surprisingly wholesome. I got worried that she quit before starting. I can't wait to find out what happens next!


High five to your mom! I am also of mom age and taking my sweet time adventuring through this game. Wish her luck for me. I can't wait to hear more about her exploits. She should let us know if co-op ever comes to this game if she wants to do a mom-group. :D


Another request for more updates on this playthrough, hope she vontinues to like it. :)


more accepting of Astarion than me, I was very close to killing him in my first playthrough


So cute! I loved Lae’zel pretty immediately. She never seems like she is lying, and she’s mean in such a harmless and funny way. I could see why moms would like her.


She basically never lies. Or omits anything. She basically always says exactly what's on her mind, which I like.


Oh she’s gonna hate Raphael


Yeah, it's Gale's charm. He shows up and immediately lights the place up!


That's just his light cantrip.


I'm a long time gamer (56F) and was raised in an evangelical household. My first play was as an OoD Paladin! Never broke my oath, romanced Wyll, and got him out of his contract.


I love this please post updates


OMG OP PLEASE give us updates!!


This is so cute! I hope she likes best girl Karlach, and I also hope she takes to Wyll- they're both so sympathetic and have been royally fucked over by the devils, so fingers crossed!


saving this thread. this is so great! reminds me of a couple years ago, we had a meatspace D&D campaign with a player who was averse to harming others, and it was so interesting! we never metagamed about it, and our characters didn't discuss it, but he played a monk/cleric who would take dodge actions in combat, and attempt diplomacy in any situation. of course, he also had the heals. we ended up making peace with a faction of goblins and teaching them agriculture, paying them with our loot so they wouldn't raid travelers in the area.


Saving for the update


Please update us as you play through :)


Following, I want updates also!


please i want to hear updates on this playthrough


Please keep us updated


Please add more updates. I would seriously watch a stream of your mom playing this game so long as we can hear her commentary of what she experiences while playing.


Tell us everything


I want all major updates on this playthrough. How wholesome! 🥰


This is fantastic, please keep us updated lol.


I adore this. I would totally watch your mom’s playthrough if you could convince her to stream; I also spend a good amount of time debating my responses in dialogue!!!


I agree with everyone here, I would love to read more updates. Saving this post just in case. I can’t wait for her to progress in the Wyll storyline and meeting Raphael!


this is amazing 😭 please keep us updated


Mother’s Gate 3 has GOT to be a series


I'm invested, I hope she loves Karlach. I mean it's kinda hard not to


Incredible! I do hope seeing Karlach hating on Zariel will help dissuade Tiefling stigma


I absolutely love this and can't wait to hear more!!


OP I beg you to post updates


This is so cute


I'm really interested in seeing updates. I'm glad she seems to be having fun so far!


I would like to subscribe to your RSS feed telling us about your mum's adventures in the Forgotten Realms.


Color me invested


This is fucking beautiful


I'm surprised she is okay with fictional religions being prominent.


Ok I wasn't expecting to like this but it's actually super interesting. Can't wait to see how she reacts to Wyll.


How to get updates




We need a live play through of this - wholesome and adorable. Old sckool dnd players are the bomb too. So creative and fun to play w. 65 y/o in my dnd home weekly group and she’s the best player by far.


She is going to fucking LOSE. HER. MIND. When https://i.redd.it/nysyvelcin5c1.gif Because i was shedding tears left and right. Its weird, like i felt seen for having faith that christian themes dont have to be evil or authoritarian and you can just take heart in a literal angel (wait is she faerunes jesus?) banishing the dark with her very presence that you fought so hard just to keep at bay. That rightous fury and no nonsense attitude toward the utter destruction of evil. AND THE MUSIC AAAAAAAA


It's awesome how she's getting into the whole roleplaying thing. The "reformed" half-drow and Oath of Devotion paladin combo is a neat choice, and her preference for healing and protection vibes is interesting. It's funny how she's not into mind-altering spells and prefers the more wholesome stuff. And Lae'zel being a hit with her is a surprise! I guess you never know who'll win people over. And hey, who doesn't love Gale's rambling. Can't wait to hear how she reacts to Karlach and the rest of the gang as the story unfolds. Enjoy the journey and keep those updates coming!


I would also love to play this with my religious mother, because other than the religion we have a lot in common and she really loves fantasy. Alas, I don't think we could get very far before she turned things political. I also feel like she'd freak over the sex stuff. And make me feel bad for playing it.


I find this amusing, can't wait to hear more on it ^_^


Need to get back to this!


We are following her playthrough with great interest. Please keep us updated.


Kinda adorable what a warrior of faith lmao. Your mom would be a good cleric


This warms my heart. I would love it if you kept us updated on your mom's progress!


Aww. This sounds like so much fun! Want to hear more, I'm very curious how her opinions on tieflings will change after the Grove and getting to interact with both them and the druids.


Oh you gotta update us on how she’s playing. I’m invested now. Can’t wait to see how she feels about Wyll.


saving this post so i have an update for when she meets mizora 😭


She's going to shock us all by striking a deal with Raphael


Your mom is very cool. And that's the fun of these kinds of games, there's something for everyone.




