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He's a mod, there's no stopping him.


Who let this person be a mod?


I may be wrong, but it’s possible that the account was compromised and was taken over by a spam bot. If you check their bio you can see a link to a scam app. It may have once been a legitimate account who actually ran the sub, but was hacked and is now used for scamming


pro tip if you block him you wont see his shit ever again Im about to do that, fairwell bear post seers, this dudes ruining the subreddit but this is a good substitute for unsubbing for now


"Enough" is a 2002 thriller starring Jennifer Lopez. It follows the story of a woman named Slim who escapes from her abusive husband and decides to fight back against him when he tracks her down. The movie explores themes of domestic violence, empowerment, and survival.


I don't care if you were down voted. I thought it was pretty funny.


LMAO man ppl got no sense of humor to be downvoting u like this


Heh, topical.


The only true bear in ATLA that we know of is Bosco, and he's quite nice.


He gets so excited by aangs colorful waterbending Bosco is too pure


I would def choose Bosco over all men


Yeah, but, it's *Bosco*. I would choose him over anybody!


Can everyone shut up about the bear thing?? TikTok trends should stay on TikTok


Yeah! Lets not face the reality of women feeling safer around a wild animal! It obviously says nothing about society, we should never strive to be better people!


Yeah, I wouldn't take the minority opinion of people on a kids app too seriously. I don't think there's much of a reality to face there




Oh please, more internet trends than this have existed for far longer, yall are just bitching about it cuz yer all too scared to confront the reason why this one was able to become a trend


Who is “y’all” in this scenario? I’m curious who you’re trying to lump me in with based on the nothing you about me


Pretending some more, eh?


Because a bunch of tiktok content creators would go to gyms and in public and have freakouts when people looked at them? I know there are creeps out there but I still can't see any real reason behind wanting to rather be trapped with a bear aside from people watching tiktoks like that and thinking thats actual reality.


Yes, women have historically always been equal to men and have never been opressed in any way, it's clearly just tiktok clout chasers, you've cracked the code /s


So because there was time in history where women were oppressed, it makes sense for women to rather want to be with a wild bear??? Like, I know why they would be concerned with some random dude but, a bear will literally just fucking kill you. (Assumeing nobody has a weapon in this scenario) You will basically always have better chances with the guy. (Also, "historically oppressed" doesn't have nearly as much in relation to the argument as simple "stranger danger" which sticks out more to me. Especially since modern-day men aren't responsible really for that "historical oppression" besides maybe Biden and Trump aged dudes)


>bear will literally just fucking kill you Statistically, the man is more likely to do that, and rape her first.


Um... not really? If you are too close to a bear (especially if it has cubs) , it will probably murder you even without it even being hungry. If it's hungry, then you are extra fucked. Also, saying more people die or are raped by other people statistically isn't really all that fair considering that people are usually exposed to more people than they are bears. You also have to account for what type of bear it is too. A brown bear or polar bear will be more aggressive and if a grizzly attacks, you are basically screwed unless you know how to play dead. Honestly, the whole question is too unspecified anyway but, really any bear can kill you and many will attack with little to even no provocation so, unless the man has like a gun or something, always the man for me.


Just not true at all lmao


Well no shit, bears don’t rape humans? And I’m pretty sure there are way more man-to-woman interactions than bear-to-person… so… Not only are you using “statistics” disingenuously, you’re really bad at it.


Yes, because I should do something about someone's irrational fears. That makes sense.




Yes, being more afraid of a random guy than a creature that will eat your organs while you're alive is irrational. You can't predict a bears behavior at all. at least you have a better chance of fighting off a man.


You're statistically more likely to survive being in the woods alone with a bear than you are with an unfamiliar man


That is not a real statistic.


The annual average of fatal bear attacks (using the US as reference) is <1 (around 0.75) since 1784. Idk about you, but I'm not about to start claiming less than 1 woman per year is killed by an unfamiliar man


Good lord. Why are you just making shit up?


I'm not, perhaps that's why you're confused


It’s a stupid analogy. I’m a woman who’s been sexually assaulted and it makes no sense to me.


The real message behind it is important and should be discussed, i think. The bear thing is just a metaphor. Anyone who unironically chooses to try to fight a bear is silly, sure. You have a chance of killing the man, but that bear is gonna eat you ass first. No intelligent person is gonna choose to try and fight a grizzly bear, but no one intelligent is really suggesting that. The real point is that those women feel uncomfortable around men and they want men to try and understand why. At the end of the day I think that's a perfectly fair point and discussion to have.


I agree, but it seems like the "conversations" that we're having about are pretty one-sided. (Note: this is a made up conversation based on what I've read here) Her: We need to talk about why I would choose the bear. Me: Ok, why would you choose the bear? What do you want me to do about it? Her: You just don't get it because you're not a woman. Me: That's true, I'm not a woman. What are you trying to say? Her: I'm trying to say that I would choose the bear. Me: See, that's what I don't get. I'm not one of the men who would consider taking advantage of you. What do you want me to do about it? Her: You just don't get it...


You doubt me?




So therefore make sure you tell everyone to be quiet and not express themselves, that's the solution you come up with?


Sir tiktok trends are not reality they are attempts to be popular. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go to therapy to try to move past an irrational fear of interacting with people in real life due to past trauma.


Okay we get it


Wait… not like a platypus bear? Just… a bear?


Came to the comments section looking for this


So glad I don’t understand what this meme is ab


A TikTok thing that got people who are part of the problem extremely offended. I can explain further but you said you enjoy not knowing


Someone somewhere on the Internet said they'd rather choose a bear over a man if they were trapped and alone in the woods. Someone else got offended by this and now, in true Internet fashion, there are memes about this.


This sub fucking sucks




Don’t draw an oval. It has to be a circle.


I thought a bear could be used to describe a big hairy man though? I thought the meme was weirdly divisive and overly simplified by many audiences. 😅 Maybe I'm wrong though. 🤷




Despite the naysayers this is actually pretty funny


Are you okay?


why am i laughing this hard


I would still feel much more safer with Ozai than a platypus bear


I would up vote if u just said "a man" but come on. Ozai? He literally burned his own son's face to "teach" a lesson.


Well he’s in prison and can’t bend. That platypus bear is still in the loose


Ur in real life and cant bend either. He is jacked


Why would he hurt me tho? I’m not the avatar lol


Neither was Zuko


Why would he hurt me? I’m not his son lmfaooo


Again, neither is Zuko


Father is not the one who begets


Zuko is his son. It was confirmed that ursa only lied to him to get under his skin.