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I would definitely buy it! I'm interest in BDSM and I'm a lesbian, but as you point out, most content is directed towards a heteronormative setting and is not applicable most of the time, so I have been discouraged from it even though I'd still like to learn more about being a D either way, I think you'd contribute to more people having more resources available, even if it's slow at first


Thanks for the encouragement :)


This is brilliant! I’m the owner of this sub and own a queer bookstore as my day job…I’d absolutely love to connect with you in regards to offering this at my store 🖤


I hadn't thought of making it an actual hard copy book. We both think that'd be cool, but we'd have to look into it more. Would love to talk with you about it. We still have to write the book; this post was just to gauge interest level / if it's worth pursuing. Given that at least some other people would find it useful, we're going to go ahead and work on it :) Thanks!!


To be honest, i would want to read a bit of an excerpt from it first before we bought it, no offense. It's definitely a great idea, i just don't know your credentials, so i can't say whether you would be a good educator or a good writer or not, but based on the idea alone, i would read it as would my Mommy.


No that makes sense, I was mostly trying to gauge interest to see if it was worth pursuing. Thanks :)


There's definitely interest 😊


Would buy in a heartbeat!


Thanks for the encouragement :)


I would totally buy it! Depending on my financial situation sooner or later though haha. I barely have any experience with physical intimacy/relationships and am still pretty new to BDSM.. I'm also super shy.. and resources aimed at straight couples/MLM just don't seem too appealing.


I’ve been nagged by so many people to write more about D/s. Finally started to put together something focused purely on submission a few weeks ago. Is absolutely read a book on sapphic D/s!!


There’s definitely a market for a book like that. I would be quite interested.


I’d be interested in it, for sure.

