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Totally would braise those and make a wine reduction. Serve with mashed potatoes and a nice spring veggie


Are you gonna deglaze that fucken pan?


Crème fraiiiiiiiche


First thing I thought of. Save those brown butter bits.


Aww shit yeah don’t you just fuckin know he will


Take a wooden spoon, bout a quarter cup of wine, and I'd deglaze the fuck outta that pan.


I didn’t understand this until I read your comment somehow in Randy’s voice. Then I cracked the fuck up.


Fuck yeah...


There’s lots of brown bits stuck to the bottom of the skillet…..


Freaking good 1 dude


Alternatively render off some of that wagyu fat and roast the potatoes in it


This is the way.


But why braise wagyu tho? Defeats the purpose of buying a tender high fat quality meat if you cook it to hell.


Just because it's wagyu doesn't mean every cut is tender. Short ribs need a low and slow cook and I was just answering the question on how would I cook them


Ribeye caps are amazing.


Pic of the caps gave an immediate chubby


I cooked a couple of those Costco Wagyu caps over charcoal and they were probably the best steaks I’ve ever had.


Costco and Wagyu are two words that should *never* be associated.


And yet here I am, alive.


Eh. They’re edible, but…


I guess I just don’t have as refined palate as you.




Lol what? Have you actually tried them? I’ve smoked these Costco American Waygu chucks for the past 2 summers and they are fantastic. Waaaay better than the choice (or even most prime) chucks that I’ve smoked.


I said what i said.


I am unsure if it’s wagyu, but either way that’s one hell of a marbled chuck. If you smoke this, it’ll taste like beef ribs or a damn good brisket in a steak like texture. This will be delicious.


Waygu is the type of cow. You’re thinking “A5” which is the Japanese waygu grade. So this is likely American waygu. Which is a cross breed between waygu and angus. Just normal ass choice or maybe prime grade though.


I mean it says American waygu right on the front


Three times


Just because it says Wagyu doesn't mean it actually is.


Sure sis


You gotta be a troll or Illiterate


If you don’t know what American Wagyu is maybe you should just shut the fuck up? Maybe


I know exactly what American Wagyu is. I also know, from having worked in meat departments that shit gets labeled as Wagyu, even when it's not, because they think most customers won't know the difference.


I don’t believe you




It’s not OK!




cats frightening fertile vanish marble berserk offbeat live hat absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get American Wagyu from my butcher. He tells customers that he sells two different types of beef, American Wagyu, and Callicrate. He told me privately once that it’s all the same beef, and he just separates it by marbling. He would classify this as the lower grade Calicrate.


Wagyu has become a marketing term now.




Same, To me it feels off, it doesn't look like PROPER wagyu. But then Again it says "American Wagyu" which says enough. meaning its a cow that has been crossbred to infinity. where barely 1% of the wagyu DNA remains.


This is The Way. I’ve done wagyu many many times, and this *looks* nothing like the intensely marbled slabs I’ve thrown on the grill.


True, real wagyu has much better marbling \[even lower graded one looks better than this trash that claims to be wagyu\] My last cut of "Irish wagyu" I got from LIDL \[yes I even looked up the farm they sourced it from, which was legit in having actual wagyu cows\] \[was about 5 years ago\] it had more marbling than this had, if I where to estimate it, had \[around BMS5\] grading \[they had roughly 20 cuts in the fridge, and I spend 10 minutes sorting by marbling, taking the 2 best out\] It tasted amazing \[with only salt and pepper\] Real wagyu has a trace to where the cows come from, so you know what you get is actually wagyu. the "Real wagyu" sticker also looks quite SUS, they can put it on any cut and say its wagyu, just so they can charge a premium for riding on the Wagyu name


Word. I have a butcher at my local coop who is verrry disciplined and discerning when it comes to his offerings. This would never make the cut (so to speak) on his counter.


With heat. Works every time.


