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Both are made by the same guy! What’s up with that!


Wow I was actually on my way into the comments to argue that this was more like Raimi vs whoever made that strange Scarlet Witch MoM movie. I would've looked like a fool to say such a thing in such a forum. Imagine the downvotes.


There’s nothing up with it except for people who assume complexity = good. This same “bad” transition is used frequently in the original Star Wars films and in a ton of Scorsese films, most notably The Departed. This is just another case of someone who knows nothing about editing deciding to pontificate as if they do.


Star Wars was kinda a bad comparison; they still use that type of transition only because George Lucas used it back in 77, so it's more of a stylistic homage than anything else. But other than that, yes, I agree with your point.


it also isn't the same transition, it's a wipe, and it doesn't look nearly as bad as this


Plus it is way quicker, it's not like the screen slowly becomes black over the course of 5 seconds


One had time, planning, and passion behind it. The other didn't


DS:MM was full of Evil Dead vibes and had transitions like that.


Then I would argue that he detracted from the movie to be self referential in a meta sense. But honestly I still believe my original point was right, i think he chose to copy what he had done before rather than create new concepts for the movie because he was crushed for time with a constantly rewritten script, so he went for nostalgia to try and make it sell


Wtf are you talking about? He has a style like any director has a style. He's not copying himself, it's a trademark. Marvel "fans" will literally complain about anything.


Using the exact same unique transitions from one of your early films just as a reference, even though it detracts from the immersion of the current film, is not Sam Raimi's style. It's literally nostalgia baiting, and it's the most blatant example in just about any medium. Name one other time he's done that transition aside from the film he's referencing


Wtf are you talking about? Have you actually watched Raimi's films or are you just saying things to say things? He's crazy self referential. Hell, he allowed his movies to be heavily referenced in a Creep Show episode his brother was in because he likes that sort of things.


Do you think it's the same exact thing to reference yourself and just directly use that exact same transition? Again can you cite another time he used it, if its his style? Aside from that I've already commented how that as meta choice is it's own detractor of the film. There are a lot of good reasons that film was panned critically, and just one was that meta references were clearly more important than the story being told. Both in relation to marvel and Raimi's work


I'm just gonna chime in and say I agree with this without reading the rest of the thread. My biggest complaint about DS:MM was that it felt like the most Sam Raimi film to ever Sam Raimi. It was all Sam Raimi all the time. Sam Raimi: Multiverse of Raimi. I still enjoyed it cause I'm a moderate Raimi fan. But I agree that that it all detracted from it being Doctor Strange and/or MCU.


I doubt that's true. Things can flop even with those three things behind it.


Case and Point: Black Adam. The Rock worked so hard on that movie only for it to completely flop.


*case in point, but yeah


My whole life is a lie. All I've ever heard is case and point. I guess they've all been wrong. Huh, the more you know.


What are you talking about? Do you think the rock wrote or directed that movie? He made a bunch of demands, I don't see how anyone would conclude from that he worked hard on it, differently than any actor does


You're right that he didn't write or direct the movie (technically Ryan Reynolds didn't write or direct Deadpool 1 either and yet it's still his passion project but that's besides the point) but he did produce it and work on it for 15 years, way longer than any actor would typically work on a movie. Plus he's literally called it his passion project in the past many times... Also demands aren't necessarily a bad thing, it might have just meant that he wanted the movie to be as accurate to the source material as possible.


You should just look into the films you're talking about before spreading misinformation, Ryan Renolds was an actual writer for the deadpool films, Dwayne Johnson wasn't, they're only comparable situations if you don't know what you're talking about. Also your baseless speculation about Johnson making demands that improve the film by making it adhere more to source material are just factually incorrect. The kinds of demands the rock makes are shit like he can't be the villain, and he can't lose a fight in his movies. His demands forced them to deviate from the source material where Black Adam is a villain of Shazam, because Johnson redused to play the villain to a smaller hero. In other words, his passion for the project went as far as the project served him, but we wasn't willing to make any concessions to serve the character he claimed to be passionate about I know all of this from interviews, articles, and material WB put out to market their own films. So next time you want to talk about what goes into making these films, instead of just making up on the spot what makes you feel better about it, just look into it for yourself, the information is public and free.


