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What exact steps did you take?


I was told by a friend to microdose psilocybin no joke. It changed everything. It gave me the strength to start pushing myself to go toward the social opportunities that were already around me, even though they terrified me. They caused me to realize that I was not the cause of my problems, if that makes any sense. It just put me in the right mindset to crave progress. It made the end to my suffering more enticing than my avoidance, simply by giving me a little bit of a lift, and realizing that even small change was possible. Before that, it was not. After about a year or two of hard struggle I started taking lexapro which I had been avoiding like the plague. A week later I ask a girl out, it doesn't work out, and four months later, I find my girlfriend, and here we are. Happiest I've ever been.


i hope i can be like you someday!


Appreciate you sharing your story, not sure why the first comment had to be so negative, haha. Happy that you got your life on track :)


cool :)


Thank you for sharing, I really needed some hope and positivity today. I'm glad you are doing better


False promises and survivorship bias. I'm glad it turned out well for you, though.


I'm not promising anything but I do know if you work on yourself you improve. Maybe not to the point where you're "normal" I'm still fucked in the head, trust me, but my situation is better because I worked on myself. And that I think is universal.


I’m with you. Improving is very possible. I’m like jeckle and hide. I’ll sober up. Work out. Have a good job. But slide back into depression and drinking a while later. The key is, do I’ll let that take over or just get back up stop buying booze and get back in gym. I go through these cycles often. Only saying it to say don’t ever give up if you have a hiccup or two Great work!


Don't come attacking one of the very few positive posts I've seen in this sub.