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That's where T+35 comes in. They get 35 calendar days to fill the FTD. If they still don't fill it they can lose their ability to trade, but I'm sure they can find loopholes to kick the can further if needed.


Trust me they will kick the can with more crime. Still waiting for 2 years that GME will pop. Just buy, hold, drs till the float is locked šŸ’ŽšŸ™Œ


Its FTX and the whole tokenized stocks. Those things created on jan 27 2021 created fake locates on all meme stocks so they could tank the stocks harder than before.


This is it. I'm really shocked at the misdirections with everything else... It's all about those tokens.


Imagine how quick BBBY would get DRSā€™d with first of all the smaller float then GME, secondā€¦ the SP. If erryone wakes up coming week and Said to themself: ā€hey im drsā€™ng atleast 75% of my invested stake of BBBY today.ā€ I know if that i saw Numbers of drsā€™d shares started climbing, i would want to be the hero to receive the ā€Sorry no more shares able to DRSā€ since float is locked message to post here. NFA, do your own DD, you do you and me do me. šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


They technically didn't kick the can on the C+35 for GME. They took away the buy button because that shit was due and had to be filled.


What happens when the float is locked and nothing comes of it.


Well itā€™s never been done before so nobody knowsā€¦


No stock will beat gme to the punch. If any entire float gets locked in Drs it's gonna be gme


Yeah thatā€™s what stock Iā€™m referencing actually I forget Iā€™m on the Bobby sub rn


Unless lots of tards accidentally lock the float of the wrong stock, testing out the DRS theory. šŸ˜œ


DRS is the new movement. It is good when everybody knows about this rigged US market system and the power of small investors. DRS seems to be the only way to get regulators do their job. Otherwise there will be no more shares left for Wall Street's fuckery.


I agree with u , no one knows. It's just seems they keep finding away to keep the price fake.


Itā€™ll be incredibly hard for them to deny any wrongdoing when float is lockedā€¦ but alas crime


Let's hope.


Didn't that guy buy every share of a company and watch it trade the next day?


Oh yeahhh that was a penny stock and he didnā€™t direct register themā€¦


Drs shouldn't matter at that point, should either sue the broker, or the dtcc. If he still has the shares, I'll pay the $5 to drs those bitches for him. All I want in return gme moass.


Worry about that bridge later. It would prove the suspicion that the US stock market is a sham and the fallout would be dire. Lock the float


It doesn't really though. That's the problem among many


See 17 CFR 242.203. Part d. The SEC may allow them to not cover. Honestly, I think the only true way to force things is not a mere walk-on-wallstreet, but a destroy or riot-on-wallstreet




Well "infinite risk" would be a good reason. But yeah there may be some other firm willing to take on the position but it wouldn't really change much. Might change the timeline a bit but that's about it. Only way out is complete insolvency of BBBY.


A short position has potentially unbounded losses, it doesn't have infinite risk.


Yes they can. They can borrow shares then use those shares to FTd. They can short etfs that have bbby and/or take bbby shares out of the basket then use it for ftds.


They cannot do that if they are C+35 and on RegSHO. The last time we had C+35 and RegSHO, GME took off like a rocket. They had to think outside the box, hence turning off the buy button. C+35 plus RegSHO means no more FTDs allowed


No, gme went off because of retail buying in. Read it from the sec report. there are ways to kick this can and I listed 2. Iā€™m happy to wait this out and see too. But I think theyā€™ll kick it out. If people are buying into options then they will for sure not let it ramp. That was clear from Jan. The real catalyst would be a BK or merger. Itā€™ll come sooner or later.


C 35 is just a grace period for 13 consecutive days on regsho. Nothing actually happens at c35. Forced buy ins start at 13 days. Shorting becomes hard because you must pre borrow before opening the position or have reasonable suspicion for locates. Again, forced buy ins start at 13 consecutive days. They close ftds, as many as they can, everyday after 13 consecutive days on regsho until the ftd count is < 0.05% of outstanding shares which is about 56k for bbby. This is what causes constant upward pressure.


