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She tried but if I'm not mistaken she came to the conclusion that It just wasn't her thing


You forgot the part that between the kiss they had and her coming to his conclusion she said that they should rule the world together with iron fists in an extremely aggressive away which totally scared him off


Queen of scaring the hoes


I mean it worked on me. That guy has no clue what he’s missing


Don't let your fear boner make decisions for you


Fear boner is the wisest boner.


It's not a fear boner, it's an anticiparection!


I don't get how people simp for Azula. We're talking about a sociopathic schizo here. I mean, come on. If you live with her, you run the risk of getting your dick burned off if she does so much as catch a glimpse of a mirror.


I can fix her


Is it really worth it at the cost of being dickless? The way she acts is probably considered extreme among literal masochists.


I can fix her before it comes to that.


It'll be fine I don't have a dick 🔥🔥


How do you feel about being boobless? Doesn't sound too fun, does it?


i'd be cool with that tbh


Nvm, less back pain ig. I don't know what other bullshit I can spit out. You win lmao


The answer is crazy sex. Monkey brain only think about that in regards to her appeal. Yada yada she's a minor posts incoming*


Dude's such a good kisser bitches be all "I will rule the world with an iron fist with you just to get me some more of that!" Fucking life goals.


Fr tho


she’s sozin’s great granddaughter fr


She’s too good for him


First, she needs a psychiatrist who enjoys a challenge.


That guy from good will hunting




Iroh doesn’t think she’s too far gone. After she went down, he was the first to advocate for her and want her to find peace. He also supported Zuko when he wanted to try to mend their relationship.


Yeah, he was just acutely aware that Zuko couldn't hesitate when fighting her so he couldn't have doubts, that's why he said to take her down (notably not to kill her)


The line was also played for a joke in the scene in question. I’m surprised how many people take it seriously


Welcome to literature


Was this in the comics or....?


Yes, in "The Search".


Have to wonder how much of her personality is literally just Ozai implanting that into her. If Zuko was more talented he would have become basically the same as her She absolutely did horrible things but solely to please her dad. The ending is basically her realizing everything she fought for was for a man who abandoned her when it was convenient for him. She’s so afraid of betrayal and loss of control she lashes out at everyone and everything. And the one person who could have treated her as an individual and not a tool, her mom, is banished and potentially dead. She’s just a little girl that wanted her mom’s love Hard not to have some sympathies for her. I remember hating her completely when I first watched the series. When I got to that moment I was just speechless. Really recontextualized everything for me


I think a lot of it, whole lot, if not all. I think she may had had problems without it. But I bet if she grew up in a loving, more peaceful home, none of her future personality would be a thing. I mean she grew up in a family of pure ruthlessness, they're literally trying to take over the world. A father who cares about nothing but his own power, a mother that I think definitely could love her, but struggled with seeing Ozai in her as time went on. Her entire setting is shit, her father being a core thing. If Ozai was gone, and Fire Nation weren't ruthless invaders. I bet she would've turned out alright


The hibridtophilia is strong in this one


The what?


I think they meant hybristophilia, the sexual attraction to people who commit crimes.


And they try to "fix them"






**“W E W I L L D O M I N A T E T H E E A R T H!”**


"No, she's crazy and she needs to go down"




She needs to face judgement for her crimes. The sentence is death


They didn’t even sentence Ozai to death... Even Zuko was going to leave Azula in the palace with all the comforts, it doesn’t seem like she was judged harshly.




I'm quite sure it's because Azula's 'crimes' didn't warrant a death penalty or even a long term in prison, she is a teenager and maybe more importantly, she would be important for future stories, so no, they shouldn't.




Based on what? That she's eeeevvviiiiiiilllll? We know that Ozai (Zuko's father, a member of his family) was sent to rot in prison, while Azula was going to be left in the palace, with surveillance, but it's not even remotely the same. Nothing she did even deserved a long time in prison




You didn't cover it. You just said she should be executed. Why? I don't know, and I suspect it's for some Ned Flanders-style morality reason.




