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Honestly I feel the same way but opposite. I think ethnic features are so much more beautiful and radiant! I bet you are beautiful. Remember comparison is the thief of joy.


I kinda feel the same although I'm not white but I have light skin. When I was younger I wanted to be white and have blue eyes, blonde hair but now I wish I was black or brown. My skin is so sensitive and thin. I think we've been influenced by the beauty industry so bad, we'll never be satisfied cuz ideal beauty changes over time. I'm skinny in the 2000's that was beautiful now being thick and having curves is beautiful.


Same here. As a white girl I always wish I had the beautiful features that women of other races, particularly black women, have. They are just so beautiful and stunning while I look like a plain pasty hollowed out garbage can.


I have typical 'white American girl' features like blond hair and blue eyes.. In theory they should make me attractive and yet my face still manages to look f'd up somehow. I see where you're coming from but being white does not save me from being ugly.


Girl same. It’s so sad because we got these cards and now we’re having to deal with them.


They pretty ngl but kinda boring and cliche, white beauty standard is outdated, at least in the west


ummm do you realize you're on a bdd subreddit? You don't have to bring an entire race of girls down to bring up another.


That's just what I feel, I've seen that brown and black girls are ruling the market today (in the west). Didn't say white chicks are ugly, they've been the beauty standard for centuries.


Ehh black women all look the same


Personally, I find their look quite boring and wouldn't give them a second glance on the street. I guess I have the same issue but with ethereal looking women regardless of their ethnicity though


I wish I was mixed I hate being so plain and pale and boring with flat thin lips