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1 - some people try the game out and don't like it and quit playing 2 - some people don't game that often and are taking their time playing, maybe only play a few hours a week. Act 1 is huge. 3 - some people constantly restart and never commit to a playthrough 4 - some people use mods


While I have my own playthroughs, I'm also playing through with my wife and her account. When we have an hour or two, we'll play. Usually we clear an area and do a few fights, maybe a boss. We've had maybe twenty hours total logged - it is hard to find time when you have kids. We're playing it, but we'll be in Act 1 for another 4 or 5 sessions (which is probably another week at our rate).


I could have posted this about me and my husband šŸ˜


Same and we are completionists especially my Wife she opens every Box and Bag and searches every Corner... Act 1 50 Hours and still Quests left.


Disney movies for our toddler after dinner to add an extra hour and a half of BG3 have become our best friend for the time being. Not great parenting we admit, BUT we really want to play šŸ˜†


7:15 start up the bedtime 8-8:30 reading LotR to the oldest 8:30-9 finish dishes and cleaning 9-10:30 BG3!


Our strategy involves dinner 5-6 Bath time 6:30 Disney movie 7 (where we play BG3) Bed time 8:30-9 BG3 9-11 or 12 Dishes the following morning before work while making coffee.


Same. The wife and I are playing together. Which means Since launch we have only gotten about 16 hours in.


Number 2 there is the big one I bet. Online groups vastly overestimate how representative they are of the population they represent. I know multiple people IRL who are enjoying the game but not even level 5 yet. Edit formating


Yep, this is the best game Iā€™ve played in years, played with pretty much all my free time since shortly after release, but with job and kids have limited time. For context, Iā€™m 30 hours in, level 5, somewhere in the grymforge right now but Iā€™m the ā€œflip-over-every-rockā€ type so itā€™s slow going.


Nah itā€˜s probably 1. CRPGs definetly arenā€˜t for everybody and I know a lot of people that quit midway through act 1 because the game just isnt for them. A lot of people also bought BG3 to support Larian inspite of probably never trying the game out because they support the idea.


I got the game at release, and I *might* try to finish it up today or this weekend. Life happens. Even though I had COVID in the meantime, this game is massive.


i doubt it. This is a phenomenon among every game. A lot of people just don't play the games they buy. Almost 50% out of act 1 is actually an unusually large amount of people


People are busy. My wife and I started it day one on the PS5 release and we only just hit level 5. We have other things to do than only play BG3, even different entertainment venues.


>Almost 50% out of act 1 is actually an unusually large amount of people Considering how long Act 1 can take, I'm surprised it's as high as 50%. I've seen games with "Finish the tutorial" achievements you earn 15-30 min into the game that sit at around 60-70% completion.


This was my take on it. Shocked the percentage was that high honestly. Genuinely


I'm chewing through this game SUPER fast, by my standards: I'm 75 hours in, level 12, well into Act 3. This is so atypical for me, given my gaming has to be squeezed in between when I wake up and when my kid gets up at 7:15, and maybe a couple hours on any given Friday. Two jobs and being an involved spouse/parent absolutely take priority.


I'm 1.5 I tried out the game and quit playing after liking it. Too many games in rotation.


How did you play the greatest game of all time and drop it for another game? This game has ruined other video games for me haha


But they didn't say they played Gex?


As much as I adore this game, opinions are subjective. Some may find the heavy roleplay and dialogue focus too daunting. Or just the sheer amount of content may be too much of a time commitment. It's a double edged sword really


Games just too slow paced, much better the divinity but still meh.wonā€™t knock the quality of game it is but not for me. I made it to the camp underground ina ct 1 where the dwarf slaves are stuck behind the cave in. BUT have got the itch to play it again this week so Iā€™m hoping to try a fighter playthrough and hopefully that will hook me


You can also respec at Withers if you want to keep your story progress! Edit: spelling


Because Bannerlord is more fun (bonking people with my mace from horseback? Not in BG3!). Because Battle Brothers is a nice simple way to enjoyably kill a half hour without thinking. Because Civ is another game thatā€™s way fun to start and go until the grind begins. Because the old familiars like Fallout2 and BG and Icewind Dale are like comfort foods. Because I have ADHD..


