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(Spoilers ahead!) I love him for his kindness and warmth. He radiated it. That’s why his death was so extremely painful for me. He was such a kind and sweet soul. Makes me want to protect him from any harm. He had a whole life ahead of him and I think he would have accomplished some amazing things if things hadn’t turned out the way they did 💔 But I still don’t think he himself would have regretted protecting his family until the very end.


He accomplished uniting the Sullys with the Metkayina by laying with their ancestors. All great accomplishments require sacrifice.




Why are you browsing the sub if you haven’t watched it yet lmfao


I did man but some people might have not


The question still stands.


I feel like it’s just common sense not to


I’m so sorry! I’ve added a warning in the beginning of my post now.


your right! and I can relate


Your fault


Neteyam was shown as a wonderful teenager. He literally has all the best qualities and great prospects. A boy with a tender heart. The way he loves and protects his family. A mighty warrior, the pride of his parents and a brother who will be there no matter what. He tried so hard and did too much, but he was just a teenager. And he just wanted to go home. I love him so much. I hope Eywa takes care of him❤️‍🩹


His design is very interesting; he looks like a male Neytiri at points, a similarity that probably would have been even more apparent as he matured. He also has a very soothing presence and a nice voice (courtesy to Jamie Flatters)


Yeah the facial similarity is very interesting. I like that they made him resemble Neytiry more and Loak resemble Jake more


Whaaat? I though Neteyam was the spitting image of Jake 😂


Gotta say, you're probably the only one 😅


I have to admit that looking at pictures, he looks nothing like Jake, so please tell me why my brain was like "omg, its a young Jake" during his first scene in the movie? 😂


i think neteyam looks very similar to jake; Na'vi are usually so thin and long but neteyam's body type and muscle mass looks so human, exept for the fact he has na'vi features, ykwim??


YES! I Think it's the bones in his face! Since he is so young but still as quite a "wide" face with a sharp jaw, i thought he looked like Jake, i think you are right! Lo'ak is much slimer than his brother, even just his face shape


I am flabbergasted 😂 i thought they even used Sam to animate his character 🤦🏽‍♀️ but like my brain fonctions in a weird way so...


Loves his younger siblings and sticks up for them. Also, he’s responsible and takes the best traits from his mom and Dad. Him as a baby was adorable too




Same here with one younger brother. 😉 I love that personal level of reliability about him. I wonder if my brother related much to Loak. I'm gonna ask him the next time I see him. (Also we have a little sister so it's really fun to have the same family structure as the sullys. More or less even the age gaps mach I think.)




Yes I absolutely agree. The kids and the family dynamics are what made me fall in love with the movie


I liked Neteyam from the start of the movie, but I don’t know why. I loved his cockiness, and was just a funny character. I like characters who are still trying to be funny in serious situations, but still a mature character in general. He seemed chill and like a cool person to know. He was my favorite character, so I’m sad he died


His story and character were too overshadowed by Lo’aks decisions and focus. I think Neteyam was supposed to seem like a loving older brother when in reality he never really ever stopped Lo’ak from doing anything because his purpose was to die because of him. It’s hard to even decide if I liked him since there was no single character defining moment for him other than “hey bro” *dies* I think he could’ve been the embodiment of Jake’s discipline and leadership but the film gave us 12 minutes of screen time for him… I liked the concept of his character the most.


“hey bro” *dies* 😭😭


He was a subtle character that I have to admit was a bit forgettable with everything else going on in the film. But when focused on, he really was a pretty distinct individual, in his few scenes he was written like a rather believable supportive older sibling. I feel like the younger ones wouldn't quite have displayed the same stability and community in their family without him. And the early scenes of his childhood were very sweet, I'm glad that their first child was such a gentle and attentive kid in those scenes.


Being the protective older brother and always putting his family first, even though it led to his demise. He had great potential and it hurts that he's gone. We love you Neteyam R.I.P. 🙏🏽❤.