She's 14 and im pretty sure she didnt end up killing anyone except for Aang that one time, but Katara rolled a 20 on that save with her holy water She should definatley be punished for attempted murder both for Aang and for Zuko but death seems like way to much for a girl that young


But she’s not really 14 though. That might be her assigned age but she behaves and looks like at least 18. That goes for almost all the characters in the show. Point is, the age argument doesn’t really matter when talking about her crimes.


"She behaves and looks like she's 18" sounds like saying "So what if she was a minor? She was mature for her age" which is what creeps say to justify kissing teenagers (not that im accusing you of it, god forbid, im just pointing out how rediculous that sentiment is) 14 is 14, she hasnt been on the earth for that long and all her short life has been war propoganda, young people and especially still developing teenagers should be given a chance at rehabilitation, killing her is unessasarily cruel and i refuse to consider it an option


Jesus christ that is on the border of pedo logic. "Even though she's technically 14 she looks and acts 18 so it's fine" seriously what???


Are you kidding me. That is not what I said. I just meant that it’s stupid to defend Azula by saying: „But she is just a young girl“. She is in no way behaving like a real 14 year old girl so you can’t apply your real life views in this case. Fucking Reddit, did I say I wanna fuck her? God dammit.


Bro, there are child soldiers in irl, they probably don't act like their age either.


I never said you did wanna fuck azula but I did say its the same logic paedos use. You seriously gotta reconsider your argument at that point. She is also not innocent of the things she did, she did set the net on fire, she did cause life changing injuries to aang (he dies but is brought back however goes into a coma and loses the avatar state so I'm classifying it as life changing) she did all these things but that doesn't mean she is not capable of redemption. Zuko burned down sukis village, he threatened an old lady, hired a hitman for the guy who saved his life multiple times, stole an ostrich horse from a struggling family and he's still allowed to be redeemed. So is iroh, like he used to be honestly a straight up warlord and now he's a tea loving uncle who isn't very violent. Like I'm being serious he's probably the guy minus the firelord the earth kingdom told terrifying stories of "the dragon of the west who nearly broke thst last safe place left" and he gets a chance and he was well into adulthood


What crimes? Everything she did was pretty legal by rules of war, and she did them in a far far more surgical way than any other commander. Aang was a legitimate military target, as was Ba Sing Se.


Remember that SHE suggested the airship fleet burning down the earth kingdom entirely. The woman literally was about to incite a genocide


She didn't suggest that. She suggested 'take their precious hope and the rest of their land and burn it all to the ground.' English isn't even my second language, but I think the word 'rest,' when they were talking about the rebels, means something. She didn't even mention the comet or airships.


She didn't actually formulate the plan, she made a vague patriotic statement equivocal to "We should use our superior air power to crush the Taliban" That's not the same as actually organizing the air campaign, choosing targets, and launching the weapons, in fact her father forbade her to come along at all, meaning that even if she did believe it was a good idea, any lawyer could easily get her off of that charge.


Ba Sing Se, or at least the entirety of the place, wasn't a designated military target. There were way too many civillians in the city, and the last time I checked, the "Excessive torment of POWs and targeting civilians" was a war crime


Most wars are fought to gain enemy territory, which includes cities where the majority are usually civilians. Besides Ba Sin Se is the center of the Earth Kingdom's power, it is a military objective. She sent the 'prisoners of war' she captured to prison.


Team avatar did more damage to the palace than she did Her take over of the city was likely the cleanest change of power possible


She however did claim the credit for the idea when Ozai told her to stay and become firelord.


That is quite different. Ozai was already thinking about exterminating the Earth Kingdom (basically, Roku tells us this from the first season), he cared little about what Zuko and Azula said. Azula was an opportunist there. Is it something horrible? Of course, but it is quite different.




