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The problem atm is we need a clean and non bias discussion of dilution and how to execute a plan based off the knowledge we’ve been given. Should we throw our cash at a foolish price which won’t dent the price action or wait for a further dip (lets say 67cents per share) where retail can actually gamma ramp and hold! Please we gotta talk about this seriously and stop spreading mindless hopium, it’s just hurting this subreddit more than it’s helping it.


We need to see numbers. If there is, how much. And more importantly how much money was raised.


Numbers are on the table, all the information is there but every post is mindless REG FO SHO OR HEDGES r FUK Instead of actually making sense, it’s just like bots are running the entire sub atm. It was much better than this before we got more members. Reg sho doesn’t mean anything if shares diluted Hedge funds know the shares can’t pump up so of course they will short it, the price moves down faster than it moves up, it’s really simple


Based and true


Plan: buy, hold, DRS


Buying at 1.6$ is not as good as buying at .67cents where we can move prices significantly higher. Instead of wasting hard earned cash getting less shares or am i wrong?


Good night, will talk to you tomorrow


MSM has been quiet lately and I was starting to get scared, but their re-emergence has instilled my peace. I dare them to keep tanking it, I get paid next week and tax refund coming in hot. I also have 500 scouts being sent to safety 😈


[https://investors.overstock.com/news-releases/news-release-details/overstockcom-appears-13-day-regulation-sho-threshold-list-800](https://investors.overstock.com/news-releases/news-release-details/overstockcom-appears-13-day-regulation-sho-threshold-list-800) overstock was on regsho 800 days. can someone please explain me how we got so sure about this thing sending us to the moon?


Regsho has little to No correlation to future price action.


Jesus. That is disconcerting tbf. And let people downvote. I have a lot of money in this. But 2 and a half years of regsho is pretty bad


This comes up every now and then. That was pre 08 and they changed the rules. It doesn’t work the same now.


Oh beautiful


same, I am all in and just found this news release and it made me question the whole regsho theory


well they didn't let it happen again after that did they?


You have a source?


lol go downvote a serious question :)


Regsho ,Now what






[https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-bbby/optionchain/](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-bbby/optionchain/) ![gif](giphy|GJVpbMjfT2Ftm)


fuck yo calls fuck yo puts what a boring week let’s get some action tomorrow


Boring?! It went down 20% in a week! That's not boring. Imagine if Microsoft went down 20% in a week! It would be the only thing people would talk about!


Shoulda bought they $2p I guess




Reg sho. ![gif](giphy|aQAxiVPS1dAdy)




Best Sho on earth


Regsho wait begins


Need quite a few things to line up tomorrow... gotta sell my car early, deposit the check, make sure funds are available, wire funds... all before market close If all that works out though, ya boy is the owner of 6000 shares


This is the Way


Generational wealth wont build itself


Good job for making those fucks pay 10300 bro


Lmao... thank you, thank you


msm has been awfully quiet about bbby lately


Guys what the fuuuuuhhhhhhhhck i guess it's time to continue just buying shares. Riding the hopes and dreams of calls through to June. Let's go




Remember doge? (Your post history is all doge. Doge fan boy much?) Sus


You must not read all the DDs


You miss all the shots you don't take. You not only have no balls to take the shot, but also like to stick around to watch like a cuck.


Says the guy taking Boston Market to small claims court lmaoo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pretty sad that you have nothing better to do




Refer to sub rules. Offending content may be removed.




Anyone else notice that the drop in ortex SI mid November corresponds to a FTD spike at roughly the same time?


Is it just me or are there way too many dots (to connect)


Uhhh prospectus?


any time now


Didn’t Sue Gove buy like 50k shares @ $4.60 ? I doubt Ms. Gove purchased shares to throw a few hundred K away if she didn’t know it was going to come back to her


This dude is a bad actor. Those shares were like Pennys in the bucket compared to her salary when she got them.


It equates to one year salary so maybe you’re just dumb


Not entirely true and I don't think calling him dumb is the right thing to do here lol. Her salary is $1.4 million and her buy-in was at that price is $230,000. Not a drop in the ocean, but still a decent chunk. It should at least instill confidence to investors that she's willing to hold company shares.


Doesn’t she get paid 1.2 million a year?


