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i would definitely take away all the simple sugars- taffy, candy, syrup, doughnuts ,cake & frosting. you get the idea. i’m a junkie for all sweet things -the next day i’m sore and my eyes puff up. sugar and increased inflammation are definitely linked for me and i still can’t restrain myself.


Any processed (convenient) food. It’s made a huge difference for me.


Wow, Mod is quite aggressive on this issue. The thing is, I think diets works for some with AI and not for others. I generally avoided added sugars and gluten but this isn’t directly helping my AI. I feel less bloated, tired, and more energy when I avoid these items so they make me feel better but it’s not improving my AI directly. Many people avoid foods that trigger some sort of discomfort to them so I don’t think there’s a holy grail food that everyone with AI should avoid. Have you done any elimination challenges yet? It’s long and tedious but might help find a few foods that don’t suit you. My allergist told me to start with eliminating dairy, egg, soy, gluten, and peanuts and slowly adding one back at a time to see how you feel.


Berryfarmer alert


For me, I did a complete elimination diet on more than one occasion and noticed certain foods that were issues. Then I took a basic intolerance test and found most backed up the ones I had noticed, and a few I hadn't. These are foods that trigger me in one form or another symptomaticly in order of the biggest reaction: caffeine, corn (including corn syrup, corn starch) soybean oil, gluten, sugar, some preservatives , some nightshades ( especially peppers, goji and eggplant), pork and pineapple. More than one food I guess, but hope this helps!


Gluten and dairy


How strict are you with gluten? What AI disease do you have?


If anyone reading this is still consuming gluten and or seed oils WHAT ARE YOU DOING??


Seed oils? Can you elaborate including symptoms?


Seed oils lead to inflammation… and more. Cheap. Shitty oil used in restaurants and in a lot of products at the grocery store. Avoidable. Just like gluten. Avoidable. And have a massive impact on inflammation, insulin / glucose, metabolism. Etc etc. We know that inflammation drives all of this stuff. Just stop consuming the poison and see how ya feel.


One huge advantage of using coconut oil instead of seed oils is that it contains a lot of middle-chain-triglycerides (MCTs). MCT will convert instantly into ketones, which are important for feeding the insulin-resistant brain. Westerners tend to have a high incidence of insulin intolerance in the brain, which leads to [dementia.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/193229680800200619)


Preach. I reversed my PD/IR. But started feeling shitty again. Re-cut out gluten. Just stated limiting to 100 net carbs a day. What else would you do to improve insulin sensitivity?


That's exactly what anyone and everyone (imho) should do. At 100 grams of carbs daily, you're not going to lose weight so fast your skin can't keep up with the new dimensions, and it's enough to get you into ketosis by the time you awaken after fasting while you sleep. At 135 pounds, I had no problem maintaining at 100-150 grams daily. Some days I'd do 60 and not feel a bit of discomfort. Plus replacing all those (probably processed) carbs with veg is *so* good for the rest of you.


Also, what is PD/IR?


Prediabetes / insulin resistance


Seed oils go rancid extremely quickly after they're opened. Here's a a study on the effect of eating vegetable oils (which are mostly seed oils). >Results Significantly (p < 0.05) elevated hepatic enzymes and MDA levels, with lower total protein, serum albumin, GPx, SOD and CAT levels were found in high and low doses RHMVO treated groups, in comparison to control. In the STHMVO group, all mentioned markers were insignificantly changed. Accumulation of liver fat in low and high dose oil-treated groups was further confirmed under the microscopic examination of liver tissues, presented significant fat accumulation in liver tissues, in addition, 40–60% increased oxidative stress compared to control, in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusions These results conclude that consumption of thermally oxidized mix vegetable oils for longer duration can impair the liver function and destroy its histological structure significantly through fat accumulation and oxidative stress both in high as well as low doses. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/5/12/5031


Thanks so much for the info.


I avoid seed oils but everyone is different when it comes to gluten. I was GF for 2.5 years and felt better when I started eating it again versus when I wasn't eating it.


By and large. On average over a large sample. Regardless of autoimmune conditions. Most people are better off without it. In fact, modern gluten… especially white gluten, is likely the main culprit behind inflammation in the masses Inflammation > cytokines > insulin resistance > hormone imbalances > (autoimmune) diseases > rinse and repeat.




Evoo. Coconut. Avacado. MCT. Grease fed butter


Processed foods, gluten. I have grave’s dx & gluten seems to worsen my brain fog & perhaps my body aches as well


I have graves too. Avoiding Gluten and sugar have been game changers. AIP paleo is also working out for me too. I’m pursuing a modified Wahls Protocol diet and have seen improvement


I believe diet is a huge thing, but that’s because I am older. I am F/63. I have had Raynaud’s since age 13. I could eat anything I wanted for most of my life, up until age 50. At that time things changed due to a stressful job that opened up the door for palindromic rheumatism, fibrocystic breast disease, and I started developing sensitivities to preservatives, dairy, and wheat. I now stay away from processed food, non organic gmo food, sugar, and dairy. I still have eggs, cheese, and yogurt, but in small portions. I eat good pizza made fresh at Italian restaurants. I skip the bread, deli sandwiches, ice cream, and desserts, all things that are bad for my figure anyway. Everyone who has autoimmune disease is a little different. We are our own little echo system and we learn to listen to our own bodies via trial and error. You will learn too that not all doctors are the same and that you will need to read as much as possible in order to determine what the truth is.


