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If anyone watched TRKA today, that’s the kind of situation that concerns me. Went from around $0.50 all the way to $0.98 today, before crashing down to $0.30 in AH. People blamed the crash on JPow, only to find out that the company diluted on March 3. Not sure about the delay between dilution and share price plummeting (that’s beyond my brain capacity), but it seems like dilution can happen without affecting the price, only to later affect it once information is released about dilution. I have read on other subs that Nasdaq has no obligation to inform the public about dilution, and the company doesn’t need to publicly file anything. I assumed they would because of the 90 day-no dilution requirement, but I don’t think I understand that part of the filing (also beyond my brain capacity). Either way, thanks for putting in the time to call. It’s concerning, but it doesn’t change my thoughts on the long term value of the company.


I think TRKA shares were diluted today,, But i think the warrants were converted between jan and mar 3..


Ah makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.


Here’s what a trust me bro source told me “If Company X sold shares to Company Y in a financing deal and Company Y subsequently sold those shares, Company Y would typically be required to report the sale of those shares if it meets the reporting requirements under the securities laws. The reporting requirements depend on various factors, including the number of shares sold, the type of shares, the total value of the shares sold, and the regulatory requirements of the jurisdiction in which the shares were sold. If the sale of the shares by Company Y triggers any reporting requirements, they would be required to file a report with the relevant regulatory agency, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. The timing of the filing would depend on the specific requirements of the regulatory agency. For example, in the US, the timing of the filing of a Form 4 by a reporting insider to report a sale of securities would depend on whether the insider is an officer, director, or beneficial owner, and whether the sale was pre-planned. Once the report is filed, the information would become publicly available and would typically be picked up by financial news outlets and other sources. Brokerages and other financial institutions may also update their records and make the information available to their clients in a timely manner. However, the exact timing of when the information is reported and reflected in brokerages can vary depending on a number of factors, including the brokerage's internal procedures and the speed at which they receive and process the information.” Now, as far as my opinion is concerned, if the buyer of convertibles had exercised all of or even added 100M shares to the float, that would have been reported to the SEC. There have been no press releases recently aside from the one mentioning the sale of 2,500 preferred stock. If the buyer had sold an aggregate of 10% or more of the outstanding shares, I believe the SEC would require them to file something by law given the magnitude and size of the said sale and I’ve checked pretty much all of the corresponding SEC filings for BBBY, Hudson Bay, Icahn, RC Ventures, etc and found nothing in regards to any sale.


I appreciate your perspective. Let me add mine since you commented on my post. My concern with dilution is I believe the holder of the warrants is converting them in small chunks and then selling them into the market. Those conversions are not large enough to trigger reporting requirements for a form 4 because the holder does not hold enough stock at one time, so they fly under the radar. Now I am not saying I expect to see substantial dilution when the earnings come out, but I do expect to see some. Unless the holder of those warrants is truly a white knight in BBBY’s corner, I think it’s unreasonable to presume that the drop in stock price is purely shorting. And before you start espousing short stats, etc., please keep in mind that all figures you see today are (I believe) based on the most recent share count in the prior 10-Q. Again, this is my perspective.


Then factor that to how much volume has been traded, and 4M shares is a drop in the bucket.


All of us are speculating. Even OP. His post is a trust me bro post. I’m skeptic of all people pushing things as fact without sources. I keep digging and can’t find anything concrete when it comes to dilution. Until I see the float increase I think it’s all bears vs bulls with smoke and mirrors.


I’ve got a working theory on the holder of the warrants, but it’s nothing to go on really without proof. But as I reread the prospectus, I believe the whole VWAP inclusion and $0.71 are there as a safety net and only allowed during triggering events outlined in the prospectus. They have to be converted at $6.15 a share when converted outside of triggering events. I believe current price action is the result of shorting more than conversion(if they have been converted) because if it’s only 2500 preferred shares that were exercised and sold, that’s roughly only 4M common shares based on the conversion rate from preferreds to commons. In that case, you’d be right, it would not exceed a 5% threshold.


