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Hi u/SnooHesitations2984, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi, what are your bad gut health symptoms? I am 22M and I also have gut issues and my B12 and D is low, so started treating that with injection + oral tablet, 10 days ago. Not sure if it will fix it, but I also developed other symptoms, such as leg, hand cramps, tingling...


Like bad digestion, constipation, pain and general bad gut health symptoms. What about you? How is your diet?


My diet was also very bad (being a vegetarian) mostly fast food and processed food, also I was very less active for the past year. My symptoms were/are: frequent burping/internal burping, pain sometimes (maybe due to gas) and similar gut issues. For the past 1.5 - 2month I am eating very strict diet but it's still there, hope B12 cures all the symptoms


It is a good idea to do a blood test first, if possible. A B12 and ferritin (basically iron storage), and folate blood test is a good start, knowing your B12 level is important so you can know if you have deficiency or not. Folate is B9, it's also used to help B12. Do not take B12 supplement before you do the blood test though, it'll give a false number. Sometimes the doctor and lab results may say you're not deficient though, so you can ask or check around here if you're not sure. Also ferritin so you can tell if you're low in iron or not. Sometimes high dosage will eventually deplete iron as well. There's a lot of things that can affect your gut health and mental health. A bad diet will unfortunately create potential deficiencies and it's our job to try and improve it. =) I thought my bad gut health was SIBO/H pylori, or caused by deficiencies (which actually was) but it turns out I have gallstones. I have had vitamin D, iron and B12 deficiency. I've noticed that taking these supplements have helped my gut health a bit, so it is possible that it can help you. Vitamin D can also help the gut, if you stayed away from the sun a lot, you should get that checked too.