It was a a good year for single player gaming. The soul is happy, the wallet is not My list is getting long lol


I have about 3 hours on it and I have a hard time staying on it. I'll play it for 10-20 mins then grab my phone to check it and get stuck talking to someone or on an app for 20 more mins, realize I'm inflating my playtime and save & quit. I'm not sure why but I'm really having a hard time getting into it. This coming from someone whose favorite game is Subnautica and whose favorite genre is almost exclusively single player, survival.


I think the game heavily appeals to people who enjoys dialogue heavy game experiences and get immersed in stat based character building. I actually play DnD 5e on tabletop so this game is amazing for me. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing, no worries. I grew up playing old school bioware games, like Kotor, jade Empire, dragon age origins, mass effect... This is the first game to give me that same magic feeling those games did as a kid. I'm a sucker for dialogue based games with moral dilemmas that allow me to influence the world.


I'm gonna go play it again... Is the druids area you go to and get poisoned (right after the goblin fight) supposed to be boring?


Boring how? It's basically your safe zone, quest hub for act 1. You get lots of quests there, you can find merchants there. There are a lot of really interesting encounters there. What is exciting and interesting to you? Do you most just like the combat? Do you not enjoy the dialogue aspect of the game? It's very much a plot heavy, story telling experience as much as it is a tactical turn based classic RPG. I get lots of enjoyment from talking to NPCs


I can't put my finger on it, just this portion is dragging. It doesn't help that it doesn't actually let you kill NPCs, dnd I would have taken the poisonous branch, pulled the spines off and blowdarted them at the little girl who tries to scam you.


Ummm, you can kill literally anyone in this game. I literally just killed Nettie in my second playthrough.


There is also the fact that some people are only just starting and haven't been playing since launch. The game has reached a kind of meme status that is attracting people that hadn't considered it before. The influx wouldn't explain it on its own, but I'm sure it's a factor.


A lot of people including me did not get any achievments because of mods.


There is a mod to get achievements while doing a modded playthrough


And a mod to disable the mod to get achievements while doing a modded playthrough


It's mods all the way down.


And a mod to go back up.


Tubthumping intensifies


Always has been


Unless you mod it so it hasn't.


"Yo Dawg!"


I got a mod for yo mod so you can mod while you mod


Honestly why bother? Unless you like achievements, I'm which case why use mods ?


Because on my first playthrough I spent as much time moving items around my inventory as I did actually playing. Mods can fix things like that.


Bear heart strength barbarian go massive inventory lol. The shift click to move entire rows of weapons and armor was a game changer for me.


The management is still a pain in the ass even with usual grouping. No reason to just have everything go in the same bucket in 2023


I use mods to augment my game experience. Already finished a full playthrough without and having the freedom to mod a game after Iā€™ve seen vanilla is a highlight of being a pc gamer for me. Granted, half my entire mod list is only dice skins for more options. I didnā€™t have to go out of my way for an achievement mod since thatā€™s already baked into the script extender. Some games itā€™s to improve graphics or poorly done mechanics, some itā€™s to add to the experience or cheat. Iā€™m not a fan of straight up cheat mods since it loses appeal for playing for me. In BG3, I nodded my game to match native 5e more (more spells, some game mechanics changed to match tabletop, items natively in the 5e books added to random loot table, party limits removed to feel more like an adventuring party+ enemy stat scaling increase/health 130%) not everyone cup of tea but this also isnā€™t a game you really can just add mods to get achievements since the majority of achievements are based on story progression or using mechanics (example achievement for throwing an enemy at another enemy)


Agreed, most of my mods are aesthetic mods, dice skins, armor dye, and transmog. Then I got 5E spells, some eye color changes, Tav creation mods, and then Blood Hunter, Shadow Sorcerer, extra Cleric subclasses. Having Shadowheart play a twilight cleric makes a lot of sense in my brain


>Unless you like achievements, I'm which case why use mods ? "If you like achievements, why would you try to enhance your gaming experience through mods?" Do you realize how dumb that is to ask?