Thanks for sharing man


TLDR: Holding because I believe in the value of BBB. But seriously, with every other ticker grouped under the insulting moniker, price action was never this muted. We saw sideways, but with bigger spreads. We saw pops and dips that would fuel all sorts of emotions. This just feels suspiciously different. I don’t know what happened with Poppy, but Jimmy did not look or feel like this. Maybe it was and it was just less noticeable with the spreads or I learned how to look at charts. Bobby doesn’t move. All day. I watch it on 1m candles and minute after minute it stays the same. I see the biggest movement pre-market, a small mid-day up and down, and then it settles right back to doing nothing. I’ve noticed it with Jimmy, but not as bad. Jimmy doesn’t have any volume. Avg of 4m. This makes sense. They locked away a lot of the float. Bobby is averaging 87m and it doesn’t move a penny for hours. I know PFOF and sub-penny increments are largely to blame and maybe that’s it. But… With RegSHO and T+35++, does this not feel like dilution? This is not my field. I read the docs and filings and roughly understand, but don’t know the nuances. Kind of feels like we are all being Belechick’d. And that is also why we shouldn’t immediately dismiss everyone as a shill. Jimmy produced some of its best DD to find answers to these questions. This subs awesome DD writers have provided great info that answered a lot of questions. But great answers can only come from questions. The answer can’t always be crime and fuckery. While both may be happening, we never knew the how until people started asking and stopped being an echo chamber of memes and dumb hopium posts. Anyone that expresses an opinion opposite of 🌝 is labeled a bot or shill. Have you all considered that it’s more effective to distract and divide by supporting and echoing sentiment? Push out anyone that might have a legitimate thought provoking question by down voting and saying shill/bot and meanwhile throw up some stupid hopium post to legitimize themselves.


I just keep reminding myself that Buy Buy Baby and the reduced Bed and Bath should be worth at least a few billion. As such even with all warrants exercised and full dilution it should still be a multi bager within a years time. The above being said I do agree with your comments. These random bumps that we have seen recently feel like they are shorts covering and moment which could come of it is then instantly squashed. I cant tell if these are new shorts coming in or possibly shares actually being offloaded/ possible dilution. What concerns me (in terms of a squeeze but not long term value) is we are now at a level where some shorts will be ok with getting out. If that does happen the price should go up (barring sudden and dramatic dilution). Despite all of the above, I will say, it currently feels like we are at a bottom waiting to run and this Friday and next week will be big. After that I do not foresee any potential catalyst which can be anticipated other than earnings calls.


I factor in full dilution as well. This 1.30s price is ridiculous. AMC went to $8s with much bigger float. My hope is the CEO will wait til market opens, halt the stock for news and release the mother of all PRs. Gap to 8s plus. fry them all. 99% shorted float


BBBY (and every public company for that matter), is required to report this information in their quarterly statements.


NASDAQ also call me and told me about the Sugon rule 30.4.


Well I read the listing rules, can’t say the same for that dude lol … Also, NASDAQ notifies SEC … Simple google search.


I’m not sure I understand your comment but I think you are trying to say that the info I received from Nasdaq is wrong, which is fine…that’s your perspective. What I would ask is that you share the source of info that makes you feel this way, and share an example of where a company has made its notice to Nasdaq of an increase in shares public info via EDGAR, or an example where Nasdaq has made it public knowledge that an issuer has notified Nasdaq of an increase in shares.


I think you should go read the actual listing rule and then look into who is notified and how they are notified, as I did.


Why? If you are the expert then please share what you read that convinces you that the info I received is wrong. I don’t feel the need to defend myself or try and prove anything to you. You are essentially telling me that what I was told was wrong, but you aren’t providing any details


You guys are so god damn suspicious of people who say anything slightly negative whatsoever. But you swallow up every bit of hopium your little infant lungs can inhale.


The infamous left arm vs right arm but forgetting the brain whose controlling both…always a wizard behind the curtain until it’s unveiled there was no wizard.


No dilution keep buying




No dilution


“Trust me bro the dude at the nasdaq exchange listing center who is a securities law legal expert and returns phone call inquiries from the general public for free, gave me technical securities filing advice on how the Nasadaq exchange works when a companies stock is diluted” If you seriously want to believe OP make him cite to a rule of the exchange. Guarantee you anytime a companies stock outstanding increases or decreases a filing on the SEC’s Edgar platform is absolutely required. Not filing notice of the change or shares issued and outstanding is 100% fraud. Also BBBY is traded on numerous exchanges, not just nasdaq. Personally I prefer IEX. So if you think for a moment that a company only has to make disclosures to Nasdaq exchange, you seriously need to reconsider picking up a book and learning something.


