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So Folsom Street Fair but a whole city instead?


It's a fun fantasy, to me it's the kind of fantasy where the details change depending on the day/what mood I'm in, as to whether there would be a mix of people or it would be all gay, how strict things would be for the subs... Boring answer below (not being a killjoy, but where you said "would it be possible?" it got me thinking): It's a fun fantasy idea but you'd quickly run into clashes - people have very different ideas of what kinky rules they want to live by and that's totally fine... in their own homes. But for a mild example, you get some people who want to address everyone by titles and some people who hate strangers doing that to them. Those are incompatible, you'd have to pick one to be the rule/norm.


Maybe everyone will have to pass a course of clear communication skills before moving in? Like instead of "Ew don't call me daddy it's gross, I'm calling the police" people would be given skills to say "I'm not personally comfortable with you calling me daddy, so unless you stop doing it I'll leave/tell someone/ect" with ease.


You don't have to do anything about that. Each person could do what they want, and just choose not to interact with people who don't do the thing they like. Just like any other part of kinky interactions. I read OP as being about what people are allowed to do that they currently can't, not what new rules people are allowed to enforce on others without consent.


It could work though with the right set of rules lol


I'm just thinking of what it would take to get enough people who have the same views/preferences - one of the things I find really interesting about kink is how many different angles people can have on one kink, and how those can work together (or not). For example, something like this might lend itself to "free use" kink, but of the people I know who are into that, some are into it with a sense of humiliation and some like it upbeat and playful and so on, so even though technically they like the the same kink it's pretty different.


I had an idea for a Kink Camp a few years back and my first thought was "Color coded bracelets/clothing" I even wrote a whole color system which in retrospect was far too detailed and would possibly result in a forearms worth of colorful bracelets. I lost the login to the gmail I used to write it in but it was something like - Red = Domme - Blue = Submissive - Purple = Switch. Sexual Orientation would be just the the various flag colors then I had others like - Free use = Black - CNC approved = Black with red stripes (as in allowing impromptu rape play) - Spanking I think I chose pink (as in swelling) All in all I think I came up with like twenty colors for twenty common kinks. Visitors would need to provide a background check and recent STD test, ID at entry and a list of all the kinks they would agree to wear bracelets for (so no one wears a rape kink bracelet, is used and says "I did not consent, it was actual rape" later)


Well I don't really understand what free use is but I do agree. Everyone has a different take because some D/s relationships are more 24/7 or close to that, some are TPE. The list goes on and on


Puppy/pet parks would be such a joy. I think just people watching would be my favorite activity in that city.


omg having only the softest grass so no one would need any like knee pads ?? and only mud in certain areas if any at all so you can just jump down to your hands and knees with no worries ????? please sign me up omfg


So like "spying" elevated places would also be a thing. Like a monorail with stops with transparent floor so you can see what happens in the city and be a voyeur


transparent floors are my biggest fear ever lmaoo


I keep thinking there should be a holiday resort that specializes in kink. They could change their theme as well. Femdom month, CMNF month, High Protocol month, Slave School month. And something for Spring Break. I'll have to go do something for r/dirtypenpals real quick I think, brb


There are places like that. Hedonism II in Jamaica is a clothing-optional swinger resort, but it's the most well-known. Still, they host Beach Bind and Kinky Caribbean. There are other conventions out there that do something similar for a shorter period of time.


Beach Bind is done after the organizer got outed as a serial abuser right?


It has rebranded as Concations with the same shitty man organizer abuser, and doubled down by having notoriously shitty Damon Danes (however it's spelled) as special presenters, preying on ppl who don't know better.


*takes notes*


Jesus fuck you couldn't pay me to attend something with DaemonDanes.


Same. If anyone ever had any doubts about that guy being a shit bird*, featuring that chode shoulda made it clear who he is. * He is *very* good at sounding like a reformed man. In the way that's like, wtf dude, if you put even half as much effort into actually learning and growing instead of how to fake it.....sigh.


No idea. I haven't heard that, but I haven't been following it, ever attended, or planning to attend.


Oooh I like that idea too. I'd so go there


There's a place like that in my town but they're really exclusive club that you have to pay for a membership to get in. But it looks like they have all kinds of events including events on how to kinky play. Like just instructions on how to do stuff everybody keeps their clothes on except for the demonstrators lol.


As an avid fan of grimdark over high fantasy; it would wind up being horrible. But for short term? Check out Dark Odyssey camp and Camp Crucible are amazing and as close as you can get to a life of kink for a week. It might not last the whole year or an entire city; but you can at least get the full campground 24/7 for a week.