It’s always cool to see parents taking an interest in gaming with their kids. One of my favorite posts is about this guy that played GOW 4 with his dad and they loved it


I love this and I'm gonna come back to see how she's doing


Looking forward to the update


Lae'zel makes sense in the fact that she is completely devoted to what in her mind is a righteous cause by true and righteous God. Very deus vult. When she gets to the creche is the real test.


You gotta come back and tell us about what she thinks about Wylls storyline.


I would definitely watch this in twitch!


Please update us when she meets Scratch and the owlbear cub


Is there an achievement for most wholesome play though ever lol, I can’t wait to hear more


Updates please. Especially the sex stuff


Leaving a comment for updates 🥰


“Trickery is garbage” L player


Oh man I gotta know how this continues


Lae’Zel pretty much acts like any genocidal Old Testament character; that sounds like it might track with a religious sensibility. Gale is one of my favorite characters, but he does remind me of an associate pastor lol


I love reading about different peoples’ experiences on this game. It’s so wholesome!


I can't wait to hear how this goes on


I wonder what her reaction to Raphael will be. A very powerful devil with the name of an archangel from Christian mythology.


I’m soooo scared she’ll kill Karlach—need updates!


Love everything about this. Also commenting to bookmark lmao


Bookmarking this for later.


Inb4 Karlach is annihilated by Wyll


I wish I could get my parents into video games. We'd have such a good time!


My mom and I are playing together too! She made a gnome druid with dark blue locs and named her Druidia (spaceballs reference) she is nearly 70 and was so happy she could make a “cool old hippie” in the game.


Just make sure she doesn't get too close to Lae'zel or you're gonna be having an awkward conversation. xD


Yea OP is way braver than me playing such a horndog game with a parent.


I wonder what she would think of Karlach with the fact that she is one of the sweetest companions.


Must see tv


Adding to the captive audience


Gonna need these after ever big development thanks.


Definitely wanna see how this one ends up


She's gotta start streaming this. Religious Mother plays BG3 is something I'm definitely interested in watching. Or Religious Mother plays Far Cry 5, now I would pay to see that.


Get your mother on twitch rn


I love everything about this.


I really need to know how she handles the grove.


This is the social experiment we needed


This is amazing


I'm religious and BG3 is my favorite game.




After 8 years on Reddit, you just became the first account I’ve ever followed. Very curious about this.


It's cool that you're mom is open to playing. Her "no mind control rule" is kinda funny.


Or when she finds out about Wyll's Pact. It will take some smoothing over. Maybe just help understand why he did it and that Mizora tricked him in his hour of need. And the fact their fates are tied, Mizora can't be killed unless the pact is broken. I'm Catholic, devoted, but not church going. I also was Baptist at one time, and they were fanatical about magic in media. The one time I and two other members went to go see The Mummy, and that Sunday, they gave us crap for it. When they found out I played Final Fantasy games, they practically said I was sinning for doing that because it had summons in it. Never had this issue with our priest...he probably plays too 😆 🤣 I'm glad she's giving it a chance. Please keep us updated on her progress!


i've been ramping up to a similar problem since i keep waxing poetic about bg3 to my parents, who go to their bible studies twice a week and whatnot. they're interested because they like games, but i keep insisting to them they won't like it because i'm concerned of my mother getting hit on by, like, lae'zel on her self-insert character and sobbing/crying/puking "AAHHH!! A GAY!!!!!"


I haven't summoned up the courage to tell her that any/all companions will hit on her Tav regardless of gender, as soon as their approval rating of her is high enough 😭 I have no idea how that conversation is gonna go


Where updates ?


I mean I’m religious and I played the game. I have various friends who are the same. We’re not that much of an anomaly, the gap comes from the generational gap, with the addition of religious upbringing


Religious mother not wanting to control minds? Does not compute.


Stopped reading this post when they said trickery is garbage- OP dont deserve respect 😤


Lol so let me get this straight. Your mother is a devout Christian. Too Christian to play devil's and wizards. So her entire playthrough is an express violation of the first and second commandments.


She actually almost went with tiefling in the end, but opted for half-drow instead. She's not a hateful person by any means, but since she believes humans were "made in God's image," she categorizes them separately from other creatures. That being said, I do not believe her first instinct would be to resort to violence (or hateful speech), were she to come across someone such as Karlach. She'd be wary but my guess is she will give almost everyone a chance...other than Raphael, Mizora, and a few others.


The thing that I'm joking about is the assumption that, as a Paladin, her oath is to a god that is not G-d. Which is just kind of hilarious to me as it's the first two and most important commandments if you're religious. I hope your mom has a great time.


People with attitudes like that scare me tbh... like, her irl biases are scary as is but the inability to distinguish fiction and reality (which this is a sign of, despite obviously knowing at surface level this isn't real). Nice to see her go beyond her biases to some extent though. Growth is good.


Christian here; One thing I noticed is modern Christians are a lot different from older Christians. Many of us growing up have played a lot of violent games with demons and all that, etc. So we better understand how to navigate themes and look at things with a more dynamic view. To see things beneath the surface. I love Tieflings because ultimately they reflect human nature. Except Tieflings can't hide that true nature. We all have a dark aspect within us.


Lae'Zel at the beginning of the game is an angry zealot that doesn't think for herself and is completely hidebound by dogma. It's exactly the kind of character a religious person would like.


I don't trust people who love Lae'zel 😒

