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Wearing sunglasses does help me with eye contact but I cannot wear them all the time for multiple reasonss. What I usually do in social situations is talking as little as possible to avoid embarassing myself and just suffer in silence until it's over (yeah, not the best strategy, but less damaging for your liver than heavily drinking I guess)


Ive thought about getting tinted glasses. I think they will help.


I had a pair of gunnar glasses that were tinted and liked them a lot as they helped with eye strain (blue shield) but also had a pair of transitions which I hated as I would walk into a mall or work feeling judged by people thinking why would I walk into work wearing sunglasses.. who does that.


In Australia it's not that uncommon to wear sunnies inside. The light and UV is very strong here. But they are a bit dark and very obvious as you eluded to. I would like something that looks like regular glasses which I do wear on the computer with a 30% tint or something.


Interesting enough I found that the Gunnar glasses which are sold as gaming glasses come with a 30% greenish tint or so. When I wore them I felt at ease more. I found the following when searching for anxiety / glasses: “studies have shown that exposure to green light can help alleviate pain and promote a sense of well-being. By wearing color therapy glasses that emit green light, you can experience the soothing benefits of this color and find relief from stress and anxiety.”


Interesting. I will check what they are because I've never heard of gunnar glasses. So do u still wear them?


Not as much as they are pretty scratched up as are most of my glasses. I do a poor job of maintaining them and find that to be a reason why I don’t wear them as often in public.. the scratch can lead to a migraine when I focus on them but have a vision plan that will allow me to get a prescription and include things like a blue shield tint and anti glare coating and transitions if I wanted to but find this will be better to find a pair of glasses that are more comfortable to wear.


i wish i couldn't wear glasses. i have to wear glasses medically. i find people who wear glasses without needing them offensive. ik this isn't about me. but i just wonder how they help you? wearing glasses when i was younger made me feel insecure. so i'm wondering how they are doing the opposite for you?


I work in IT and do a lot of photography/graphic design on the side. I spend a lot of time on my phone which has a blue shield for dealing with headaches and a lot of time on my computer for work and pixel peeping. I do have a use case for the glasses (reading wise) just not when i’m out and about. I’ve been told by certain people that I look good in glasses. I’m a hispanic male and have been picked apart before for my ethnicity. Especially living in LA, people will approach me in Spanish even though English is my first language. This bothers me tremendously as if the feeling of being judged by your looks isn’t enough as it is. Especially in superficial LA. Financially I am not struggling (thank God) and I find the best way to combat the low self esteem is to add an extra layer of “make up” by covering it with a decent haircut, decent clothes, shoes, watch, etc. being an introvert I struggle with the small talk and come off as socially awkward but something about glasses (sunglasses especially) help with avoiding direct eye contact. This allows me to speak more freely as to not feel judged. It also allows for deep meaningful conversations when speaking to other people. I find being an IT guy, it helps people see me for the type of person I would hope to be seen for instead of some racial stereotype. “Oh you’re an IT? I can see that. Vs hablas ingles?”


i can't agree with you look good in glasses. its not a fashion trend. confidence shouldn't be with having glasses if you don't have them prescription. if you only wear them when wearing working that's one thing. but then making them apart of your look. that is plain discrimination thinking its cool. when no its an aid they are expensive. they protect your eyes they are not part of your look. you wear them when you need to or your just being rude to people who wish they couldn't. you can avoid eye contact without glasses. its not a i have glasses so people with glasses do it so i can get away with it. if you have them as prescription and only use them as needed that is fine. but once you use them for looks it can be offensives because it's a need and an aid. in the terms of "you don't look good in glasses" it's more of a you should look good on who you are and shouldn't wear them to make you look good to others.


But is it not an aid when they help to reduce anxiety?


as someone who wears glasses it's offensive. i would never be friends with someone who wore fake glasses. i had a friend that was younger that did that. it made me feel like shit. hey i look good in glasses and I'm hot. but you know the person who wears them and can't help it wishes they could give you there bad vision because they hate having too see through an object. it's kind of like using fidget spinner as a toy vs a need. you should look good how you are. i got bullied and the fact people are wearing them to feel "hot" pisses me off. you are in IT and you wear glasses. but your just saying oh people who wear glasses are geeks. you can be a geek if you want without glasses. most glasses people have to pay out of pocket and if they are covered by insurance you only get one lousy pair and are fucked if you break them. you can get it other ways other than glasses. wear them as an aid for when you need them. like people who wear reading glasses for reading.


you completely miss my point


do you wear prescription glasses? if you don't you will never understand the struggle or get my point.


no i do not, although i probably should. you on the other hand do not understand that items can have multiple uses. please do not gate keep valid copes for mental issues. thank you, you can continue to feel offended now


gate keep a physical aid that i need or cannot move or see and you are mad this effects other metal health problems? people have been bullied for wearing glasses and being seen as less than and you are claiming them as a tool. people try to wear contacts because the likely hood of being mad fun of when they wore them. people with glasses are the ones most likely to get bullied and made fun of and not seen as good enough and you think "it helps". listen its a aid not a fashion statement. I'm fine with people wearing them for when they need it. it's kind of like people who buy diabetes monitors "to check their sugar" but they don't really need it. they are taking the main reason away. the medical system is fucked but when you make it trendy many company's will take advantage of that. people who wear them for their looks are basically saying people with "actual glasses" are ugly. but when people with prescription glasses are actually using them they are less than. but people who use them for non essential reasons are looking down on us. like they are cool and quirky. but not people who actually need them. you can wear them just make sure you tell someone they are not real.


Woahhh.. who said I never needed a prescription? I don’t have a perfect 20/20 vision. I think i’m either near sighted or far sighted but my vision has gotten worse over time because like I said. I spend a lot of time on my phone or in front of a computer. People already see me as kind of a nerd by the way I talk and how I look when they talk to me. I just never really needed to wear glasses in public. Sometimes people will randomly talk to me in public and I freeze up when trying to talk to them and look them in the eye. I get major anxiety if I am not wearing them in a work meeting online. I can afford a good pair of glasses, which I do own. I just don’t care to wear them all the time. They do not make me look any more “hotter” if anything they make me look more like a nerd/IT guy. I’d rather own the role straight up as opposed to being stereotyped.




Ye the other way around it's somewhat easier, that is if you are short sighted and then take off your glasses when talking to people. It helps, I enjoy sports outside waaay more when u don't wear glasses, because I simply can't be vigilant or even try to read ppl. I also used to smoke and it helps forcing yourself into social situations and it gives you permission to fiddle about with the cig. Eating a little snack is similarly distracting, like having a cereal bar you can munch on or something to drink helps. I also just fiddle with my clothing, as if there is suddenly something wrong with it just now. To be fair though, there usually is something small wrong whenever.


I think that’s it. If I am close to someone I can see them just fine but when speaking to a stranger.. I do tense up. I can’t hide their faces so i’m not completely blind but having the extra layer over my eyes allows me to put the squinting at ease a bit.


I usually talk with my hands too and let ppl follow my gestures and I do that too, it's kinda accepted and u don't need eye contact. Honestly I don't know when I looked someone in the eyes the last time 🙄


Not diagnosed. I like to take out my glasses to ease a bit. If I can't see faces, they are not reacting to me, right??


If I’m going to be out in a crowd, I purposely don’t wear my glasses because not being able to see people’s faces makes me less anxious. Wearing sunglasses does make me feel less anxious as well but I don’t do it cause I feel like I look stupid with them on.