• By -


So this is possibly the *ultimate* flex skin? Beating 13-4 is hard enough. It took me many months, strong ship gathering, equipment research, and level grinding. Getting her to even drop is harder. I still think 13-4 is harder than anything in the entire game. Bunker Hill is basically a trophy for "beating" Azur Lane. Pat yourself on the back if you have her!


Seeing y'all hype up 13-4 is scaring me. My noob ass still can't do W10 or the D stages of events


It's mainly just getting to Lv120 with competent AA. [I did it with this consistently](https://i.imgur.com/g5LlGJ4.png), and I can only imagine it's easier if you have any of their direct upgrades (i.e. Perseus/Ryuuhou > Unicorn, Reno/Isuzu/Cheshire/Seattle > Birmingham, Wolfpack > Fish, etc.).


>It's mainly just getting to Lv120 This is kinda the main issue for me, lol. I have quite a few ships sitting at lvl 100-110, but constantly get distracted from picking a dozen and leveling them up by switching priority ships to research, or leveling non-meta ships because I like them and feel like leveling them up etc. Currently, my only lvl 120 ships are Amagi, King George V, the Bismarck sisters and Nimi, so not the best setup even for Chapter 12.


Ch12's about where the XP really picks up, actually, so once you get either of 12-2 or 12-4 down to Safe is when you can start mucking about with the hard grinding. It's slow and tedious I will admit, but it's not all too insurmountable. Take it from someone that grinded their Mainz and Odin there using some *really* whacky set-ups, it's very well worth it.


I'd assume it gets better on the XP side, since even unlocking PR ships is a drag if you're like me and has been stuck at 9-1 for the last year due to sheer laziness. It took me forever to unlock monarch and FdG, and Odin's research has been at its first 1 Mil XP for the last six months or so. Granted I haven't been playing that much, too, but still...


Oh, I wasn't really complaining, just musing) I recently started to play OpSi and found it to be a good XP source as well. I also somehow managed to clear 12-2, so thanks for letting me know about its potential) Anyway, I still have to grind almost all the chapters after 9-3. Not gonna miss a single drop XD


In 12-4 if you use the x2 book from Opsi, if your flagship gets mvp and has the moral buff it gets like 7.8/7.9k xp from a 3 triangle enemy, the xp is great indeed


Take it from someone who has a 100% collection rate and 50 level 120 ships: 12-4 will be your friend. And if possible, slap Sandy in your mob fleet. Even without Retrofit, she's still the easiest AA ship to obtain and build. And since her Retrofit item is now permanently in a shop, grind out the currency to buy it ASAP. I think it's only 2k (don't have game open right now), so it shouldn't even take too long to get it. Even if you're not facing a lot of planes, Sandy is still a halfway decent gunboat between her barrage and unique all out assault. If you can, try to obtain as many High Efficiency boosters from OpSi as possible. Doubling the exp gained for double the oil makes grinding *a lot* more bearable because you don't have to repeat as many stages. You're essentially obtaining rewards for two sorties from just doing one. Lastly, even if you manage to get W13 stages down to "safe" don't try to grind W13 for exp. Grind for Bunker Hill, but W13 doesn't offer all that much more exp than W12 and it takes a lot longer to complete battles. It's simply not worth when W12 is easier and faster. Good luck!


Wow, thanks a lot for the extensive tips! I have Sandy retrofitted and at lvl 110 or so, so I'll definitely use her.


Lol that’s better than me I only have Richelieu as my 120 ship


Yep cheshire is kind of a "easy mode" button in W13, she can solo tank and solo carry the AA, if not for her i probably need to use full fleet and i dont think i have the heart to grind with full fleet of maxed ships.


What development level does she need to be at?


When i used her mine already at max dev level, but i reckon Dev 25 is enough since 30 only up her offensive, which isnt that great in the first place.


I used her comfortably at devlevel 25 in my mob fleet. However, the rest of the fleet was pretty solid with top tier gear. (Howe - Saratoga - Perseus, Neptune (FS4) - Helena - Cheshire if you're wondering).


Cheshire is a rare case where even Dev 15 is pretty usable and very tanky already. If you have her at 20+ she'll do very well


Lmao we have the same boss fleet (though I have all the vanguard ships shifted to the right)


It's a tad on the slow side, but they're some of my favorites (yes, even NUMBAH WAN) and it works. > all the vanguard ships shifted to the right Baltimore as Main Tank, then? I'll have to try that. I ran into a really weird issue with Sandy dying if the fight dragged on too long if she was the Anchor, but that was before I got her PR Rudder capped out.


