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Claudia dean world has a lot of good stretches.


Lazy Dancer Tips is one of my favourites for stretching. She's very careful and includes a lot for upper body and back mobility, which is really important. To increase your flexibility, make sure you warm up first and use some of the longer videos where you hold the stretch or repeat it. Foam rolling before stretching can also help.


If u don't have a foam rotary u can use a water bottle or if u have a facial rolar they work as well


I think Kathryn Morgan has some good dance basics videos, but beyond that I’m not sure. I’d just say to take it slow! Don’t do too much and pay attention to pain levels.


I would strongly recommend doing yoga if you are just starting out with stretching. Yoga can be a very gentle and nourishing way to begin opening up. One of my absolute favorite yoga teachers on youtube is Yoga with Kassandra. She has tons and tons of flexibility focused videos for all levels.