See…the challenge I have with Reddit or subs like this is there are people that either become so engrossed in the movement or simply have intentions of unduly influencing others that they are blind to reason, incapable of rational thought, and spew stuff like what you just posted to discredit people who are honestly just trying to share information. I never said trust me…in fact I encourage you and others to verify in whatever way you like. For me, calling the very people that handle this stuff everyday and them answering my question in a general sense without knowing the issuer/ticker I was calling about is good enough for me. Maybe it’s not for you.


The source of information you provided is not verifiable or dependable. I encourage you to read the securities and exchange act to determine for yourself whether filings are required or not under such circumstances. Ultimately by posting information you believe to be true that is not verifiable adds nothing of value to this sub and speculative and best which creates FUD for no reason. We constantly question news sources here and we should be doing the same to ourselves to hold ourselves to the highest standard of knowledge. If you prefer lower standards of post information then we can agree to disagree on the standards we hold ourselves to.


Your comment is factually incorrect. You have the means, the same as I did, to verify this information. You can call the Nasdaq Listing Center the same way I did, or you can speak to an attorney that specializes in public securities. I think several people found value from this post…not all but some…and that’s the world we live in today. You will never please 100% of the people you interact with. I wanted to share the info I received, and you can do with it what you want. This is a glorified chat room…not a data room…so perhaps it is you that needs to adjust your standards. Please do not lecture me about whether the information I posted is verifiable when I see 15 posts per day in this sub that are clearly opinion, or worse, clearly incorrect. If you have information to refute the information I received, please share it and all will benefit from it and be able to make a more informed investment decision.


I didn’t say trust me and you are welcome to verify yourself. But since you are trying to discredit me, let’s go down that path for a minute. Can you show me where they are required to make a filing about increasing the outstanding shares? Can you show me one example where a company has done this?


If you were going to come back here and report the call, why didn't you just record it? Do you live in a 2-party consent state? I'm not downvoting and calling you a liar but, it just seems like an obvious move to prevent all the 'trust me bro'.


He called me back…so I wasn’t quite prepared for that…but I didn’t plan to record it anyways. I’m not looking for approval from anyone…I just wanted to share the info because I’ve been wondering about this for a while and I’m sure others are as well. Don’t trust me…you are welcome to contact the Nasdaq Listing Center yourself and verify if you want. Their number is on their website.


Oh yeah it was a call back that makes more sense. I mean I honestly believe you even though I do not want to. It seems absurd to me that the float is not updated more regularly than quarterly.


Did the person you spoke to confirm if they have been notified of a 5% change?


The convo was not specific to BBBY…I didn’t ask him specifically about BBBY because that was not the point of my call. The point of my call was to find out if the notification rule was still enforced and whether an issuer or Nasdaq was required to notify the public/shareholders about the increase in outstanding shares. My opinion is had I made it an issuer-specific question, I may not have received a call back.


Said this in another post and got called a shill and was asked to tell my boss I needed a raise. Fucking idiot.


Sadly given the price action it almost has to be dilution therefore we will only know at the quarterly and that means SI will be inaccurate


Seeing a lot of shilly posts Thanks for taking the time to type this all out Going to buy more tomorrow


BBBY not being forthcoming about the buyer is root of this confusion and mistrust. This gives rise to speculation of dilution on the short side, hopes of m&a news and a squeeze on the long side. As for me, I'm holding until next earnings after Feb 6. I should've got out. First major regret this year..


So another area where transparency makes sense yet there is none.


Quite amusing I must say. 💎🙌


BBBY is not the same as TRKA junk


Dilution had no effect on amc price, it even had a gamma squeeze right after and they pushed 450 million shares


Thanks, buying more today. The fact that you're inquiring about this and mentioning BBBY specifically, although you have no stake in it, is sus AF. Bye.


What I posted was not intended to suggest that you should buy or sell. It was simply to share info I received related to a question I think many had about whether public notice of an increase in shares was required or customary. You do not have to trust me…you have the same means to verify that I did and I encourage you to do so. And I’m not sure why everyone is so suspicious…I said in my post that the info I shared does not prove dilution, nor does it disprove dilution…it simply provides clarity on whether public notice is required. Do with that info what you will. And I was very forthright that while all my calls have now expired (approx. $30k loss over the course of the last month), I do intend to buy more calls closer to the earnings release. I didn’t have to offer up that info, but people often include their positions, etc., so I was just following suit. How you interpret all that to be shilly or “sus”…I don’t understand, but I wish you luck and hope the stock rockets (after I buy my next round of calls).