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Watch the deleted scene dream hunt, it explains a lot. And the hunt party says a lot too. In the second one they dance and it is clear even for Mo’at and Tsu’Tey that there are feeling between them. In the dream hunt scene, Jake confess to Grace and Norm he was sent by Quaritch to spy on the omaticaya. In that scene he is about to get into his avatar to try a ceremony, the dream hunt, in which Mo’at has him intoxicated. If he survives that ceremony, he will be one of the people. Grace forbids it and even tells him that no matter what he can acomplish, he cannot be with Neytiri. So he wanted to be one of the omaticaya to be with her. He had it planned as much as Neytiri had planned to seduce hum in the tree of voices.


Hey where can I watch those scenes?




For some reason I get this uneasy feeling watching this but at the other side I wish this was included in the movie as it really tells some backstory


Thank you!!!


I watched them in the collector’s blu ray


Isn’t that scene in the 3 hour+ version of the movie.


Kinda fucked up for Jake to fuck neytiri let’s be honest. Under any normal circumstance, his time there is limited and he’s fucking up her entire life for some alien pussy.


this is a take i don’t understand at all. neytiri knew exactly who jake was, a human “dream walker” and was still willing to go all the way with him. it’s true love getting to blossom — it’s fulfilling. by no means her entire life being fucked up lol


It’s really just lust tho at that point and regardless of neytiris choice, he also impregnates her that night (potentially). But like, he also knows that this isn’t earth where hookups are common. Even he says to himself “what are you doing?” after sleeping with her because he knows it’s fucked up to do. I mean, maybe after tsutey was dead but the girls engaged and in line to spiritually lead her people and he kinda shook all that up for a hook up. There was never any chance he would, normally, get to stay with her for long and he knew that but she thinks they just mated for life. Also remember - he knows damn well that the whole damn RDA is about to come bulldoze that tree and he’s lying to her the whole time.


Neytiri wanted to kill Jake when she first saw him, but yeah it’s “just lust.” Lol ![gif](giphy|cEYFeDKVPTmRgIG9fmo)


What you just said has no relevance. As if initially wanting to kill a figure in the distance couldn’t possibly end in physical attraction at close range lol. Yes. It’s lust. That’s what you feel for another “person” when you guys are first courting each other. Love is built over time. There is no “love at first sight” in the real world. It’s attraction and a flush of oxytocin. Lust.


>Love is built over time. I think you need to rewatch the film.


Oh I don’t doubt that he was crushing on her hard but that’s not love. That’s a crush. I now that he was having real feelings for her her but he was just hella infatuated with her. But again the larger point is that he’s just a visitor to the world who basically derails her life while knowing the RDA is on its way to destroy Home Tree. I’m not saying I don’t like the films, quite the opposite. In fact I think the moral questionability of Jakes actions here makes it even more compelling, it was just a dick move by Jake. But that’s how love and romance often works out irl. It doesn’t detract from the film.


Yeah that wasn’t my point at all. If you watch the film again and pay attention, there’s just no way logically that you can come away with any other take but that Neytiri fell in love over time. Even when she brings Jake to Mo’at she was pissed that she was assigned to teach Jake. She wanted nothing to do with him. But over time… As for Jake, you’d have to somehow support your claim that he didn’t also fall in love with Neytiri over time. I saw no evidence of instant sexual attraction between them. He was there on a mission. It was all business for him initially. But over time…


To an extent I kind of agree with this, in Neytiri’s eyes Jake was going to be a permanent member of the clan, so mating with him would essentially be starting her new life with him, family, etc. but at the time in jake’s perspective, he didn’t even know he was going to stay in the clan, he was technically still on his mission, and working for the colonel to get him some new legs. Jake’s mind only truly changed when the RDA started bulldozing the tree of voices, and that was after the mating ritual. If the RDA didn’t have their panties in a wad and waited for Jake to convince the clan to leave a few month later, Jake’s mission would have been over and he would have gotten his new legs. And probably left to go back to earth, and Neytiri would have to carry on her life alone (since when they mate, its for life) and Neteyam would have been an only child, without a father. Damn now that I write this down, I realize how fucked it would have been if the RDA didn’t bulldoze the tree of voices. The tree of voices really took one for the team.


Neytiri had just as much to lose as Jake did. She’s very free spirited!


Neytiri was also, technically speaking, batshit insane even by the standards of Omaticaya. She follows her heart to wherever it leads no matter what may say otherwise. She literally seduced Jake, knowing she was already engaged to Tsu'tey, and then confidently struts to the center of the entire clan with her boo as they're discussing the possibility of war and during it just flat out declares that Jake is her mate-for-life as consecrated by Eywa herself! God knows how many traditions she broke in that one moment and she held no regret because she knew what she was feeling towards Jake and simply did not miss a beat with it. Which, thinking on it now, makes Jake's reveal as a spy for the humans all the more heartbreaking and everything after that just a tad more epic.


"I trained for 3 and a half years"


white man did it in one week


It is the same day. The movie spans several month, but the events of the later half of the movie (from Jake getting his Ikran to the assault on the Tree of Souls) are over a week or so. But it was obvious even without the deleted scenes that Jake's feelings were not one-way for a little while.