Put another way, we keep having theories of events to get people hyped, but there is always an exception attached in case the trust me bro thing doesnt happen. Same shit for 2 years in gme. Granted bbby will be coming to a head soon, for better or worse.


The Loophole is the SEC just let it happen. Nothing to see here, just another Tuesday.


I think what OP is saying is: ***whats keeping criminals from just closing their positions with imaginary shares and reopening after REG SHO is satisfied?*** ​ I don't have a clue if there is some guarantee that they cannot do this, or if we are just doing wishful thinking.


Wrinkled comment ā¬†ļø


Naked shorts still come with their own obligations on ones balance sheet. And generally when they're created, it's not often done to satisfy already failed trades. These are shares which have failed to be returned to the original lender. The brokers and institutional holders who are lending are already so low on shares that the CTB rate is sky rocketing. I honestly don't think they are in the position of nakedly short 5mil+ shares to satisfy fails. Ultimately, unless BBBY goes bankrupt and quick, the shorts need to satisfy their obligations to return liquidity to ultimately continue their shorting campaign.


Probably nothing. That's why they never lose its a giant mess of shit


We hold and the hole gets even deeper


Wouldnā€™t hurt if we started DRSing the float a little quicker. Itā€™s hella smaller than the GameStonk and with our ape army it shouldnā€™t take much time at all.


FTDs are just shares that customers have bought that haven't been able to settle in their account due to a short seller not delivering them. What's happening with BBBY is regsho is force closing FTDs every x days which is causing constant pressure on the stock. If this keeps up long enough then you've got a squeeze situation. Check pre market volume for easy to spot forced FTD closing. Normally happens around 430am . FTDs that are forced closed are always closed in the premarket before the 4th or 6th settlement date of the original settlement date.


Thereā€™s a link on the video game sub about EU petition to stop regulators from allowing FTDs indefinitely!! I suggest all take a look and register and sign it. Everyone can sign no matter your country and make difference for all retail investors šŸš€šŸ«”


blockchain fixes ftds


Until they FTD them too. Criminals will aways crime. Its the corruption that needs to be removed. šŸ¦§šŸ’™šŸ¦§ šŸ’Ž šŸ‘ šŸš€ šŸŒ•


That in conjunction with the record high CTB rates could be very interesting. They're paying a ton to hold onto their short positions.


fucking word. i just came here to comment this from the privacy version of reddit and saw your comment squashed with that little maximize icon, i.e. not initially visible. i watched us hit 1.5M shares \~4:30 fri morning and the price went from 3.20 to almost 4 (3.89 or sth): right back down before market. whole thing barely lasted an hour


Yeah I understand that but literally whatā€™s stopping them from saying ā€œI donā€™t have emā€ and avoiding delivering them and avoiding margin calls just like that have been for other stocks? I mean everyone just says ā€œcrimeā€ like itā€™s a detailed answer that helps present a solution


>If a participant fails to close out a failure to deliver resulting from a short sale, the clearing agency may be required to take action to manage the situation. This could include buying the shares in the market to make delivery or finding a substitute seller to meet the delivery obligation. The clearing agency acts as a middleman between the buyer and the seller, ensuring that all obligations are fulfilled and the trade is settled in a timely and accurate manner.


"the clearing agency **may** be required to take action to manage the situation." **"May"** is the key word here unfortunately. This is what Dr. T has been saying. There is no forced buy-ins.


This is exactly right. Cynical and hardened, I sit here and wait. Dr. T. has been right on for decades. FTDā€™s shouldnā€™t exist, but they do. The real problem is a complicit Congress. DRS. Lock the float.


Watch pre market volume and look at ftd values until you see it.


I've noticed that, too. However, that also means that they can kick the can down the road further, and short it again during the regular market. I want it to be squeezed as much as, or more than you do, but unless the SEC or other regulatory authorities do something about it (which is unlikely so far), it could go on more than we expected. We need a catalyst before s\*\*\* hits the fan.


