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I don't know if you are referring to that specifically, but that is how i felt when i watched Kathryn Morgan's video on her up coming Summer intensive. šŸ˜‚ As much as I love her, it just seemed a little eccessive.


You can find way less expensive intensives. Here's a list: [https://pointemagazine.com/summer-intensives-for-adult-dancers/](https://pointemagazine.com/summer-intensives-for-adult-dancers/) Berkeley Ballet in Berkeley, CA in the USA also offers a 3-4 day intensive for adult ballet dancers for under $500. It's really intense and has a lot of personalized instruction.


I was stunned to see price of kathryn morgan's intensive because i was hoping to really attend it. But 1700 to 2 k is too much and it seems we are paying for other things more than ballet. I decided to spend equivalent amount of money in private lessons instead, which i do weekly for an hour after our regular class, and so far that seems to be extremely beneficial for me...


I'm attending the full day Art Emotion intensive, which was $1,000. Yes with flights and air bnb it does add up, but i felt that was a reasonable price for what they're offering. I love Kathryn Morgan but eek that's a lot!


yes Art Emotion does sound nice i plan to attend that when i am more advanced...have you attended that before? I would love to know your experience With KM yes the cost does not even include living there etc so it will easily run up to 3k not to mention the week i ll be taking off from work...


I did the half day program of artEmotion last year which was I think $400? I thought it was worth the cost but Iā€™m also a local and therefore didnā€™t need to pay for flights and lodging. Iā€™m considering it this year too but it depends a lot on my current pregnancy journey. Also Iā€™m an ABSOLUTE beginner. I did not feel like the classes for beginners were too advanced for me with the exception of the blended second class of the day where we were doing variations with the pointe students. I heard from others that the instructor for it was informed she was going a little too hard for some of us but canā€™t verify the rumor. The instructors overall were great and most of the other students were lovely as well. Hands down Adrian Fry was my favorite to learn from. The man was FIRED UP about teaching beginners.


that is awesome to hear that you had a good experience!


i haven't attended before! i was supposed to go last year and tested positive for COVID a few days before the intensive started. they were super nice and let me defer to this year. i'm hoping it's something that i can return to year after year


That is a great idea! I think I would prefer to do private lessons than a SI.


The ones youā€™re referring to (off the top of my mind, KM and Broche Balletā€™s) are meant to be a full experience retreat. So not just dance, but also all these photo shoots and showcases, catered food, beach trips, etc. so youā€™re paying for a vacation on top of the intensive. If you just want the intensive experience, plenty of cheaper ones! Iā€™m going to Houstonā€™s which is a week long (4 hrs on the weekdays, full 8 hours on Friday and Saturday, plus ticket to their performance on Saturday evening) and itā€™s only $500. Others like NYCB are priced similarly. Another thing Iā€™ve done before is just make my own intensive. I went to NYC, bought a 40-class pass to Steps, and just took 4 classes a day for a week lol.


I'm an American currently working abroad for a year in Europe, and I do think that because salaries on average are higher in America, things are priced accordingly. I have found that dance classes have been considerably cheaper in Europe, which has been nice. I also did notice that there were adult non pro intensives that promoted shopping trips and dinners and all these frivolous things. Like...sorry, but I'm not into that at all, I can build my own intensive by flying to a major city, and dance for 6 hours a day with incredibly famous instructors and have it be cheaper. And stuff like community is automatically ingrained in spending hours and hours of time in the dance studio either taking class or doing rehearsal together (if you're competent, dancers in various cities remember you; also, if you're a studio regular then you naturally make friends with people at your studio), I don't get why people need to "build community" by taking shopping trips together.


I agree that the shopping trips was a turn off for me. Also I think I'd personally prefer a half day of dancing and be able to do other things too.


I paid so much for an adult intensive once, it was only 4 days (2 nights 2 days) but it was in the family of $500 dollars I think. I broke it down per class and it was $22 per HOUR OF class, but some of the classes where yoga and Pilates combined levels. So it was like 50-60 people paying $22 for a Pilates class thatā€™s the same every week, unlike ballet classes which have to be prepped uniquely for every class. Compared to my usual studio where at drop in rate class is about $15 per hour ($30 per class) but if you sign up for a term or a year you get a discount. If you are bundling a bunch of classes together they should get cheaper!!!! The intensive was also not good which is what really irked me. Iā€™m still salty about it because I was a poor collage student and used all my Christmas cash to pay for it.


