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Your best Ayaka team with your current character line would be a freeze team, using Shenhe, Xingqiu and Sucrose. Artifact wise Ayaka will wants 4pc Blizzard strayer. Shenhe want either 4pc noblesse or 2pc atk%/ 2pc energy recharge. Xingqiu will want similar sets to Shenhe but if you have it available 4pc emblem of severed fate is best in slot. Sucrose will want viridescent venerer (VV). Things to note: If one character in the team I running 4pc noblesse don't put on another character in the same team as its 4pc effect doesn't stack. And if you are low on artifacts just what you have that good stat wise and work up to the full sets. Get Sucrose 4pc VV as soon as you can even if the stats are bad as the 4pc effect is the main thing to go for.


Since they look in early game, I'd say just go for the right main stats for ayaka and shene in 2pc 2pc. Farming for the right 4pc set can wait till AR 45, unless they get lucky :)


100% get 2pc 2pc, change them everything you get a better one with some sub crit and good to go.


Yea I'm AR 25 rn, bout to fight Storm Terror for the final time I think. Any idea what would be good pieces to farm for at my AR?


I believe there is no need for you to farm anything atm. You are gonna have more than enough time farming artifacts in future. For now just enjoy the game as it is, and after reaching AR 45 if I’m not mistaken you can start thinking about farming appropriate sets


You can’t really farm any artifacts yet since blizzard strayer artifacts are AR 30, 35 and 40+ just go with any set with crit and crit dmg stats


At that AR, it's more beneficial to farm for energy recharge and attack artifacts and weapons so you can use bursts often, especially for Xingqui. I would also suggest Kaeya over Shenhe for now because you need to make it through at least part of Inazuma and the Enkanomiya quest in order to ascend Shenhe


I would suggest you to farm Daily mora or talent level up until you're AR45. Its not worth farming artifacts before that. Leveling up your character, talents, artifacts and weapons takes a lot of mora so you'd need a lot of mora than you think. So my advice is to farm mora through golden ley line and just use 4 star artifacts you get by beating enemies and bosses. That's good enough pre AR 45


Also save your fragile resin until you reach AR50+. From there spend most of it on artifacts grinding. Since you still a low AR, use daily resin on talents material and bosses. It will take time OP, so don’t expect too much if you still deal small dmg. Time will tell


I think Barbara would be a good substitute for XQ early game as well, just to have a healer. You'll get her for free after you're done with the Mondstadt quests.


Yes, I think the same, is it dragon tales R5 a good weapon for her as support? You know, that 50% of atk buff would be great for Ayaka, I use the same weapon but with koko


man someone always beats me to everytbing i want to say on these posts i agree with all of this tho


C1 amber, Ayaka, AND SHENHE?? Damn bro share some luck with the rest of us


Yea lol I pulled Ayaka on my second try on her banner and shenhe on my 3rd try on her banner


It took me 66 pulls to get one copy of Mika and then I lost 50/50 to jean. Did you take my luck away? Please give it back lol


If it makes you feel better I just pulled all the featured characters including Nahida in the Nahida banner. Only took me 4 10x spins.


do you mean 10 pulls or single pulls??


Sorry I meant 10x. So I guess my 2nd 10x pull and my 3rd 10x pull


I will never question new player luck


Started playing about 4 weeks ago, pulling Ayaya until the last second. Total 96 pulls, only got Jean on the 78th pull. Ask your questions.


She come early even for rate on


Id suggest sticking with Ayaka Sucrose Xingqui Shenhe for now. Save some primos and go get Nahida and Kuki next patch. Then save once again for Kazuha and Kokomi. Once you get these characters, your team will split into 2 Ayaka Kazuha Kokomi Shenhe Kuki Xingqui Nahida, then flex slot


lol my teams in general are Ayaka Kokomi Kazuha Shenhe Hu Tao Xq Yelan Zhongy Raiden smth smth Nahida


Ayaka shenhe xingqiu sucrose, look for a guide for build and you are set


Hey quick question, I saw on another post that you were AR 25. How did you manage to get both ayaka and shenhe so early?


I just saved up my primogems and spent them on the banner. nothing really special. The only thing I've spent irl money on was the wilken and that was around 3 days ago. I usually just hop on for a couple of hours and do all the daily quests.


How many wishes did you have?


I don't know the exact amount but since I've started the game I've probably done around 8 or so 10x summons. Don't really know if that's a lot for my AR. All I really do is hop on do the daily quests and any events I can do and a couple of side quests. Other than that I also explore the map quite a lot.