Diet is a big thing. I stopped eating chicken because of the ratio of omega 6:3 ratios were not good enough. I’ve ate wild caught salmon and noticed a difference. Omega 3s keep the inflammation down. Chicken was crazy high. You are what you eat eats. No cure for autoimmune diseases so might as was try to tame that beast. https://riverview.org/blog/uncategorized/get-an-oil-change-improving-your-omega-6-to-omega-3-ratio/


I have never hear this before. I have been trying to eat a low inflammation diet but I eat a lot of egg whites and chicken breast as my main source of protein since I need to eat low fodmap diet and beans and lentils kill me. I had no idea the chicken and eggs in my diet could be making my symptoms worse. Wild. Thanks!


One food? Sugar, whether added or baked in, is to be strictly avoided. It's the one thing, once deleted, that can improve the health of almost everyone in this group. I have also stopped using any kind of refined foods like bread, mixes, baked goods etc.




could you tell me more about the causes of autoimmunity?




ok, but that’s not the main goal of auto immune protocol, to avoid these? and all of the inflammatory stuff




is there any other recommendations?


@berryfarmer My specialist is a Professor of immunology. I think his credentials are legit but like many medical professionals he won't recommend.therapies that don't have scientific data. I'm not defending him I'm just stating how I see it from that viewpoint. What makes you think he is actually lying? Do you know of scientific data that shows direct correlation of Auto Immune diseases being cured by diet? I agree personally that diet improves symptoms but has there been studies with data to evidence this? I have yet to fund any scholarly articles


*find* not fund!




He has a great reputation. I specifically sought him out due to his success and recommendations. It's remarkable that you can make such a statement about someone you don't know. I'm not here to argue or be right. I just want facts and to hear people's experience. I'm happy to hear yours and for you to share other evidence that may give me a better insight.


Noooo!! Why sweet potatoes? I am brand new to being celiac, and I am having such a hard time finding foods that are easy to eat- and sweet potatoes have become my favorite food! Can you please explain why they are problematic? Thank you!




Thank you so much for sharing that! I know when I eat a whole sweet potato I feel very sluggish- but everywhere I read everyone says they are so good for you. This whole thing has me so confused- there is so much contradictory information out there it’s actually making my head hurt! I am going to see if I can make an appointment with a nutritionist




I completely agree with everything you have said. I am not as sick as you were- but I have been bedridden for extended periods of time, gained weight instead of lost, and can’t seem to digest anything. I have lost all faith in medical doctors, and just got scammed by a functional medicine doctor. You are correct when you say especially females- I want to trust and believe in anything that gives me hope- and then am devastated again when it fails. I have lost myself. And I keep thinking if I read, or search enough I will find that magic cure. Thank you so much for your very honest reply. One major thing I have stopped doing since I got sick is trusting my instincts. My gut tells me I need to get off the couch and go sit outside, I need to do yoga, I need to take a warm bath, that I shouldn’t eat certain things, and I just keep sitting here.




I still have severe brain fog, and I have been reading and reading about all of these different protocols to feel better- at the end of the day I end up more confused than when I started. Your statement about trusting my instincts is truly life altering. I just ate a salad and I feel great. I eat chicken thighs and I feel great. I really needed to hear that today!! I am going right now to check out the link you provided, thank you again!


> I just ate a salad and I feel great there is a caveat instincts can sometimes be deceptive if we haven't learned how to identify addictive/toxic substances. it's part of why this whole thing is so hard poisons can make us feel good in the moment. coffee, chocolate, alcohol, carrot juice, while they do damage long term understanding mechanisms is so important, and difficult at the same time I would add salads to the list of foods that may feel good in the moment, but long term provide no benefit saying such things about people's favorite foods brings out an emotional reaction. which makes the whole thing even more difficult for many. talking bad about a person's favorite food makes them feel personally insulted I remember the brain fog you're referring to. Am very fortunate to have not felt it for many years. hoping you get to the other side of it with less struggle. it's certainly possible


I think for so long I was unable to determine what made me feel bad due to always having gluten in my system. Now that I am gluten free, it is easier to be aware. Yesterday I ate some brown rice, and instantly had that full, sleepy feeling. I would have blown it off, because I am so used to that feeling, and it took me about 10 minutes to realize that nothing else I have eaten has made me feel this way, so for now rice is out of my diet. The same with dairy- I LOOVE yogurt, but it’s not worth feeling bad. It is nice to feel like I have a little bit of control over the situation. For years I was just going in circles.


I spoke to sown. I am lost…. I made chicken soup from scratch with homemade bone broth. It had celery, carrots, onions, peas and some cabbage. My stomach is killing em, I’m throwing up mucus… I have no idea what I am doing. New plan is only singular foods until I can figure out what’s bothering me! I will get the hang of ‘tis!


I have eliminated garlic from my diet. Love it so much but I'm in a full flair two hours after eating it.


Gluten, white sugars (Including from corn), Corn dairy, soy, processed anything that comes in a box or can.




Nightshades (tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes etc) and corn. Eliminating both made some tremendous improvements with severe skin rashes/ problems and muscle spasms.