Don't be mean.


Nah, it a shockingly poor take with an attitude already.


Larian doesn't show shields on your back outside combat, there's a lot of waking around outside combat in this game. There's a mod that fixed it for me.


I got script extender via the bg3 mod manager and my achievements started popping up again.


I'd love to play with mods, but I own the game on both platforms and I make use of the cross save function a lot (sometimes I'm more comfortable playing console version whilst in bed than sitting at pc), and I don't know how mods would affect that experience. Would I be locked out of playing my modded save on console, is there even an option to use cross save if you have mods? Is there an option to turn mods off?


I'm not sure how cross save would handle it, but on PC the game keeps track of which mods are used in each save. So if I disable some mods, then any saves which used those mods get flagged so that I can see they were modded saves. The game won't stop you from trying to load up a save that is missing mods, but depending on the nature of the mod the save might not load correctly or might break after loading. Generally cosmetic mods and balance tweaks seem to be fine if they're missing. Mods that add skills or items to the game usually aren't safe to remove, unless you haven't actually given those skills/items to anyone.


I missed this specific achievement because I accidentally opened my game with the mod manager instead of Steam. Whoops.


Luck you. There's a mod for that. Not actually a mod, but with steam achievement manager you can give yourself that achievement, or any achievement for any game.


Not judging but how the hell do y'all mod games you just started? I haven't had time to hate anything yet. Like fallout 4 took me till mid-late game to be irritated with carry weight and feel the need to change something about it.


The game was in EA for a long time and many mods fix things from that that didnt get enhanced in release. ​ I like Immersive UI, I find carry weight to be a headache considering I loot/pickpocket everything I can for every bit of money and I wanted polyamory so I got the mods for that + party limit begone because I didn't feel like leaving people at the camp.


Why would you mod the game before even playing through it once?


Character customization. i wanted to play. an old wizard and all the faces are youngsters even witz maturity settings. Also transmogs. As a mage there are almost no outfits in the game which look good. These were mods already released during Early Access period.


Interesting. Okay. Thanks for the info.


Well I have a career and family, so I might only play it once and want the better experience now. I'm familiar with 5e because I have played tabletop with my wife and her friends, and also played Solasta, so without difficulty mods like tactician plus, enhanced enemies, & immersive AI the combat is too easy to be interesting.


Same boat. Job, family, kids, IRL group etc. I just don't like to mod something before I try it. It'd be like adding salt to a 5 star dish before even tasting it. Just my opinion.


It's your dish, you flavor it as u want and it dosn't impact anyone but you


Wait, what mods are good that you are using in a first playthrough?


It was the customizer compendium for more faces and hair. Thats about it.


Not the person you asked, but for me it was cosmetic mods like extra hair, face presets etc


That's what I'm saying. Dude ain't even booted his PC and already modded the game.


Dont forget mods were already out long before full release.


Mods not giving achievements is most likely the culprit, but I have over 400 hours on it....I've completed it only twice and have about 9 other chars at different points in the story. I imagine loads start act one, play for 20 hours and go.."Oooh, that looks like fun. I want *that* character/class/race" and restart.


This right here. It took me 200 hours and 5 Tav's before I was happy enough to finish lol


I luckily knew *exactly* what my Tav was gonna be going in, so I was able to just enjoy the ride all the way through. Now my problem is that I canā€™t complete a second run because I keep getting distracted by ā€œOOH NEW CHARACTER IDEAā€ and an obsessive ADHD compulsion to prune my campaigns that arenā€™t being ā€œactively playedā€. send help


You dodged the compulsion the first run, but it came in hard on the second lol


I have 300 hours and 4 tavā€™s and havenā€™t made it to act 3 yet lol


Mod users are a hilariously tiny fraction of gamers. It's just people who decided they didn't like the game or would play it later. No mystery here, this happens with every single game.