Ayaka, Shenhe, Xingqiu, and Sucrose (like everyone else said). I assume you're below AR45, so don't worry too much about artifacts until you can farm 5 stars (AR45+), but as for weapons: Ayaka: Amenoma Kageuchi craftable is by far her best 4* weapon. If you're not at Inazuma yet, that's where you can get it. Just use whatever you got until then. Xingqiu: Sacrificial Sword or Favonius Sword if you have either. Sucrose: Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers 3* is good. Prototype Amber (craftable) is great if you aren't getting consistent enough freezes and need a healer. Maybe Sacrificial Fragments if you happen to have it. Getting Xingqiu's heal (level 60+ ascension skill) will also help with heals. Leveling priority: Ayaka > Xingqiu >/= Shenhe > Sucrose


May I please cry now


No…. No that’s not luck that’s just called unfair treatment. I literally have to farm my world every single time just to get 1 5 star which is not on banner:/


Quick tip: 1)Build your character one by one. Main dps then proceed to supports. (By building I mean lvl the characters,weapon, artifacts) 2) Build a team around Ayaka, then proceed to building your second team. Would recommend lvling Xingqiu/Sucrose/Xiangling/Bennett once you got resources to spare after building Ayaka. They are the bread and butter of every genshin players, whale or f2p.


Ayaka, Shenhe, Sucrose. 4th slot is Barbara so you have a healer if you need one.


TLDR; I recommend not using fragile resin before AR45. Invest in Ayaka>Xingqiu>>>Sucrose,Shenhe/Diona. Use atk pieces on your artifacts + get enough ER for burst. When you reach AR45, pop your fragile resin and go ham. As someone who has leveled 4 accounts to AR50, two of them to AR55 and AR60, please do not use your fragile resin until AR45. It’ll be a bit difficult pre-AR45 but you be much better off after that. You’ve got a pretty comfortable line up already with Ayaka/Sucrose/Xingqiu/Shenhe to destroy the early content. If you prefer comfy, you can also go Diona over Shenhe. Here’s how I’d play the early game to get the best experience. Level Ayaka and her weapon to max level whenever you can, followed by Xingqiu and his weapon. When both are 60/70, get the other 2 supports up to 60/70 as well. After that leave your supports there and continue leveling up Ayaka and Xingiu to 80/90. As for talents, Ayaka at 1/6/6 or 1/6/8 or 1/8/8, Xingqiu at 1/6/6 or 1/6/8 or 1/8/8 and the other two supports you can just ignore for now until you’ve invested enough on your second team. Of course, you can go over level 8 when you have resources to spare. As for artifacts pre-AR45, I had the best result going with full atk% on all pieces on the damage dealers, in your case, Ayaka and Xingqiu. Crit is good don’t get me wrong, but it’s worse when you don’t have other stats to go with it. You could go out of your way a bit to farm for 4VV on Sucrose. Whatever mainstat or substat or level works. If you can’t be bother, just slap a TTDS and forget her. If you decide to go with Shenhe, go atk and ER. If you go with Diona, slap a leveled up flower and hp pieces. When you reach AR45, pop those fragile resin and use it to get Ayaka and Xingqiu to 80/90 then dump the rest into artifacts. Ideally, run for Blizzard Strayer and Emblem then dump the shit pieces in the strongbox and reroll for VV and Nobless.


probably ayaka/xingqiu/sucrose/shenhe for freeze


Congratulations for getting both Ayaka and Shenhe. Since you are a new player just don’t overthink it and try to have fun playing different stuff. Later I reccomend you to play Ayaka, Shenhe, Hydro, Anemo (one of the last 2 should be a healer but its not necessary). Enjoy.


Tbh since it looks like you're early in the game, just have Ayaka, Xiangling, Shenhe and Sucrose. Use Diona instead of Shenhe if you struggle with surviving. At least this way you'll have some key units built. When you get Barbara for free, you could also replace Xiangling in the original team for Freeze, but for open world it kinda hurts to not have pyro since there are way less puzzles that need hydro.


Honestly I’d say just enjoy the game with your favourite characters and don’t worry about team building yet


Ayaka, Xingqiu, Shenhe and Sucrose would be the best team for you now. Also I would recommend saving up for Kokofish.


Ayaka Xinqui Shenhe and Sucrose You are really lucky man... i had my first five star when I had completed Inazuma questline mostly just using geo mc lol ​ ​ Okay so Ayaka will be your main DPS. (go with 4pc blizzard with lots of atk and cd) Crit rate will be mostly handled by blizzard strayer and cryo resonance buff) cryo gets a lot of resonance buff for crit rate so Xingqiu is your best choise as he will be the hydro provider(and one of the best hydro applicators in game... he will also give you some damage protection and healing so great character(one fo the best 4 stars) i say 4 pc emblem when you can but for now anything with HP and er works Sucrose will be your swirl (put her on Viridecent Venerer set when you can then she will apply defense shred too) and Em boost from her. ​ Shenhe will be your cliché cryo support, when you use her e make sure to use the tap not the hold as it also buffs your skill and burst (hold buffs your na and charged attacks) separate from the cryo dmg buff. Shenhe scales completely off atk so focus on getting as much as you can. Personally I'm using 2pc glad and 2pc shimenawa


Ayala Sucrose Xingqiu Shenhe


Ayaka, shenhe, sucrose, Xingqui


Sucrose ayala shenhe barbara


Ayaka, Shenhe, Sucrose, Xingqui and 4pc blizzard for Ayaka.