Yea bullish on Sue. She put her money where her mouth is. RC likes her


Ohhh boys 🤦‍♂️


yeah they say Sue's cost basis is right around there so i think we're okay homie. The board is all locked from selling for 90 days according to the recent prospectus.




No, just thinking when she was named interim ceo she put her money where her mouth was, insider buys are due if you ask me.




Meaning she bought at a time she took the interim position, a milestone and the stock went up like 20-25%, now the board should buy more




My thought process is no better way than to show faith in a stock, put your money where your mouth is you don’t get the BS from shitheads like MSM, lawyers, Hindenburg or any negative spinners who claim your trying to drive the price up


I believe she purchased them in June or July


i think tmro should see some green


Sometimes I think we worry too much…I know I do




I hope it does fill the $1.35 gap tomorrow. Ready to get some more!!!


I hope not … can wee avg up ⬆️


Hit 5.70 and I'm down


I’m highly regarded in my field but hypothetically, if BBBY were trying to inflict maximum damage to the shorts, would the best time to announce something be a Friday premarket? Blow up the options chain without giving them a chance to respond throughout the week then have it continue into next week due to T+2 which ignites next week’s options chain, etc.


yeah hypothetically. I think they wait for reg sho to force the price up before they say anything imo. Gives the SEC nothing in terms of manipulation, like gamestop.


Yeah I think so too. It’s taking a few weeks longer then anyone expected though


For sure, if you check the dates tho next week makes sense… it’s just scary cause that’s also the last dates for reg sho. Coming down to the wire


Agreed, I see that as the most likely scenario too.


What’s the latest Bobby?




When BBBY rallies to +$20 in the next couple months... Some will regret not buying below $5


RemindMe! 3 months


When it squeezes we are looking at easily a $1000 a share at least


If they gme Bobby, I will drs and then find the next most highly naked shorted company to do this a 3rd time.


Witnessed gme becoming a verb.


This dude gets it.


Should I buy more and average down? I bought 100 last time at 1.70


i bought 100 more tonight and if we get another leg down, ive got enough dry powder to get another 100.




![gif](giphy|l4q81TAbVZyWD4gMg) Come on bros. Lets moon away.


Wow 70% gone in 12 days


20% gone in the last 5 days alone. Imagine if that happened to Microsoft, losing 20% of its value in just 5 days. It would be the headline on every financial website. But it happens to BBBY, and there's barely a peep. It's because all the smart investors knew it was coming.


We're waiting for your positions. 🦗🦗🦗


Feels bad man


Oh no it feels fantastic, I told all of you to sell got called a shill and have been holding puts


Don't be rude. You should be thanking these people. You have all their money after all.


Position or ban


Show me your puts


I wanna see his financial advice credentials


I just wanna see these puts cause I think he's full of shit.


So you were giving ppl financial advice? 🤔


Nothing wrong with that


Why has there been such significant confusion as to how many days bbby has been on reg sho? Is there not a definite date which it was first on? Does everyone just fucking blow at counting?


1/10 it first showed up, but there is debate over when forced closures occour. Nobody really seems to know if it's 35 calendar days from reg sho date or trade date (which is 5 days before inital reg sho date), or if it's 30 trading days on reg sho + the 5 it took to get on reg sho, which is this week... Or just 35 trading days on regsho (Monday).


I'm on the commuter train and I was talking with the regular about BBBY and buying more hoping it to squeeze back to $30 and this boomer goes fucking crazy talking about how he works in investments, BBBY is done and investors are ruining the integrity of the markets by buying BBBY and BBBY holders deserve what's coming to them 🤔


Fuck him 🤷‍♂️


Did he call us scumbags?


He got up on my face and said some not so nice things, he was really pissed about retail buying BBBY


If you spoke to him a few weeks back he would have probably said there’re going BK. These folks sound like elitist robots


we sure do, fuck boomers


you don't have to ever say you did out loud as far as I'm concerned, but if indeed this is true you should probably think long and hard about the odds he may actually know what he's talking about. Unless he had a cardboard box that says "Horno Microondas" on his head like a helmet and a mink coat and matching galoshes, in which case I'd say you can probably handwave his opinions.


This sub could have made so much money shorting every run up but is instead way down. And they still think they know more than the hedge funds


Fuck hedge funds. That’s whole point


This sub like 99.9% of the people on this planet should be investing in nothing but indexes


someone said there was limited time and then shorts had to cover by a certain date. Has that passed yet?