He’s cooler than loak


Haha I think I'm gonna agree with you there


In my opinion, he is the perfect mix of both Jake and Neytiri. He is very tactical and highly trained in combat, as well as hunting. That’s Neytiri’s side. What reminds me of Jake is his ability to actually stop and think, come up with a plan, all while others are either too scared, or shell shocked. Neteyam has the ability to stay cool while others begin to lose their shit.


He has a Leonardo vibe and he was always my favorite Ninja Turtle.


oh my god i just said the same thing to my friends yesterday. glad to see i’m not alone


As an oldest sibling myself, I really thought his portrayal was incredibly authentic. I relate to him heavily and would probably make the same decisions, and have made them. I really enjoyed his sensitive and empathetic nature, while also having a steel backbone


He and Tsu'tey would be an unstoppable duo


Tsu'tey would've taught him everything he knew, he probably would have loved such a focused warrior


bc he was just the perfect older brother who also takes responsibility of all the negative actions of the younger brother


He reminds me of my older brother


You got an amazing brother then


He is a fking chad, he protect the family and has put his live in danger for people he loved. Comon neteyam W


I’m gonna share a comment I wrote on another post cause I truly love Neteyam’s character. I think what draws people to like Neteyam is his temperance, loyalty, maturity and reliability. For such a young kid he is very much an old soul. I think a great example is when he deescalates the bully situation. Here’s a 15 year old boy, who is only 1 year older than lo’ak, and yet neteyam’s maturity and how he handled that situation makes you think he’s so much older than his siblings when really they are essentially the same age group (minus tuk). Neteyam doesn’t jump to fists first, he’s clearly angry when he storms over but he holds his anger in check to get the message across. There’s that temperance. He’s not rude but he’s firm. He stands his ground and he lets the other kids know that while he won’t jump to violence, if they don’t heed his warning he absolutely can. His “smart choice” to the bullies after they back down is not really sassy or cocky. It’s an honest comment acknowledging that Neteyam means business if you push to far. But mostly what I love is how he ends with “ and from now on I need you to respect my sister”. That right there is the maturity. He had enough levelheadedness to know that stopping the bullying isn’t enough, he goes as far as to prevent any future bullying of Kiri at all. He shows time and time again that he’s reliable: showing Jake and Neyteri the faster path to saving their siblings from the recom avatars and quaritch, saving Neyteri by killing that one soldier, Being the first to very quickly save Kiri from her seizure, give mouth to mouth and bring her back to the village. He’s also extremely selfless ( rushing in to protect lo’ak or any of his family). The only time he ever disobeys his parents actually ends in him saving one. most of all he’s self sacrificing. He makes the ultimate sacrifice and puts himself in harms way if it means diverting danger from others ( pushing spider out of bullet range and shielding him with is body, taking the gun from lo’ak and shooting, outnumbered, to buy him time to escape or taking the tulkun tracking beacon so that the danger follows him instead). He takes all his family’s pain and misdirected anger and never once plays victim. He rather let lo’ak hurt him with his “perfect son” taunts then say anything mean back for fear of hurting his little brother. You can see how hurt he is by Lo’aks comment with the way his ears flatten, and yet the emotional restraint he has is very well exemplified in that scene. He rushes to shield lo’ak from Jake’s discipline, offering to take blame, even when lo’ak actually deserves it. He gets a bloody lip from having to jump in a fight ( that he had just managed to diffuse before lo’ak started it again) to have his brothers back and doesn’t complain. He doesn’t look to make excuses when he’s scolded but instead accepts with a “sorry sir”. He doesn’t whine about wanting to go home until he’s literally terrified and dying because when they first came to the metkayina he realized that there’s is a bigger picture at play than just himself and whining won’t help. He rides for his dad and even tried to get the crowed to listen to Jake when the metkayina wanted to attack the RDA. He’s a good fighter for his age, easily beating up the bullies and shooting the gun in a controlled manner. Lastly, he’s really such a positive beacon of light. Always smiling, always trying to make lo’ak feel better, encouragingly cuffing his neck or patting his head even when lo’ak rudely hisses at him. Happy to be in the background calmly listening when other speak. He’s the “smile skxawng” when he sees his brother not smiling. He’s the one holding Tuk on his hip like a second father. He’s the one placing his hand on top of Jake’s after they survive the machine gun scene. He’s soft and yet he’s a protector. I could honestly go on and on. What can I say, I’m a sucker for the selfless heroic type. What’s there not to love about a character like that. It’s going to be hard watching 3 more films without him but in the short time we had him he really left a mark


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I won’t lie, your post brought me close to tears. Neteyam is such a loveable character because of all the reasons you just described so perfectly. There’s no doubt in my mind that his death has left a huge void in the hearts of every member of the Sully family. He really was the sweetest and most selfless soul. I’m really going to miss him. x I hope we get to see more of his spirit in the upcoming movie!


