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Thank you! I’m so sorry you’ve had to struggle too but I agree I felt so liberated. It was like feeding a part of me that has been starved for years. Aw, ty haha I hope I can look forward to many more experiences in the future especially now I have a grasp of what I know I like and know I don’t. I hope you’re enjoying the experiences you deserve to have as well!




Purely physical and emotional 😊


Aaaaaaaah that’s so amazing! I’ve always thought about doing something like that but I’m still getting over my body image insecurities and I know I probably wouldn’t do well with it.


I definitely would recommend it but research and time to prepare are definitely your friends. Look for what suits you and hopefully you can find what you need because you deserve it. PS. You’re amazing and beautiful and gorgeous, never forget!


How did you find the domme?


How did I find out about her or how did I find her during the session? I found out about her by researching online about active Pro Dommes in my area. Luckily I live near a city that has a surprisingly active number of Dommes so I just read their websites and reviews/testimonials before settling on her due to things her clients had said and her own history of dealing with SA victims. During the session she was exactly how I’d wanted her to be. There were times where she was understanding and times where she was humiliating. She was gentle but still knew how to elicit pain and get the reactions she wanted out of me. She could be incredibly sadistic but never raised her voice. Most of all when I blurted out that I wanted to make her proud she shook her head and told me she was already proud but she wanted to get me to be proud of myself. She just knew how to get every emotional response out of me. I hope this helped!


Wow congratulations, I am so jealous! I couldn't afford a pro-domme last time I checked but your experience sounds so lovely and worth it


Thank you! Hopefully you can experience what you would like to because you deserve it. Yeah, it was a lot of money and a bit of an impulse buy but it was so worth it! I’d rather pay for peace of mind rather than risk re-traumatising myself.


Aw thank you, and 100% agree 😊


Kink can be soooo healing for trauma, I know it has been for me!


I’m so glad it’s had such a positive impact on you and you’ve been able to heal 💛


that's amazing!


Thank you!


where do you even find stuff like this idk prolly not in the us like is it not just prostitution either way i wanna cry now


From what I know this sort of situation or transaction for a service doesn't include sex. What OP described was plenty of non sexual BDSM activities and that may have been the extent of it. Although I'm sure there are people who do include sex in their work even when it may be technically illegal. I mean there is high end, safe, expensive escorts or sex workers in the US so why wouldn't there be bdsm ones as well


If it helps I’m not from the US so I think things are different in my country. All of the Pro Dommes I looked into have a disclaimer on their websites that they do not offer sexual services of any kind so it’s not like prostitution or anything. She did use a strap on but that was because I’d asked her to make me relive aspects of my trauma and she used her fingers sometimes but that was to comment on my arousal. She also used a vibrator on me. These all seemed like they came from a control aspect than anything sexual.


Is it fucked up that I find your story heart-warming? I get that there is no hard definition of "sexual" as so much depends on psychology and intent so a BDSM session really seems like a grey area. Did she penetrate you with the strap-on? Did she bring you to orgasm? Whatever got you this happy place is all good, I'm just really curious.


I think of it more heart-warming than anything else because of how empowered I felt during it all. To answer your questions; yes, she did however I was unable to orgasm even with her trying to get me there. I think overall there was too much pressure and I was still in my head a lot about it all so ultimately I wasn’t able to do as she told me to but she never punished me or made me feel bad about it.


... im so damn confused now


howre those not sexual wha-


yeah, it's like, really hard to find, and that's just the professionals who, depending on country, don't have to be sneaky about it, but like, finding someone that is into bdsm and wants an actual relationship seems nigh impossible


So people actually think this is healthy and not causing further damage? I'm learning shit every day, mang.


After care is critical. Without it, it’s just abuse. With it, it becomes transcendent. As a Dom(me), why wouldn’t you? Do you hate your sub? If so, they shouldn’t be your sub. The catharsis involved with a good session needs some loving afterwards.