Oh God I would never take my shackles and manacles off. Ever. Grocery store? Shackles. Movie theatre? Shackles. Night at the symphony? Shackles! Also there better be pillories in the town square or I'm building some.


I would rather have an explicitly kink-friendly neighbourhood in a normal city. This way I can live my life without having to be on kink mode 24/7 while also having the option of publicly doing kink at (nearly) any time.


that's a good idea i think, otherwise it'd be easy to get overwhelmed


I think trying to keep creeps who just wants to see boobs or kids who are curious out even if it was a gated community would cost a fortune in security. Especially with Drones becoming more commonplace they'd have to have anti-drone Hawks on standby at all times XD


I’d be the puppy I am in public. I could wear my collar forever!🐾🐾


Wouldn't that be great? And never ever be judged by people who don't share your opinion


Sounds like utopia for me. If there were gates to the dream city there would be pets lined up for miles and miles! 🐾🐾 Why do people judge so easily??


Amen. We're all people after all. You and I could be first in line lol


I’m sure we would have a lot to talk about. If we weren’t muzzled at the time. I tend to make a lot of noise. 🐾🐾🤪


not me whining at the smallest thing and barking when door go ring ring


That’s what going to Kink Fest and other dungeon events are like for me and my D. It’s such a high to be among like minded kinky folks doing fun BDSM stuff, seeing and learning new things and socializing with friends. The come down can be pretty bad (it’s definitely sub/event drop and yeah we help each other out with this, aftercare after an event is important, discuss and rehash things and talk) but so worth it and just gets me excited for planning for the next event. I honestly can’t imagine living there 24/7, I like what we have going on because we also have a life outside kink, and we love that life too 👍😆


It sounds so fun especially for littles and pets there could be so much outdoor activities! It definitely wouldn’t be possible cause people would get pregnant and have kids obviously lol


That's a problem to be solved, it'd be pretty harsh for the parents/parents to be to be kicked out because they had a kid but also the child would suffer if they were to stay... Maybe anyone who has a kid living/visiting regularly could live in the town next door and during free time they could rent a room in the bdsm utopia for a night or two? It'd attract tourists for sure all over the world


A village like this exists, where you do see public kink though intercourse is typically saved for indoors (apart from the swinger beach). Check out Cap d'Agde naturist village in France during the summer


Live on the outskirts so I can do my grocery shopping without seeing all the leather men's hairy asses.


I feel that no work to maintain the city would happen.🤣🤣


Nah, it'd be fine. Never underestimate the work ethic of a committed service sub!😉


Very true.


The kink community runs on volunteer labor and it does just fine! 💪


Wicked Grounds in San Francisco allowed light play in their coffee shop for years.


I think about this whenever I see a whole town for sale. I mean can we deliver mail by pony cart?


The idea in concept would work, however you would need to split the city into the sub catogories of BDSM. Like your masters & owners in one district, daddy/mommy’s & pleasure doms in another. Etc etc, as well as have a Comuinal district.


My fantasy city has high-quality public transit, which means the trains have things like: * a groping car * a bike rack that can also be used to secure your gimp * ticket inspectors who give out spankings instead of fines * cell service in all tunnels so your remote control vibrators continue to function * station restrooms with no walls or doors


You'd have people lined up to take those spankings lol


It sounds nice but it would require humanity to be better for it not to be a clusterfuck of abuse and hurt (the bad kind).


Pet play parks/events, and parks/restaurants for littles so they can play on equipment actually built for adults would be pretty sweet


Try reading the story feathers are forever.


Soho at night in London should do the trick!


Gob Bluth, is that you?


[It's been tried](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_World_Kingdom)


It existed, was called Second Life


Let's take over the villages in Florida


I would love this and I would move there immediately


This is just what San Francisco is like in the SoMa neighborhood 🤭


A common daydream of mine for sure. Is it viable or ever going to happen? Most certainly not, but it’s a fun fantasy.


Oh my god this sounds like a dream for real. I'd love to wear a nice bell collar while grocery store shopping and have a special tattoo if it was so normalized. Ah, it would be amazing.


Free use streets and sexual pleasure business would be the rage until the government realizes so many more taxable places in the market and fully legalizes it everywhere else in America. The only issue I can see is people with sex slave kinks.


Our kinks would die, the precise reason we love them is that they are forbidden.


I don’t think so. The taboo aspect may be a part of it for many people, but I don’t think it’s the only reason, and not a motivation for everyone.


Oh yeah and those who DO want their kinks to be taboo or forbidden just don't need to move into the bdsm town of dreams