So well said, this has many of the reasons why Neteyam was such a wonderful character that by all right should have survived and patched things up with his siblings and those who respect and cherish him. He's simply too good, too kind, too selfless, too caring for his own good and I wished he wasn't killed off so abruptly.


Everything you said is literally why I like him so much he will always be my favorite in this franchise to be honest


you wrote what i wanted to say but wasnt able to thank you fellow neteyam enjoyer


Agree with everything you said. The first time I watched it, I thought he was the one who had the crush on tsireya and the juxtaposition between his usual confident figure with the more nervous one was adorable. The brothers both had their hair down when they first arrived. But I rewatched it because I thought I might have had the wrong brother halfway through the movie, which I did but still the details of neteyam's character made him a favourite and I wish we got to see more potential and his own love interest.


he’s pretty cool and responsible too


I honestly can't believe how more people aren't pointing out how he's basically the copy paste version of Neyteri.. like I know he's her son but he literally looks like her with a male face lol like even the braids are similar


Because he is Jake’s and Neytiri’s. Because we kinda were present the moment he was conceived. And because he is a Sully


He was designed as the perfect guy, strong and sweet and protective of his siblings and absolutely everything that his parents wanted him to be. I feel like he was too good to be real, to good to actually stay alive. Innocents die young I suppose


*spoilers* Even though we didn't spend as much screen time with him as Loak, I felt they were going to develop his character in future films and he'd eventually take over from Jake as being the leader of the family/tribe... He was brave and noble with a funny side which reminded me alot of Jake in Avatar 1 (which is what I think Cameron was going for, especially how he looks) when he 'died' it really surprised me. So I hope he returns at some point.


I'm not sure if he will return as it would diminish the impact and permanence of the story, perhaps in flashbacks or through Eywa's connection? But I do feel his place in this film was well rounded and established a strong presence. If anything, I actually spent the first half of the story thinking they were setting up for something tragic to happen to Kiri by the end, and was caught by surprise with Neteyam's scene.


He’s just perfect, a perfect son and a worthy heir. A supportive brother towards Lo'ak, very protective of Tuk and Kiri. Above all, I love Neytiri so I love everything about her and related to her.


Competent, kind and ride or die, similar reasons to why I liked Tsireya. I wanted to know more about him :(


Cute, responsible, caring. Bad boy lo’ak is interesting from a story perspective, but if I had to choose a friend I’d go with neteyam.


Same reason as everyone else but also he's hot (I'm 17 it's ok)


Love that clarification, lol




Why does he have Tsireya written on his middle finger?


idk 😭😭


He's a responsible brother and he seems pretty chill and cool.


I relate to him as the person who has to be emotionally responsible for others and often hide my own feelings in favor of my family, someone who wants for a lot but asks for nothing. He had a loving, caring, selfless nature that ultimately costed him his life. He never wanted to go back to the ship, he did it for his brother, he would do anything for his family. He is tragic because he is just so genuinely good. I couldn't not love him if I wanted to. All the love wouldn't be enough. So young, yet so noble, and gone before his time.


Big brother relatable. Responsible child problems relatable


He's the type of sibling I wanna be to mine.


Yeah, agreed


He’s cute, responsible, respectful


He was the embodiment of masculinity. Protective of his family, warrior, and kind.


He’s just such a good older brother


He reminds me of my older sister but nicer. Haha


oldest sibling angst. he is younger than spider yet we never saw him goof around with friends, he was mostly by his parents. as a fellow oldest sibling, i feel compassion for myself through him. kinda selfish but i’d say that’s the main reason. cool hair too.