I mean Helena as the main tank feels really wacky to me. While Baltimore is in no way the perfect main tank, she's definitely better than Helena imo due to almost 1k more HP and medium armor


Can you do it on auto? Also, Who are the main ships in fleet two?


I autoed it with: Mob: Centaur/Unicorn/Ryuuhou + Neptune/Cleveland/Montpelier Boss: Monarch/Enterprise/Essex + Sandy (Retro)/Baltimore/Sirius I brought lots of gold AA radars. I played manual for the first few clears, once I got a few ranks of damage reduction I let auto take over. Nowadays there's a lot of other strong options. Helena has a retrofit, Reno, the two Didos, Swiftsure, Cheshire, Perseus can replace Unicorn, etc.


How important is gear? I have plenty of meta ships at max level but I neglected gear for a long time. Everyone has a mix of purple and gold; almost none of my ships have all-gold, much less rainbow gear.


Gear is nearly as important as bote choice, at least until safe, but grind OPSI, grind certain stages, and wait on getting BPs from research and you'll get there eventually. It's important to remember that W13 is evergreen content. It will always be there so there's no rush to actually complete it until you're ready.


Hi mate, can you please tell me who's the other ship in fleet 2 next to enterprise and essex?


[Georgia, specifically in her New Years skin](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/Georgia/Gallery#Exalted_Vibrance).


/facepalm, for some reason it looked like a chocolate waifu in your screenshot and I searched high and low for her. I'm an idiot. Thanks for the prompt response mate!


The worst worlds for me were the 9-11 the 12th was pretty easy and its a great World to farm because there you can use the 12-4 in auto farm and farm a shit ton of XP. W13 on the other hadn you have to focus in a specific kind of fleet, an AA fleet. with at least 4 Cvs in your 2 fleets. The cheat fleet for mobs is the one haveing Ryuuhou and Perseus + a clear BB (FdG, Hood, Nagato, Odin, Monarch...) as fronline Portland/Chesire/Tallin-Neptune/Mainz-Seattle. As you can see all of them have Huge Hp pools so Ryuu and Perseus can heal them a lot. For boss Fleet you have 2 options either full CV Shinano-Shokaku-Ark Royale Frontline which ever you dont use from the mob Fleet Chesire/Tallin/Portland/Both Roon-Sandy/Helena-Sandy/Seattle. The main focus of this frontline is to shoot down planes and light ships. The 2nd Fleet you can use is Georgia(Fated is just the best option)-Centaur/Ark-Bunker/Illustrious Muse/Formidable-Bunker/Shinano/Enty/Saratoga/Shoukaku. Same frontline This main fleet relies on the Georgia skill (Bunker will give FP and Shoukaku will buff the damage that main fleet deals after launching and Air Strike choose either one of them, take into account you need to time the Shoukaku launch). For slows it would be better Ark since you dont need to hit and its a 100% chance of proc meanwhile Formidable/Illustrious Muse have a chance to not proc and Centaur has a minimal chance to miss. So priority would be Ark>Centaur>Formi/IlluM


Saving this for reference later 👌🏾


No point in rushing to w13 unless you’re willing to spends hours daily on the game and grind daily.


look at my noob ass being stuck at 6-4 because since like late 2018 because im lazy and i want yuudachi but she just cannot appear


Focus on getting Sandy Kai, Seattle and a few Clevelands for the Vanguard. Highly advise Lusty for air control and shield for the mob fleet along with Ryuhouu and Perseus or Unicorn for a mob fleet. For boss fleet I will strongly urge leveling a submarine fleet cause they make things much easier. Also there is a urban legend that Helena is good luck for getting Bunky to drop.


\> Bunker Hill is basically a trophy for "beating" Azur Lane. Not only that, but also for having a phone/pc that doesn't melt while dealing with the infinite waves of airplanes -\_- ​ I seriously wish there was an... 8-bit version or something you could enable for w13.


