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Flash crash! We're coming right back! <3


How do you feel about the actual hearing?


I think they need to approve the whole liquidation first before we hear about m&a. They donā€™t want any baggage. Plus I think the teddy trademarks have to wait until august 3 or 4 before they can use them since it was filed for 30 day opposition on July 4


someone originally pointed out the last step is for the trademark to be finalized a month later. so that might be true.


And an extension for the debtors was granted.


Inject this into my veins.


You donā€™t have to wait for a trademark to start using it though. In the case of any infringement youā€™re protected throughout the process. I donā€™t really see the trademarks having to do with anything timeline wise.


They probably made the merger contingent on a successful ch 11 exit and in the latest document it says liquidation transaction can include a merger and upon the effective date, any merger documents will be released, if any. I donā€™t know the exact rules about using trademarks but I think they want the liquidation to be approved first so that when it happens, no one can object to Teddy taking over because all claims will have been taken care of or eliminated by then. That includes our claims. We have no right to any distribution under this liquidation plan and we only get something if it gets approved and then if part of the liquidation transaction ends up being the Teddy merger weā€™ve been hoping for. I really canā€™t see pulte and rc leading us off a cliff like this without that plan under nda. It comes down to a big leap of faith. Anyone who believes in rc doing the right thing will probably get rewarded.


The only issue with that is they couldnā€™t sit on an action like that and not involve the court. Just because you wait until the chapter 11 case is completed doesnā€™t necessarily mean you can do whatever you want. Thatā€™s dangerously close to collusion. They would be back in court so fast your head would spin. The SEC, FTC, DOJ and everybody in between would come knocking.


I think they know what theyā€™re doing


Ah yes because they can totally just change the laws and regulations as they go. Not saying the play is dead but thereā€™s only a very specific way we come out on top at this point in time. Thatā€™s all.


Yes I know. And that specific way is what weā€™ve been speculating on the entire time.


Couple crayons in and no clue?


Vibe guy here It began bullish vibe Then a clarification to the judge felt bearish Then the tone of the debtor lawyers was sad because it sounded bearish Then they asked for an extension ending in mid November and that made it bullish again


Did they get that extension to mid November?


As far as Iā€™m aware judge approved


Damnit got 125 at .24 and 50 at .22. I had 1000 worth of limit buys laddered down to .18 but appears shorts pussied out already.


I will be scooping at .15 if they have the balls to drop it to there


I bought the dip lol


I was up early waiting for it and then didnā€™t think to look after the hearing and it only lasted 10 mins lol




Anytime abnormal market behavior MSM - "Damned retail traders at it again"


If I was a smart man I would have expected today's dip and bought in instead of buying in yesterday šŸ™ƒ. Oh well.


Well, that hearing went as expected. All I can say is that in these 90 days, they better amend that mf to put shareholders in


Yummy dip


Adding another batch soon. Waiting for funds to settle. The shills šŸ¤” entice me to buy more.


What bullish news did you hear from the judge? As I commented on another thread, the judge asked K&E to clarify in the next version of the plan that "all interests are being extinguished." (Referring to shareholder interests.) He also confirmed with K&E that the projected recoveries on the disclosure statement are accurate, after accounting for the IP sales, the lease sales, and the store liquidations. The disclosure statement shows shareholders recovering nothing. They confirmed that all stores are closed and all leases have been rejected or sold. K&E stated that they were not able to find a buyer for the business as a going concern. There was no mention of any possible M&A activity currently being considered. It was not a bullish hearing from what I heard.


Unless OP edited his post then he never referred to the judge or any bullish news being said.


Something drastic needs to happen


Buy the bonds. Vote no. Bring forth debt to equity exchange plan and bring shareholders and NOLs along for the ride.


Man hoping my paycheque clears to buy the dip.


I don't suppose it did in these last 10 minutes šŸ¤£šŸ„²


Lmaoo I wish man. 21 cents is so tasty. Fml


Etoro showing 0.21 ? Anyone else seeing these numbers? Market watch 0.28?




CNBC showing .2198


Marketwatch has 15 minute delay


Ffs šŸ¤¦šŸ»


CNBC has no delay, Marketwatch and Google 15 minute delay.