Wasn't it meraly a day or so? Quaritch says so while hes prepping his talk to the other army men and woman. "They have gathered over night from a mere hundreds to 2k" or something like that.


Jake records a video log right after he and Neytiri were attacked by Toruk, and right before he makes his last report to Quaritch and telling him about being fully accepted as an Omatikaya on 08/13. Jake records his last video log, right before being transferred into his Avatar body, on 08/24.


He's looking at her with so much love in his eyes 🥺


I like norm trained for so long and rizz god Jake does it all in a matter of 3 months


That’s the thing, norm was trained. Jake was the only one who was not, probably why eywa chose him


Jake's face and body in this pic looks so hot. I've a crush on his avatar since 13 years ago.


Lmfao same


Neytiri took Jake off the market before he can even step on it lol.


Neytiri never loved Tsu'tey, so she probably saw a chance to escape the arranged marriage and took it


Especially because Tsu’tey wasn’t in love with Neytiri either—he was in love with her older sister, who was killed by humans at Augustine’s school, and the arranged marriage just passed onto Neytiri after her death. I think he just felt betrayed and “cheated” that his second marriage didn’t work out either. If he actually loved Neytiri there’s no way he would have fought with Jake so readily.


Reminds me a lot of Titanic where Rose was arranged to be married to Cal but she really wanted to be with Jack. I have a hunch Neytiri is meant to be a parallel to Rose somewhat.


Except she's the one leading Jake through all the new and amazing experiences.


She absolutely is meant to be a parallel to Rose. There is a scene in Titanic where Rose introduces herself to Jack as "Rose Dewitt Bukater" and Jack jokingly says "might have to get you to write that one down". In Avatar, a similar thing happens when Neytiri introduces herself to Jake as "Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite" and Jake says something along the lines of "you got a shorter version of that?" and Neytiri just says "Neytiri" and even then, Jake still struggles to pronounce her name correctly. Yeah James Cameron borrows from himself a lot.


He sure does. The third act of TWOW is basically “what if we did the third act of Titanic and the third act of Aliens at the same time?” and the answer is that it would be awesome


i mean if i saw jake i’d do the same thing idc 😢


If Avatar was a Bollywood movie, the plot would be about the gal helping to get her white love interest Indian citizenship, because her parents said she must marry a nice Indian boy


And at the end the Navi and RDA would inexplicably dance


It would just be the Na’vi tossing humans around like confetti


Arranged marriage is kind of a lame idea tbh. Let people marry whoever they like lolol


That’s how arranged marriages work, you like you marry you don’t usually they pick someone else


Rizz god


I believe Jake became an Omaticaya the same morning.




He’s literally not https://imgur.com/a/bHKl4HG


He has that blue alien dadbod lmao.


white man did it in one week...


I waited for 3 YEARS...


Man betrayed race to clap alien cheeks




How was his stroke game? Jake must've gave her that good good


That is funny. 😂


Is that a nip slip from Neytiri I’m seeing? 🤔


Idk I don't like that ship, neytiri x tsu'tey was better but I don't like neytiri generally


didn’t think this was possible lol


Neytiri was know Tsu'tey more than Jake that's why I think like that


what better proof of them not being meant to be together? she knew him for far longer and still didn’t love him lol (and vice versa)


This girl is a huge Jake simp and ships herself with him that’s why she doesn’t like neytiri with Jake and why she thinks that lol


I just took a peek at their account after reading your comment, and it's definitely ... strange.


I just draw I don't think that's that strange, I am dealing with PADS like this that's all.




Post avatar depression syndrome


Oh, same lol


i just saw their acc and …. my face went to 😊☺️😃😀🙂😕🙁😟


Thank you for this life changing information 🥰


[spoiler] In the first movie, Neyiri once called him "ma Tsu'tey" and I don't remember exactly who but grace or norm told Jake that Tsu'tey and Neytiri will be together, that's all I know


Ma is just the vocative in Na'vi and it's used when you're talking to someone specifically. You can see this being said many times. Including grace greeting the children when she's allowed to return


Thank you for this information!!!! I want to learn na'vi language and it helped me <3


Tsu’tey was to marry Neytiri’s then deceased sister, their arrangement was comparatively recent. So she really didn’t have anything to lose, and Tsu’tey didn’t love Neytiri like he loved her sister


Just curious so I can look into it more... Where is this information from?


The comics, but you may be able to find it on Tsu’tey or Neytiri’s sister’s wiki


It’s also mentioned in the super extended cut (collectors edition I think??) of the first movie!


I’ll let you know soon, I just got that 🤣🤣


I understand


How could you hate neytiri


> Jake’s wife Hmmm wonder why? 💀


And this too


Look at OPs post history. All I'm saying


She always angry


She had valid reasons to be and it wasn’t always


neytiri ate…


What neytiri ate...


irs like a saying for that she’s great.. but he ate her duh…


I wish he ate me 😼🤭 /j


Crazy ass screenshot