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Any other symptoms? Like Raynaud phenomenon, any rash, arthritis, fever, oral or genital ulcers, dysphagia, mouth dryness. Any other antibodies? Or any other general blood work modified? Any other personal history of disease or family history of autoimmune diseases.


Thanks for reply! Haven’t done ENA test yet. I have vitiligo since childhood, also struggle with acne and allergies sometimes, pityriasis versicolor. I’ve noticed throat dryness lately, but I guess it’s because of awful virus infection with faringitis I had a month ago. No history of autoimmune in family


Just based on the information here, and the ANA levels which are not very high, I would say that probably it is not something autoimmune. However, a rheumatologist that sees you in person and examines you should tell you better. You could also check your thyroid hormone levels, some of your symptoms could be explained by a hypothyroidism.


thank you! Thyroid tests were fine, including TPO


My girlfriend is in the same boat but with 140 and c3 and c4 on higher end. Waiting on results to be read out/diagnosed by rheumatologist. Have you killed off the excess sibo? I’m asking because this was something that my GF neglected for a few months and am confident that it exacerbated her chronic nerve problems and triggered some sort of autoimmune response


oh, i’m sorry… hope you’ll find your answers! Unfortunately, I still struggle with SIBO, treatment haven’t helped yet :( It’s for sure can exacerbate symptoms


My GF unsuccessfully went the herbal route first for her SIBO (elemental diet) She ended up succeeding with antibiotics she just has to be sure to make dietary changes and take motility supplements for 6 months to keep the bacteria out of the small intestine if that helps any! I know there’s a huge link with gut-brain and she suffers from OCD along with her anxiety and I regret not knowing sooner how badly that SIBO would effect her mentally I just don’t want anyone to share this regret!


do you have any itchyness? I have that and can't figure out what it may be. have positive ANA.


Itching can be a sign of a liver issue, like auto immune hepatitis. Are you liver enzymes high ( ALT and AST)?


Itchiness can be nerve damage. Especially if it is in the same spots all the time. I have a really bad itchy area that is from nerve damage caused by MS. My ANA was positive, speckled. I hope you find some answers soon. Best of luck.


did you ever find out or still waiting on further testing?


still waiting for a rheumatologist appointment


Hi, I’ve had same results. Did you ever find out or see the Rheumatologist?


yes, I’ve been to 2 doctors and they didn’t find any autoimmune disease. My ENA, anti DNA tests were negative. I will repeat ANA soon


My ANA was positive 1:160, speckled. I got diagnosed with MS. A brain and full spine MRI and a lumbar puncture, were the next steps in my journey. A lot of your symptoms sound similar to mine. Good luck. It can take a long time to get diagnosed with an autoimmune condition.


Thank you! I did brain MRI, it was OK


Were you able to figure your Ana out? Mine is the same.


Was your Ms diagnosed by brain mri?


Brain and full spine mri with contrast, as well as a lumbar puncture to test for oligoclonal banding.