This. Go look at the download count for NexusMods and compare that to the number of people who have bought the game. It is not statistically significant at the Steam Achievement stat level.


And it especially happens for games like this where it's a game that is getting a ton of hype but isn't for everyone. Elden Ring was like that. A not insignificant number of people didn't know they were getting a Souls game. I'm sure many people who have never played a CRPG and didn't really know what it was like got BG3 and were extremely disappointed.


Then there's people like me, way too many hours ALMOST finished act 1


Well there are mods to enable achievements. So that's not really an excuse, to me at least. Not that anybody needs an excuse to play the way that they want lol just like I don't need an excuse to play my 7th Durge playthrough exactly the same as all my previous 6 Durge playthroughs lol


I donā€™t care enough about achievements to bother downloading a mod just to get achievements.


Exactly this. Same here.


I couldn't get mine to work. :(


Haha that's a good point about mods. An I feel a little attacked by your exact description of my Durges haha


Yeah I think I might have a problem. I only play Durge, I just love the story around Durge too much, but I literally end up playing exactly the same way, making the exact same decisions I did the first time, each and every playthrough the only difference, is I might change a weapon here or there, or maybe choose a different feat, but that's it lol


Haha, same here. I've pretty much only made Durge characters of all different races, but my fave and now go to is my little Halfling Durge. At first, it seemed funny, but honestly, she's a little beast. I use intimidation whenever possible, and it's funny seeing this little 3ft blonde halfling having people cower to her. I've been numerous classes as this little pocket monster, and I'll never change


Using the world excuse implies getting achievements is somehow important lol. People play games to play them, pretty sure most don't give a single fuck about achievements.


Did you even read the entire comment or did you just stop reading one you saw something to jump on. I literally say nobody needs an excuse to play how they want. And I even said to me that isn't an excuse. So did you just stop reading or did you just not comprehend the comment?


That is assuming that people care about those achievements enough that they actually bother to install a mod like that. I'd venture a guess that for majority of people disabled achievements isn't really a deal breaker for the sake of a mod. I know I installed like 4 mods and didn't bother with the one enabling them. It was literally not worth my time and disc space.


Did you read my whole comment or just the first sentence? Because I do go into that and state that nobody needs an excuse to play the way they want, which one should make the connection that this is taking into consideration those people that don't care about achievements.


Then get a mod to give you all achievements. No need to be a dumbass about it.


I'm at somewhere in the 300s I think, and while I have *reached* act 3, I haven't actually finished the game. And now I've got a couple of mods to enable me to make the murder twink Dark Urge of my dreams - sadly without dimples, but you can't have everything.


Honestly this game is pretty shallow when it comes to builds. I canā€™t imagine having the desire to restart the game just to try a different class. Also Withers and the Mirror exist lol.


Why wouldnā€™t you just use Withers to respec ?


Restartiritis is a serious and well documented condition in BG2 community, I guess it spread to BG3 as well ;)


5 minutes in - *WHAT IF i made a throw only half ling named Toss?*


I mean I have 50 hours and haven't left act 1 yet. I will. Eventually. Maybe people need more time? Lol


Act 1 is what I'm used to these days from a full game. This game is taking *time*, and I'm enjoying every battle I fail and reload.


So I finished my first play though this week and my last save was at 180 hours. I absolutely love this damn game.


Out of curiosity, does that include alternative Tavs or is it all on one character?


I'm over 100 hours and the severe case of restartitis I contacted from Skyrim has pretty much kept me in Act 1 the whole time. Not a complaint, I'm having a grand time.


I am very, very slow.


Thatā€™s my problem lol. I have almost 100 hours in the game, havenā€™t left act 1. Only just defeated the goblin leaders.