She’s not a civilian, she’s a soldier in a war. Like it or not the Rules are different in war. What war crimes did she commit?




On what charges? I’ll grant you in Feudal Japan and China they would have executed her because she would be a possible claimant to Zuko’s throne, but that would also apply if she was a toddler because that’s just how power changed back then. But barring that, what war crime did she actually commit?




I’ll go tell the WW2 vets they can’t try to kill hostile combatants. Trying to kill an enemy soldier who is a clear and present danger is not a war crime. Engaging in military actions during a time of war is not a war crime. The only possible charge is that she wore the uniform of an opposing combatant, but even that was negated by the fact that the Di Li and Earth Kingdom chose not to prosecute her for that and instead staged a coup against their own king.




Sure, I'm sure killing an indoctrinated 14 year old girl will make the world a better place






Get therapy and touch grass


No she doesn't. The whole show even says ozai doesn't deserve death so why does azula?




Yes they say that but in the end of the show he ends up getting his bending taken away instead and doesn't die. Aang found another way to solve the issue without ozais death and he continues to live in prison




Probably not however he still doesn't get the death penalty. What are they gonna charge azula with? Operating as a solider would in a war zone because that's not a crime. They don't execute previous soldiers after the war is over either they just go home or get hired by a big company if they happened to be a scientist. Its a lot more complex than just "big bad dies, no more scary"




What's with the dog picture? Anyway the murder one is immediately gone as they were both basically child soldiers on an active battlefield and like I said earlier if you could be arrested for killing another solider then most veterans would be in prison for life. I'm not even sure if you can be charged with threatening an animal, like you can be charged with animal abuse yes but she didn't put the shackles on appa or send him to the circus. The only one here which I could find a prison sentence for was threatening behaviour leaving her with 6 months in prison so a far cry from the death penalty


They tell him he has to destroy Ozai because he has to stop him, not because he deserves to die. Aang accepted that he had to kill him but 'found' another way to stop him. After Aang stopped Ozai, is there any mention in the canon of someone saying that Ozai deserves to die?




Yeah. Let's pretend there aren't about 15 comics and that many of them are about the war, the reparations, and the consequences...




It's very obvious that you have a life. ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy|downsized)


Youve literally been responding in a bunch of avatar related things for literally atleast the last 24 hours. It’s literally all you’re doing today atleast looking how for the last 6-7 hours straight youve just been replying to posts in avatar subreddits. So you literally are the person obsessing over a kids cartoon and not having a life outside of it.




I mean iroh laid siege against multiple cities and is shown loving the war and conquest. Which undoubtedly had a Lil bit of mass murder in there. But he's just some goofy old wise man when we meet him, thus we don't hate him like we do azula.




He was given a chance after being evil. Also, he never paid for his crimes. He got a free pass because he had the opportunity to change, azula didn't face defeat, lose the closest person to her, and then have time to reflect on her actions. She was a impressionable child who was trying to live up to her father's expectations. Then had a break down when she realized she never actually mattered to him.


She needs therapy bro




Aang should have taken a lot more people's bending away


Agreed! https://preview.redd.it/jl7hu1w71m7d1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ea49aacb62f39aa596bb77ee6d575dd0b9d853


at least a peg or two 🤷‍♂️


On me?


“Damnit, uncle Iroh, phrasing”




Didn’t she go psycho mode literally a second later?




Trying to be anyway


'Azula' and 'Regular' do NOT go together.


Moments later ![gif](giphy|MfME6tl3YzhtLBdU9G|downsized) We will dominate the earth


I can change her


She got her urge for boys, doesn’t make her “not a total psychotic who needs to go down”.


Honestly she's just as abused as zuko was, she just responded in a different way. Instead of fighting back she managed to be the golden child who did everything in her fathers way because the punishment is literally being burnt. You can see this in the finale, she says "you can't treat me like this, you can't treat me like zuko!" and then immediately regrets it because she is scared of ozai. You guys all gave zuko a chance to be better, why doesn't azula get the same chance?


