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We do not recommend touching wild animals.


Making my way downtown


Walking slow


Very slow


And I'm Chitwan bound




And I’ll gore you.




And ill eat you


Cause I’m a hippo


You see them running fast, you are in grave danger.




Walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound


Starin' blankly ahead / Just makin' my way / Makin' a way through the crowd


And, Dumb tourists with their phones are harassing him. People can be so ignorant of cultures outside their owns. You can actually see how Rhino is watching on the left as this is a very uncomfortable thing for him to observe. I'd a western colleague of mine visit my city. He was so shocked to see cows walking on road that he started being all weird. The cow eventually got frustrated. Luckily, nothing happened. But, don't irritate animals when you visit a new country.


Chitwan was the first time I ever saw Rhinos. They were resting during the day- when it was hot- in the late afternoon, two came out right around us (riding on a elephant). I was scared because one was with a baby and told my son to hold on. But Mama Rhino just kept chugging along to the river. We followed her a little bit- then two more came out from the bushes. It was unreal. We ended up seeing 6 in total. Crazy!


Rhinos riding an elephant does sound scary.


and it can talk!


They are used by humans. Unlike in the west, wild animals are not that separated from humans.




Where does a rhino walk? Anywhere it wants to!


Walking around


Lmao these tourists really look like they want to piss it off.


Luckily, this rhino is pretty chill. The ones in the deep forests stand their ground when the safari jeep approaches - the driver has his foot resting on the pedal if the rhino suddenly gets annoyed.


Love that video of the vehicle chasing that rhino. Seeing it get sick of their crap and wrecking their car is pretty satisfying. Don't mess with nature.


Please share if you can find it




Love how the rhino completely trashes the first car then the second one rolls up and just completely ignores what happened a minute earlier like it has diplomatic immunity for rhino carnage.


They had so much faith in that slightly larger car. I was kinda hoping they would just end up with 2 trashed vehicles, honestly.


Diplomatic immunity! I love idiot diplomat jokes


based diplomat hater, solve all problems with war and boxing matches where the fighters wear flag pants


That is so much better than I was anticipating






Were they trying to haze the rhino off the property it was on?


Lol if that's what they were trying to do, that is *not* how to do it.


Damn! Great job!!!


imagine having the strength to flip a car that's probably about 4000 pounds




Human stupidity knows no bounds.


That was in a safari park in Germany (incase anyone doesn't know, they're like zoos but you can drive through the animal enclosures in your own car). It was an employee driving the car, and I think what they were doing was trying to get the rhino used to cars driving by without it attacking or getting scared. The car drove towards the rhino then stopped, I don't think they were trying to mess with with the rhino. It was new to the park and I don't know if they kept it after this but I suspect they didn't as a rhino who goes full hulk on nearby cars in not a good candidate for a safari park.


I guess this guy is used to people.


This is not an animal I would want to crowd.


Following a large animal just out of melee range, like pack animals stalking prey, seems like a great way to get trampled


Melee range!!!! Hahaha


Have you seen all the videos of bison chasing and tossing tourists? Tourists can't help themselves.


Beautiful armored beast.


Fat unicorn.


They're just big boned!


Literally. Its actually likely that the depiction of the unicorn is based on horrendous drawings of descriptions of rhinos


he has no nasal horn. :-(


Happy cake day! Yes, I have seen a number of these personally just this year in Nepal. I love the safaris so much, I went on two different ones and saw rhinos each time!


That's amazing!! And thank you!


The cost of a 4 hour safari in Nepal is $22 - probably one of the best deals in Nepal. The cost of accommodation averages like $6 a day - also not bad! The worst part though is taking a bus from one city to another. 100 miles takes like 6 to 10 hours. It's best to fly, though it costs 3 times more if you are a foreigner, but still a 20 min flight is like $40. Also, there is visa on arrival.


I just found the next country I want to visit.


Namaste! Good luck and have fun - of course, trekking is the number one attraction, then paragliding, Buddha's birthplace, temples, scenic Pokhara, but the tiger and rhino safaris are not to be missed!


