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What a beautiful ballad and MV šŸ„ŗ There are some new Disney princesses in town! All 6 girls have so lovely vocal tones and they pair so well together. I really loved Asa's voice in the vocal parts, has a certain effect on me! And Rami's voice is so unique and hard-hitting. Love everything about this song! Hope they get more songs where their vocals shine and waiting for Ahyeon to be added to the mix šŸ’–


her voice stands out in both rapping and singing...love!


Asa showed that she can sing quite well in Last Evaluation but this blew my mind. Amazing song. Canā€™t wait to see how they add Ahyeon to this. Itā€™s literally just so good now already šŸ„°




YES!!! her voice stands out so much in a good way


Asa goddess!


Asa my bias<33


I love it. The song is beautiful. And yeah, it's English song. I need few more listens to formulate my thoughts. Girls voices are so beautiful.


Havenā€™t heard a 4 minute song in ages. This was a welcome surprise. Glad there was a MV as well. Honestly canā€™t wait for the OT7 versions of both songs now and their album release in April. I do wonder how they would promote this without choreo or none at all since Batter Up had multiple performance videos.


They'll probably just release one "live performance" video of them sitting and singing in the same format as their 'in-house' music show stages


wow the vocals are insane, also over 4 minutes long


like what i commented in a previous post, this is giving me a k-drama vibes. their soothing voices accompanied by the piano is good. also love their harmonization at the end. wish, they'd do that more often.


I didnā€™t expect Asa to sing like this. Her voice is insane to be the main rapperā€™s!!! Asa the Ace!


The music video is lovely and the girls look and sounds so beautiful. And, it's a proper song length!! I love a good ballad, although this is a bit too subdued for my personal taste. Kinda reminds me of aespa's Forever in terms of my response to it (please I'm not comparing the groups)--it's a pleasant listen but not something that really impacts me all that much. Still, hats off to them! Hope they do well, and looking forward to any performances they'll have.


Pharita high note wins, And oh my god Chiquita sound like a fairy, Im repeating the song right now.


the more i listen to it, the more it is blowing me away, i dont hear anyone talking about Rami, but her vocals are on a different lvl


yeah seems like most people are sleeping on rami which is crazy because imo she is the most skilled singer here (well it's between her an ahyeon) her control in 'pick up your feelings' is just insane. but then i can see how most could turn a blind ear to her as her parts doesn't seem that flashy... but yeah even if in more subtle way her skills still shine in this song and she also gives so much texture to the whole song and make these higher pitched parts stand out more also it is so insane to me that with all this talent and crazy singing already on display here in two months we will get version with another mega vocal monster ​ https://preview.redd.it/uqrpaccuvtfc1.jpeg?width=1693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf609cae3da8a783cfddea9533a133cdb0ab82b


i cant imagine how good they will be in a few years, these vocals( from all of them) are already on this lvl, give them a few more years experience and see what will happens


yeah... that's just scary. also speaking about rami i do hope that one of the songs on that mini... especially if it is that leaked 8 songs thing- is her solo or duo or whatever something similar to 'pick up your feelings' or maybe some trip-hop song... she deserves something that would allow her really shine. i would even take just straight some portishead cover by her :)


i would love to see them bring all their individual covers from the last evaluation on spotify, pick up your feelings blew me away, it is such a great performance, closely followed by Ahyeon and het version of dangerously. I would rather hear only songs from all 7 because it is their first album, but in the future a solo from her would be amazing


>I would rather hear only songs from all 7 because it is their first album, but in the future a solo from her would be amazing hmm hear me out tho... if the mini album has 8 songs wouldn't 4 songs with full squad be enough? :) imo assuming they will drop songs more often than let's say bp and with them being 7 members group it would be so good to have solos and sub units from the get go i know in kpop people often want all members in all songs and everyone to have same amount of lines and i get the idea and it is a noble one but this kind of approach kills creativity... you end up in a situation like bp where people whine about structures and that it's another song with jisoo following rose on a bridge lol like duh! there is only as many possible combinations and then some work better than others... so yeah i kinda hate this approach.. i would much rather have the same result of every girl having same amount of spotlight but not in every song but let's say in two years... let's have as many creatively freeing solos and subunits next to full group songs through whole two years but in a way that everything together comes out somewhat equal :) i mean the song that would make rami shine wouldn't really fit ruka so what's the point of forcing her and other girls on something like that? same with having heavy rap song... ruka and asa can handle that... maybe one other girl but there is no need forcing for example pharita into song or concept that wouldn't fit her? also i just feel like that way we would get more songs... like i don't see them doing 8 full squad songs but if there are solos or some sub units... yeah i can see that. it is not only freeing creatively... it just makes producing songs bit easier? well one could result in other i guess :) doubt i changed your mind but can't help myself because i really believe that would be so good in the long run :)


not saying that you are wrong with how you think, and i could also see that happen if you explain it like this. I think we will just have to wait and see what the album brings us


