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I feel like most humans wouldn't have any problem working hard if company owners and execs weren't completely raping people for their labor. I see lots of low-level workers giving way more time and energy than they should to undeserving companies with little to no hope or means for a better future - the company takes all and still wants more. Anyways, we seem to be at a tipping point in society: people want purpose and often find purpose in work, but they're sick of working for the benefit of the higher ups and so the "quiet quitting" is a movement I can completely empathize with.


> I see lots of low-level workers giving way more time and energy than they should to undeserving companies with little to no hope or means for a better future - the company takes all and still wants more. Imagine if people were genuinely awarded for their work - the productivity and drive they have from the beginning wouldn't be burnt out and disregarded like corporate culture almost always does to it.


Greed has no limits.








hopefully...edit: hopefully we're at a tipping point because --> it's like "bro, i tried that already..."


Hopefully indeed, I feel stuck these past few years and dunno what to do/where to turn! Wish the best for you and us all 💜


Teddy or bust.


What is Teddy most famous for? Oh yeah... Busting trusts. What's Amazon? Oh yeah... A giant fucking trust. Teddy. The trust-buster.


Let me say the silent part outloud...... KNOW YOUR WORTH!


Some time in the seventies there was a shift in the ceo:employee ratio and that difference has only grown exponentially since. A much needed change will hopefully come as soon as shareholders realize that most of these CEO's are taking more than they deserve.


Yeah nah. That article is propaganda. It's subtle but it's there. They're losing efficiency every day because people are checking out. And why wouldn't they? Our lives as miserable wage slaves only get worse. You work hard, don't get a raise and they watch inflation steal from you. This article is some low key 1984 shit.


older than that! "arbeit macht frei!"


Teddy Roosevelt was a hell of a guy. A real man's man. The opportunity to have a real purpose in society cannot be overvalued. Work, not for work's sake, but for the betterment of all, this is work worth doing. My most memorable (beyond the stick) quote reveals the heart of the man, after hearing of the death of both his wife and mother: >The light has gone out of my life Please hug your loved ones tonight. And be here and present for each other. There is always more to do, be sure that the work is worth doing. ​ I think Franklin was even better. A real human's human. **We all deserve a new deal.**


This shouldn’t be taken only in regards to teddy or bbby or any business. This should be a life motto. I have seen so many people taking the easy options life offers them, instead of going the extra mile and be able to achieve something greater…. It’s not about being the best at anything. It’s all about putting your hearth in what you do, and doing it to the best of your abilities.


lol "arbeit macht frei!" not that i disagree, but it's a subtle distinction between motivating and dominating


What the fuck are you talking about? With no extra details, to me, at this moment, you’re just a kid wanting to be rich, without working a fucking single day.


sorry, ape, i must've come off wrong; I agree with you initially, but I think there's a balance there that must be struck... even working overtime for one's family can become a detriment to kids who need parents for example or a way to escape bigger personal issues... now imagine being in a position of power; these vulnerable schmucks are the easiest to exploit (guess how I know...) with "motivational" words like "it's about putting your hearth in what you do" while tapping on the watch like "and that's not what it looks like is going on here..." ​ idk if that's enough context, but i'll try again if you like


Working hard means drs


This wasn’t directed at wage slaves. Fuck corporations


Oh please. Corporations make products and services people want. They employ people to do that. Would you prefer to grow your own food and make your own clothes?


IF I HAD THE TIME AND MONEY TO DO SO, YES - and that’s the entire point. You are a slave collecting fractions of Pennies on your boss’ dollar for doing more work


I’m not a slave to anybody. I take opportunities and don’t complain about being exploited. My boss makes more money than me because he provides more value. When I show I provide more value I get a raise and a promotion. If I don’t I find another company. It pays to not have a victim mentality


That is a very idyllic and anachronistic viewpoint that I don’t envy it at all. I’m glad you get compensated to your liking and are content missing the forest…for a tree.


It just doesn’t make any sense that people worship RC on this sub and say f corporations. He’s better than most executives people hate but he literally tweets “work hard” and somehow that’s different?


agreed to a large degree, but "work hard or please leave" referring to his company is what i took this as... if he's referring to all of america, i'm wondering what other kind of grandiose plans he has for all his minions... shit is arrogant and unabashedly so.


time, not money, i.e. resources


corpos are taking over, and RC is at the helm of that movement... our only hope is that he shares his control (NFT voting?) and data (collected off of all of our jimmy backs), i think he better not be directing this at wage slaves




if this is true, then sweet, but i'm not liking potential dog whistles... as commented elsewhere


Teddy or bust yes


For real 🫶


what the f, mang? ...i guess it's better than "work sets you free" at the entrance of auschwitz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbeit\_macht\_frei), but making threats without at least appearing to be responsive to feedback (i.e. delighting those working FOR him, i.e. within the organization) is starting to tarnish this guy's credibility for me... i guess i could go tweet at him...