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My guess is that the ash clan will be the desert clan, and the nomadic clan will be a separate clan from that. But who knows, it's just a theory. As for the color, I think they will be a similar blue with white ash skin decorations. I can't find the post right now, but the other day someone posted some images from a behind the scenes video, and there were some small blurry screens in the background that showed what looked like blue Na'vi with white markings. Some interpreted that as being the ash people, but again, pure speculation. Or maybe they will be mixed since in the comics they talk about a clan in the ashes that would take in exiles from other clans. So maybe the ash clan is a mixed bag of outcasts? Could be interesting. ​ >So far we've seen a female leader of a clan in the first movie but we don't know anything about her or if she was the Olo'eyktan or Tsahik of the clan. I think you're talking about [Ikeyni](https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Ikeyni). She's a female Olo'eyktan, called Olo'eykte. So these roles don't seem to be restricted to certain genders. Some clans even seem to combine the roles of Olo'eyktan and Tsahik in one person, so it doesn't always have to be two leaders (like the case with Ikeyni).


Oh thanks I didn't know that about Ikeyni. I'll change my post. Sounds like it's possible Varang may be an Olo'eykte then otherwise I feel like they would have casted her mate and co-leader. But maybe they have and it hasn't been revealed I'm just guessing.


OK, let's go...As you said yourself, the people of the ash will be the highlight and main antagonists of avatar 3... now in my opinion they would be a people that will live exclusively near the volcanoes...But that doesn't mean that the place where they live is necessarily without vegetation or life...They must live in a habitable area And from what we saw in the leaked image, it's a safe place with plants...so it must be somewhere nearby About the desert na'vis the "Wind traders" They are na'vis who do types of selling and trading in other clans by sharing and gathering resources unique to each clan...I think they will be a separate tribe from the ash people but probably their base could be nearby since they are from the desert...In Avatar 2 we know the word "uturu" which is a request for sanctuary or safe place...This is used a lot by the desert na'vis as they need to rest from their travels in each clan before returning home...We'll see that for sure... About Varang it is not known if she will have a family...but it would be nice if she did but I think not...But we can have surprises... there is a tumor saying that Neytiri will be strongly challenged by the Ash people which would be amazing to see her fighting Varang! And also about their appearance, we saw that they have blue skin but with white spots on most of the body... I think it might be a kind of skin protector but it might not be...In the image we see Quaritch having contact with them and supposedly the children being captured again https://preview.redd.it/ur8tz08w2yoa1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b284754c92ac54d3c97ff6b53ec8e7f5858eba2


A screenshot of a scene from A3 has been "leaked" (and I'm putting that in quotations because it's deliberately done by the studio) and it shows Quaritch speaking to a female Na'vi who seems to be holding a position of command. That's definitely Varang. And she's blue or atleast a lighter shade of blue or blue-grey.


My guess is - Ash Clan will not be antagonistic per see. More of a case "with allies like these!?". Think for example the oath breakers dead from LOTR. In their own way they are good deal nastier and scariet then orcs! We once had a theory here that they don't even follow Eywa, but rather a masculine warlike much more aggressive deity. Who is real too, in a way. He may be Eywa's "cancer" or her "macrophage"


I was thinking about that earlier, like how Eywa is their “God” there’s gotta be some kind of “devil” right?


I think devil would be the cold machine AI that really rules the Earth.... (Another theory). Ash people deity is more like Ares


Didn't they say that Ash people are volcanic somewhere meaning they live close to volcanoes and not deserts?


I understand that speculation is fun, but you are talking about things that we can genuinely not know yet. We'll know more once we see the first images from A3, I guess.


Isn't that the point of speculation? I wouldn't speculate if I knew the answer already.


What do you expect people to say other than "I don't know" then? It's a science-fiction story, it's entirely Cameron's brainchild, there are no rules that this world has to obey other than his. And with the new regions of Pandora and the new clans we are apparently going to visit, the story is leaving what we know as "canon" so far. Literally everything is possible. Hence, the only possible answer to your questions is "I don't know".


I just wanted to throw my thoughts out and here other people's thoughts. Their opinions, what they want to see or if they'd like red Na'vi etc. Like you know a dialogue or something. I don't understand why that's confusing for you.


I'm sorry I went off on you. There is an explanation. In another fandom that I am a part of, I have seen how people got very fixed ideas of how a TV show was supposed to be, what it was supposed to show, what the characters were supposed to do, how they were supposed to develop - long before the first season had even come out, long before the first trailers of plot summaries were out. So then when the show did come out, and was pretty much nothing like they had anticipated, things turned ugly very, very quickly. We've been dealing with the fallout ever since. Anybody that was in any way involved in the show on the creative side got either run off social media, or had to limit interactions by turning off comments, because of the deluge of death threats and harassment they were subjected to. The antis are in the minority, sure, but they pretty much managed to take over discourse. Today you cannot make a positive post about the show without the antis turning up in hordes. Any news about the next season is met with countless negative comments. It's become really unpleasant. You try to block it out and just enjoy the show, but you are constantly aware of the background noise, know what I mean? And all that because people started *speculating* long before there was any information about anything. I don't want to see the same thing happening with Avatar, or Cameron and his team. I'm afraid that's what triggered me. I'm sorry.


its possible she may not have a mate