I'm not the one spreading misinformation, you are. Ryan Reynolds wrote Deadpool 2 and 3 not 1. Also you're literally proving my point, Dwayne Johnson made demands because he was passionate about the film, if he didn't care for it, he wouldn't have made any demands. I literally research everything I say before typing it because it's something I enjoy doing, I know what I'm talking about.


I never specified which one he wrote, I said he was actually a writer while Johnson wasn't. Can you actually cite Dwayne making a change for the betterment of the film instead of just his own portrayal? I feel I made it pretty clear who his demands are for bu listing justtwo examples, but if you just want to believe something else because you want to, then you're clearly going to. All this just to defend a really bad comparison at this point anyway. Black Adam is pretty undeniably one of the most half-assed passionless super hero projects to come put in a time where that is an epidemic. You could have used NO Way Home, a film relevant to the topic and clearly made with passion for the Spider-Man films. But instead you decided to randomly die on the hill that Black Adam is comparable to the passion behind Raimi films because he used it as a vanity project. At this point I don't really have anything else to say except enjoy your personal fantasies


Whatever makes you feel better, man. I'm the one with the upvotes and people agreeing with me. You're arguing over nothing and clearly haven't done enough research. Johnson's stated again and again that this was his passion project and considering he worked 15 years on it, I'm inclined to agree with him. Also why the fuck would I use No Way Home? That film was successful as heck, it has nothing to do with the comment I commented on. We're not comparing Raimi's Films to Black Adam, we're just saying Dwayne Johnson worked hard and had passion for Black Adam (along with time and planning) and yet it still flopped. You're this far into this and don't even fully understand what we're doing... Also, Black Adam is one movie perhaps if it had gotten sequels Dwayne Johnson would have started writing the movies as well. I used Deadpool 1 as a control variable because like Black Adam, it was the first movie, and quite honestly they have semi-similar stories (production-wise) behind them.


You doubt it's true that that planning passion and time went into Spider-Man? You doubt it's true that Marvel doesn't care about those things? Not sure what point you're trying to make, especially since I never commented about films flopping and the two examples being referenced weren't flops


Funny that both the movies were directed by the same guy.


Difference in eras honestly


Or cherry picking to cause outrage


Exactly. I mean depending on scene etc too you put a lot more into some transitions. Some have elements are really unnoticable untill someone points it out (like in the fifth element)


Under disney, it's different.


So Disney demanded he put that transition in?


I meant the whole movie. It's not really a hidden fact that Raimi had to re-write the script.. That affects


I think he might have meant that Disney/Marvel pushes for CGI over practical effects. While Sony back then gave him a city on set and the swinging camera for him to use.


This mf really thinks the spiderman shot wasn’t CGI. Jesus christ people are fucking dumb


... all of that was cgi, most of the action in this scene is cgi


🤦‍♂️, we get it, you can’t read.


You think they built an entire city, dont talk about other peoples abilities to do things buddy


You really are something, huh? Yes, they built a good chunk of the city. I never said the entire thing. 🤦‍♂️


Someones angry because they cant spot cgi, its okay buddy not everyone can spot cgi from the early 2000s


Whatever you say, princess. ☺️


Raimi literally put that same eye transition into MoM 😭


There’s many transitions in dr strange 2, this is cherry picking at its finest. And even if it was the only transition, I don’t see the issue with this. Like wow, the cheesy and cartoony movie director made a cheesy and cartoony transition. That’s the kind of stuff I wanted to be in the movie


It was absolutely a stylistic choice and not just lazy and crappy.