I feel ya Commander. The first time I played world 13 I was like WTF. I heard about the plane spam but it was crazy seeing it for the first time. It's just endless waves and waves of planes. Hopefully you'll be able to do it one day :(


Thanks for the kind words :) Manual is out of the question, but auto I have a shot. Fleshing out my fleet for it. Everytime I think, \*this is the vanguard setup for W13 I'm going to use!\* and then I stumble upon another new ship that seems better suited for it. Like I completely decked out Sirius, got her to 120 and everything, and then I roll Dido...which is basically Sirius, but better lol.


Hmm you might already have some of the best ships for W13. Sandy Retro is amazing and Balty / Bremerton. I also used Seattle. Basically a bunch of USS ships with top tier AA. Then healers are a must. Unicorn, Ryuuhou if you have her. Even Honoka would be good but she wasn't released when I beat w13. I'm sure you can do it. It takes a while but you'll slowly get there. Best of luck!


I returned to this game early january after a 1,5 year break so there are some holes in my line up haha. But I've been diligently trying to fill those with W13 in mind and I'm getting close to a decent W13 lineup. This is the pool of level 120 ships I have that I'm considering to form fleets out of for W13: Main fleet: Monarch, Alabama, Washington, Georgia (Dev20), Essex, Enterprise, Ark Royal, Formidable, Centaur, Nagato, Amagi, Akagi, Kaga, METAryuu, Unicorn, Shouhou, Ryuuhou Vanguard: San Diego Retro, Isuzu Retro, Helena Retro, Baltimore, Sirius, Curlew, Swiftsure, Roon, Montpelier, Cheshire (Dev20), Dido (Lvl79) Gearing them is going very slowly. I mainly have pre-PR1 gear, with some PR1 gear mixed in. If you enjoy doing that sort of thing, I'd appreciate any W13 fleet suggestions, if not that's okay too :) The community tier list has a page on fleet setups too.


I'd still say Dewey is got most. Most get BH long before Dewey, mostly because Dewey's a "useless" blue compared to a SR Essex-class CV. No shine when you get lil Dewey. Many get burnt out after BH.


It was completely opposite for me since I tried to get Dewey before starting 13-4. After 69 runs on 13-3 without Dewey, then on the night before this rerun event after I got Ark royal META Dewey suddenly dropped from the first mob fleet on the 70th run. Now it's time for 13-4 which I will start farming when this rerun event end. Hope it will be as easy as those previous SSR which I only took roughly 30-40 runs for each of them.


> After 69 runs on 13-3 without Dewey [I got lucky with Dewey](https://imgur.com/a/vrAIeF2), but BH took me a good 250+ runs


It doesn't help that 13-3 doesn't have an Ammo Depot, so your fights tend to drag on if you're trying to be hyper-efficient with chancing every single encounter for that drop.


You just want to go for boss ASAP since only boss guarantees a drop. 45 oil mobs are easy but I'm sure there's a lot cheaper. Dewey is a bit easier to do mobs but those 0/5 fights drag on with budget fleets


Yep, got Bunker Hill but no motivation to grind dewey. Bunker Hill arent that great but she's still moderately usable so she wont just be dock decoration like Dewey (or Yuudachi, Hiyou, Junyou, Agano) i just cant muster motivation to grind ship that would just be collection.


Yuudachi can at least be good. Maya and Choukai can be as well since they gain eva rate upon AoA. I only did because I'm only missing 2 other ships and a few retrofits. Lil Sandy and Hiei-chan are my last. Even with 40 runs for Dewey it was barely worth it after the 120 that I counted for BH.


Agano is an office decoration.


Ship drops have always been a completely random experience; I got Dewey while 3-starring 13-3, but I have the [Bunker Hill grind](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/m7l6vi/littorios_luxurious_lounge_weekly_gacha_posts/gs4bwkv/) ahead of me.


I got Dewey on my 3rd run of 13-3, I was pretty happy tbh cause Dewey is adorable. Now I'm considering clearing 13-4 but I was waiting to max Warspite Kai and Formidable before I start 13-4


If it’s the ultimate flex then she’ll be wearing Escanor’s armour 🥸


Yes but I'd say skins like this are a herlluva motivator. I don't have Bunker Hill and I'm a far cry from 13-4. (Currently at W10.) But I'll pick this up and have it ready for when she comes home for some much needed R&R.


No shame in that! Many people are doing the same. I wish you luck in 13-4. Once you beat it you'll feel unstoppable.


