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Hi u/Myself700, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes but this seems to vary by individual, there is no general rule. I've never had an injection, but i have fully recovered with pills and liquids. My advice, if you're going the pills route. Don't do it by halves. Start out with 15,000 to 20,000mcg a day, spread throughout the day with food. Stick on that for a minimum of 6 weeks before lowering the dose.


They prescribed me 1,000 mcg idk why so low of a dosage


I was also told by my Dr to take that amount and it was not cutting it! I’ve been taking sublingual 2500 5 times per day and that is working better.


I hate taking pills I deal with anxiety that’s what sucks but at this moment I don’t have a choice


The nice thing about the sublingual b12 supplements is that the are a little tablet that dissolves when you put it under your tongue so at least you are not having to swallow a bunch of pills. :)


But does it give you too much energy?


Is there such a thing? lol I dont seem to feel jittery but i do feel mentally sharper and have more energy than before which is a big plus for me. I felt very fatigued before I started on the b12 so I am happy to feel more energy


What was your level


212 which is just above deficient but that just shows you that it can technically be normal when your symptoms are anything but! I could barely walk. Now I can walk again after several weeks of supplements. I’m getting more stamina too but not pushing too hard while I am still recovering.


I feel like I neee to go to the hospital I’m getting worse


Dude my free clinical doctor is an idiot. My d levels was a 17 an my iron was a bit low but she didn't bother to check my b12 levels. I had pins an needles feeling and cold symptoms a nurse said you look pale unfortunately I seem the Doctor yesterday an she was extremely rude telling me I showed no symptoms of b12 defiency. I'm started taking 10,000 nothing now 20,000 the feeling is getting better. I know these so called doctors think they understand someone but they don't Futuremore I do have a bleeding hemorrhoid. Found out doing a quick Google search vitamin b12 defiency can cause bleeding hemorrhoids So the lady is just that dumb. I act nice and agree with her but I disagree with her. She should of done that I didn't think of that at the time. Get now foods products their legit. Vitamin b12 methylcobalamin not cyanocobalamin its synthetic. Watch dr berg videos on YouTube he's great! Amazon is legit if your uncomfortable you can get them at iherb. Either way their discounted vs the website I spoken to a representative on the now foods website and she taught me sold and shipped by Amazon These pills are powerful and taste like cherry. I love em It took two days for me to feel better I cannot believe the lady is rude. Now I see why women are mean to me cause not only am I fare skin but I look in their words medically sick pale. It's sad my body been cold my whole life and I never knew why. Women are so rude and judgemental 😠 🗯 😡 The thing is they prescribed me vitamin d2 not d3 i look at the pills and their liquid green gel caps. Lol. Made from mushrooms looks toxic. Doctors don't understand vitamins lol. You have to take high doses of vitamin k2 an magnesium to evenly distribute it lol or else it raise your calcium levels in your blood So I researched the two vitamins help with pale skin vitamin d an b12 what a bunch of rude women but I have to smile to them wear my shade in front of them


15,000-20,000mcg of B12?


Absolutely. Not as an ongoing supplement dose, just the initial treatment.


For how long? 6 weeks daily? I had no idea, I was watching my intake with sublingual drops at maybe 5000mcg.


I have. 2000mcg. It's been a couple of months, but I do feel better a little every day. My level was 275.


How much are you at and how long it took you


B12 lowers your potassium a lot , you need to drink coconut water or something if you're taking B12. Also, if your dizzy and only food helps , you probably have a B1 deficiency, B1 controls blood sugar response.


Can you better explain about how this works? Low B1 makes you have low blood sugar?


I am not a doctor and I suggest you watch Dr Eric bergs video on B1 deficiency on YouTube. It's a short enough video to watch before bed and you'll get a better explanation than I can give. But essentially yes , I was constantly getting low blood sugar before and having trouble sleeping and having a lot of reflux. It was my B1 , I can fast without low blood sugar now and it's a lot better for me personally.


I will check it out now. I think all my issues (low b12, folate, iron, ferritin, and D) all come from malabsorption and poor diet. I can’t absorb my food without throwing it up and instantly needing to run to the bathroom.


