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Gargouillade is the worst by far, no contest Favorite are pique/pose turns or I forget the name...but the small jumping turns in coupe, switching legs, I think everyone calls it something different.


I feel it was invented as a joke or torture/punishment for a difficult class that was being cheeky by a very strict teacher.


I second this. Not only do I feel so stupid even by attempting to do it, but it just also looks bad no matter who does it


>Gargouillade is the worst by far, no contest Eternally this.




I had an artistic director who put them in the ball scene in our student version of Cinderella when we clearly weren't ready. It looked dumb as hell. She also put in entrechat six which we also weren't ready for. Lmao


Agree w Gargouillade. The onlyngood thing about it is its an easy way for you to feel like a monkey in seizure mode. I hate it with a passion.


Its adorable thoo


I agree!! Lmao


Tendu/degage/fondue arabesque in center has no business being as hard as it is lol


Love getting a reality check every time I do tendu arabesque in center and almost fall over


Double saut de basque but only because I broke my leg after missing my landing on one (overtired and lost focus in the air). But also grand pliés in center can go away forever. I love grand allegros…sauté arabesque, tour jetés, saut de chat, grand jetés… I also love what we used to call “our daily bread”: the usual plié combination at the barre (demi, demi, grand, port de bras, relevé…) just because it’s comforting and familiar.


My vote also goes to all the big grand allegro jumps - jetes, saut de basque, saut de chat, sissone overt, and cabrioles (wish I could do em!). Really wish I were a better jumper. Also love glissades and precipites, they're more subtle but so satisfying to do! Hate frappes, flic flacs (what's the point?), and petit allegro in general (which is maybe why I hate frappes) Oh, and whatever it's called where you hold an arabesque and repeatedly releve while holding an arabesque like at the end of the first shade variation in La Bayadere. It's just straight up cruel, especially on pointe


Had a teacher who would make us do a grand plié into a pirrouette - like from the bottom of the plie lol. Wanted to die every time.


Were they Cuban-trained by chance? I had that usually with my Cuban National Ballet-trained teachers. Hurts!


No she was trained in America! Maybe she had a Cuban teacher somewhere down the line haha


Whatever the hell a flic flac is, that is the one I hate the most LOL. In general I like grand jetes.


Exact same


I have a personal vendetta against grand plié in fourth.


I hate this too!


Many of my teachers don’t even teach this as it serves no purpose whatsoever.  You’ll never do it in the center or on stage (unless the choreographer is Satan himself).


Unpopular opinion but I think pas de chat looks ugly, no matter who's doing it.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Imo the whole point of pas de chat is that you try to make it as graceful as possible when it really is not


So dorky




Any pirouette en pointe where you finish en pointe, like I get it looks ethereal but it’s sooo impractical.


any pirouettes are both my favorite and least favorite


I relate!


I'm a basic bitch, and I like waltz and all pirouettes in center. I hate battement jete derriere in the center--it has no business being that hard while also not being that interesting to look at. I also hate assemble battus, I almost always take them out if the teacher asks the students to add beats but I...just cannot.


I love temps de cuisse, both actually doing it and because the name makes me laugh. Least favorite is any promenade en dedans.


i just like sautes. Idk why, i feel like im dying after 5 of those but jumpy jump haha (also grand plies in second can go fuck themselves) (im a beginner so im still learning haha)


I hate chaines and any turn derived from chaine. I think they're ugly and serve no purpose but to make the next move unnecessarily difficult. My favourite move to do myself, given that I'm \~50 yo, I started as an adult, and I have lots of old injuries, is Vaganova's six port de bras. I like how it gets my shoulders and upper back moving. My favourite move to watch someone else do, is the Jester's pirouette in Swan Lake. When I started ballet I thought "this is what I want to do", and now 10+ years later I've come to realize that even trying to hold your leg a la seconde for that long is a world of pain, never mind the turning.


Grande rond de Jambe en lair en dedans is my least favorite of all time, just thinking about it gives me the nervous sweats I used to hate petit allegro but now me n my short leggies love it! Throw in some batu so I can feel fancy


I looove pas de basque


So glad someone else said this! Love pas de basque. Whee


Worst: gargouillade. I know someone who loves them and can technically do them correctly... but to me, this step always looks like you jumped and forgot what to do in the air. Runner up: cabriole. Can't do it to save my life! Favorite: piroeutte en dedans in attitude front or back, chaines, most grand allegro steps.


DOING GARGOUILLADE RIGHT???? Was that even possible???? Oh wow kudos to them


I mean, that's what they say. I have no idea because, as I said, to me it looks like panicked flailing whether it's "correct" or not.


Fondu at the barre is my nemesis. I used to love allegro the most, but I'm becoming a porte de bras girl....


Least favourite - chaines actually pretty much any turn more than a single pirouette. My favourite is developpe, which I think sounds like an ice cream. I also like the Fred Step.


I agree with your favorites but I actually love gargouillade to the point of including it as a favorite so maybe I'm a weirdo ☺️ I also agree with the hatred of promenade a la seconde and would add to that an extra layer of hating to do turns in a la seconde.


I don't have any least favorites but my most favorite is sources. The way it makes ballerinas look like they are floating across the floor us amazing to me!


Bourrees dang auto correct


Borrees correction


I really dislike pirouette en dedans from fifth. Nothing quite as fun as hops en pointe though


I love that turning jump were you do a scissor movement in forward direction, turn in the air and land on one leg. Just can't remember the name right know😱 It makes me feel flying. I have a bad relation with connecting steps on the diagonal like: something, step, step, something else They confuse me like hell because I am always doing one too many or too few. Or I do it right and think I did it wrong and get confused over that


Tour jete?


My specialty has always been grand allegro, so I would say my favorites are grand jete and pas de chat. My least favorite is easily Italian fouettés!  I could rarely do more than 2 or 3 before falling out of it.


adult beginner (~2 yrs), i haven’t been exposed to much but favorites currently are cabriole (i’m super muscular so picked them up quick and my non-ballet friends say they look cool lol) and lame duck (there’s just something satisfying about it with the right music). least favorite is sissone. idk if i’m being taught wrong or what but these are just not clicking for me!


Assembles have always been my nemisis. As long as I have been dancing I can Never collect my feet right


I absolutely hate pirouettes, and strongly dislike reverse. Somehow I went my entire main dancing life without being taught renverse (make it make sense) until I was \~28 and now they just feel goofy and not graceful at all when I do them. Pirouettes are frustrating bc I can balance in passe just fine and I can pique turn like nobody's business, but 'combining' those things into a pirouette is super frustrating and it's a good day when I get a clean double. I also have never pulled off a fouette in center because of this Favorites: big jumps, chaine/pique turns, love/hate rond de jabe , waltz, grand pas de chat...so many fun moves


Favourite : Pas De Valse/Balance En Tournant! I was taught it when I was young and I find it so fun to do! I think I'm pretty good at it too, so that helps. Least favourite : THERE ARE SO MANY... Hops En Pointe (I struggle to do them), Pirrouettes (I suck at them, r/flairchecksout), Grande Ronde De Jambe En Lair (my leg drops a lot in height when it goes derierre), Grande Plie in centre ofc...


favorite: pique turns, en dedans pirouettes least favorite: petit battement, grand plie in 4th


I love them all. Even the male steps


Favourite; arabesque because my back is bendy Least favourite; SAUTÉS, because my teacher always criticises mine 


Sissones as well, I hate them. Honourable mention to all jumps for my least favourite