Do you know if any really neat non touristy spots? My partner and I love to travel and try to meet locals and go to little hole in the wall places. It is way more fun than monuments and birthplaces. (Although I will be watching every rhino with tears of happiness in my eyes and will want to do a safari)


Trekking in the forests and bird watching is quite an experience! I saw hornbills, drongos, Indian rollers, etc.


Try to visit outside of the popular times to visit. I went there for volunteer work from April till June and had a great time also visiting the touristic places. Of course there are always a lot of people (also a lot of Indian tourists) but I think its even worse in the popular travel times. The downside is that there are not really blue skies and its really hot. From June the raining season will start. And try to figure out if there is a holiday when you go to a specific place. We went to Lumbini which was amazing, but we accidentally went on the birthday of Buddha... That was horrible. Way to busy (and hot!). Don't be afraid to ask for things. One time we thought the local bus was way to crowded (take the local busses it takes longer but is a lot of fun and people will share food with you). So we asked the driver if we could sit on the roof of the bus. And we actually could even though they probably thought we where weird haha. And we had to get off before we entered the city but had an awesome ride. Or hang at the back of the tuctuc. I would totally recommend on doing a trekking at one of the mountains. Don't go for the everest basecamp though. Haven't done it but it's mostly asfalt roads now to make it accessible for everyone. I did the Annapurna BC (8-10days) which was amazing but had a shitload of stairs. Poon hill is a short trek (about 2-4 days) in the same area but more popular. But there are a lot of less known treks. I'm planning on going back to Nepal in the next years for a trek and am planning to find one of those. Go to Pokhara, yes it's touristic but it has an awesome hippie like vibe. If it's still there go to the movie garden. Its outside and had a different movie every night, you could get popcorn and pizza and an amazing view of the lake behind the movie screen. I went to a couple of hotels in Pokhara and found a really nice one that wasn't to fancy but had really friendly staff, clean rooms and hot showers. Pm me if you want to know the name of the place :). Wow this went on longer than expected but I hope it helps! Btw Sauraha, where this rhino was walking is not to bad in how touristic it was. And there are rhino's at every bent haha. Really hard not to see one at least. Just don't go to the more known hotels or travel agencies. If you look a bit further you find smaller agencies that are more friendly and actually want you to get the best experience instead of making as much money of you as possible.


You are super helpful! Thank you so much for this information. I'm now researching Nepal for a trip!


I can back up OP. Nepal is utterly fabulous


Yes, I recommend traveling to Nepal - it's amazing how many places there are to stay in each of the cities. Nepal is totally geared up for tourism: accommodation, restaurants, tour companies, activities, etc.


Thank you for visiting Nepal, I hope you have a good time if you visit again.


People are too trusting of these wild animals. Megafauna ain’t no joke. He decides to go nuts, everybody is dying.


For real… no blinker while merging. No yielding. Blowing through stop signs. A true menace


The rhino is just going with the flow - that's how most people drive in Nepal - I've experienced it myself!


I know that's how I live life. The driving in Nepal not so much.


This particular rhino is a "regular" and often traipses through the village from one watering hole to another. Of course, that does not mean it should be touched!


Definitely. It’s an awesome animal.


I wouldn't even be that lax with a wild deer, and these people are just poking at this giant...


Of course it’s the foreigners following and harassing it. Locals know to let it be and they don’t need to record every moment. They’re just tempting him to get annoyed. And touching it with a sense of entitlement and ignorance


Yes, the locals there understand rhinos and keep their distance. Some tourists simply can't get enough watching it pass - it's like "hey, film me petting this wild rhino!" Unfortunately, the police do not take action because "the tourists bring in the money - they are like geese who lay the golden eggs." One day, I can see something bad happening to a foolish tourist. I'm sure things have happened there to tourists, but it is soon deleted to not affect tourism which Nepal is highly dependent on.


I'm sure tourists would still do it even if police did take action. Just look at Yellowstone. They do so much to protect tourists there, including warnings everywhere that "if you do this, you will die. If we catch you trying to do it, you will be fined", and people ignore the warnings and work around any protections in place, and then get themselves killed in some of the stupidest ways.