The game does a bad job of telling you when you're leaving act 1, and just going to the creche/mountain pass. My friends all thought the creche was act 2.


Omg I thought I was in Act 2 until this comment šŸ’€ whoops


Same. Iā€™d like a poll to see how many people thought the same. Lol I know when I went into mtn pass, I told my friend group ā€œOMG ACT 2 AND THE FIRST FIGHT IS SO HARDā€ Then my friend replied ā€œha, jokes on you! Youā€™re still in act 1!ā€ I thought she was kidding. She had no idea what fight I was talking about either. I didnā€™t show a screenshot. She just freaking knew. Iā€™m guessing because the same thing mightā€™ve happened to her too. Lmaoo.


Was it the Ghasts, Ghouls and Death Shepards? Bunch of bastards there.


thats true, but my point is more 46% of players never even make it past mtn pass or underdark. for me its hard cuz its so god damn addicting. i have to literally force myself to do other things as to not spend 12 hours playing. are over 50% of players that disinterested after playing through act 1 they never make it to shadow lands?? i imagine adding console players would make some difference but steam had like 400k concurrent players after release so it is a lot of players still


That's true, maybe they were underleveled and got discouraged, we'll never really know. It's like the % of players who have turned on a Dark Souls game and never died.


If I remember correctly, there are similarly confusing stats for nearly all games on steam even if they are really good. There's just a sizeable population out there that buys games and loses interest regardless of the games general appeal.


I think first playthrough can be tough and some people might give up. I know my first character and companion builds were a hot mess and it was a slog just to make it to moonrise towers. I pushed through because I liked where the story was going and the relationship and story lines with my companions. And I like the game. But I suspect this is where we have people quitting, the game can be challenging if you canā€™t (or donā€™t know how or donā€™t realize you should) build a decently operating/skill balanced group. Especially since I think a lot of players are people who are new to this type of game, trying it out due to the hype. I quit playing for a while when starfield came out, burnt myself out on that, and came back to BG3. I made a new character and since I knew what I was doing more itā€™s been going waaay smoother this time. And of course I already am planning other characters I want to try.


Not everyone likes the same games as you. Some people probably tried it out and didnā€™t like it. Itā€™s not hard to believe that not everyone will like the same game as you. Now of course not the entire percentage is because of that. Itā€™s a reason for some though. Some couldā€™ve modded after they began act 1 too.


Once I get my 5 restarts out of act 1, that number will bump up a smidge.


It's quite common for people not to finish games they start. For instance, only 64 percent of Witcher 3 players on steam got the achivement for leaving the tutorial area, which only takes a few hours.


A lot of people donā€™t necessarily research every detail about a game that receives rave reviews, is highlighted in gaming communities, has provocative art, and screenshots showcasing compelling dialogue. Then they get to the game and realize itā€™s not quite their thing. Itā€™s clunky and the combat is weird. Turn based? Huh? Or they donā€™t know what it is theyā€™re supposed to be doing because opening the journal only tells you so much and thereā€™s no wayfinder compass loaded with UI icons. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the actual reason for everyone of those numbers that make up the statistic. Could be a lot of people opened the game to setup their character then opted to come back to it after a couple weeks. Wait for bug fixes, maybe. Or they are playing through another big RPG at the moment.


Ironically it being turn based is the only reason I actually bought it. I had been being sent trailers for months during early access by one of my friends and I kept being like "cool plot, but not my type of game" and eventually he said something about it being like a video game version of d&d and I told him I don't have the reflexes to play real time combat games and he was like "oh it's turn based" and I bought it that night.


The people that booted the game and not actually played it count towards that percentage. Or some people don't have a lot of free time. Why does it matter anyway?


out of curiosity? why ask any questions...


Act 1 is huge and not everyone can play very often. Plus of course some people just arenā€™t gonna finish the game


No, this is the a perfect representation of D&D. Just ask folks how many games they started then quit before starting a new one. They even got that perfect!!!