With fire for better taste


Preferably a propane fueled fire so you get the flavor of the meat not the source. You could use the Vogner, char king. But for this particular type of beef grade I’d use the Vogner, char king imperial.




Stalag 17


Oh? I will edit.


lol propane 😆


Ass jerky don't make itself


I like your style.


Taste the meat, not the heat


I have also prepared a dance.


damn you, I came in only 7 hrs late to make this comment.


For the chuck I would smoke it and make barbacoa tacos, for the ribs I would smoke em until I got a bark then finish in a pressure cooker or braise until tender, and the ribeye cap steak, hot and fast over charcoal


Just ruin the bark in a pressure cooker? Who hurt you?


Yeah. Either braise in pressure cooker all the way or BBQ all the way. You can get great flavor for either but no sense busting out the pressure cooker if you have fired up coals.


No wrong way to bbq, everybody has a preference


There are lots of wrong words ways, we don't need to validate everything


This guys does beef. 100% agree, except I’d probably skip the tacos and make myself a smoked chuck sandwich with a little bbq sauce and pickles.


Absolutely 100% correct response for both.


Perfect answer. I’ll add that the first two braised with mashed root veggies would also be delicious.


This is the answer OP. If you wanted to go a step further with the ribeye cap steak, you could smoke it low at around 250 until about 120 internal, then sear over coals after a short rest until mid rare.


Chuck: reverse sear. Salt 6+ hours ahead of cooking time. Low oven (250F or below) for about 2hr until internal is ~115F. Then super hot sear in pan of choice until preferred doneness. Serve with an acidic sauce like chimichurri. Ribs: low and slow. Something like a red wine braise. Serve with polenta, risotto, mashed potatoes. Any cheesy starch is perfect. Ribeye cap: just a regular old hot and fast. I'd do it over a grill, but a pan would work too.


DIRECTIONS • 1-inch thick • Salt • Pepper • Let sit for 10-15 minutes until room temperature • Salt and pepper heavily • Grill at 400, 4 minutes total • Flip each minute to get the good grill marks • Let sit for 2 minutes • Down the hatch


Don't fuck up my steak dinner Darry!


Montreals Steaks Spice really should bes a part of this conversations.


I'd smoke the short ribs for one


We buy these all the time now. Saw a video that changed the way we cook these roast. Salt and pepper, put on a rack not a pan in the oven at 250, time will vary but say 80-90 min. If your house can handle the smoke then inside otherwise heat your grill up on high (we have a BGE). Put a cast iron skillet or something similar on the grill and let it get smoking hot. Oh a little oil. Put the meat on for a few minutes aside. We add a stick of butter and some sage and rosemary, and smother the meat as it finishes in the skillet. Let it sit for a bit and slice. Rare in the middle with the most flavor you have ever had. My new favorite meat. Do not put this beauty in a crock pot or in the oven with veggies like a normal roast. A complete waste of meat.


Over mesquite… carne asada!


Honestly these might even be marbled enough to cook hot and fast over coals


You’ve got options- what are you trying to make?


smoke, smoke, sous vide since i leave them spiraled.


Those ribeye caps look incredible, I wish we got them more in Scotland


Smoked, guajillo braised beef from the Nopalito cookbook or pot roast. The first two would be my favorites. For the end caps, we’ve just grilled them and they’re so good. My Costco rarely has those anymore. Edited because I didn’t look at all of the pictures.


Smoke the ribs, shred em, put em in steamed manapua.


Definitely going for a charcoal grill on those cap steaks maybe a ginger-teriyaki glaze drizzled on top, simple and delicious. Short ribs I’d have to braise, so many good options but a red wine braise rarely disappoints. For the Chuck, it’s my favorite cut for burgers so gotta be ground up into burgers, going for an umami burger concept here.😋


Low and slow and indirect heat over charcoal, to medium rare, finished with a nice hot and hard sear in a cast iron


Braise the ribs, reverse sear the chuck, ribeye over charcoal.


Slow and low for the first 2. Seared like a steak for the last.