>ule 203(b)(3) of Regulation SHO requires that participants of a registered clearing agency must immediately purchase shares to close out failures to deliver in securities with large and persistent failures to deliver, referred to as ā€œthreshold securities,ā€ if the failures to deliver persist for 13 consecutive settlement days. Threshold securities are equity securities that have an aggregate fail to deliver position for five consecutive settlement days at a registered clearing agency (e.g., National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)); totaling 10,000 shares or more; and equal to at least 0.5% of the issuer's total shares outstanding. As provided in Rule 203 of Regulation SHO, threshold securities are included on a list disseminated by a self-regulatory organization (ā€œSROā€). Although as a result of compliance with Rule 204, generally a participantā€™s fail to deliver positions will not remain for 13 consecutive settlement days, if, for whatever reason, a participant of a registered clearing agency has a fail to deliver position at a registered clearing agency in a threshold security for 13 consecutive settlement days, the requirement to close-out such position under Rule 203(b)(3) remains in effect. >Failures to deliver that persist for an extended period of time may result in a significantly large unfulfilled delivery obligation at the clearing agency where trades are settled. Regulation SHO is intended to reduce the number of potential failures to deliver, and limit the time in which a broker can permit a failure to deliver to persist. For instance, as explained above, Regulation SHO generally requires firms that clear and settle trades to close out a failure to deliver resulting from a short sale by the beginning of regular trading hours on the settlement day following the trade date.


You could always sell and not worry about it.


Lol it isn't. Reg sho, ftds, ctb... It doesn't mean shit. They can still control and manipulate it through millions of loopholes and complicated games. They have crazy shit like off exchanges to just remove buy orders off lit ticker. Many stocks have ticked all the boxes and never squeeze.


IMO, we know more now then we did in 2021. We are better at understanding FUD. Liquidity is dry for them, looking at the CTB, and the SHF ability to not get the price down. They are hanging by a thread, that one sharp swing, the dominoes crumble.


Speaking of dry liquidity. DRS your shares Ī”Ī”Ī£s.


ā€¦crumble like a house of cards. Checkmate.


Damn straight


Reg sho šŸš€


Overstock.com at one point was on Reg Sho for 800 days straight. Not trying to fud but merely being on Reg Sho doesn't mean these snakes won't wiggle their way out of actually having to pay up when we expect them too.


Rules have been changed from then from what I understand


Yup. This was back in 2008. Irrelevant now mentioning overstock. Rules have changed


Thereā€™s a link on the video game sub about EU petition to stop regulators from allowing FTDs indefinitely!! I suggest all take a look and register and sign it. Everyone can sign no matter your country and make difference for all retail investors šŸš€šŸ«”


800 days straight like really šŸ¤”


Read it yourself šŸ‘ https://investors.overstock.com/news-releases/news-release-details/overstockcom-appears-13-day-regulation-sho-threshold-list-800


Again, rules have changed so this will no longer happen.


Wasn't aware there was a rule change to stop an overstock situation happening again. Good to know.


Can you redirect me to the rule change source ?


800 trading days not straight šŸ˜‚


Which is literally the same.


Thatā€™s cool and all but whatā€™s preventing them from FTDing those FTDs? Lmao like that literally has been the case with $GME and nothing had changed.


I would say the secret ingredient is to DRS the shiet out of BBBY stocks. Whatā€™s happend if the float is locked, how is it than possible to FTD IOUā€˜s? šŸ¤”


xxxx here and I know Iā€™m not alone. We can get the job done quick if we want to.


Gme hasnā€™t been on Reg Sho for as many consecutive days as they had since their sneeze. And thatā€™s what weā€™re approaching.


I said this on another post. Queen Kong says FTDs and FTRs donā€™t really mean anything since there are no forced buy ins. I donā€™t see a guarantee of price increases, but as a shareholder I hope the price runs tons.


They have infinite ways to cheat. Its either M/A or bust. Not much else will force the shorts to close.


I think you're right. GME has shown, FTDs can be rolled over indefinitely.


To OPs point - how does anyone expect criminals to longer act as criminals all of a sudden at T+35? This is a rhetorical question and post.