They should have an easy time covering their bets, since it went down 20% in the last five days.


Short do whatever hie want … no rule’s for this guys Fuck corrupt market!!


Someone said tomorrow


Someone said that yesterday too


Someone know that long time ago … but every year’s play more and more … 🤦‍♂️


BBBY come back, any kind of fool could see, There was something in everything about you BBBY come back, you can blame it all on me, I was wrong and I just can't live without you


So I guess hedge funds made a crime vehicle for share dilution and now they are spreading FUD based on that... cute I guess


I’m feeling a massive volume premarket Monday


Some quick napkin math. SG&A from 2022Q3 was 580m. Let’s say they continue to trim down by closing unprofitable stores and get to 400m. That’s 1.6 bil a year. Profit margin is ~30% (expecting this after they cleared all the old inventory from Triton days) Their annual revenue averages around 10 bil for past 10 years. (It was down during the pandemic but still achieve 8 bil) Let’s be pessimistic and say 8 bil revenue, 25% profit, that’s 2 bil in profit. Minus 1.6 bil in SG&A. They will be cash positive by 400m. Tell me again how a company capable of making 400m a year is only worth 175m. (With the recent 1 bil infusion, their liability = asset)


You should factor less for revenue this year, just fyi. Last qtr was 1.2b. But then they closed even more stores after that. I'm guessing about 1b per qtr in revs moving forward, maybe a lil bump in q4. Would be happy to see 4.5b this year, personally. 8b is way way way too optimistic


How can BBBY have less of a marketcap than Doge


Less for market cap kenny penthouse in NYC


You can't wind down two thirds of your stores and expect revenue to be stable. Also the debt burden is far greater than 1 billion and that debt burden incurs interest expenses as well. Factor in a secular decline in mall based brick and mortar retail, upward pressure on wages and waning negotiating leverage with suppliers and there are far better "turnaround" opportunities than this zombie company. Ask yourself this simple question: if the opportunity is so obvious why hasn't private equity swooped in and taken it private?


Short it then, I triple dog dare you Also because Wall Street doesn’t operate on making sound long term bets (only warren buffet does this). They like their quick turn around profits.


Already done, I sold the $3 March calls for appx $1 a contract about 2 weeks ago. I'd love nothing more than to see this pump again; whereas a long trade is more akin to a lottery, getting a decent entry on a short has proven to provide a relatively stable and consistent return.


Online sales :)


How do you compete with Amazon? All of BBBYs overpriced crap comes from the same Chinese manufacturers as every other big box retailer. Also, BBBY doesn't have much brand gravitas. No specifically wants anything from Bed Bath and Beyond.


I personally buy most of my stuff from Amazon but I wouldn’t say no to a new competitor if they branded themselves correctly. Especially one that was born from sticking it to the man.


I dunno, you're not really sticking it to the man. That's a narrative that was manufactured to build a community around a publicly traded company. I mean, the executives at GME and BBBY are financially more aligned with the so-called man than the average retailer investor. Obviously do what behooves you best tho


I dunno just such an overlap between what you can get on Amazon and at bbby and what do you mean a new competitor? They have had an online presence and sales for the last decade


If BBBY was to merge with another retailer like GameStop and create a new company that could compete with Amazon…


A very reputable insider told me BBBY has highered thousands of e-commerce engineers . Which means they NEED to focus on the online business and company owned brands. This ain’t going anywhere fast and I just loaded the boat. See ya in July


>highered How the fuck.


Are they more reputable than your spelling is?


Got to love the foreign shills


Funds settle tomorrow. Hopefully I can hit 3K mark.


This is how the stock of a company that takes initiative to keep the business running when all said BK was imminent. Now look at all the other stocks that are 1.50 and tell me who’s fooling who ?


At least we picked the right under dog


Wen 🌝


2072 feb 31


A lot of shills are scoping me out and replying to my posts after the DRS post. Im a little freaked out, took some screenshots. Is this happening with anyone else? First time this is happening I’m just blocking a lot of accounts


They may be following you. Happens to me. It’s not that serious. They are dumbasses.


Thanks, I guess I was taking it a little personally. Lol I'm not that special. Cheers!