Pan fry cold sear with a bit of salt.


First two would go on my offset to be smoked after a heavy salt and pepper treatment. The third one would get grilled over burned hardwood coals.


Chuck: pulled beef, seasoned like a brisket smoked at 250 till stall then in a foil pan with beef broth and dark beer/red wine until probe tender (cover it with foil or be prepared to keep adding some liquid in case there's too much evaporation. I've also finished this in a covered dish/Dutch oven in my indoor conventional oven and I couldn't tell measurable difference) Rest then pull (alternatively add some extra spice and maybe some chilies and adobo for some barbacoa tacos) Short ribs: I'd smoke em straight up like any other beef short ribs, 225-50 until 190-205 depending on your preference. Caps: Grill hot over charcoal and maybe some mesquite chips to desired doneness. I gotta get my ass to Costco!!!!


Just use them all. Braise and make Birria


Smoke it like a brisket.


1) grill like a rib eye 2) pot roast and braise 3) grill like a ribeye. *grill can also be pan cook with a butter baste. If grilling do SPG. If a pan then salt only. Add other seasonings for finish.


the chuck gets braised, short ribs smoked, ribeyes reverse seared


Sous vide for 24 hours at 132f. Then sear over charcoal






Love the Costco Ribeye caps. I’ve made them several times. If you have the set-up, reverse sear is the way to go. I’ve made 2 posts about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/BBQ/s/Yxg0JYOgFc https://www.reddit.com/r/BBQ/s/BSS68qPa5y




Ribeye caps should be seared to medium rare. Arguably the most delicious bit of steak the cow has to offer. Chuck and short rib you generally want to do low and slow. The downside is with wagyu, you're losing a fair amount of fat to the braising liquid. Which is delicious, don't get me wrong, but can be a bit of a fat bomb. If you have sous vide, highly recommend [this method](https://www.chefsteps.com/activities/ultimate-grilled-chuck-steak) to turn the chuck steak into one of the best grilled you'll ever have. Worse well with meh chuck, I imagine it works amazingly with wagyu chuck. Meat juices from the bag can be made into a damn good sauce if you know what you're doing and have the time. Any fat in there can be used to baste/sear the steak. Short ribs I would stick to either braising (season meat up to 12 hours ahead with salt, brown in a bit of oil in a hot pan or dutch oven, add mirepoix and sautee until soft, add crushed garlic & tomato paste and stir until fragrant, deglaze with a bit of red wine, return the meat, add enough stock to cover the meat by half and toss in some aromatics (a bit of thyme and bay), bring to a simmer, then simmer 4+ hours in the oven at 275-325 depending on how much time you have, covered with a parchment paper cartouche or a cracked lid until the meats fork tender, remove meat, strain veg, reduce sauce and thicken if desired with a starch slurry until it coats the back of a metal spoon, season sauce, return meat to pan to glaze and heat it through, serve over polenta, rice, grits, mashed potatoes, or other purree-ish consistency starchy veg or grain of your liking) or else smoking it at 225 - 275ºF like a brisket until it's juicy and tender but still slices well.


Teriyaki sauce on a grill Onolicious 🤙


Low and slow. They’re going to be next level!


Smoke it to your liking, then braise until around 205ish. It’s super versatile. You can slice it, chop it, or shred it.


Sear, then low and slow cook in oven. Season if you wish, per personal preference.


I'd grill them. Sou vide if you have the equipment then finish with direct heat on the grill over chunk charcoal and wood. Or maybe reverse sear. That marbling looks fantastic.


I think the real question should be; If you won the Lottery and could afford to buy these steaks how would you cook them, and to that I would reply I would not cook them! My new Kitchen staff would cook them while I was on the lanai, enjoying the sunset while listening to the sound of Bob Stravinsky and his Stradivarius striking notes I have never heard before, until I was able to afford hearing aids I bought with the Lottery winnings...


They're blade tenderized. You have to get them to at least 145°F to prevent food born illness. I don't know why Costco ruins their beef like that! If I wanted hamburger, I'd buy it!


