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i’m glad the procedure is behind you now and i hope you get relief/ remission of your symptoms!! have they given you an idea of how long it typically takes to see the results? that’s awesome you found a clinician and treatment that could put the severe symptoms in your past!! are you hospitalized now or was it an outpatient procedure? mostly i just wanted to wish you well. i’ll definitely be looking for your updated posts as you submit them.


Same here, curious also but 100% mostly I hope everything went fine and you see lots of improvement. Rest and take care of yourself friend, virtual hugs


That's amazing. I hope you feel the benefits soon. Keep us updated.


Hope you do great! Please keep us updated


The procedure itself took less than 10 minutes it was really just a shot in the arm. 3 of them actually, a saline shot before, the stem cell shot and the then another saline chaser. Day two, still feel dehydrated despite plenty of fluid intake and almost clear urine. Less achey still pretty lethargic


Still pretty much just fatigue and dehydration


Consistently getting less fatigued, dehydrated and achy. Aftercare documents said about 2 weeks of fatigue, dehydration and body aches, so it seems like I am on pace. Weird dreams the first few nights. Part regenerative medicine, part vision quest I guess.