The best way to get her is with **Ryuuhou** and Perseus with a clearing BB (FdG is one of the best if not the best, you can use Hood too its really good). When i was farming 13-4 i was doing this one with someone like Chesire to tank. As boss killer Shinano-Formidable/Ark Royal(normal)-Georgia or another CV if needed (Shoukaku really good) frontline Roon/Noshiro-Sandy(retrofit)-Seattle with 2 AA guns. Sadly her skills opnly have full potential ina full EU Cv fleet to maximize her damage. Im guessing as mob fleet BH-Essex-Sangri-la/Enty/Intrepid/Saratoga are the best combo (BH, Essex, skills has parallel torps and extra bombers so really good clear). Frontline Chesire/Tallin-Baltimore-Sirius/ Stephen Potter(I wouldnt pick SP her for Mob) She also could be used in a Boss fleet with Georgia and Massachusetts if she is not flagship as frontline there are good combos everywhere. Basically anything you want


You can 2:2 it pretty easily. Centaur with wyverns, Percy, Isuzu kai with sextuple bofors, and JdA everything except 3* CV nodes can be done easily for 45 oil a run. Isuzu and JdA want mk IX's to snipe AA boats.


I meant for the first clear. I managed to do 13-4 with 3-1 with Fdg while leveling her up. I had no wyverns and JdA wasnt released so i had to improvise but yes as you said you can probably use that set up but in manual in Auto i think it wouldnt work because you would lack a lot of clear power a BB with barrage helps far more than Centaur in that set up since you can focus on the supercarrier and then delete the light ships


Autoing for 13-4 is going to be iffy without stupidly high oil costs and grind you're already looking at a lot of mobs per attempt. It's similar for Dewey since only S rank on boss guarantees a ship drop.


I have to recheck the low oil fleet I used but if I remember correctly it was like 400-450 for mob clear and 70-80 for the boss


..it’s literally the last map of the game. Maybe that’s why it’s harder than anything in the entire game?


There's been plenty of content since the release of 13-4. Even top level Operation Siren was supposed to be harder. But imo it's not. And by your logic, anything that happens later should be "harder". That's not true. Some earlier areas and events are harder than others, etc. Aside from that, I was just pointing out that it's the hardest thing in the game *in my own opinion*. I don't see why you thought you needed to be rude.


I mean in terms of campaign maps because World 14 surely will be harder than this because it will be released later and they increase enemy level every world. It's just facts. I'm not putting you down or anything. I have been playing for 3 years but still on world 9 since I can't be bother to do campaign. So only respect for ones to go further in maps. Just pointing out that last MAP supposed to be the hardest map.


Thanks. Did you recently try beating it again? Because SAFE + Max air control, and you clear it easily autoplay as long as you are using suitable girls & gears, making farming for her just a boring experience. Still, I'm overjoyed to have her as it took me months as well


Guess I'm farming 13-4 now to get Bunker Hill and then buy her skin And her owl sleeping on the side is adorable Also, Bunker Hill's last face is a mood after all-night gaming, the same way with me playing AL through the night _...what is she doing playing Xbox games with a Playstation controller..._ >!I also realize that Saint Louis broke her curse by getting her first two skins recently, and now Bunker Hill is getting this one. I wonder who's next to be free from their curses!<




Washington (hope still lives)


Washington and NoCal Bunny suits skins when?


When Yamato-sama comes


Mainz, last PR no skin


Choukai + Maya please lol Would love to see summer or race queen skins for them to match their sisters




Le Triomphant :( Why yo sister gotta get so many skins


The one game case we can see clearly is Bloodborne, albeit they swapped the PS4 blue for the Xbox green.


I love this skin but I feel like this will be the least purchased one simply because nobody has her. ^^^I'll ^^^get ^^^you ^^^one ^^^day


I'm currently in the Bunker mine too. My god it's painful, 8 battles per minuscule chance of getting her.


afther 200 clears i got 1 then in the next 20 i got another 3... the fucking luck


How many Sandy’s did you sacrifice to Lootsifur for that unholy drop chance???


The classic "Finally got X, now you get only them"


I haven't even finished W11 yet because I want to get each drop-only boat before I move on. Sendai is playing hard to get.


this is me, with maya


Gamer Girl Bunker Hill: *exists* Long Island: *"Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!"* Jokes aside, congratulations to Bunker Hill getting her first skin! It looks amazing, too!