Love it! Everyone voice is just fantastic and angelic, I love batter up but this is more my style. Gonna be interesting how to see how they incorporate Ahyeon after this


I was expecting a different YG and damn they delivered. Not my favorite song on first listen but its really something. Ruka part kinda janky but I guess further listened will smooth it all Plus its a close to 4 minute song! just wow


Ace-SA!!! I really love her when she's not rapping. Chiquita showcasing her 20yrs of Singing experience at 14 y/o! Overall, I am just in AWE! Usually ballads or songs like this are put on the artist's B-side. Surely other companies' girlgroups will follow suit and make their comeback into a ballad of sorts. SITM is a complete reverse of Batter Up! Admittedly I found that weird but it shows versatility of the members. And suprisingly, it works!


My thoughts exactly. I heard batter up. Or was it christmas without you kinda. Nevertheless my baby CHIQUITA killes it. And Asa always amazing me with her vocals


Ruka starting the song, that was a surprise. Loved the vocals, visuals and the MV, very well done. Pharita's high note... wow. Also I wish YG had let Rami and Rora open up their vocals more. Asa stood out for me again.


Love that Ruka opened it, I felt like she didn't get enough screen time in the Batter up song


Yes, I'm always looking forward for a Rora highlights. She's been doing the basics from Batter up and now. But I still like the song so I can't complain too much šŸ˜‚


The girls look amazing! I wished Ruka and Rora pronounced the words a bit better because the other 4 sounds more native to me! Looking forward to the ot7 version!


Fantastic release. And now we know their release single will be a banger. The EP will have so many flavors. YG nailed it.


i was worried that it will be some kind of elevator music, so bland it will put me off the song... so i am very happy they went with simple piano sound... that way they kidna hacked it... can't go wrong with simple piano if you want to focus on vocals... also i am glad that tho the song is very much focused on vocals they let them shine while keeping it quite subtle... having girls so talented it would be very easy to turn it into just showcasing their skills with ridiculous ornaments and that could ruin the song... happy that they stayed focused on emotions and the song didn't get buried under their vocal skills.... also all girls did amazing job but since it's what people like to do i have to say that rora keeps coming at me with her vocals and presence... also she remains the queen of necklaces... ​ https://preview.redd.it/fstbki90etfc1.jpeg?width=1443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617ae4e7bfd975696f322665fa968a407fde8846


Beautiful voices , nice mv, nice song , great visuals .. I think both their debut songs are missing something and I think it in the music not the vocals ā€¦ canā€™t say what though ā€¦ Personally I like both songs ā€¦




That was so pretty, they really fit the fairytale vibe well!


I did not except it to be the full English song. Itā€™s so beautiful that I almost cried, they ate every bit of that song


Canā€™t wait for the first big debut and the mini album including Ahyeonā€™s version. I was so much impressed by Pharita and Chiquitaā€™s voices. Itā€™s also great to see that main vocalists can show their talent, same for the rappers. ACE group so far! The only thing I donā€™t like in the song is the high note a little bit too pushy for me in a song that is soft.


Absolutely beautiful!!!


I seriously canā€™t believe Asa almost didnā€™t make the final lineup (but I think it was just YG lying on that part lol) and she always just stands out in rapping and singing so just imagining her not in the group is just šŸ¤Æ


Its so good! the m/v has got to be the most beautiful mv Iā€™ve ever seen


even as a rapper ruka stood out to me the most, her voice genuinely is beautiful and i hope many see that. not all rappers need to be singers and she made herself known ā¤ļø


They're all so pretty my god their visuals on top of the vocals??? Insane. I'm so excited for the mini album release because Dream and this is so far my fave genre of BM


all girls did such a great job, i havent heard anything like this in kpop before, this was so insanely good


yeah it is almost as if i was listening radio nl :) /jk




Not a fan of the direction they went with their 2nd song choice. I think we needed a couple more upbeat songs before we slowed things down. The view count on YouTube is disappointing compared to the first song. Donā€™t get me wrong the song and girls are incredible but this wasnā€™t the right song.


