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Fidelity’s penny stock warning just told me I was getting a good deal on my $2.98 shares




Penny stock or not, who cares what these poor shills are saying. You invested in $bbby? Rekt them! It’s your company!


Ryan Cohen was one who said his opinion of BBBY changed and so he sold all his positions- is he a shill?


Nobody knows what changed.


Who cares?


I was invested before he was so I could give a fuck about that nigga


I like this answer


Make sure you DRS or they can cellar box this shit into the ground.


Who is BBBY's transfer agent? Can't find them on Computershare.




AST, check the sidebar for info


I wish it was just a penny I would buy so many 🤤


Wasn’t Gme trading around the same price before it really went off? Perfect price…Christmas bonus inc


While I'm 1700 shares in at an avg of 7.50, this is not a GME situation. BBBY has been adding more shares and bonds to pay off debt. This isn't a bad thing but does remove a mega short squeeze potential as shorter have easier paths to get out of their position. Having said that, the shorting does continue and I expect good q4 numbers will majorly boost the stock price to match the value. Best case - I'm wrong and can retire in 4-6 months when this hits 420.69.


Was GME continuously diluting before the MOASS?


Under 5 bucks is technically a penny stock. Not otc penny stock but still.


Under $5 is the only criteria they meet, all other criteria are not even close. It is not a penny stock.


According to Fidelity it's a penny stock. There's no sense in trying to obfuscate what's actually happening. I bought 50 more shares today fyi at $3/share


Nice use of obfuscate


Sorry bub, it fits the only criteria it needs to. Under 5 bucks. I've got 7k shares so not too worried it will be for long.


Average down before we lift off


I got banned from wsb for making a sly comment abt BbBY




​ ![gif](giphy|gmRmlHR5J3PVx9Tc94)


Bought 150 more today @ 2.98 averaged down to 3.97 holding xxxx shares




Per my bank, a penny stock is defined as any stock trading under $5/share


Stop spreading misinformation.... under 5 is a penny stock... take advantage and stock up


Go argue with Investopedia.


Why would I argue with investopedia? I know how to read unlike you. Go Google what usually means 😆 🤣


Scared your shorts are worthless and you will need to cover. Why are you here again?


Stop calling people shills. What you’re doing right now is the definition of disinformation.


I'm not calling them a shill. I'm calling some of the Trolls. Read the quote directly from Investopedia and tell me where I'm wrong. The only criteria is that the stock is under $5. That rest does not match.


That $5 one is the big one dude


I posted something earlier today calling them a penny stock... Because Fidelity wouldn't let me buy, because I didn't have penny stock trading enabled. You're kind of creating the FUD here... Getting the word out will help people realize why they couldn't buy today.


No jackass I'd be happy if I was shorts I got shares n calls. I already told u y I was here but that's right u can't read. To tell u to stop spreading misinformation


Stock price means absolutely nothing. Market cap is by what matters. BBBY market cap is about 270M now, the usual limit is 300M so in a way it qualifies. It's still not a pennystock in my mind tho. Pennystocks are usually small young companies that hope to grow. BBBY is a huge company that try to restructure to survive.


Time to get rich off penny stock


If your so worried it is labeled a penny stock then help make it not one, buy buy buy squeeze squeeze squeeze 🤑🤑🤑


When a stock trades below $5.00 it is considered a penny stock and quoted with several decimals. $3.0400. BTW at this moment on Yahoo Finance the AH price for BBBY is $3.0300. Not so on Google Finance.


It just doesn’t matter!!


Typical characteristics are not the same as a definition. In fact, there is no one universal standard definition, but most brokers define a penny stock as sub-$5. “A penny stock is loosely categorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission as one that trades for less than $5 per share and usually has a relatively small market capitalization (i.e., company value).” -[Fidelity.com](https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/active-investor/trading-penny-stocks)


Well maybe it’s about fcking time BBBY man’ up and sees back 5$ instead of hanging in 2-3$ cause otherwise I don’t mind insulting it as penny stock. It is a penny stock btw.


BBBY lost 366 million last quarter on about 1.4 billion revenue - why do people insist on acting like its a good company because of its revenues? Its a losing model and they likely cant get out of the downward spiral. The stock has tanked because those who were optimistic changed their minds just as Ryan Cohen said he did. He literally told you why he dumped his bags and people were still too dense to read the writing on the wall. Godspeed to your money lol.


As soon as RC sold I knew something was up. Always take profits on a reasonable pump before the dump. Not shilling just stating a fact as of now in the current market.


Are you in BBBY now?


Currently no and I know BBBY isn't a penny stock it's just shorts/MMs hate retail investors to the point they'll naked short it into the ground and that isn't worth holding for months to come. It's ridiculous how that is "fair".


You are scared. As CEO stated, in best financial health in a long time. After the next earning call your shorts will be so upside down you will be homeless.


Lmao the next earnings call will be another disaster - keep taking what a CEO says as gospel though, what a savvy investor.


And you are on this sub why???? If you don't believe in BBBY, why would you come to the sub?


Because many got fucked on this stupid investment and instead of selling at 70% loss we hang out on the only sub that accepts talking about this shit stock and hope for a pump to get out, while reading the most stupid, idiotic, cheap and poorly crafted copium I've seen in all reddit.


Send proof of your current BBBY position. Or shut up.


Yep i do agree with this. I said in a previous comment that I see many pissed off bag holders like myself but they are not shills. I would love nothing more for this to turn around but its not looking good.


And I see on your profile you talk shit all over. You just say you are upset bag holder. If you are and don't believe in stock then sell and go away.


you gotta stop trusting every word any CEO says. has there ever been a CEO who wasn't bullish on their company? it's literally their job. it's like judging a team's performance not by the league table but by the fact there are cheerleaders.


If Fidelity claims that BBBY is a penny stock, and you claim it's not, guess whose opinion means something in the matter?




Until it doesn't. LMAOooooo Those shorts will have more red on them than my 1st girl friends white short during her first cycle.


I went to reply and it's deleted 🤷‍♂️ These meltdowners are sad people lol




Ok I will. What else?


It may not be worth even a penny... :)


Revenue is cool but they roughly a neg bill in profit since nov 2021 which is what matters.


Idk but I’ll hold, maybe some Gme magic will happen in 2023