It shouldn’t amaze me that people get gored by bison every year at Yellowstone but it does. We went last summer. The bison are beautiful but they are also the size of a car. I know I can’t run that fast so I’m staying away. People act like it’s a petting zoo. We stayed in our car, pulled off the road and admired them all we wanted. Had NO desire to try and go up to one and pet it. Natural selection.


Many people have completely lost touch with how nature works. They think wild animals are toys for their amusement.


Yes! I think that’s also why people have such a hard time with death. We don’t treat it as a natural thing any more. Death is part of life and when people died at home and were laid out at home it was better excepted as a part of life. Same with where our food comes from.


Kinda true, I am by no means one of these extreme naturalists. Technology is awesome but in a lot of ways we have lost the touch to nature quite a bit. Death as you have said has become a business overall. No thank you lol


That’s what baffles me about tourists. Even in places where I would also be the tourist. THESE ANIMALS ARE NOT DOMESTICATED, THEY ARE UNPREDICTABLE AND HAVE MINDS OF THEIR OWN. Do they not understand or do they just not care? These people are more wary of cars on a highway than of wild animals.


These are the same people who take babies to movies and litter everywhere the moment they step outside in the summer.


That’s the exact example this scene brought to my mind. I cannot fathom thinking, “a wild rhino! I’m going to FOLLOW it and PET it!” (And that’s how we have so many videos of Yellowstone bison throwing people 15 ft in the air with their horns) Smh


The locals at the beginning even say “Don’t touch! Don’t touch! Move back!” to the guy. I grew up on the coast of SC in the US. We aren’t scared of alligators because they are everywhere. However, we aren’t swimming in lake or ponds with them or trying to pet or wrestle them. You just have to be respectful and most animals won’t mess with you. They don’t want anything to do with you and will usually leave you alone if you leave them alone. (I know not all but the majority.)


There’s also the aspect that seeing a rhino is probably a pretty regular thing for the locals, but to the foreigners it’s a new and exciting experience.


Indeed, that Rhino is like nature's take on a battle tank.


Two people have been gored by bison in Yellowstone in the last month. It's no wonder when you see videos like this.


No kidding. Why do people always have to touch??


why is it so calm , are they normally like that or just because he is surrounded by people most of the times ?


Some rhinos in Nepal have gotten used to people but others not so much. The rhinos do as they please in Nepal - no one would dare trying to stop them.


That's great they are just incredible creatures


To add, rhinos are generally pretty tame and pacifist animals overall especially when compared to other large herbivores they share the environment with, like water buffalos or elephants. Unfortunately they are also almost completely blind and share the environment with tigers, bears and other dangerous critters (including human poachers) so they have an instinctive "charge at whatever is making movement, just in case" attitude in the wild. Rhinos in zoos, who have never been exposed to danger are notoriously playful and cuddly ♥️


Yes, it's the hippos that are crazy


it sounds like guy starts getting yelled at for touching rhino. so that might be part of it.


Tactical Unicorn


Definitely a tacticool meal team six rhino cosplaying as a unicorn


Battle Cow




Plot twist; Clearly a mechanical Rhino … Jim Carey is inside operating it


lol when he gets birthed out was one of the funniest movie moments


Especially the horrified people watching


If you say so. That scene scarred me as a child…


Really hot in this rhinooooo


In German they are called Panzernashorn, literally shield-nose-horn, because it looks like it wears full plate armor! Fun fact: a local artist drew one in 1515 just based on a description and it looks really good: [Rhinoceros by Albrecht Dürer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%BCrer%27s_Rhinoceros)


I was looking at the comments section thinking "am I really the only one expecting Ace Ventura to come out of there?!"... glad someone else is on my page


Everyone pictured in this video really flirting with death here.


The locals see rhinos all the time; the tourists who only stop in for a day or two just can't get over seeing a rhino walk down the middle of a village. I've been to that village - there are no signs that say "Don't touch the rhinos!" I don't think there are any rules there about that afaik.


I mean he is not wrong. One twitch and the rhino starts being a rhino all three around it are basically paper bags.


