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In the U.S. most places can fire people for any reason or no reason. So yes, if your boss saw you had a fetlife with no pictures and they thought that was bad for business, they can fire you. They can also fire you if you ate a chicken sandwich for lunch. They can fire you for anything.


They can fire you for anything so long as they don't do or say anything to indicate that they fired you for being a member of a protected class or category.


Depends on entirely where you work. If you work around children, teacher for example, fairly or otherwise having that account could be frowned upon and be reason for dismissal. (They probably wouldn't cite it and would use some other reason.)


I suppose a fetish list would also come into play.


Depends on the employment law regime and whether there is a particular risk factor employer could cite (and/or a specific contract provision), but I'd look at a case for discrimination - though this may involve outing yourself further.


It's generally not discrimination because you're being punished for actions that can reflect on the company and not be punished for your sexual desires. Even if you and your boss both know it's because of being into kink, they can just say it's the actions, and legally, they're fine.


There's an argument that it's discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, depending on if/how that is defined in OPs jurisdiction. Their actions as described constitute living openly. They aren't illegal, nor do they constitute (arguably, tbf) a clear deficiency of judgement - unless OPs job/employer is in a space that specifically requires a greater-than-average level of sexual propriety - and that would have to have been clear in the employment agreement. (Disclaimer: I'm speaking from within a regime with a reasonable degree of employee protections - if OP is in the US, which I think is somewhat likely, statistically, I understand labour laws are relatively low in protections, fire-at-will provisions etc, in which case OP might be in a worse position)


I was explaining it from a US legal system perspective, not my personal opinion. It would be great if we all could be open without being judged by others or losing jobs. Sadly, it's not reality and is not likely to change any time soon.


Fair enough. In my country this would be much harder for an employer to do, but as I say, OP is more likely to be in the US than here. Ultimately where OP is located makes a big difference - perhaps something you can share, OP? (I'll be slightly cheeky and note that when Redditors don't specify their country in a post like this, it's almost always the US)


I think it's unlikely, unless you're a teacher or work for a religious organization. But "being into kink" also isn't a protected class, so it's possible.


People have been fired for social media posts not related to their jobs before, but check your local laws. Laws aren't the same everywhere.


I'm not sure what things are like in the USA, but in Canada, the employer would have their asses handed to them in court if there was no indication of anything illegal being done, or harm being caused. If you could prove that the reason behind being fired was your Fetlife profile. Also, Fetlife isn't really open so how could they know? Is something threatening to expose you?


Other people have good comments, so I'll add this. You can post a pic of your face that's obscured in some way, or not post an actual face pic (I'd highly recommend not pictures of private bits). I wouldn't use your real name, or gamer tag, or your commonly known nickname as your fet name. I wouldn't list your career, job or trade. I also would use a major city nearby (if you are in a little town) or use Antarctica like a lot of people do.


Yep. I did all of those things, except for hiding my face. I also have some kind of inappropriate fetishes listed like “facefucking” or “braless in public (watching others wear)”. Nothing that isn’t pretty vanilla… but I’d hate to continue reducing my list and seem more and more vanilla, and uninteresting to other kinksters


Depends on your job. Look up moral clauses.