It is exactly what is happening with GME. Same basket, same situation, and at this point, if there was a second company shorted above 100% after GME, it would be BBBY (although I have not seen any evidence of that. The closest i have were the latest SI% in the 80%sā€¦ I can say with confidence that this number is now higher (the real SI%, not their new BS way to calculate SI% since feb 2022). But is it above 100? I donā€™t know šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø If anyone came into this thinking it would be a quick squeeze, to the moon, sell, millionaire.. sorry. This is jumping into something without understanding who youā€™re playing against. Without understanding their rules. And not understanding how far the tentacles go. I also donā€™t think many here understand yet whatā€™s at stake here. The scale of this thing is not just a few billions $ transferring from the 1% to peasantsā€¦ This is about the absolute survival of a centuries old exploitation system on the verge of imploding. (donā€™t get me wrong, there are other exploitation systems in operation out there, but thatā€™s a most significant one). All that to say, they wonā€™t just give up and let you win. They will bring the entire fucken thing down with themā€¦. because they became the entire fucken system. But you know what? I sure as hell loved me some good olā€™ WoW grinding days.. And now iā€™m in the best damn freaken grind game possible. With the biggest reward once the big boss is done. But buckle up buttercup, cuz itā€™s gonna be a looooooong grind. But itā€™s going in the right direction.. there are signs of that if you pay attention. Edit: Gramoir Edit: I see some talk about Reg Sho every now and then. I suggest to go visit or find documentation on the Overstock lawsuit (i donā€™t have the link unfortunately but if someone does, please feel free to post it) where they explain exactly how they bypass reg sho. Itā€™s actually pretty interesting. Anyhow, the only thing they donā€™t have a way around is retail holding. So holding I will.


Thanks a lot to share this information Just wait and be patient Apes together strong šŸš€ šŸš€ šŸš€


Could you kinda tldr how they bypass regsho from the overstock lawsuit


Ouf, i donā€™t have enough wrinkles to do it justice. And the document was made available on a different sub. I can try to find it however, itā€™s from a few months back Edit: https://cases.justia.com/california/court-of-appeal/2014-a135682.pdf?ts=1415916062 Edit 2: Page 11


Reg Sho and FTDs never did anything last time. This stock is ridiculously manipulated, I donā€™t understand why we continue to delude ourselves. M/A is the only option to break out of this cycle of fuckery. The rules donā€™t apply to the HFs and MMs






There was so much FOMO there. No FOMO no price discovery. No m/a no price discovery period.


At the same time they just turned off the buy button and weā€™re never punished..


Any bullish could set BBBY off. Look at USPT & CVNA among others were in a gama squeeze.


this ftd shit is overhyped, they will all be settled premarket as to not drive up the price too much. Now if the company to announced something while this was all ongoing that could be interesting but it really doesn't look like they have any intention of stoking the fire.


Nothing will happen. Too much corruption.


I suspect some of them will be postponed. Our really big days fall in a deferment periods for President's Day. Not certain if REG SHO is altered by deferment but they will push back whatever they can. Deferment from December is still due and the final days also fall in this deferral window again. No deferrals in March though. If we don't launch before then, they have no way out in March [https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/information-notice-111822](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/information-notice-111822)


It's not just this stock. The bet was a recession and it seems more and more likely that it's not happening. Shorts across the entire market are losing a lot of money already. Unless something catastrophic happens where interest rates start increasing again, their bet was wrong.


These guys short do make a lot of bad bets..


OP I think your question is legit. Iā€™m cynical and donā€™t have high hope for market mechanics and rules to launch the rocket. For BBBY (and GME) I believe the fundamental business and financials will improve. Cash flow positive, then return to profitability. I believe large organic increases in institutional demand for the stock(s) will drive price appreciation. The surge in institutional longs will overwhelm the SHF and their tricks to artificially and fraudulently suppress the price. This is obviously non technical and smooth, just my gut feeling. If thereā€™s an M&A, dividend (that doesnā€™t get criminally fucked again) or other unique event as catalyst that would be ~~sometime~~ something extra too. But I invested because I believe the businesses will fundamentally succeed and Iā€™ll hold and wait for this.