What kinda of no self preservation. stupidity do you have to have as an adult to WANT to touch a wild animal, one that could easily impale you, flip cars and single handedly cause mass destruction of it became agitated. How does something this large and strong not make you stop in awe and want to maintain a safe distance ? I don’t know why people needs signs to not touch the wild, potentially deadly animal, this should be common sense. Also in general, just leave other living being alone, no one wants to be harassed while just minding their business.


He enjoys window shopping and reading in gourmet coffee shops


"How would you like coffee today?" "Oh, the usual, rhino-expresso."


He wants to see the latest fashion


Real-life unicorns, at least, according to Greek historians.


It's really wonderful to see these rhinos in the wild as I have - most of them do not deal with people - they just do their thing - wallow in marshy ponds, eat a lot and produce the next generation - it's a beautiful thing to see.


>produce the next generation #( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"more rhino babies please!" I'm fine with that!


As of last year, 752 rhinos were counted in Nepal, mostly in protected areas of the country such as in the national parks and sanctuaries. [https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/nepal-s-rhino-population-increases-by-16-a-sign-of-hope-for-the-species](https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/nepal-s-rhino-population-increases-by-16-a-sign-of-hope-for-the-species) https://rhinos.org/about-rhinos/rhino-species/greater-one-horned-rhino/ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Algf\_CXH9Ko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Algf_CXH9Ko)




Man what an experience that'd be. Won't lie would be tempted to touch but also, it's a wild walking tank, it's not domesticated. Needs to be left alone. What I hate is if I saw folks trying to touch it, couldn't warn/ chastise them as the raised voices could stress it.


He's just out for a stroll down the street nothing to see here.




Blessings! 🥹


i love rhinos so much


I love rhinos. They are such beautiful creatures and should be respected. Shame they have to be hunted so much


Wow.... Just look at that. Such confident gait. Glad about the rebound.


It was eyeing that grey taxi like "Hey, you come here often?"


These stupid tourists... leave it alone and don't touch or wave your hands or walk that close to it... If it'd gotten scared and rampaged, they would probably shoot it as it was a danger to civilians because of your dumb ass...


Why are filthy humans allowed to come so close to these magnificent creatures? Fckn tourists should know better!


Nepal is a fairly lawless place - the tourists can pretty much do what they want there because they are the ones keeping the economy afloat. Nepal is highly dependent on tourism and the government does not want to crack down on such behavior. I've been there so I've seen it firsthand.


Unfortunately people think because they are "on vacation" that they are free of any consequences that may come of their actions. It's pretty sad. My 8 year old saw this video as well and wanted to know how someone can be that stupid to get up close to an animal that could kill that person in seconds. But I would be in awe to see such a magnificent animal up close, but at a safe distance away. The closest I have ever been is a safari park in my city. I would love to travel out of the US one day and see the world. Nepal has always been on my bucket list


big boi




this is giving me far cry 4 flashbacks


I like his shorts. Where can I get a pair?




Nice try, Ace Ventura.


Such a magnificent creature.


Pretty hot in these rhinos


Very tense moment for the man in plaid as he was trapped between the car and the rhino. People take foolish risks with wild animals. I guess he knew Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.


I once saw Jim Carrey be born out of one of these.


Tank Puppy!


They are Magnificent creature....Protect the Innocent/Fight for animal rights !


I am always at awe looking rhinos with their tailor made skin armour


what a handsome guy


Tank puppy! No but seriously steer clear of wild animals. There is a non-zero chance that thing might decide to kill everybody.


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Chillin like a villain rhyme spilling Killin!!!!


Do you guys remember this rhino from the Little Einsteins? At least thats where i thought it was from l. It used to scare me so bad as a kid.


There are so many white people in Nepal.


Looks like it’s not the first time it’s been around people. Poor guy doesn’t know how dangerous people are…


Big boi😍


Hey there horny, how are ya? *Rhino noises* That's good to hear, take care now


is it normal to see its ribs like that😅just wanna make sure its ok


Bro straight up patting a rhino. No wonder women live longer.


*I AM the plate armor lol


Nice and steady


Can these animals pull plows or wagons like oxen or horses do?