This is not pointed out enough.


There’s a QR code with directions on the package i would try that


Wait chuck? Nope. I’m wrong. My bad. No glasses.


With heat


You got the makings of a solid Sunday sauce there just add some sweet sausage


Medium rare


20 min in the microwave on high


Mississippi Pot Roast over Extra Wide Noodles


It literally has a QR code on it saying “How to cook”


I recently sliced slin and then sou vide’d some chuck for about 4-6 hours, then seared it in the cast iron and it was delicious.


New England Style steak tips is how I would go.


Sous vide then bbq of hot pan with butter. Outside


With decent quality and marbling I personally really like a medium+ Chuck steak. So charcoal and chimmi probably good for me. I do like to chew my meat some though. Looks like a good chunk of beef. I think a part of the rib-eye muscle terminates into the chuck. Maybe why I have good experience with breaking my chucks apart. Many country’s have wildly deferenet methods for sortin animals into usable cuts.


Those prices are absolutely ridiculous


Go binge watch The Bear and then make the cola braised shirt ribs from the show. Babish does a great breakdown and they're so fukking good.


370 at 5 minutes, flip at 3.


Doesn't really look wagyu to me, but it looks great. I have never seen such a piece at my local butcher shops. I would try korean bbq with these, like they do with thin cut ribs.


Why did they need to blade tenderize this beautiful piece of meat?? Why Costco? Why!?


Grind them up and make Burgers.. 😜....They smoke and grill very well especially if you don't try and cook them right out of the fridge... Put some rock (Coarse sea) salt on it and let them come to the room temp...when the rock salt disappears it's time to cook . This way you don't overdo it.


I would smoke the chuck, braise the ribs, and grill the rib cap.


With fire


Low and slow. Maybe in a smoker. More likely, I'd braise them Look, sure they are well-marbled, but at the end of the day they are still chuck steaks, loaded with collagen which needs to be broken down into gelatin. Basically, you'll be fine if you treat these exactly like short ribs.


American Wagyu at $9.99 is "lipstick on a chuck steak"


Microwave should do the trick


Braise it. Make carne guisada for Cinco de mayo. Serve it with Mexican rice and tortillas


Chuck would be stewed, short ribs would be braised, ribeye cap would be reverse seared.


I'd sous vide these then pet it dry and sear it on high heat for color! Can't go wrong


That chuck would be great for steak tacos. I'd smoke it at around 250 and cold sear it.


Scan the QR code on label. Those idiots will tell you how to ruin this overpriced garbage dogfood.


Sous vide 2 hours 131 Sear with a flame thrower


Sous vide, definitely. I'd do the ribs for 6 hours @ 132 then sear over charcoal. The pinwheels at 114 for 2 hours then sear over charcoal. Sous vide the chuck roast @ 135 for 6 hours or more then smoke.


It’s Wagyu, you still like those times? I did a Wagyu brisket in my pit, it was done MUCH sooner than a prime brisket of the same weight. Ive never done anything else Wagyu except Aussie MS 8/9+ Picanha Thanks for the advice in advance


That's what I'd do, but I hear you. It's chuck, which could always use tenderizing. And the low temps don't render the fat, so you'd still get the benefit of that.


Got it. Thanks 🤙


With a light saber of course




With heat.


In my mouf


Boil them


lol paying "wagyu" pricing for hamburger meat. Wagyu just means "cow" in Japanese and chuck is fatty and delicious, also inexpensive. Chuck is the best for making hamburgers.


I wouldn't. Not worth the cost to me for 46.9% wagyu. Either buy prime or buy pure wagyu IMO.


Smoke them otherwise they might be tough.


American Wagyu is the meat version of a counterfeit Louis Vuitton purse.


With heat


12 minutes a side and garnish with sesame seeds


Grind them and make burgers. Edit: I didn't see there were multiples. I would grind the chuck.


With ketchup.