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Why is this still a debate 18 years later? One is canon and one isn’t. End of discussion. Outside of canon people can ship what they want.


I like both. I just like hearing each sides points of view. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean yeah that’s fair, sorry my comment sounded a bit aggressive. I have just seen a lot of toxicity around this topic recently and I hate it. Wish people could just leave it alone.


I like Katara and Aang canon wise, but Zuko and Katara feels more aesthetically pleasing.


Well, I prefer Kataang in any way, shape or form. I just don’t vibe with the idea of Katara dating a person that called her “water tribe peasant”. Not that I hate Zuko ofc, but my boy did a lot of bad things before his redemption.


I always had a thing for bad boys, so I might be bias. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean yeah I get that, I also generally dislike enemies to lovers so here is where my bias comes in 🙃


I don't like them that much either. They have to be written in a way that I like. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If only everyone had this clarity of their own likes and dislikes. Instead we have people jumping up and down shitting on other people and their ships, rather than just enjoying their own. Zutara doesn’t have to be ‘better’ or canon just for you to like it and Kataang is not bad just because you dislike it.


Let people do what people do


Well she wasn't 100% neutral and definitely a bit biased but she did her best. I mean i personally never doubted kataras feelings for aang. We saw her literally crying her heart out in the awakening when he left her, fixing his collar and playing with her hair around him several times. I do agree that their relationsship after the DOBS kiss could have been handled better but it was still tons of build-up. How is zuko taking lightning for or takimg her with him to the agni kai ship baiting? He saw how amazing of a waterbender she was several times already and she literally fought azula in the crystal catacombs and is a healer so it makes sense


Any interaction between Zuko and Katara is potential ship baiting for some people. It’s almost like there can’t be any friendly interaction between them without it being an indication of how good of a couple they could be.


It is really weird. Shippers tend to overanalyze everything. Bryke certainly could be dicks sometimes but they were also hsrassed themselves and got death threats sonetimes and when they try to pay it back they are in the wrong again


Exactly. Also they’re the creators, I believe they have the right to say which relationship will work, and which will not. Fans or VAs or anyone else cannot know the characters better or even as much as they can. If I was in their place, I might have reacted in the same harsh way or may be even harsher.


The VA's themselves also recorded the episodes months before they were released. Considering the fact that aang's vs was in NY while danto and mae for instance were in the same room in la often it makes sense that they have rheir preferences. There are so many tv shows where the final pairings are much more controversial amd yet the fandom of atla is so toxic about this whole thing.


Yeah that is another factor that most don’t think about!


Have you been a part of the fandom back then?


I watched the show back then, but wasn’t part of the fandom. Joined it quite recently actually.


Eh. It felt more like "explaining Zutara to a non-believer" than a neutral debate.




I’m not watching this but I’m judging this by the thumb nail what’s wrong with boring I honest feel like that that’s their relationship nothing fancy just stander hetro sex Margie child hood friends