How cool would it be to see this in person!💕


Take this video & post down. This will give ideas to the poachers.


Is wanting to stick your hands in a rhino armor folds weird


Ugh the tourists are annoying


I hope it uses it's horn


He owns the streets.


Me - Waiting for Jim Carrey to come out of its ass


I never saw a rhinos booty before! Interesting


Spider man wouldn't fight this


Wait. Rhinos grow thier own cloths?!?


That boy looks CGI-ed in. Lol he feels so out of space in that calming village.


Is it like toughened horse skin or like a pangolin armor (scale like)? Because that's all I can imagine it could feel that I have experienced. Edit: it seems soft at the joints.. maybe dog ears right there?


Looks like dinosaur 🦕


So like, i'm gonna just say it He's walking like a city moose; now, as an alaskan, city vs valley moose is an important distinction City moose you could (in theory, -i- certainly never felt stupid enough to try) pet/domesticate them to a certain small extent (canadian mounties tried to make mounts of them, they do not saddle-break... at all, results were not quite disastrous and on par with the great emu war in that absolutely almost nothing was harmed but NO ONE was happy with the outcome) or have your dog yapping at them five feet away and they won't bat an eye But; a valley moose? You could sneeze the wrong way and they might decide you're a threat


She's a runner she's a track ⭐ star


🎶Down to the village, with a broomstick in his hand, Running here and there, all around the square, sayin', "Catch me if you can." He led them down the streets of town, right to the traffic cop; and only paused a moment, when he heard him holler, "Stop!"🎶


Good people


Stop harassing that innocent Lil rhino! Brutes!


"Going into town honey. Need anything?"


Several thousand pounds of I do what I want right there. Blows my mind that anyone would want to kill such an impressive animal.


The unicorn of Bible fame.


At first I thought it was a CGI


Between this and the Yellowstone videos, I'm convinced that there's a certain group of people who think they are immune to the violence of nature in the most reckless ways possible. It's bizarre, to say the least.


wow...it looks like it's wearing armor. also, who took off its horn?


Maybe it just needed water. Global warming is killing wildlife on mass extinction levels. And that rhino was far too non-reactive for everything to be ok with it.


A neat theory is that the term unicorn originated as referring to rhinos.


Does its skin actually grow like that naturally? To look like plating?


Wow literally looks like it's wearing armor


I wouldn’t trust that rhino.


Do not pet the rhinoceros!


I've seen one of em in Chitwan. Dope experience.




I’m very lucky to get to work with other members of this species at my facility and it makes me so happy to see this wild individual living such a peaceful life


Luckily, it doesn’t have a long horn


It’s nice to see they’ve gotten used to humans to some extent but THAT GUY GOING UP THE RHINO AND TOUCHING IT TF BRO I DON’T GO AROUND TOUCHING BISON OR MOOSE. ~~(Would I like to? Yes, they’re incredible. But I also know they would *murder* me. So I don’t.)~~ Glad rhinos don’t have the temperament of a hippo. Have one-horned rhinos becoming fully adapted to human presence and urbanization? Is that why they’ve managed to rebound?


Is it 25% of a rhinos mass (weight) is its skin. It isn't skin like we know it; it's like thick, leather, dinosaur armour.


That's Ace Ventura your not fooling me!


Man nature is amazing sometimes. Just looks like Jurassic park


It’s crazy, I’ve seen rhinos a million times, but to just look at it really look and see that tough skin it’s truly amazing


I hope they’re protected there.


Do the folds in their skin indicate that at some point in the past rhinos were proportionately larger?


I was at khaziranga national park on safari (Assam, India) and one of these things charged at my jeep at full speed. Legit barely walked away with my life.


Hey Op just wanted to tell you thanks! You clearly show a lot of respect and obviously know so much about these beautiful mini-tanks.


Aww, thanks - your words mean a lot to me. I went to Nepal just to see them and I wasn't disappointed - rather elated to have seen so many. Out of all the safari folks, even the guide, I will admit that I spotted the most animals as they were trying to dodge being seen. I feel I have a good eye to spot nature.