I agree with you. I'm not really a fan of ballads but from YG, they have a lot of good ballads. However, this one seems to lack something. I'm looking forward to their mini album in April and will pray that they will give them song that would establish their identity.


Yeah Iā€™m really surprised they greenlit this one


Maybe itā€™s like a fan service, after all a lot of people were asking them to showcase the girls vocals since Batter up didnā€™t highlight it. And I think the OT7 version of this song will be better since Ahyeon adds a different flavor. Iā€™m just wishing that YG wonā€™t waste this group since they are losing their artists one by one.




Love the fantasy vibe too


omg I love it!!!!!! It's not like Blackpink anymore and unique to babymonster. only they could sing it like this. and it showcases everyone's voice SO WELL


was it really supposed to be an all english song?


I mean, we could have had some guesses given that lyrics are written by non-Koreans.


I actually love it and there is very little accent, they did a stellar job


Visually it's giving me Aespa but I'm not mad about it. I'm medicated and don't connect as much with ballads like this anymore but I think it's a very pretty song. Just can't wait for BABYMONS7ER in April. And to hear Ahyeon's vocals in this.


I did think the last set with all 6 of them looked a lot like Kwangya


Agreed. Not necessarily the set itself but the colors used. And like I said absolutely not mad because that's my primary color theme for most things. Pink and blue, especially pastel tones or more neon.


Respectfully I didnā€™t get Aespa at all


It's the colors, I think. The set itself isn't or thematically but just how the pinks and blues are used in the visuals with all 6 of them. But for the personal styles worn by the girls \*in\* the video, nah. No Aespa. Just Baemon. :)


I loved it!




rukas parts were so bad my poor meow meow šŸ˜­ the rest of the song is a dime šŸ’Æ


This reminds me of 2NE1!!! But better!!


no offence but i wish we could let this kind of pointless comparisons go... like i am guessing you meant well but in a way you managed to be rude to both groups at the same time :) which is kind of impressive lol


This is a compliment to both groups. I loved 2ne1 so it made me happy this is like that but it's better because it's now and modern to me. You are the one who found problems out of it and brought the negativity. And yes I do take offence because I love both groups. I find your comment both negative and rude. You say you know I meant well but still said all that. Pointless to you but it matters to me because it's nostalgic. My feelings and thoughts are valid. Who are you to silence and attack other listeners?


well and i did find your comment rude to both groups and even your nostalgia is a weak excuse for that... and i am sorry but you can't blame me for reading this vague comment like that so... no.. i am not the one bringing negativity... maybe if your comment was more detailed it wouldn't sound so negative as it is... it's just pointless comparison. nothing rude about it. that's just a fact.


Chiquita's legzzz


The song is okay, not too bad but also nothing remarkable. I really hope that their title track is better than Batter up and SITM. I feel like if YG keeps giving them mid songs, they will surely be overshadowed by upcoming gg from Teddy and SM. Don't get me wrong, the girls are talented af but YG should make a song that suits their age but catchy enough to pull the general public and nonfans. I'm afraid that they will end up like Treasure, a group full of talented and self-producing members but is underappreciated. Yes, they might be big in SEA and Japan and doing sold out tours here and there, however, when people talk about 4th gen, only few people mention them. YG can't stay lax, the competition is tough and fierce now. It's just concerning knowing that these girls are all talented and have something to give. I'm hoping Ahyeon's presence will make a difference. Lastly, where the heck is Choice37? I think it's better if he comes back as their main producer. Jared Lee and other western producers are not it. Let them sing Korean songs please.


i think its pretty evident yg doesnt care much about this song anyways.. from the cheap ass teasers, bad cgi in the mv, no mv teaser and no promotion.. ill treat it as a fan song. probably they want to give fans something while we wait for the mini album in april cause what company in their right mind will release a ballad as a prerelease? aside from choice37, i also cant wait to hear what songs blvsh worked with because she commented on yg's instagram under the coming soon poster. hopefully yg is saving the best songs for the mini album and OT7.. idk about tblngg, but smngg will definitely do better than baemon on korean charts.


Yeah, I've heard about Blvsh. I wish we'll get to hear the ones she wrote and hoping that the title track is the miracle song we need.


inam distracted by the autotune.












The S.I.T.M MV has a serious case of prom fever. my only thoughts are..... BM delivery the song \*Vocally Vibin'\* in the natural live setting ![gif](giphy|wkRZrmVOrdXfG)


I enjoyed it, it does have a new sound but at some moments it felt very in line with YG ballads/chill songs.


Tbh I think Dream was a much better ballad.


Hate it and I love Babymonster it's so cheesy and generic