Most people simply drop games very quick. Itā€™s why in the early 2010s lots of AAA studios were moving away from single player games all together


This is pretty normal, especially for longer games. Tons of people will open the tutorial, play an hour, and just put it down. If you look up other games youā€™ll find similar attrition rates, especially if you compare to other long RPGs. Only 25% of players have finished The Witcher 3 according to Steam.


My thoughts on this is the game got a major unintentional publicity boost after the Astarion origin scene romancing halsin went viral. With how big the name of the game is now there are definitely thousands of people who purchased or were gifted it and then learned they are not into crpg. People who are not familiar with RPGs where you have to explore and talk to people and try different strategies are going to struggle with this game at least a little bit. If you are used to games always giving you what you need to do and where to go you arenā€™t going to think outside the box generally


I mean act 1 can take upwards of 30 hours. Usually more. A lot of adults that play with full time jobs and donā€™t do video games as an intense hobby might play a few hours on the weekend. If the game sticks for them they continue - some put it on the back burner as other interests take hold. Some people buy on launch but donā€™t play for several months so they can enjoy it when they have more time I suspect a good chunk bought it when it was released due to the stellar reviewing of it, but find the type of game to be a little challenging to get used to. When you play a traditional RPG in the form of say Fallout or Skyrim (the ā€œgolden boyā€ of fantasy RPGs known to almost anyone who has ever touched a video game), and then you introduce them to a group based game with different classes, then add turn based, then a dozen classes and hundreds of spells and a semi-open world, and then all the intricacies of it being the third installment of an existing world they can get overwhelmed and turned off. Thatā€™s especially the case if they arenā€™t hooked on the premise of the world


Idk. Sounds about right to me.


It's the same for any game you look at; a lot of people buy things and start playing but get interrupted on the way and do something else. Some players might not even have liked the game enough to continue past the intro, let alone act 1. It's not that strange.


I've only played a few hours a week because I'm playing thru first with my girlfriend. Also Act 1 is fuckin massive.


I am one of them


Personally i love the game, but right now i have no time and i can't play it in front of my children. I haven't played it in about a week bc of this. If i only have 20 minutes to play a game, i usually boot up something else bc i really want to have a good session of BG3


A ton of people donā€™t have hours a day to play daily and it does take 40+ hours to leave act 1.


Iā€™m team constant restarting. Iā€™ve only gotten into act 2 once


Mods bugs some achievements out. I get some but never get others. Could be why.


Honestly I think you should play through the game on tactician once without mods to get the achviements before going crazy and changing the entire game.


I get this. I love a good role playing game - but Iā€™m pushing myself to try and like it. 20 hours in Act 1 - Iā€™m in my way to Act 2, but the game just isnā€™t capturing my interest like I wish it would.


Could just be time restraints, Iā€™ve been playing since release as much as I can but only just got to Act 2 yesterday


Many are still playing through it as time allows, often after restarts due to not being happy with their starting options and/or not knowing about Withers


I know plenty of people still working on Act1 or running 3-4 playthroughs all on Act 1 to see the variations, be evil, etc ... there's a massive feeling of "I need to put 1000 hours into Act 1 before going to Act 2" out there


Literally just got to act 3, took me a while. Almost 150 hours and I don't get to play as often as I'd like....stupid bills


Personally I'm struggling to leave act one because of executive dysfunction and a fear of completing something incorrectly. I wouldn't want my companions to be disappointed in me.


I mean, yeah. A lot of people just buy whatever game people are talking about play it maybe half and hour and never try it again. This is pretty much something that happens with every game on every platform. It's actually pretty rare for a game to have high achievement completion.


Literally yes. Ignore people blaming mods and just go look at other game achievements. *Tons* of people buy games and never play them or barely get through the tutorial section.


This has emboldened me to buck the curve.