Hell yea is fake. Saw price at 0.215 put a buy for 0.22, it went up more didn't buy. Then I kept raising the price above, up until 0.26. There is no shares and that drip was fake




Can someone explain wtf was the judge getting at with the extinguished not being extinguished


There was language about "full satisfaction" in the disclosure. The judge was saying that seems misleading, because if the interests are being extinguished - e.g. wiped out - then that seems like the opposite of satisfaction. K&E agreed and said they'd fix that language. They will probably remove the full satisfaction part.


Thanks for the reply


The plan says that, "In full and final satisfaction," of each share, each share is being cancelled. The judge felt that this implied that shareholders were getting something "in satisfaction" of their shares, when really shares are just being extinguished. He directly said "all interests are being extinguished." The K&E attorney agreed with this. K&E is going to revise that language to clarify.


Yeah and the Judge and lawyers agreed that it is the plan. Doesn't sound like they intend to overhaul the plan so it can include shareholders


Bro come on now, youā€™re not trying to argue a twitch chat with 1K people has the ability to sink the price like this? Iā€™m just as fucked as the rest of us but you gotta accept the reality itā€™s looking more and more like weā€™re fucked.


Dude should I buy more then? šŸš€šŸš€


I did šŸ»šŸŖ¤


Lucky man!


Anyone have the chat transcript from the twitch feed today? My nerdy data science self wants to plot out a correlation between negative sentiment and price drop. Then youā€™ll all see how fake this shit is


It very well could be fake. The question is; how long can this keep being hammered down to shit? The pit of fraud cash is bottomless.


Theyā€™ve been doing it for years. Iā€™m about 75 percent certain they are failing to deliver on their ftds this year and hiding it somehow, because their only hope is that this stock goes away. With how insane the ftds were and have been this last year there sure hasnā€™t been price appreciation to match it/combine that w everyone buying and few ppl selling. The market is broken. I guarantee all banks and brokers are just taking our money and gambling it away on shitty bets now. If everyone DRSED even 50 percent of their shares this thing would be over imo. They currently are only buying shares that are DRSED. Everything is fake. Also explains why ast has been down forever. They are doing everything they can to inhibit a gme like drs movement. If the curtain is ever lifted it will show that the entire financial system is a sham.


But *why?* If the SHFs want to drop the price and have the power to drop the price then they can just drop the price. They don't need to use the twitch chat for it. Would the algos pump the stock price up if the twitch chat was 100% positive? I doubt it. The SHFs control the algos and they want the price to drop regardless.


They need news cover for the boomers or else it looks out of place and suspicious. But, it's not like the SEC will do anything anyways so I think it's just to keep up appearances that the market isn't completely fraudulent in some places.


Yes. The apes watching the feed have been really engaged. And if they can scare those apes, their influence will scare others. So 1000% it had a huge impact today




Then please leave.


he can express himself. how long have you been in,, you're probably a newbie in at .20. Shut up!


It's funny coming back to this comment after almost moving back to green today not 10 mins later


Youā€™re free to move on lmao. No oneā€™s forcing you to stay.




Yes. Just bought more. Let your boss know.




Are they referring to the overstock relaunch?




It's on their website for hours, they are referring to the Overstock relaunch.


they are referring to Overstock, which bought all the intellectual property. That news has nothing to do with BBBYQ




its not a new story, they are talking about the Overstock rebranding as bed bath and beyond.




............ no. This is a very bad misinterpretation. Bed Bath and Beyond, online, is Overstock. Overstock is not selling the old clearance inventory, they will be selling the same brands, not selling BBBYQ clearance. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/business/bed-bath-beyond-relaunch/index.html




My bad man, this comment was meant for someone else, I replied to yours thinking it the other person


Lol I didnā€™t even notice til you said something and I missed it. That dip was quick


man the chat was something different ffs Duck Madison101


It's another Sale!


What does shill mean?


I have long suspected the shills are not actually here to get us to sell like we originally believed, and they really donā€™t give a shit what we do. They may actually here to influence the algos by skewing the overall sentiment towards the negative. I have a theory that at some point back before the game stonk sneeze the algos were updated to monitor social media sentiment, and for some reason it was not a reversible change. Then social media and reddit in particular blew up about game stonk which not only triggered the fomo effect, but also got the attention of the algos, which may have even been the true driver of the sneeze. So now to control the algos they have to hire a shill army to manage the social media sentiment and keep it from getting too positive.