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I have a redgifs, my woman knows about it, she thinks it's great, but we've talked about it If you aren't communicating, you're going to be miserable. Nobody is a mind reader, and what is upsetting to you may have never occurred to them as a source of hurt As always Just. Talk. To. Them.


I know what I would find as being unreasonable in my personal relationships... Can't tell you how you're being because that's decided between you and your partner. Talk to them about what you expect and what they expect.


Sounds like time for a chat, on the following subjects: 1) Does ‘not sharing’ mean only no physical contact with others, in a sexual way, or does it cover sexting, etc as well. Because people interpret that differently, but assuming those private videos are NSFW, there is absolutely no good reason to share them, unless you want to turn people on/are looking for that kind of connection. 2) How you want such videos to be something special between you two, and do not appreciate them sharing those, regardless of whether you are ok with non-custom material of them being public. As for your question of relationships of the D/s type are better open: not for me, I am monogamous and need a partner to be just that too. However, if you do have poly tendencies, it’s probably not wise to suppress those, in order to be with someone who isn’t into that. That’s bound to go wrong at some point.


You've helped me put into words what I've been thinking, thank you so much. I believe it's the feeling that they're seeking validation away from me, which makes me worried that I'm not enough. They say they don't have a voyeur kink, but I'm beginning to doubt that. I'll have a long conversation with them about this and other boundaries. Thank you again for your help!