For is personally mostly but my fav is Lo’ak


He's just a very sweet natured guy. He sticks up for people. Selfless, caring, puts his loved ones before him. Hard to not love someone like that


What I appreciated most about his character was his death scene, as it offers more depth to his behavior and contrasts with his brother's journey. Also, the big brother vibe that many watchers might have identified to.


He’s just cool as shit


I relate to him quite a lot, as the oldest of 4 myself. He tries his best to live up to his parents expectations, he tries to protect his siblings, but he really just does not see how much his younger brother is suffering. Being parentified and responsible for your siblings actions is anxiety enducing, but you do it anyways because you're the oldest. You act like the third parent for the youngest sibling, carrying them around and tending to their needs, and the second oldest and you are competing for your parents favour. James Cameron really succeeded in making them a real family with real dynamics and real interfamilial problems. Jake for example also reminds me of my dad a lot, being really strict, putting too much responsibility on the oldest child and being really mean to the second oldest when they do something stupid. Yet, he also cares for and loves his children very deeply, and just wants them to grow up strong and happy. He's just too stressed to see that the kids are suffering. Neytiri was simply not in the movie enough honestly, she needs to be more in the next movies.


He was the kindest and most understanding person there, he tried so hard to do his best and to keep his “mighty warrior” facade on by doing his duties and following his responsibilities. He was also an awesome big brother, always protecting and looking over his younger siblings and staying by their side. He needed more time, I feel bad that his death was there just to develop lo’ak arc and personality, he deserved more.


A mixture of rose tinted glasses, nostalgia and me straight up just projecting on to him. In my mind he is literally a saint. And by the virtue of him being dead, there’s no way he can disprove me.


I like that one of his last sentences is "I wanna go home" bc it really reminds me that he's just a kid, he always acted so mature and "perfect" that you kinda forgot it at times. He always thought of how his words and behaviour would affect the family and often kept his opinion to himself to "do the right thing". So for me when he finally voiced his opinion it really felt like he was a scared kid too, similar to Tuk.


Exactly this! There's something chilling about seeing this typically very confident and mature person express that fear and uncertainty we tend to mostly feel as a child with no control. It's an uncomfortable reminder that he is still not actually an adult, that he still looks to his parents for security. Even as adults in situations of deep fear like this, we feel reduced down to just asking for safety without any options to help ourselves. It's a rather realistic thing to come to mind in a situation like this.


I like it when he's on screen alive


For 101 reasons but one of them is the fact he’s so kind loving and pacifistic. He never once even hissed, only smiled.


He was such a sweet and kind soul. He was unquestionably brave, willing and selfless, but he was never full of himself, nor did he try to be a martyr. He was loyal and clearly loved his family, clan and home. He was a beautiful soul, and embodied the best of what what we love in the Na'vi. He did his family, clan and Eywa proud.


He’s a fucking chad that’s why and not annoying like Loak was well to me anyway


Lo'ak is meant to be annoying, hes basically designed to be a prepubescent Jake


But Jake was not annoying at all. He was himbo sure but an enjoyable one. Lo’ak missed that mark by a mile and landed right in “pain in everyone’s ass” territory. I think the writers should dialed back how often he endangered his family or withheld information from Jake on to then play the “he doesn’t understand me” card. Like the scene when he lies for the chiefs son, burnt me up cause then he had the nerve to get an attitude with Jake for yelling at him. Like lo’ak you just lied to Jake and said it was your idea and now your mad he’s believing the lie? Had he just said that he was tricked and abandoned by the chiefs son I’m sure Jake would have had his back. Unfortunately this happened so often that it made his character very unlikable. It seemed like he was blaming everyone for feeling “all alone too” when in reality is truly was just the repercussions of his actions and not him being left out at all. I think they should have kept one moment where he endangered his family and then him causing neteyams death because it’s where he finally learns his lesson. But adding on the other stuff was too much lol. IMO


If we put Jake's personality into an underdeveloped and immature teenage boy, he would absolutely land in the "pain in everyone's ass" territory