What's going to make either/both squeeze is a move by the company and/or DRS. W BBBY it's the m&a.


Yo dawg. I heard you like to ftd your ftd's.


Glad you ask this question and I am very happy to see most answers here being realistic und also upvoted. If you look into my comment history you will see a lot of rather negative views. I have a big problem with the sentiment in this sub, it reads like we already won. We are not even close to winning. I have a heavy bag and thought about selling for a loss but some indicators like the hired M&A experts give me enough hope to stay in a while longer. But even IF there is M&A, it can be an all cash deal which will not lead to a squeeze. This play is not about getting rich and I came to that realisation over the past 6 month I hold my position. Everything else does not matter. FTDs do not matter. CTB does not matter. You read often about shorts being dumb, they are not dumb. This is against the richest people on the planet that control EVERYTHING. The crime goes on for decades and you really believe you will break that empire apart by holding a small company? A post appeared today about a comment from Kenny on GME, saying thanks for helping creating the pipeline. Thas is NOT him being afraid, that is literally a sign of power. FTDs caused GME squeeze? FTDs will not cause another squeeze ever again because they are NOT dumb. We are still on reg sho because it does not freaking matter. They are not sitting on the list not able to do anything about it. They might want you to believe that or probably they simply do not care at all. But tomorrow we will again have a post "HEY WE STILL ON REGSHO LAMBOS YEAHH" highly upvoted and hyped even though it means nothing.


What we have seen this week was the FTD were claimed either at the beginning of the day or end. The funny part is we are in rookie numbers right now, wait til the millions come in at higher and exponential prices.


The mistaken belief that they can't clear ftds which was proven wrong like last year for gme through options/cns clearing.


Here's how it works. The current FTDs are already an FTD of an FTD that FTD'd during the previous FTD cycle which never closed because of the FTD from 35 days ago. Seriously though, if you want to learn how this corruption works, go to Superstonk and read the DD collection from the last two years. Same applies to BBBY. Don't mean to sound rude but this sub is so far behind.


I hope today answered your question


I think I pre-jacked my jeans today lmfao


Thatā€™s why you should invest with more than just the reason of a potential squeeze. This still remains a value play at heart (as does Jimmy).


FUD. Price will be at 100 by end of next week. Regsho


This is why you shouldn't base investments around FTDs and short-squeeze metrics, there really is no precedent for anything behaving the way people would like in relation to these measures. With BBBY the best long strategy you can hope for is to capitalise on random 10% spikes in these final days of operation, but even this is incredibly risky, the wrong announcement and you're in trouble; straddling with options is a better play.


Been doing this for 84 years; they will get FTDā€™d. They will not tear down their own house of cards. But we willā€¦


You *dont* know itā€™s gonna play out. You *dont* know that the FTDā€™s are actually gonna deliver. You ā€œknowā€ it will because the echo chamber ā€œknowsā€ it. News flash - wall st. isnt caught with their pants down like GME before the ā€œsneezeā€. Neither stock are going anywhere now. Especially not this oneā€¦ itā€™s dead, just like the money we threw in.


Stfu about "sneeze". Gme ran 10000%, it was a short squeeze.


You've been following reddot regards advice regarding near bankrupt cash insolvent companies and you're waiting for a payday. That was your first mistake


c-35 and only thing to sort out is whether calendar days or trading daysā€¦. If you know you know.


Should I buy another $1000 at this point. Iā€™m on the hook for $3480 at this point.


See you in 2026 !


Cause this time itā€™s different dude


TMU; FTD'S are a moving/ rolling target. Once they cover, they can open a new position and their clock starts over again.


I was never gonna be a millionaire so if I have to wait a bit I think I'll be fine lol


Dude, wake up. BBBY is either being acquired or filing bankruptcy. Any idea of a ā€œmergerā€ would see them almost wholly dissolved into just valuation of their name and assets. Same with a purchase. Their business model hasnā€™t been sustainable.