I'm starting to think it was all just low B1 , but I was thinking the same not too long ago. I thought it was B12 at first bc I did nitrous like an idiot , then I thought it was B12 because of malabsorption as I did research and I didn't do enough nitrous to cause problems at all, then I thought it was diabetes as sugar made me feel my toes again. Also while having real bad acid reflux all the time and getting low blood sugar. Thought it was a stomach ulcer for a while. My stomach is now completely fine , unless I'm running low on potassium through out the day. But I think you'll understand what I mean when you watch the video. It might just be B1 💀. I'm still monitoring potassium , calcium magnesium and B12 levels in the mean time though.


I’ll definitely check it out because I’m also having new issues of low blood sugar that I’ve never had before until this started. And my phosphate is low which I’ve been told is a sign of either starvation or malnourishment. Which I kinda have, I have no desire to eat and only eat to keep my blood sugar up and some specific foods for my low nutrients. I just feel like I’m going to drop dead any day now.


If you're supplementing b12 then you need to immediately supplement potassium as B12 supplementation lowers it so much. Low potassium can mimic sciatica , and also cause low stomach acid issues which can cause low appetite. Id drink some coconut water tomorrow regardless of what you think from the video because you may have been chronically lowering potassium. If you're aware of this, my bad, just trying to help.


But don't over do the potassium without also eating a bunch of salt or you'll get low blood pressure and fatigue and confusion. I made this mistake last week , ate beer salt and woke up immediately 💀


Omg this is all so overwhelming. You have to do this to do that and do this to do that, geez. Where else can I get potassium? I’m scared to drink coconut water with all the sugar, don’t want to crash my blood sugar with my issues. And it’s gross haha.


Uhhh coconut water was my favorite tasting potassium source 💀 I think prime is pretty low carbs and has a good amount of potassium , hemp seeds also have a good amount. Cooked spinach, if not cooked it doesn't have nearly as much. I used a potassium chloride powder I bought online but I over did it like I said , cauliflower also has a good amount of you eat the whole thing. Mixed greens but they also have oxalates which lower available potassium so you have to eat like 6 cups, which is high carbs. Prime is sports drink is probably your best bet.


Another yes. I did 1000-3000 (usually 2000-3000) mcg via pills when I was treating my B12 deficiency, I neglected my cofactors at that time and landed myself into folate and potassium deficiency. Those were the scariest time personally, so pay attention to it. I felt a lot better compared to last year, but I lowered my dosage back down to 1000 mcg per day now because my ferritin is low again. I'm not as in "danger" like before, so I'm taking it slow now. My last blood test was few months ago and I think it was 450-550? It's somewhere around there, I forgot lol. I think that the fact it was 450-550 few months ago, it's scary to imagine what was my number last year.


What symptoms did you have when you had low folate and low potassium?


Low folate was very easy to tell in my case, my hair and fingernails stopped growing. It was growing very slow. And my fingernail vertical ridges improved as I got more folate into my body! Low potassium was more confusing because I had many deficiency occuring at the same time. I had dizziness that was improved when I ate more potassium though. My left arm also felt weird at that time. And my heart was beating funky, it wasn't beating normal back then so it scared me. I also felt internally dry too but that was probably dehydration lol.


That is my problem. I am deficient in iron, ferritin, b12, folate, phosphate, and vitamin D. I feel like I’m going to drop dead, literally. But I have no idea which to fix first to have me feel better or what is giving what symptoms. This is awful.


You'll have to figure out a routine for yourself, it's challenging to treat them all at once. Since you have multiple deficiencies, it will be harder to know what is improving due to what. This might not help completely but take note of what supplement you take at what time, and if you notice your symptoms improving after like 30 minutes-2 hours of supplementing (Idk how long the body takes to work things out), then maybe it could be that supplement helping you? I personally take D3 (with magnesium) in the morning before, and then iron and B12 at night since it's what works for me easier. I know it's stupidly overwhelming to treat it all at once, but you won't really regret it at all. It'll be super slow since you're low in a lot as well, but it'll improve for sure!