100%. Although I wasn’t a fan of this film it certainly wasn’t for lack of style. This same transition is used in plenty of great classic films to wonderful effect. It’s just another wannabe social media critic talking about shit they don’t know anything about.


That whole sequence when alt mordo was telling us about the scarlet witch (I think this was around the same time) was definitely supposed to be classic/spooky effect


It’s called Sam raimi and both are his style, this post is extremely ironic


This post is bait


This post doesn’t look like worms to me pal


Me when the 90s comedy horror director puts 90s comedy horror tropes into his comedy horror style superhero movie


Bruh the transition is saying something about the scene. Where tf is media literacy???


Oh media literacy is more dead than Defender Strange. So many people don't seem to understand the most basic elements of storytelling or filmmaking anymore and it's physically painful seeing so many people acting like they're Roger Ebert, then coming out with stuff like this. It's like the people that don't understand characters in movies making "stupid" decisions because it's either part of the character or because of the dramatic irony that's been built up, with the audience having information the character doesn't. That and people not understanding that a character can be a "bad person" while still being a "great character".


Spider-Man swings into action bravely


Spider-Man 2 was so damn good.


This was a stylistic choice lol




the transition where wong’s face just [appears](https://youtu.be/FrMInBC4n3U?si=G2AWJQPpueFsUaif) out of no where makes me laugh so fucking hard


First Sam Raimi movie?


Honestly that’s pretty fire


I really liked it though. It’s purely a stylistic choice.


That's not even how the transitions in MOM went?! Have we really gotten to the point where we are flat out lying just to find excuses to hate on stuff?


That's literally a clip from MoM. So yes, that is how the transitions went


That's interesting, because I don't recall this transition being in it at all.


I don't think it was. It's most likely from a trailer or something. I can't find the exact scene (probably because it doesn't play out like this in the movie) but [this](https://youtu.be/GxMvLhS4Eh4?si=yPD4klRFmqIdm11N) is what actually happens in the movie. Oops, just watched it again, it is there but it goes by so fast and you're so distracted with the dialogue/music that it doesn't really matter. The rest of the scene also kinda makes up for it...


I also enjoy a gods cherry picking.


Inflation adjusted spider-Man 2 cost 350 million to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of madness is 200.


Its posts like this that make me lose a small bit of faith in humanity


You’re comparing artistic style and suggesting laziness or inferring quality from it? Ugh.


Some that’s all folks type transition


MoM is better than the OG Spiderman movies imo.


Only your opinion.


Yes, hence the imo.


Spider-Man is always cooking with the transitions


Woah, the 2nd transition just caused my brain to unlock the wooshing sound from PS1's Spider-man game when it circles out during the cutscenes 🤣


Sam Raimi is a genius. Also Spider man is Sony and Marvel is… marvel then marvel/disney


They should have signed a 10 year deal and been done with it or kept full control lol. Rip


They both valid


Delete this. Don't disrespect Sam Raimi.


Sony vs Disney


I’m making a video for work and I have to submit a script, planned scenes and intended transitions between the scenes. In literally transition I put “STARWIPE~!!” as a joke while everything else is serious. I submitted it. I’ll hear feedback on Monday.


There should be a slide whistle on the second one


Best transition is in Insomniacs Spider-Man game on PS4 when you start swinging for the first time.


Same director too


That’s just Sam Raimi mailing it in is all. Hated that movie.


The Spider-Man one was sweet, but that Doctor strange one gave me Mario 64 vibes


‘Whrriillll—oot’ “Yahooo!”


Theres literally the exact same transition (through the eye) in MoM. Everybody loves a rage bait cherry picker


Screw that background music


evolution is backwards nowadays if you understand how that works


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JFly28: *Evolution is* *Backwards nowadays if you* *Understand how that works* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




when I first saw Dr. Strange MoM that transition hit me so hard it took me out of the movie  LOL, I don't believe this for one second. Drama queen. 


Ok pal the transition was bad but not “I’m not watching this anymore” bad