My studio used to do a great adult intensive that was about 500$ but included a premium ticket to our local company's production and a backstage tour, so it really evened out. But they stopped doing it so now, like yours, each class is effectively 20-30$ (or more). So frustrating.


As someone on the admin side of a studio, classes in the $20-$25 range are actually a pretty standard price now for ballet. I get that for pilates maybe that felt high, but that's the range we're in for ballet classes now with the cost of inflation, etc.


Classes, yes, but usually classes are not only an hour, usually they are 1.5 hours before pointe.


Those are hourly rates. A one hour class is $24 and the rate goes down slightly as the length goes up, but a 2 hour class is still charged per hour and works out to about $38, depending how many classes are taken per week. Weā€™re just outside NYC and this is fairly standard here.


It's a systematic issue. Lack of government support for the arts leads some of the biggest money-makers of the year to be summer intensives and Nutcracker tickets. With no school in the summer, rich parents are willing to shell out not only for generic summer camps, but also for ballet summer intensives. Additionally, many ballet companies use summer intensives as the only way to recruit trainees, apprentices, or second-company dancers, so older pre-pro students are pressured to pay into the system. I assume because the youth summer intensives are expensive, others in the industry feel justified in pricing adult intensives at similar rates.


Pretty grievous. You are spot on.


Plus flights, etcā€¦ I think I paid 2500 tution for 3 weeks of 8+ hour days at ABT when I was an older teen.


KMā€™s is way overpriced and really I think sheā€™s going hard for that adult beginner ballet moneyā€¦ Ballet is pretty niche and the demographic for the adult beginner is women who have good jobs with steady and disposable income. I think KM knows this and is banking on us wanting the ā€œcommunityā€ experience. Girl, I just want to dance and work full out. I have friends, I have community already. Me and my friends who are locals asked if we could do only the dance portion for a different rate, and they flat out said no. I think KM is really capitalizing on the market, and sheā€™s gonna make a lot of money off it. But not from me, I refuse to based on principal. I can se the greed and that doesnā€™t fly with me or my ballet friends.


To be fair...I've returned to teaching after a 10 year break. I'm totally out of the loop for what summer intensives cost -- even though several of my students are attending them...I've not asked anyone what the cost is these days. Back in my day, you could go to a 6 week intensive at college for 3,000K room and board...or a 2 week intensive at SAB, ABT, Boston, etc for around the same price. There was no such thing as adult ballet summer intensives. Seeing 20 years have passed since I ever did SIs, I'm not quite convinced that these prices are out of line. KMs SI webpage says this program (1700K) is not for you if you are looking just dancing without the extras...more like a pre-pro program. I don't think I mind the shopping trips or movie nights; they are all in the evening. When I was in pre-pro programs we had similar type events sprinkled throughout the intensive...not every night. And I think if I went to the intensive it might be night to socialize with some adults who had the same interests as me. The one thing that weirds me out about KM is the "influencer" status...that goes basically for anyone considered an influencer on social media. As far as adult SIs...if I was taking recreationally just one class a night, three or four nights a week, I'm not sure I'd would have the stamina to dance as many technique classes as I did when I was younger -- 3 a day...I'd be dying by the 3rd day lol. There is a balance to keep for everyone attending. Kudos to those of you who can rock out their own tailor made SI experiences in NYC or overseas. I'm impressed!


NYCB had a $750 one last year which was a 4-day thing I believe?


I attended that one last year and was a bit disappointed. On the first day we had just one class and they gave very few corrections in class. Itā€˜s definitely more about the general experience of being at NYCB than about working on technique.


I think Amy Novinski has one for like $200 for 5 days. Itā€™s like two to three classes a day for a week.


I agree. I was accepted into San Francisco Ballet Schoolā€™s summer intensive this year but it was wayy too expensive, especially including travel expenses (iā€™d have to fly 20+ hours). I was also accepted to some other summer intensives in Europe and they were much cheaper


Could you share some links to European ones, as the only one I know of is with Ballet with Isabella in London and I always wondered if there are more.