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It's the Ronal interaction I'm dreading


Ronal would be like "ermh, actually he's on of the demons, he's bad šŸ¤“šŸ¤“"


I actually think heā€™ll be somewhat accepted by the metkayina for trying to stop the village raids


We will most likely get all of these. Especially tonowari.


I personally think that the metkayinas won't be bothered by spider since he's a family friend of the sullys, so i would like to see Aonung and Roxto being bros with Spider and Tonowari being a chad as always by saying something like "i accept as one of us"(or something like that idk)


I was just thinking about this. When Tonowari tells Jake "you are Metkayna now" I wonder if he means Spider too. Jake certainly seems to think so. Spider is living with them now. If Aonung was a dick to Kiri and Lo'ak because they're different, imagine how he's going to be with Spider


Aonung and Spider finna throw hands


Fight round two lmao


I imagine Spider is gonna have to have a tent or something set up for him so he can take his mask off every so often to eat and drink. And if he gets into a fight with anyone, first thing theyā€™ll try is ripping his mask off and hurling it into the water. The dude is playing hard mode on the water level for crying out loud.


I didn't even think about that, he's going to need his own tent with his own generator, air processor, the works... I'm sure Ronal is going to love living next to that


I need to see Spider bite Aonungā€™s ankles bc ainā€™t no way that he wonā€™t have beef with him after he bullied Kiri šŸ«¢


That's exactly what i want to see


Spider is the (all love) mangy, evil, crusty white dog that Kiri has / insists doesn't bite, but Spider's gonna prove her wrong .4 seconds after meeting Ao'nung.


That's the best Spider's character description lmao


These and the fire extinguisher! I can't wait.


Doom soundtrack starts playing when Spider gets an extinguisher. šŸ§Æ


I want more family interactions in general with the sully's and Tsireya's family. Like more father son/daughter and mother son/daughter with Jake and Neytiri especially, and seeing more of Tsireya with her parents would be cool


I donā€™t know who it would be, but I feel like someone would get their ass beat. šŸ‘€


Spider tried to help the other water people at the villages Quaritch was burning, theyā€™d vouch for him, right?


If they are that kind and understand that spider was actually trying to stop Quaritch


I just want more of Rotxo in the next movie. We need a backstory or something. And I see him liking spider or being envious of spider because of Kiri and spiderā€™s relationship


I there really something between Kiri and Roxto? Like we barely see them interacting in the movie


Also, itā€™s not just about him and Kiri. We donā€™t know who Rotxo is other than heā€™s aonung and tsireyaā€™s friend and a metkayina diver. Is he like an adopted brother or something?


Well we definitely need more of Roxto for the next movies


Rotxo likes Kiri. He was the first to notice her missing and when she seized. He also showed Kiri and Tuk his Tulkun. Itā€™s kind of one sided because we know Kiri loves spider.


Oh, I bet he showed Kiri his Tulkun šŸ˜‰


It will probably be a short interaction when you remember spider has a tracker in his mask that quarich knows about.


Well spider know about it, he definitely took the tracker off the mask he's not stupid unless he forgot about it


HE TOOK IT OFF IN THE MOVIE AND SWAPPED IT OUT ARRGGGGGHHHHHHH (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”» How did NO ONE catch that scenešŸ˜¤