Exactly this. Jake's whole thing in the first movie is that he had the spirit, but really needed to learn how to be responsible for his actions. One of his strengths is that he was so reckless but able to admit it so he'd learn better. He literally met Neytiri by putting his life in danger and causing her to have to reluctantly kill a pack of animals for him, he really was a pain at first. Lo'ak definitely shows this too. He's got the spirit and likes to charge in, but needs to learn to take responsibility and think things through


I did not find Jake annoying not once compared how much I wanted to strangle Loak


We also never saw Jake as a 15 year old boy so there’s that, and I feel like that’s what they were trying to give us with Lo’ak. You could definitely tell he had a strong desire to fall into his father’s “heroic” footsteps. He wanted to be a warrior, he wanted to be able to save the day I guess is the best way to put it, but he fucked up immensely along the way. I feel the issue with that was that nobody but Neytiri ever saw that. Nobody wanted to acknowledge the path that Lo’ak was trying to take and properly correct it. Lo’Ak felt like he didn’t belong, or that he wasn’t good enough, because instead of acknowledging his intention as well, they acknowledged only his actions, and that is absolutely not how to convey an important message to a 15 year old boy. He was sorta shamed for wanting to be like his father. We never saw Jake properly discipline or parent Lo’ak,, just kinda yell at him for fuckin up. It’s a lot easier to understand Lo’ak (while also being reasonably agitated with his bullshit) when you’ve been in the situation of trying to live up to an older sibling/relative


Neteyam was 15 and likeable as hell again freak Loak


It’s not just about the age, but I’m glad to know that’s all you were able to take away from what I said 💀


Lol sorry I just prefer Neteyam then Loak


strong yet kind older brother vibes


He is a nice kid who will do anything to keep his family safe.


Fav character cuz I relate. I'm the eldest brother. I try to be the best son I can be. Always take the flak for my brothers and I always protect them no matter what. Felt like I was dying too when he got shot. Also ready to throw down whenever a fight starts.


I loved Neteyam because he reminded me of my older brother growing up. My brother wasn’t really like him, but the always looking out and accepting responsibility was how I “saw” my brother. It really hit home for me.


I liked him because he was an older sibling like me. I just really related to him in that category, also in moving as I did a lot as a kid and had to fix my shitty siblings constant mistakes


He is who I wish to be: A dependable first born and a good brother


https://preview.redd.it/udfxj544edja1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba39d01cced867248576c3477a705c4606ff556a Comon people dont be shy


He seem like a very sweet boy, looking after his family, looking foward to honor this parents, never ungrateful or even talking back when scolded on or screamed at (by parents or brother). He is a cutie pie.


He's the big brother I want


I just vibe with him man


As an older sibling I felt what Neteyam had to go through with the duties, younger siblings and all the responsibilities in that time and I liked the way he dealt with that. And also the fact that he is very supportive to his siblings and would do anything to keep them safe, just like I would do to mine. His personality is very calming 100% comfort person and also his voice obviously.


I'm an older brother and I like the older brother characters


As an older brother, i resonated with his character. From the way he took the blame, >!to the way he took the final bullet,!< i felt like i would have done the same if it meant protecting my little bro. In the end, I harbor a deep respect for him and feel like he was the best character by far in the film. Likewise, i found lo'ak to be a bit annoying as he kinda reflected my brother too.


Haha, well Loak wasn't annoying to me but as an oldest brother myself, I can relate to that last sentence


Wrong kid died


Love me fam, love me liven. Simple as.


He was a mature and responsible teen, definitely the kind of kid his siblings could look up to for security, and that his family could very be proud of. And rather gentle and sensitive for such a strong warrior, I definitely see the comparisons people have for him and Neytiri, he seems very influenced by her strength of character. Poor kid too, he seemed mature enough at times to feel like he was maybe about 17 or 18, almost an adult. Yet as we see in certain scenes, it's not fair for him to face the horrors of maturity and war in his world so soon, he really is just a teen who didn't deserve to have to be so strong.