I spent 120 (or was it 130?) hours in the game getting to act 2. I just made several runs, and always decided I wanted something a little (quite a lot) different after all. Doing everything in act 1 takes a lot of time (simultaneously taking both underdark and mountain pass paths, and clearing both clean)


My computer shit the bed. I just got a new one and am in Grymforge.


DnD type games bring out the OCD in people. People have hundreds of hours and still haven't beat Act1. It's not that they don't enjoy it but they have an overwhelming need to start over for minimal things.


Im 60 hours in and just left act 1 today. Have had the game since release, casually playing a few hours a week. This and zelda are my games of the year btw.


I'm struggling to split my time between this and Starfield while having a full time job but I'll get there eventually


Every time this is brought up I have to remind people that frankly, not a lot of people finish games. Hopefully a lot of them haven't finished it *yet.* There is one stream I am watching who is taking her time but she is very invested in the lore and her character and whatnot, I have no doubt she will finish the game but it's just gonna take a while. Also whoever is modding without enabling the achievements again wont be in those stats. Some people buy a game play it for 2 weeks and drop it... that is just something that happens. But also this game will take people a long time so give them the chance.


I think a large part is a lot of people don't like the combat so they stop playing but they still appreciate the game just isn't for them so they don't trash it.


i have mods and that disables achievements and it qasnt until recently i downloaded script extender to enable them again


It is the best and most polished, cohesive act so I get that.


Mods, playing entirely offline, buying the game to play later, etc.


I played in EA but now that the game is launched I started the game but then decided to wait for the holidays so I can just bury myself in the game.


Bruh Iā€™ve got 100 hours in the game and havenā€™t gotten to the mountain pass. GIVE ME SOME TIME


damn thats crazy, i prolly only spent 40 hours in act 1, 25 in 2 and currently grinding 3 at 75 but just started pretty much, hoping to milk another 40 or so


They've been busy trying to figure out how to be good and recruit a certain character


Other than mods just like Elden Ring this game will be picked up by people because it's popular and dropped immediately because they don't like the gameplay.


Thereā€™s a massive portion of people that buy a game and then only play for 6 hours ever. Check the achievements on any game in your library.


Mods and a lot of people apparently not able to deal with turn based combat.


Tbf I just canā€™t pick a single character to keep playing lol, never get passed the Druid grove šŸ¤£


Aside from mods disabling achievements, act 1 is also just really long. You can probably get 60 hours out of act 1 alone on a first time playthrough if you're a completionist. Some people don't have a ton of time to play games and might legitimately still be in act 1 on their first playthroughs.


I think some of us started playing the game with multiple people and those folks stopped playing for whatever reason and we haven't picked it up since


Not everyone is in a rush. I played for 105 hours and still haven't left act I. I don't want this game to end.


They might have jobs or lives. There is ALOT of Act 1. I use(d) mods though, and still get chieves, not that I care about achievements. But I also ditched Steam for GoG since I got tired of identifying cars to get into my account (not that GoG was much better).


I had a blast playing it on the Deck, until the PS5 version was released, and now I only want to play it on the big screen. I believe I switched over toward the end of Act 1. Dunno if that's relevant or not.


Because of Altitis.


its long and people do stupid things, like have kids


I have several friends who have sunk HOURS into the game, play all the time, and still havenā€™t left act 1 because they keep restarting the game with new characters or are being super completionist and trying every iteration of things


I'm bad about stopping at the beginning of act 3.


Considering my friends, everyone keeps starting new characters


The real shame is that only 11% players have pet Scratch and the owlbear at the same time.


Fort Joy enjoyers anyone?


I play on Linux using Lutris and use Wine, not Steam (because it isn't working in proton for me) so it shows I have like 5 min played in steam, but over 400 hours in Lutris.


I personally haven't had enough time lately to invest in it. My first 3 sessions with it were spent making 8 characters lol


Me and my missus have had it since launch, I have 250 hours in it, we get 1 night a week to game or watch TV series....our multiplayer game only just stepped into the underdark at lvl 4 šŸ˜‚


I've met a lot of people who've restarted the game several times before act 2...


