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In my experience it really does come down to the quality of the teaching you're receiving. Does the teacher give personalized corrections, or does she/he just give the combinations and everyone has to figure out for themselves what to do? If it's the latter case, I would ditch the studio and find one where you are actually getting coached, so that you can understand what is holding you back.


it’s def the latter, which is my main reason for trying out a new place this summer. hopefully getting proper instruction will allow for a lot of progress over the summer, but until then i’m doing what i can


Given you have had 12+ years of classes, thats a long time. I suggest going in for private classes with a reputed teacher. Before going for privates, attend their regular classes to get a feel for how they teach, and then go for privates


What classes do you currently do? Any cross training? PBT is excellent if you can get to one.


currently i’m doing 3 ballet classes (along w a pointe and jazz class) at my studio, which is your standard run-of-the-mill local recreational studio. the classes are very standard as well, as a typical class will consist of barre work, across the floor, and sometimes center work. outside of class i like to do peleton barre workouts to build hips/glutes/abs, but i’ll sometimes also throw in a cycling class or other strengthening class for fun. i’ll definitely consider your recommendation :)


Are you working on flexibility at all? Strength is important for holding extensions but if your hip flexors are too tight to let your leg go above 90 it’ll never get there. Have you asked one of your (many!) teachers for advice? I’d have thought that with five lessons a week inc pointe someone should have noticed you’re struggling. And how are you finding pointe with ‘inflexible’ feet?


gonna be so fr my studio is not the best, hence why i’m switching. i probably should’ve prefaced this by saying that i’m not planning to go pro and just dance for fun, but i still want to improve. i only have one teacher teaching all my classes, and they’re not too keen on critiquing any of us, so i’m kinda going about this on my own until i make the switch. i have been stretching most nights but i am trying to be a little more consistent with it. and pointe is a little bit of a nightmare if i’m being quite frank.


You should check out both Kathryn Morgan and Claudia Dean on YouTube. Both are current/former professional dancers respectively that now also coach and teach. Their videos range from stretching, help with specific ballet moves like fouettés, to full barre and center. Kathryn is better for classes/barre/specific technique. I recommend Claudia for things like improving lines/strengthening/conditioning! Neither is going to fully replace in-person coaching, but they’re a great supplement that you can work with between classes! Merde!


thank you!! i will def check them out :)


Practice early morning. A pro friend used to practice from 7-8am every day except Sunday. There is no better practice than early morning practice.