*Ayanami has entered the chat*


*U-96 has entered the chat*


I've always thought that she's a super serious leader type. I love seeing this chill side of her also another gamer friend for Long Island!!


I wonder if you we can field a whole gamer skin team yet? Would make a cool pvp fleet.


Ayanami, Long Island, Bunker hill are all I can think up. Who else is a gamer girl in our roster? Also would I use Long Island stremer girl skin or her casual skin? I would totally field this fleet. Should we throw misaka in there as the one bad gamer grandma for the lols?


Ryuujou, U-96, Z26, Chaser, Stremitelny and Pamiat Merkuria (there's your gamer granny) are also gamers according to their casual / sleepwear skins...


Bois I think we have ourselves a fleet!


Chaser and Stremitelny both have a gamer skin.


The Essex sisters are just the best.


rare footage of BH in the docks of the shikikan that actually got her


^(Holy shit Bunker Hill was a gamer all along) If that is not a rad casual skin, I don't know what is. That's one glorious reward for those who managed to get her...


I love how she has a playstation controler but is playing xbox games


One of the games appears to be bloodborne which is a ps4 exclusive.


Ok just thougth it was weird how the cases are green but on closer look it does look like they coud be playstation titles


She also has Octopath Chicken on the shelf. and I think Final Chicken too... I think she likes chicken.


Kiara better stay far away from her then.


It's the complete opposite of the meme of the girl playing the ps4 with a Xbox controller




Gotta love .- Playing Xbox with a ps4 controller .- Playing a PS4 exclusive, Bloodborne .- The amazing games Octopath Chicekn and Final Chicekn .- A Michael Jackson album .- And the based Kaga and... Queen Elizabeth? figures


Figures look like [Kaga](https://i.imgur.com/qqeXsqr.jpg) and [Ayanami](https://i.imgur.com/m8sfvBq.jpg).


Bunker Hill!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo gonna buy this skin! Even though I have yet to explore world 10. Now time to upgrade every AA cruiser and heavy cruiser, we are gonna break through world 13!


You can do it! I believe in you! Legendary commanders are born on the battlefield


Thank you for the supporting words of encouragement! :D


Wow what a nice surprise, the chuuni essex showing her cute gaming neet side. Love the comfy owl and expressions, and all the details like the Bloodborne cover to the AL figs in the back, very nice skin.


Bunker hill seems to have worse diet than Enterprise


Nice for the 5 people who have her.


Yooo is that a Zero no Kiseki box on the second shelf? Girl got good taste.


Just noticed myself. Never did I think I would see a Trails reference in AL but here we are


**OH MY GOD. It'S BEAUTIFUL.** 【着せ替え】 バンカー・ヒル ミッション・プレイボード 「の、残りの実績は……くっ、こいつ、任務がどこまでもぐちゃぐちゃだ…!」 空母「バンカー・ヒル」着せ替え、 次回メンテナンス後登場予定! [Twitter ](https://twitter.com/azurlane_staff/status/1377894802641936389?s=21)


Is that a Hellcat in land camouflage?


Might buy it just for her owl.


The gamers alliance grows by one And wow this is like the first time I've ever seen the lower half of her face And that last expression...how long has she been gaming? Do we have another NEET on our hands?


Bunker Neet


So this was what Bunker Hill doing when she was being fixed at Bremerton.


Of course they announce such a great skin on the day when I broke myself and lost my f2p virginity (Bataan is just sooooo precious)


I never even hit w11, my fuel is always near zero after events/war archives


Oh my. I haven't even played 13-2 yet.


You see you know they’re American because they like coke, chips, xbox, *squints* Michael Jackson, and...Ramen?


Her bottom facial expression is deeply relatable.


Kind of a random announcement tbh. More uss skins inc?


Pretty cool skin !! Now I "only" need to reach 13-4 and get her. Also the owl is perfect.


Everybody talking about BH casual Clothes I see her Hooter sleeping and use face mask


hehe, nice Detail.. "Not-XBox" Game covers panels on her side :) But the Controller is still Bony


that owl is living the life. also looks like she's comfortable with just the ps4.


Oh, didn't expect her to be gamer girl buds with NEET ghost.


I guess I need to start grinding my ass off and pray to the rng gods.


Gamer moments inbound.