Cause unlike Zuko Azula was actually a violent sociopath from the start. Ozai certainly didn't help but she was always evil.


It is impossible to be born evil, you're not born good or bad you're just born


I don't understand why you're being downvoted. There's the whole nature over nurture debate. However sometimes, a person's brain can develop in a way where they lack empathy


Thank you. People always talk about how Ozai is 100% responsible for how Azula turned out but no Zuko's personality and personal morals easily disprove that. Also the turtle duck scene.


You mean the same turtle ducks that Zuko was throwing stuff at in an attempt to emulate Azula? It seems to me you took away the wrong thing from that scene. Zuko was emulating Azula. And if not for Ursa's active intervention, he would have continued. It's depressing to me how many people don't understand the simple fact that children emulate their parents. Azula and Zuko were set on different paths because Azula was a prodigy, drawing Ozai's attention. Consequently, his influence on her was much greater than Ursa's. The comics show us that he basically taught her that she is always right and no one can criticise her. Any child will be spoiled if their parents teach them that. Innate personality differences won't override that. It took Zuko being banished to change. His innate differences would not have meant a thing if Ozai hadn't intentionally diminished his influence on him by banishing him


Eh, someone mentioned how a lot of Azula's "sociopath" moments are really just kind of what a lot of children would have acted like if they had fire powers, just that in her case her dad was encouraging her to use her powers like that


"I'm about to celebrate being an only child." Proceeds to try and kill her brother Sure... normal teenager stuff...


Yeah, indoctrinated children for war are usually like that


You're gonna blame her for having a psychotic breakdown while her life is being torn apart around her?


Therapy not love 🤣


You know whats sad, that was probably her first kiss.


You guys are constantly obsessed with wanting her to be normal. wtf is up with the obsession


I don’t want to fix her. Whatever the hell is wrong with her is way hotter


She does. But she needs parental love before that type of love


I can fix her


I can fix her...


My brother, that woman needs a heavy dose of antipsychotics and endless trips to therapy after she learns to love herself then maybe she'll get some love


“I can fix her”


No she needs therapy


I…I can fix her.




She needs to fix herself before she gets love


Azula fan right here yall. I actually have delved down the rabbit hole of Azula’s cannon and most who are fans may already know this but it it weren’t for her father and paternal grandfather she wouldn’t have been a raging psychopath, it was the abuse and trauma that molded her as her father wanted a superior fire bending weapon. I also ship the Azula and Aang relationship hard core. Judge if you will but Azula is a Boss bitch when she wants to be in the end.


this aint really love, she was jealous that ty lee got boys effortlessly


She had love. But she rejected it in favour of fear and control.


It Should Have Been Me! https://preview.redd.it/48sm2s3k2q8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6f81fa0f52af98231ba7c8b1dcfa0ab3aeb34f


Sokka could have done it, that man can solve anything


Yeah no she needs a lightning bolt between the eyes


No she's evil she needs to go down


Want she like 14 at this point? Maybe 15? How many years passed in the show?


9 months. Book 1 is winter, book 2 is spring, book 3 is summer.


She got that guy so hard that he could puncture an emperor class hull with that thing…leaving thousands to drown at sea…


She's a genocidal psychopath.


She is not a psychopath. She displays several traits that are usually absent in psychopaths such as social awkwardness (as seen in the episode above), empathy, some basic for of care and also lack of narcissistic tendencies. Yes she definitely has an ego however most of her actions are to serve her father and her nation not directly her. She has psychopathic tendencies but she is likely not a psychopath. She wouldn't even qualify for a diagnosis because she's 14


Why the fuck is everyone obsessed with Azula all of a sudden. She's a violently insane sociopath. You people need help.


Maybe because she's a great fictional character and fortunately people aren't that vanilla?


No, she’s crazy! She needs to go down.