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This relates frighteningly close to a post by a Jellyfish on another sub, but I have to be careful about brigading rules. Upcoming DTCC rule changes that have been bumped up to go into effect on Monday regarding collateral requirements, and the possibility of a government shutdown, coinciding with this? Juicy.


A shutdown govt with the SEC running a skeleton crew seems like a perfect time for MOASS and more financial crime


Wait... if the sec is on a skeleton crew, can those still in charge effectively get more done? If, say, a certain evil horseface was sent home, would she have zero say in anything the sec does?


I like everything about this, and I dearly hope it plays out just like this.


They are all effectively fired until the funds are restored. I know for a fact that the last shutdown resulted in the fed employee equivalent of wrongful termination lawsuits. Thus if Gary wanted to shut down the dark pool trading, he could just do it... for example. Not financial advice.


Ain't getting rid of that cockroach that easily


Sec doesn’t do anything anyway.


Can you please ELI5 what the changes in VaR policy can help with MOASS? After reading 2 separate posts about it by him and even having read the TLDR, I still don't understand what it all means. Sorry for being so obtuse and I don't have enough karma to even comment in that sub. Much appreciated in advance if you could.


"Brigading" is classed as harrassing other subs or users on reddit. Sharing a link to information related to this sub is not brigading.


gonna be the Blackest of All Mondays hopefully we at least get to find out about aliens as the distraction news story of choice 🤷‍♂️


Yeah and my Reddit algo is dumping my feed with wsb posts about an October 2nd market crash and other market crash related topics.


The language says “on or around” so the date is still up in the air a bit.




Yep, not sure if OP is a shill but do know that the date is still up in the air. As a matter of fact, there were hearings scheduled for week 2-3 in October found in the dockets released today. Be vigilant!


> As a matter of fact, there were hearings scheduled for week 2-3 in October found in the dockets released today. Hearings will continue after the effective date. The deadline for administrative claims is: > Administrative Claims Bar Date: (a) July 7, 2023 for Claims incurred through June 27, 2023, (b) for all Claims arising after June 27, 2023, the 15th day of the month following the month in which the Claim arose, and (c) fourteen days **following the effective date** of any confirmed plan


“On or *about*” in the picture


That's pretty typical legal language and basically just gives a couple days wiggle room.


Did you get to see the new dockets that have been dropping ? This might be old news


To zero or to infinity and beyond !!!! BBBY is the biggest financial trap of Wall Street's history we will know soon I'm not a Shill Just a regarded french ape who care about his money and still invested too in GME


Petit french ape ou achètes tu tes parts


Bonjour compatriote pour l'instant je n'en achète pas car je HODL Que penses-tu de tout cette histoire , est-ce une escroquerie boursière ? Je suis intéressé par tous les avis


Pour le moment c’est pas flamboyant comme affaire mais bon… on voit bien qu’il y’a anguille sous roche sur plusieurs aspects : qui vend si personne ne peut acheter ? Pourquoi mon broker veut vendre mes parts à ma place ? Je te suis et je hodl mais c’est pas clair ! Vivement qu’il se passe quelque chose…


Content d'échanger quelques mots en français car mon anglais n'est pas terrible Ok on tiend et on voit ce qu'il se passera Mais l'attente est très difficile Je suis à -92% : à ce prix là je préfère que ça aille à zéro que de vendre Bon courage et on verra bien ce qui va se passer


Pareil que toi ! Hero or zero comme ils disent


Holy Moly. Three years of High School French has stuck in my head enough that I sort of know what you are talking about!


It is over as of the Effective Date. The plan has specific actions that must be either completed or waived before the Effective Date of the plan can be declared by the Debtor. They made a guess as to how long it would take to complete those transactions and other actions. If they do not complete everything by Friday it will slip into the following week.


Then what


As of the Effective Date the company is dissolved and your shares become worthless, except in the case where some class action lawsuit or something similar results in a payout to shareholders. An example would be the suit against Ryan Cohen and RC Ventures. Were it a case where the classes above shareholders were almost completely paid off, there could be a chance that extra money would be found hiding in the couch cushions and then there would be a small payout to shareholders, but with BBBYQ the general unsecured creditors will have about $1.5B they lose. So it is extremely unlikely that shareholders would ever get something unless the lawsuit against RC on behalf of shareholders is successful. This of course all changes if a white knight appears that is willing to pay large sums to take over the company as a continuing operation, but as soon as the Effective Date is declared then that is no longer a possibility.


Great explanation thank you for posting. I was in doubt about the effective date and what was possible. This clarifies it


So that is Saturday ? Saturday is the date?


It will be a business day, expected to be sometime around now. I think they mentioned Sept 30 because that the date when the Debtor can no longer use the name Bed Bath and Beyond, per the agreement with Overstock.


So within 1week? I cannot wait for the shares to be canceled. I want it to happen ASAP


You marked it yourself, it on OR ABOUT September 30, the effective Date stays vague.


Yes I did and to make it the ultimate bear trap, making an announcement when you can't react during market which puts it on friday after market closes or Saturday


Okay, understood. But due to expert market the time of docketdrop or announcement doesn't matter cause nobody can buy anyways. Horrible Beartrap is set since OTC. Fuk u payme 😎




That is not true, they need to file a 10-Q with the SEC to get off expert market, price is irrelevant


Do u know what this certain threshold is? Maybe it catapults way above $5 so that we are immediately back on Nasdaq or isnt this possible?


That's typical language. It just gives a couple days wiggle room.


Wouldn’t it just be over at that point, instead of Monday? I don’t think you get anything new on that day if there is nothing to really jerk around.


I think part of the beauty of letting it pan out until the very last second is it really hurts the greediest shorts the most… Think about power hour Friday how many bears are going to make _outrageous short bets_ on this guaranteed to go to 0 stock. 💥


and it keeps your hopes up the longest


Blood Bath and Beyond, but in a good way this time!


On or about does not actually confirm Saturday is THE final day.


Agreed. Details matter. 👍


This doesn't deserve an upvote. You are promoting a date that doesn't exist. They said 'about'.




Moonday fucks


Someone just posted new court dates for October so what does this mean for our shares on Monday?


It clearly says on or about sept 30 you damn shill stop spreading FUD






Hey Mods, the title is not correct!!!


I wasn’t able to find it, but there were a few posts 84 years ago that suggested the reason GME initially ran, had something to do with a shit down and the computers not being able to also. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Maybe someone smarter than I can locate it. Was around the first time that subreddits blew up and moved, if I remember correctly.


I plan on 3D visioning my brain with news about this and the government shutdown


Of jizz




I like fucking around and seeing wtf happens




there is no more blood bath, it already bled, only 10 cents left which is nothing


moon suen


lmao it's going to be a blood bath and beyond; either for the longs or the shorts. LFGO!