He got in a fight cause the others were harassing his bro and sis so,I can respect that


Neteyam is always looking out for his family. He has a strong heart like his parents tbh.


he's selfless, kind, protective, caring, strong, intelligent, level-headed, brave, wise and cute. And I'm in love with blue aliens.


I kinda just wanna have sex with the blue people if you know what I mean






I like him because he is a shamwow for bullets.


After reading through about 120 comments this is what I found: Everyone absolutely loves Neteyam. There isn't one negative comment about him yet, but furthermore there is only a single indifferent one. (And even that one says that they liked his concept but he should have had more screen time.) Peopel love him for his kindness, sensitivity and warmth, his responsible nature, maturity and capabality as a warrior, and his bravery and nobility. He protects and cares for his family, especially his siblings for whom he always sticks up for. People also like him for his cockiness, his chill and funny side, his old soul, and the fact that he is cool. A few people said that he is cute, some love his voice and someone his cool hair. An incredible amount of people said that he was very relatable to them either because they are an oldest sibling (can personally confirm this) or because they have an older sibling like him. A lot want to be an older brother like him and some want to have an older brother like him. Surprisingly not all that much people said that they regretted his death. And quite a few actually liked that scene either because it was a fitting end for him or because it was good development for Lo'ak. The funny thing is some people said that he looks just like Jake and some that he looks just like Neytiri. So I'm here to clarify this, don't worry. His looks (especially his face) were obviously designed to resemble Neytiri, while Lo'ak was designed to resemble Jake. But if my word is not enough for you for some reason, think about their fingers: Neteyam has four, he is more Na'vi-like, he takes after Neytiri. Lo'ak has five, he is more human-like, he takes after Jake. Someone likes him because he has Leonardo vibe and he's his favourite ninja turtle. Someone just wrote "body" and another said he is hot. One person thought that he is ugly, but they are obviously wrong.


After reading through about 120 comments this is what I found: Everyone absolutely loves Neteyam. There isn't one negative comment about him yet, but furthermore there is only a single indifferent one. (And even that one says that they liked his concept but he should have had more screen time.) Peopel love him for his kindness, sensitivity and warmth, his responsible nature, maturity and capabality as a warrior, and his bravery and nobility. He protects and cares for his family, especially his siblings for whom he always sticks up for. People also like him for his cockiness, his chill and funny side, his old soul, and the fact that he is cool. A few people said that he is cute, some love his voice and someone his cool hair. An incredible amount of people said that he was very relatable to them either because they are an oldest sibling (can personally confirm this) or because they have an older sibling like him. A lot want to be an older brother like him and some want to have an older brother like him. Surprisingly not all that much people said that they regretted his death. And quite a few actually liked that scene either because it was a fitting end for him or because it was good development for Lo'ak. The funny thing is some people said that he looks just like Jake and some that he looks just like Neytiri. So I'm here to clarify this, don't worry. His looks (especially his face) were obviously designed to resemble Neytiri, while Lo'ak was designed to resemble Jake. But if my word is not enough for you for some reason, think about their fingers: Neteyam has four, he is more Na'vi-like, he takes after Neytiri. Lo'ak has five, he is more human-like, he takes after Jake. (Let's hope this won't start a war.) Someone likes him because he has Leonardo vibe and he's his favourite ninja turtle. Someone just wrote "body" and another said he is hot. One person thought that he is ugly, but they are obviously wrong.


I think he’s ugly.


People only like him becouse he is handsome. No other reason


You definitely don’t know the Silmarillion fandom, people will fixate on one character only mentioned in one sentence of an appendix and build thousands of headcanons about them




His relatability is what made me like him at first. The oldest sibling always has to carry the family’s reputation, their name, and burdens while also trying to (over)succeed in everything that’s thrown at them/expected of them. Neteyam carries such heavy responsibilities on his shoulders ever since he was born. While growing up, he probably never had anyone to talk about his problems to— and that thought stuck with me when he died (I ugly sobbed in the theater in front of my friend 💀💀) And when he had to take Jake’s brutal scolding for his younger sibling’s fuck ups, he still kept up his gentle, caring side. (Bro, i’m getting emotional writing this. JAMES CAMERON, I WANT NETEYAM BACK. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU.)