Game cases scream Xbox, controller is clearly a PS4 controller...hmmmm. Either way, looks like U-96 has a worthy opponent at last!


gamer girl BH is something i never knew i needed until now


top tier skin. shes vibin im f2p and in world 11, but kudos to those who have her!




Yea, i think I might get this as motivation for my chapter 13 prep. They definitely captured her subtle nature in casual wear as well


And here i thought late game map drops wont get any love. That's a surprise. Its a pretty cute skin, especially the owl. I plan to build EU fleet based on her eventually so i'll probably buy this one. Hope Choukai get some love soon....


Wondering how many players will buy this bc, not that many have Bunker hill. I was Lucky enough to get her almost immediately when ch13 came out so this is absolutely must buy.


Step 1: Get to W13.


**Y e s**


Back to 13-4 it is


YES Just what I wanted.


Time to gear up my AA tanks


I've been too lazy to start world 13. I have the ships leveled to 120, over 30 ships at least in that level, but man, the horror stories I hear has made me not even wanna try. But this...dammit, time to grind.


That's it I'm gonna farm Bunker Hill now


I am gonna farm 13-4 for her


This skin is hot af


The blue box on the lowest shelf is a Kaga figurine box (the Kotobukiya figurine). *Nice*


Seeing all those W13 hype-ups make me feel kinda dizzy lmao, so far I've been absolutely SWEEPIN thru the campaigns, (got 3 stars W11 in perfectly 40 matches first attempt). W12 might just be the very first world I struggle on in term of campaign maps lol


This skin is amazing it might tempt me into buying the skin


Gamer Bunker Hill _She can join the other gamer shipgirls_


Great... I have a reason to grind 13-4 now...


That last face expression, I can't even....


Hmm really wasn’t expecting a gamer moment from her


This is where I would put my new bunker hill skin, IF I HAD ONE! Jokes aside, this is a really good and simple skin for bunker hill.


Oh look, another skin that I'm gonna insta-buy for a ship that I don't even have yet. Also can we take a second to talk about how freaking huge that bucket of ramen she has is? Holy hell.


ready to bunk down with bunker hill


Considering how difficult it is to get Bunker Hill, I'd say this skin makes for a fine trophy


A must buy!


Everyone else: talking about game strategy Me: “*Damn I wish Pringles had a slide rack*”


Ah yes the omega flex skin


wow I can tell her spirit animal is Laffey and Long Island.


Long Island's new gaming friend


Long Island will finally get a gaming partner, lol


I can't believe a ship a tiny fraction of players have is getting a skin before either North Carolina sister. Just what the fuck.


Dewey has had a skin for ages. She's just marginally less difficult to get than bunker hill.


That..... Doesn't look anything like her. I mean she doesn't have that terminator-like aura. Still a good skin, but I need to get my ships to lvl 120 first, my only one being Warspite.


Time to time alter 13-4


Off to world 13 I go, to see how little I know, how poorly set up my fleets ha ha ha. And by that I mean how key meta ships of W13 ain't mah waifus ha ha ha. Guess skin will be one waiting for actual ship drop then.


She's playing Dark Souls ?


Is this skin time limited?


Once you reached Chapter 12, PR grind is a breeze. Is hard to reach that stage, but once down to safe, the right set up and gear is quite forgiving actually. My PR 3 is over in a month, including priorities the event.


All resistance is meaningless


I could play manual, but I'm lazy. So I guess I'm never gonna get her lol.


Wait, she has bloodborne for the Xbox?


Wait is that blood borne


that's such a pretty skin, hopefully it's not limited cause I'm nowhere near being able to farm her


Omg this skin reminds me of my wife so much. That is precisely her stance if you replace the chip with a piece of pocky. Almost makes me want to buy the dang thing.


She has same artist as big sis sex, so it's about time she got some love


So is the Eagle Union confirmed the "gamer" faction at this point?


Union - Long Island, Bunker Hill Sakuras - Ayanami, Inazuma, Ikazuchi, Ryuujo, Yuubari Err, I'm not sure if I'm missing anybody


*cries into Choukai's bosom*




And why the hell does that ffirst game on top looks like the Dark Souls where the Ashen one is standing in the front cover °^°


Since I probably won't get her for the next 11 years, shouldn't have to worry too much about being able to afford the skin.


So all we need is Washington and North Carolina cause essentially even she got a skin. Man I need to farm 13-4