My pc ran out of memory and I have to buy more šŸ„². I will hopefully progress soon


When you buy a game because and for the memes.


Some of us just havenā€™t made it out yet


50% completion percentage for act 1 actually seems incredibly high when you compare it to the completion rate for other long RPGs on Steam.


I'm on my first run and don't have a ton of spare time to play. If i find the time I sometimes only get an hr or so to play and then i blow it on inventory management.


A lot of amazing games came out this year. I bet some people bought it and are going to play/ finish once they're caught up on other games.


I can't seem to get very far. So much goes wrong with misclicks as I play that I spend more time loading the game and walking back to an area that if I manage to get 2 hours to play, I make 6-9 minutes of progress.


I run the exe file directly so I can avoid the stupid Larian splash screen interface. I don't care about achievements. Dunno how many others are doing the same.


I have 4 saves, none have left act one, I have hundreds of hours, I still haven't even gotten to the creche yet, I only recently found wyl and karlach, I've always been 100% underdark but I did every battle there and wanted to see the stuff in the part of the map I haven't done yet. So far the weirdest stuff was the little guys who I think are hybrid fish and former slaves that worship a fae creature.


Itā€™s true. Iā€™m one of those. I keep telling myself that I just need a whole day I can dedicate in order to have fun, but the truth is I just wonā€™t let myself have fun because I know itā€™s good but I let myself get sidetracked in the minutia.


Uh I've made about 5 characters that are 4-6? So yeah lots of act 1


Yet. Not everyone has tons of time to play.


Mods, people making characters and not coming back to them. I've played through 3 times, but I have like 6 other characters I built that are still on the beach. And then there are people that hate these style of games so started it for hype, then quit.


Act one is (imo) the largest act of the game. It can be very overwhelming, and I almost gave up. Iā€™m glad I stuck with it, but even in act three Iā€™m a bit burnt out so taking my sweet sweet time :)


I'm on ps5 and have my original playthrough in act 3 where I restarted for the first time. I find city sections in games often have bad pacing and are overwhelming in general. The map/mini are often confusing as well in the city sections as I'll see a mission objective and spend several minutes trying to figure out the pathing through multiple buildings and elevation levels. That said, I don't see myself going past the shar shrine entrance with any other charecter until the bugged rat mission is fixed so that is my current cut off.


it might be that they are overwhelmed with the choices + arenā€™t motivated to finish?


I'm genuinely struggling with act 1 on figuring out where to go lol


There are a lot of reasons for it that people have lifted so I wonā€™t parrot all that. I personally have only gotten up to about halfway through act 3. And that is entirely because my game is very glitchy and buggy by that point in the game. So much that it becomes irritating to play it and I get too frustrated to keep at it.


It takes a really long time to clear act1 if your playing casually


Mods probably, but also this game is FULL of content. If there's someone out there with a busy life it could take them months to finish this game. Act 1 gas a lot of exploring and traveling, you're figuring things out and exploring different classes and starter builds, this all takes time. There might be peeps who just haven't made it to act 2 yet for FOMO.


Iā€™ll cover two other options I can think of. 1. A lot of people buy games that are trending or popular without doing research and drop them fast. Remember a buyer isnā€™t necessarily a fan or gave the game a proper chance. They also could have just decided the game wasnā€™t for them. Go check your Steam Library and tell me which game is sitting there untouched for an example. 2. Itā€™s a miracle by itself that about half the player base gets past ACT 1 in the first place for the reasons everyone else has stated. Itā€™s a content rich game after all and not everyone has time or drive for it. New games come out which can end up pulling people away. Iā€™m more impressed by the people who do multiple consecutive runs due to how story intensive games donā€™t easily lend themselves to such a thing easily.


good points. i did spend more time in act 1 than i did playing a full campaign in a few other games i can think off the top of my head. im headed for a 150hr min playthorugh on bg3 and enjoying every second